THE FCLR CQUHTY HEVS aniTRTON BEE Oonsolikted Nor. -, 191S v Published every FriJ4y at TDVnM MHRTH PAROl 11MA Tl 1 OO 1 cicpuuuc 77 - Batcrad Mcond-clasi matter Afrril 28. 1916 at ta pott office at Tryon, North Carolina, un to M act of March 8. 1879 B. F. COPELAND, - Editor C. BUSH, - Business Manager Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, B tolntions of Respect, Church or Lodge Notice waere an admission fee is charged, or for flnancia irmin. will be charged regular advertising rates of - Ire cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 226 West 19th Street New York City, is our sole . and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." Additional Tryon News. Mr. James Leonard has recently ne gotiated the sale of Villa Barbara to Mr. James Vernor, of Detroit, and the W. F. Smith home to Mr. Kales, of Detroit. Tryon will soon be known as Detroit Jr. Mr. Julian Hester expects to get his discharge from the aviation service at Pensacola, Fla.y and return to Tryon about Sept. 1st. Waverly Hester will go back to the University of N. C, some time that month. For knocking elbows with people from the ends of the earth, Tryon, for its size; has a right oh the map. Ev ery how and then perfect strangers soon after their arrival find them selves good friends on account of some relative or acquaintance once living elsewhere whom both know. In this way they frequently get the latest news of the absent ones.. We are reliably informed that Mrs. R. G. Kirchner has sold her house and contents to Mr. J. N. J ackson, of Jackson & Jackson. This probably is the most valuable "iece of property in Tryon as the house was built in an exceptional way. The consideration for the property is unknown but whether it be at a high price or a low one Mr. Jackson is to be congratulat ed on having bought this piece of property. The Polk County Chapter of the American Red Cross has 'tinder con sideration the forming of a class for the instruction of Home Hygiene and Care of the sick. The instructor will be sent by headquarters. All over 14 years of age are eligible as pupils, and it is hoped that those who are able will avail themselves of this op portunity without loss of time. For registiation and further information apply to Mrs. F. P Bacon, Chairman Nursing Service, Polk County Chapter American Red Cross. In a letter accompanying copy for the "Farm and Home Department of this paper, conducted by Mr. J. R. Sams, he says: "I was at Gray' Chapel yesterday with Mr. C. C. Prof- fit, Rutherford's excellent young county agent. It was a joint meeting and a good one, taking the form of a picnic as dinner was served on a long table and the good ladies of Polk and Rutherford counties showed, as they always can, how to take care of the trifling men who ravenously destroyed the fried chicken, pies, cakes, fruits, pickles, etc. A community club was organized and will hold its next meet ing Friday, evening, September 5. Mr. J. B. Hester returned Friday morning from a two-weeks explora tion of the state of Texas, where he visited his brother and other relatives at Fort Worth and vicinity. He rode hundreds of miles by auto over one county bigger than Connecticut, an other bigger than Delaware and Rhode Island combined. He saw the wonderful crops grown on the rich black sandy loams of the Texas Slack Marble. " Black mr.rlr.r; may-be cleaned with a mixture of parts of pearlash and soft soKp. -" Apply, this with a flannel and let it r?nialn on for some min utes. Then rinse,, first with warm and then with cold water. When dry pol ish with a paraffin cloth until it shines. Tnnlcjad Lizard Farm. On the isjfcnd of Trinidad there is today a veritvibf e lizard farm which has all tiw equipment for the success ful breedlK of these none too numer ous memte.v of the reptile family which are rvi known to be indispens-. able to &e jgar planters. In addi tion to this ?f.terprise a wider search Is being mace for toud3 to help in crease the world's sugar output. After the Fire. When fire has swept a bit of wood land the flowers that start the follow ing season are -often not the same as grew there before and frequently are strange to the locality. Queer legends have grown up to account for this fact, but the explanation is in reality very simple. Down under the surface soil these seeds have be'en waiting no one knows how long. They never had a chance before fire gave It. Monarch's Compliment. A pretty compliment was that Philip IV of Spain, himself a painter, ten dered to a greater artist, Velasquez. When Velasquez had finished his fa mous picture f'Las Menlnas," which Includes not only Philip and his queen, but the artist himself, brush In hand, he asked of the king. "Is anything wanting?" "One thing only," answer ed Philip; and taking the palette from Velasquez's hands, he painted on the breast of the artist's figure In the pic ture the Cror-'s of the Order of Santi ago, the rnut distinguished in Spain. UfilNSURilCE As a business proposition. Sweaty years' experience in life insurance as an avoca tion jis at your service. Ypu inay not only be able to save money but to get the best policy to .fit your indi vidual requirements. ... G onsultation free. Phone write or call . iW.JF. LITTLE TRYON, N. C. ... - DR. B. H. TEAGUE DENTIST SALUDA - N. C. 1 July,August and Septem bers Office in old- postoffice building. R3 S E SU3 B - FTE Pkl NTS BEST THAT CAN BE UADB O rCosttoyou $3.25 a Gallon wrjeri made ready to use RECOE3R3ENDED DY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS . .. Obtain COLOR CARD fronj oor Agents or LONGMAN & MARTINEZ U.nuf.ctarer. New York l:f'J hi a I To Our Farmer Friends I We give special attention to the needs of Farmers I I and we are thoroughly equipped to" handle all busi- I private teacher in Asheville. Mrs. Will Chederton, of Asheville, is visiting hers ister, Mrs. J. H. Rion. Mrs. Doubleday and Miss Katherine Beatson gave a picnic at the Wilcox place from Friday until Sunday to a Vumber of young folks. It is need less to say that they had a good time. J. M. Hearon, of Saluda has pur- ed via New Orleans and Macon. He admits that it was not precisely a restful vacation but it. was a? good les son in geography. . 0- Why People Buy Rat-Snap in Pre- ference to Rat Poison. ( 1 ) RAT-SNAP absolutely kills rats and mice. (2) What it doesn't kill it scares away. (3)Rats killed chased the Park Theatre at that place! th RAT-SNAP leave no smell, they and is giving the people there some I up inside. (4) Made in cakes, no good picture shows. He informs us I mixmS other food. (5) Cats that he will likely move the show to I 3r dos won,t toudl t- Three sizes, Tryon for the winter season if he can 1 25 50 100, Sold guaranteed by secure a suitable mnm I The Ballenger Co. and Carolina Mrs. Hester spent Thursdav last I Hardware Co. , Miss Snow Friday, with Mrs. Holden, at Saluda. Mrs. Holden, . Mrs. Thurs ton and Miss Mary Pitkin, form a lit tle Tryon colony in Mrs. Locke's cot tage. Mr. Holden taking dinner and' spending the day there. Though the population of Tryon steadily increases, says a hardened Tryonite, every Little boy (W. F's) that comes on a visit : to his Parents here is the talk of the town and gets I plains. He saw an oil well soon after a notice in the newsnanprs, I :t. 1 1 1 . v.- Mrs. Whv A. Newell and daughter, re1 m diameter and spouting up 125 neSS transactions f Or yOU. Ah aCCOUnt at this bank a uuve were m Tryon a day or two this ice,- uiaauivmg Bry at uie wp, week, accompanied by Mrs. Johnston and forming a rainbow there; it was and Miss Nora Johnston. Miss Minnie a majestic and beautiful sight- He Johnston is successfully occupied as a I went y way of Memphis and return is a convenience you cannot afford to be without This is the bank where you feci at home. BANIK OF , HANDRUIVH "Old Reliable" l" i. i If ' ' ' f Landrum, S. G. 15 ' . VJ S H.B. CARLISLE, President. J. S: CARPENTER. Vice Pres. ROX P. WHITLOCK. Cashier. R. H BRADY. Asst. Cash I "God and Religion in Our Country's Present Crisis' will be the theme of the sermon at the Congregational church Sunday morning. The organ music by Mrs. Missildine is a feature of special value in the service. Sun day school at 10 a. m., morning wor ship at 11. A mass meetinsr for the Soldiers' Monument will be called soon to elect some one in the place of Mr. B. P.I Copeland, or perhaps organize a mem orial association. Keep an eye on the paper for notice of call. W. A. CANNON, For Committee. The Rev. Mr. Brower, temporarily at the Congregational church, was formerly a pastor in Chicago and a book reviewer for McClung & Co., publishers. . as such he had' reason to highly commend and recommend Miss Words Most in Use. It is declared by a philologist that line words do one-fourth of the verbal .vork, and 34 words one-half. The line most useful words are: And, be, iave, it, of, the, to, will, you. The 34 nore that, with these nine, do lalf our literary work are: About, ill, as, at, but, can, come, day, dear, 'or, get, go, hear, her, if, in, me, much, not, no, on, one, say, she, so, that, there, they, this, though, time, we,, A'lth, write, your. :, Pretty Thought. The conception of the past and the future is well illustrated in the case of a little boy who said to his mother me day : "Mother, I know why It is chat babies cannot speak until they ire twelve months old or more." It Is because they come straight from heav- an, and if they were, able to talk as soon as they were born they would tell the secrets, and so God doesn't let them speak until they have almost forgotten them." O o n 1 rrni O oATlIT! O O O O O O o o COURTESY! SERVI(!E! DitdvcbsQ: by 10 a 3 D Buy a Certificate of Deposit. 9 o o o o o o o o o o Ti. ... -' - iour per cent irjm date and can be O converted into pnsh Kvtyio;i ' (J v w -.w jj 4i,ij,r v auy unit;. o W. T. LINDSEY Ptm t . v : . . : .... ... , ; cacccocoGDr O O O O C) O O o M-w Word, v One nf nnr exohnnfifes tells nhont a money s Dooks to the public' and to I man who "unthoughtedly" left his friends. Greatly to .his pleased sur prise he found that his admired au thor was his next door neighbor He lost no time in making her acquain tance. Tryon is in fact a" Who's "Who community; poe&atbocA, containing $5, on a counter in a rallvay station. As an addition to the English language we maintain that unthoughtedly is unthinkable.-- St. Louis Republic. A SANITARY Ml Our meals are kept in a sanitary i box, which we keep as clean as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only the best meats on the market, both native and Western. We grind al our sausage and feel satisfied that if you f want dean, sweet meat that , you can do no bettes than let us serve you., - a. hJSwilliams. ( Mr. Vaughan, Farmer, Tells How He Lost All His Prize Seed Corn 'Sometime ago sent awav for some pedigreed seed corn. Put it in a unney sack and hung it on a rone suspended from roof. Rats got it all -how beats me. but they did it be- cause I got 5 dead whoppers in the morning' af tei trying RAT-SNAP. Three sizes, 25c 50c $1.00.1 Sold and guaranteed by The. Ballenger ; Co. and , Carolina Hardware Co, f ' Poor Relative's-Figure. She sairi with a sigh, 4My, how glad I am that I hae a poor relative's fig ure! .. I can wear anything from the frocks mact for Consln Arne, who is nearly, six feet and looks like a clothes pin, to the suits built for Cousin Jane, who is five feet and weighs one hun dred and eighty." : IR , Sectoq is Well. By a Frenchman's invention as a lan guage student hears a word snokpn hv a phonograph he also sees It appear fin a printed roll in conjunction . with A T S N AP, ril I Q OA-re AISO TY11P. AhcnlviAl.. odors Irom T carT" 7X. Proves fhi'e PATCXTin .1"vlla ,"- . -oxn at comes -m SHfmixln wit other food. 25C K17A ft jalr'n 1 m . kitchen iVVeS;. ' B" IOT pantry . S1.00 S1TO (K i . ... faWoudii ; I Vis doA mcfl once they eat RAT- Oi Ar. Ann rViotr Inn... - i . t hirid:, iwrZf touch it. Rats pass up all food to get rafc snap. .Three sizes. : . ' . 2nr si 7 ft: ni-A . .- kitchen or SS- IOr pa,ltry 50c size 2 cakes) for chicken house co;PSi or small buildings. vSllOO Kirn fZ -obN 1 J.J : , . v.- ' - : "-v v. enuuen ior an aSBhS of facto FireA Bread. received daily (Cakes Jolhirp Oirr &. Co. Phone No. 14 Tiryoo, N. C. ? ; 4," i or fainnn Damds or town ! property sec j W. T- LD NOSEY, Tryon. ! STIRENGTRi SERVO CE SECURDTY ' These Essentials of Sound Banking are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED BAN DC of SAILOJDA Capital $109000.00 SaDtada, N. G. HtNRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B CANNON, Y-Pres. PRESTON H. BAILEY, fel. Yon ,sm save 1 X. Momey It isunusual at this time of high prices to see goods offered at reduced prices but we have just received the following goods that we picked up at a reduction and offer to you at prices named. Galatea, per yd. , ....20c Ginghams per yd. ... ... ...... . . . 15c Brown domestic per yd. . . 15c Poplins per yd. . ...... .... . . . . ... 25 and 30c Pongee per yd. 30c Voiles per yd.. ..... ........ . 25c Cretons per yd. . . . . . . . 25c LadScs S5lk miosicry 50 75c. $1.00 $2.25 ajid $2.50 Special prices on shirting mad5 otriped Suezines, Summer shirts, ties and st, -aw Hatr 3 ii n a e JBalleimgeF Co Tryon, FOR j EVERYTHING Nortb Carolina , i wnsiauon m lis owo toaae. - Sold strtA fT pn T- xae -oauen-

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