TRYON , j.i,;idren.- of Wax- eiting Mrs. Hayes. - Weaver of Clyde if vs- :iss Frank wooa. Anna Pitkin are. fc8 Havs in Ashevme. Weekly News Letter From Peoples Bank & Trust Co. fling" , Ida few - Tf. 1. -'J Missildine ot kwuuu, relatives in aivi te5 ... - ,'rinir lis V1" u- rtf Vireinia. is H: ! Frank Wood. herS,S? 'V, Dillon. S. C. I'ctpr. Mrs- G. E. Bell. Et Avcrill has gone to is. - -;f nf several days. rva Haile, oi ""; V' a x Misss ldine cot- here at lc feting Mrs Earnhardt and family an1 u ' . if fnr a couole (jnai gone eks ft of Ashe. . s ' rresson, . - ' tor mother. Mrs. W. ViSluB i"-1 . is ines. .3 Venia Petty , ... fvipnd. leek. , , Reja retumea numc .1 - , sit Avitn ;.J.B. L..Y) !l U kburg. Florence fte a of High Point, is Mrs. W. C. Ward, relatives in Averal and three . vlntives in Ashe- this vveelc. number of our -peopie court at v,u- At the close of m S?q!aS necKg deposits, of $48,946.04 This sum is purely check ing accounts, no time or savings ac counts. - On the old rule of banking for small banks it was said that there must be $5.0p of deposits to $1.00 of capital. That meant deposits , upon which no interest is paid. - By the old rule we have nearly reached that point. In addition to that we have on deposits $13,990.16 represented by Certificates and $53,736.45 in Saving accounts and Liberty Bond payments. I his has all been accomplished in two years time and places this bank on a sound paying basis. It enables us to pjace $500.00 to surplus and paid our stockholders a dividend at the end of the second year, .which is unusual in banking. It demonstrates clearly that the people have confidence and did have confidence from the start in the new bank". Banks seven times our age are now making comparisons with us. I commissioners Monday. . rk of building the walls ot W01K 01 riiirW a room oi lis. nicely Our conceDtion of that not only "meets you half way" but will go all the way. That is what our customers get an Unlimited ser vice. Our loans are made first of all with a view of safety, that of course is paramount with any first class bank. We have no "kin folks" to take care of. We play no favorites Every loan is passed upon its merits and if the acid test of security is WlfVl if ' Inn, 5c 1 4-1, 1,1, A H Pnllr nnnnf.. UUnnn 1.niiT'4 white or black, rich or poor and the bank in their own countyrand most all cn y-v-i -vr, 1 1-1 j. xl i i- T A. - j 1 " X same rates, and terms are applied to all. alike. Our terms are an bnen book and T"PV1 Pwin cr nnr ' wn vpnra business it can be truthfully said that we have not taken advantage of any of our costorners. - -; We are not content to sit idly by and say that our busines is on a pay ing basis and tighten up the lines but on the contrary we want to double our business hi the next two years and if rnodern Service and exceptional facil ites will get the business we will Iprob ably accomplish this result. If we do Polk County may well be proud of its "Baby" bank. As we grow our facili ties grow. ; We can meet the require ments in the loans to any citizen ' of Polk regardless of how large the sum of money he may need. There is no excuse to leave Polk County for a loan. Our facilities in this line are the wonder of our comptitors. i There was a time when Polk county citizens were justified in doing their banking outside the county, owing to inadequate facilities, but that time is passed. There is no excuse' for it now. Some sav it is more convenient to bank with South Carolina banks because of the distance from Tryon. The mail reaches this bank about the same time it would a South Carolina of them know it but it is taking time to wean them away.' We have a bankinfir bv mail man that is workincr out fine and we are setying a. large number of our patrdns that way. Write us for particulars; and we will reply by return mail A post card inquiry win ao. it we ; can have one larse bank in Polk instead of many half-baked banks thati one bank can accomplish wonders in the develop- TTiPTir. ot our WOTiriP.rfiil crtimtv. Ko a booster for folk and do your banking in Polk. We will receive von with open arms and take you in right now 1 1 1 T J? ; V.i- wrcnoui prouanon. Our Savings Department is grow ing rapidly. The. little; offer made last week brought in several new ac counts. Just one dollar will open an account and when you; have as much as $5 on deposit we will pay you 4 per cent, compound interest. Send on a dollar today or drop y in the bank with just one little old dollar. That will be a start. Many a fortune was made on a start of one dollar. We can name you some of them. If you have idle money let us issue you a Certificate of Deposit. We will give' you the highest rate of interest and SAFETY. Virf v ier, Irs Wile, Lndfamilj on A children, of v , Lucile Orr, of "" lther and motner, lrr, Saturda. . rnnns of riat rock, s Margie Capps, oi euest of her sismji. . ird, near Tryon. C, are n't' s""111 V. C. Ward. v and Mrs. W. Lindsey bmun oX S. C, visited vv. j..,iuim- Sunday. Timmons, oi nww- fho has been visiung has returned -home. Margaret Balitine and little liter, ot sjparwmmiB .A. uson anu k"" and Mrs. Pringle, of Charles- . . -1 I AT T'J ir C. who had me jones wv6" .uramer, are at iu i . . , : . , j nf Vio Lanier re viu ue a uaic ay iry, Monday,; evening at o.ou.. 50c. Everybody mvitea. . . ir n'nJ Viae rn rrhased the res- III. DlUU F " e property of T. W. Ballew, and rr J id to his new home iuetuay. Pparl Keenan has returned to L .t0r -.ttPTidinc the summer ll for teachers at Columbus. . A. H. Missildine, of Canastola, , was the guest of his brother; E. m i ri J issiidine, and tamny sunu. i -n r t--rA rl r n cVl - rs. Lorena r ui;ingtuii -0--pirs. W. L. Webster, of Birming- I Ala., are visiting reiauvw rs. M. E. Stevenson has returned i after several weeks' visit with children in different parts of the Is. Haves and daughter, Miss Ma- Hayes, and Robert Hays, of av, are at the Missildine cottage Ja month. T. Green has purchased the lum- ksiness of the S. L. Williams IberCo.. at T.andrum. He will , , sue the business. iss Thompson, of Lancaster, S. C, has been visiting Mrs . Dve and Truesdale, at the Hill house, left : 'me this morning. IJs Annie Bynum, who has been Attractive visitor to Trvon. the F of Mrs. Cain, has returned to WHIP in Wn-Korwr Q C. v 'i Kf I. i. jf j KJ W f r- C. R. Boynton, of Louisville, arrived Saturday, to join his F aM little son, who are spending summer here with her mother, B-D. Williams. F3. Xewell ie visitinc ViPr sister. X KJ XkLVAAA A1VJ " I Convin. at Flat RnpV. On her f'tack from Trvon sVip railed on "a fiends at Saluda, including some. Uills sojourning there. e Rev. T)r Tlormlo V.oa o-ftor fe weeks of illness, recovered his fal health and gradually regaining StrenorfV, rri . -i-i- ..u. me ur. ceieoratea nis p-sixth birthdav this weAlf. Lr.S-J- w- Kennedy left a few days Lher former home in Marion, i u Carolina, having gone to be f nt at the reunion oTthe Wats V m eastem South Carolina: " wi?Ut Up With Ras for Years," writhe V . ,Y " . vvirdsor, Farmer. iearS an T 1 . . . i. wusni some rat pois-j n'ch i , , , .Muea our nne watcn Jionf. w us mat we sunerea i s time with rats ntn rvr -no,-. . u me aboni-p a t cxt a tT frv-.i. !reeSi7 AUier and a safe one." aedh 0C,$1-00' soldand Peoples Bank & Trust Go. TRYON, N. C. G. H. HOLMES, Pres. J. T; WALDROP, V. Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Cashier 1 The Car i for CM AS. J. LYNGO-ff, i - 1 - . . . Is There . :Anpi. Electric Flat Iron In Your Home With inferior oil, or oil of incorrect grade or body for your motor, will .how fir.t .ign. on. eavy- ro.d.or ffoinK up hill. Your engine get. red hpt? expansion take. 'or enginebu.ks, and grunt, and knock. l.Ke .. and you've got to grmd" P the hill in low gear. jl-- TOUget .ore" and ay thing, not found in reh l siou.ubLtion., and all the while the fault J W.; becau.e you Weren't .pecific or concerned m what .ort of motor oil you were using. - ; ,f you'll alway. -oU upwith GREEN FLAG" youV. going I ga the Jonge.t wear and the gr.a..t ..rv,c. and the most plea.ure out of your car. , ; v ' t- -rV Allowing well-known and reliable dealer, in thi. n .The following ei r.ocEN FLAG"-MOTOR r are exclu.ive ge. it via mt.W' county, OIL. of them, when you need motor oiL Miildines Pharmacy Meir JIO Stay! It has been rumored in parts of Polk county that we are going out of business and would leave Tryon. We wish" to state that there is not one word of truth in that statemedt, and that we are here to stay. Willdii s Tryon9 N. C. Co -, me Moiantaiiis. Can Make Immediate Delivery f Tryoai, .($) G. This Bank is for Peope who Want to Improve their Financial Condition. ' Will you let us serve you ? A checking account is most convenient in the payment of bills. It is the safest receipt, A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency. We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONH1R II. B. LAKE Presidant Vie PzceiAtats . Cutter SALE AT A A IA ! i " r If taken at once. Cash or reasosble terms. . Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district Store house and lot on street. GEO. AX GASH, Agt. New Tire Prices (SO Per Cemit Off Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed for 10 Years 1RY0N ELECTRIC SCRVICt COMPANY : WE SOLICIT Vnnr orders for FloorinET. Ceiline, c3;HiTo- Finish." Mouldincrs. Framine. We manufacture this and can save you money. See us for lath, bncK, doors and sash. J. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY, GEO. A; JMSH : JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a special ty Deeds and Mortcracres nreDared. and Contracts written tat reasonable prices. . . :mm. , si,r We reduce your tire bill more than half with Non Skid Retread. AH kinds of tire repair work done Vulcanizing a specialty. We guarantee Satisfaction and Service. We make a specialty of out of town business. Send us your tires. We will get them back to you in three days. Phone 3171 Asheville, N. C. Ballot Wof Co'' and Carolina i 11 I Patronsze Our Advertisers .arid Save Honey Tryon Lodge No. 118 Knights of Pythi Castle Hall in Miwldine Building Meets Thursday Evenins at 8:30 Visitors welcome s iDoim't Forget that when you are in need of anything f in tHelline of ireneral merchandise that 5t is unnecessary for vou to lose the time to make a trip to town. Come to us for Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries 'Sfar Rvaind Shoes. Etc You will find our prices right, and our servicers all you could ask. May we have ih pleasure of serving you? MiU Spring, ft ViM-.TwSft-JP. Sn 11 V "idling I i ii ' v.. 1 '