IT II GRASSHOPPER IS OUTDOOR BANKS FOR VEGETABLE STORAGE 5 ll a II 11 111 l All liT 1 1 f r -Ji I ;" -im 5s' 5w 1 lumbermen Must Turn Out Vn Dlllion riuic rcci d tar to fleet uemana ror Home puiiQing . v LUMBERJACK will have to hus- 'tje: That is uie puunciy e-vpresseu anion?: tne experts in every nninion 1,U. of business connected with buiitl iiiL' Thv say among other things: Thin the demand for homes in the Suited Stales is natien-vyide. That SUIOOO homes should have l,eea built "at the normal rate in the last two years and that only 50,000 whv actually built, leaving a short- t i estimated at fully 750,000 homes. " XmhR to rr0,000 homes must be now v . i i. a a. . . up me -snoriuge auu 10 gei early to ma ice iothe normal rate. "OOOO.OtXi feet of lumber, board measure, hich is the normal rare. - . . i i t . a. a r an increase in uie lumuer output oi au,- feet a year will certainly mane me ram- :k hustle. experts do-not agree as to figures in all But it te' evident that the shortage In is very large. At the recent real estate ition in Atlantic City inadequate nousmg es were reported from all parts of the v and the shortage in homes was put at fill It SIlOUHi L'r iruiciuucicu uiui iuc v- demands of manufacturers for lumber are d be met. , lint the demand of devastated Europe for V will undoubtedly stimulate export from runtry. all the lumberjacks df the country will o hustle, it looks as if the biggest activity )e demanded from the lumberjacks of the coast, where most of the lumber comes powaday?.- r . . pictures show scenes in Idaho and Wash- Tne mountain lumber camp is '4,000 feet northern Idaho and j there Is still snow on und In June. The trainload of logs is on w-gauge road in the Idaho pine forests erntrood. The three magnificent yellow flro in a Incrrrinfr iacrrn naoi QnAVnria "Vol- fne is the principal source of lumber in l Washington. The normal Droductlon of r pine is about 16,000,000,000 feet (board re) a year. It is figured that this output pve to be increased to about 20,000,000.000 Some of the white pine trees near Spokane re feet in diameter and 175 feet high. The K white pine belt left in the United: States northern Idaho. Some of the largest and snipped sawmills in the country are in this Qgton-Idaho district. ? housing problem is a big one so big that J lead to action by the federal government. apartment of labor, in announcing in Jan hat 500,000 new dwelling houses were need- 1 this to say: ' . fo billion dollars, available- for loans to bnilders, would go far in providing the arj capital for the building of these dwell Securities of a value approximating $2,000, are hel(l by the constitutent organizations l States League of Building and Loan ns. Labor conditions, manufacturing, wal needs clearly indicatethe desirability mediate acceleration of building actlvi- lfoughout the country., ! making available capital necessary to 6 a tentative plan may materialize in u ystem of 'home loan banks.' The plan apiates the creation of a bank in each fel ,ene district, similar to the land banks jnder the federal farm loan act, with if 1 Gilding and loan association could Jf !?1, receiving In exchange home announrem i jt ""-""hi, presiuent or uie uniieu ousing corporation, that the land in vari- 3ment t Wa& t0 have been lltilIzed by tne h u its war emergency building pro- 15 robe ssnM f Pfnri "",ue seeKers ior tne erec- r gatehouses; The conditions eovernlng ri, , " '"""."j umi tiiere is a rem rttcaoi, f eS5 in the mmnity and that the psthp YVU1 De startea immediately Wi , AUt? lots are to oe sold. pud--mplete sets nf o Ll t. 'r 'ions: np' wim,.ntun .n i, r.. 'for -thf -ith th fsven to e various lots. or Atterb ry lias some interesting Hit 5,. owiuc micicai ff this Problem. He is known ect of as Ner.f V ",munai reputation. He is HotKin' anl of 'directors of the Na- housimr K. ' ' .c,atIon. chairman of the war- pUnnin ' member of the National fl nf Al,'.nsmnte' member of the French of reconstr !('tS Engineers on the prob- Psion. Yn Ne York tenement house fns. hwJi yoars. under various appro h and'ih. th the Henry Phipps . en- Lnenss snpt" V Tne "nssell Sage fourida- Nuity . 1 ' large nHrt nf M timo in t-0. ""'t and experiments' in the possibilities Ctlon v, . .-. I "'orkintrm c sjuau nouse suit- onstpn smen. These practical studies ?or ti! Te lnvolved the expend!- t,ihr "r"UUUI.J mousand dollars. ., j, fe her thingS: Itlon J , substantial nrntrro.. f'Am 6 fiPPly to J tr,al huRingf problem the production of the small house the same principles of standardization, machine.N factory and quantity production that are employed by all other great industries. "Most experts agree that the real crux of the Industrial housing problem lies not in land cost, taxes or Interest rates, but in the house itself the . cost of construction. The investment in building is anywhere from three to ten times the cost of the land, and is therefore the dominant item and the most potent factor in the entire problem. It is all very well to eliminate the waste In the other factors waste of -time, labor or material but if the productivity of human labor and capital in construction can be increased the reMilt. would be a real step toward the solu tion of the difficulty and the benefits of such an economy would accrue to all parties Involved. "That the ''ready-made house will come event ually is evident from the progress made. The first experimental building designed to demon strate the principle of standardization and fac tory production was successfully erected in 1909. Since then the work of demonstration and de velopment has proceeded, with the general result always pointing, in my judgment, to the sound ness of the principles and their ultimate success. "The help we need ought to come from a gov ernment research department established for that purpose. This department would have to bear the same relation to housing, which is commodity, that the department of agriculture bears to wheat or the bureau of mines to minerals. In other words, the housing of the industrial army is as Important in peace as that of the munition work ers in war times or the fighting units themselves. And for these purposes the government spent hundreds of millions of dollars and established a special department. It is a fair question wheth er the importance of the problem today does not justify the establishment of a permanent bureau of housing." "What effect will this increased activity of the lumberjack have on our lumber supply?" is an im portant question. The exportation of American lumber on the scale likely to result from the European demand for material will, unless accompanied by provi sion for regrowth, seriously deplete the supplies needed by home Industries and impose hardships on the consuming public here, is the view of Henry S. Graves, chief of the .United States forest serv ice. - The department of agriculture has issued a pamphlet by Colonel Graves warning the wood using industries, the lumbermen and all interested in home- supplies of forest products or foreign trade in them, that the question of lumber ex port cannot safely be left to the care of itself. The situation is especially critical, he points out, with certain of our highest grade woods, such as ash oak hickory, yellow poplar and black walnut, ' which are the support of important industries, and with southern yellow pine, of which the main bulk of supply is approaching exhaustion and which is likely to be exported in large quan tities to meet after-tlfe-war demands. ; ' The situation,; Colonel Graves holds, is one of ominous possibilities, , "Most of the leading An ' duS nations of the" world,-he says, "whether lIXlv wooded and dependent upon Imports or heav lv wooded and exporters, are taking steps to afegxiard and develop their timber resources The frnfted States alone appears to be content to IS S hd a great export trade without considering S2 ummate effect npon domestic timber re sources aTd their capacity in the future to supply the home market. . I . hllP policy does not, however, neces deSSr ?ne discouragement of. exports. AZRAZTTZGAD i .- "The United States, standing second, among tht countries of the world in forest areajand produc ing more than half of the sawed lumber, should play a more Important part in the export trade of the world than it does now. Withproper safe guards in the way of maintaining' the raw ma terials, a strong export trade should be encour aged. But the gains which we mayanake in the markets of the world can be kept only in so far as they are based oh a permanent jsijpply of tim ber. If they are to be based merely on a cut which, as in the case of oW-growth southern pine, will not supply even oui1 domestic needs for more than the next ten or fifteen "years,r,we shall soon be crowded out of the foreign markets by coun tries which base their export trade, on a continu ous self-perpetuating resource." , ?y Europe's emergency need for lumber, above its consumption in normal times, is put at about 7,000,000,000 feet of lumber a year for the near future, a conservative estimate ; and tier own for ests have been depleted by the war. ; ! Europe, however, needs cheap lumber above all, and our product will not be attractive for the principal needs of reconstruction! Recording; to Colonel Graves. Nevertheless, the World situa tion in lumber, he says, offers "an imtidoubted op portunity for a permanent export- trade from this country of proportions that would ;jseem to be limited only by our own powers jto sustain the production of saw material." jffi: Senator Sherman presented to the' senate the other day a memorial from the Illinois legisla ture, which was in part as follows J i "Whereas the wood-using Industries not de pending upon uncertain local forest? supplies have become centered to a very large ( extent in the thickly populated districts east of the Mississippi river and are drawing their supplies from the remaining forests in the eastern states, the gulf States and the states adjacent to the Great Lakes. A large number of such industries! jjre located in the state of Illinois, with the city ;of Chicago the Renter of a very large and Important group. Chi cago has for many years been thefchief lumber distribution point of the United States and the greatest point of lumber distribution In the world. These important industries. Including the manu facture of railway cars, boxes, sashes and doors, farm machinery, furniture, pianos; vehicles, and many other articles, are, now threatened by the exhaustion of the forests from which their sup plies have been drawn. They now -face the neces sity of bringing timber from the Pacific coast with heavy freight charges added to the cost. To the same Pacific coast supply tli country must look for lumber for general construction purposes. The transportation system of the country must add to Its present burdens the transcontinental shipment of very large quantities of lumber, a bulky product upon which a high ( freight rate greatly Increases the cost to the consumer. "Resolved, That the Fifty-first general assembly of the state of Illinois urges the attention of the president and the congress of the; United States to the present timber situation apd recommends that, without delay, there be formulated such a national program of forestry as jwill Insure the future timber supplies required by the industries of the country. As an example ofjjyhat should be done, this general assembly points to the wise course of the republic of France JnE so managing Its forests for more than a century that they con tributed substantially to the winning of the great ..wan- , - - jyL' . ''- .' , J "It is further urged that the federal govern ment, acting independently or n:v co-operation ' with the states, Inaugurate aftion looking "toward such measure of public control of the remaining bodies of original timber as will make sure that their supplies will be available aar needed by the 'Industries.-,.. '-....;.' v. I "It lis furthermore urged that 'comprehensive plans be put into effect for restoring the forest on cut-over lands which are. nonagricultural in character in . the eastern states, , In the states bordering the Great Lakes, and In the South, In order that timber, supplies fronv these regions .may be available to the. established Industries, of the central and eastern states,w GOOD FOR FEED When Dried They Can Be Fed to Poultry Flock With Other Feeds During Winter. INSECTS HIGH III PROTEIN Poisoned Bait Recommended Consists of Bran or Sawdust Made Tasty and Attractive by Addition of Molasses and Fruit Prapared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) When grasshoppers make their ap pearance they ctin be destroyed by the common poisoned bait method. But there is another way of getting rid of grasshoppers that makes the pests pay for the, trouble of killing or catching them. This method consists of driv ing a grasshopper catcher through an mrested field, catching all the grass hoppers that hop, and then feeding the Insects to chickens. They can be dumped into sacks and hung up to dry and fed as dry grasshoppers, or if it is preferred to feed the grasshoppers alive, the machine can be hauled to the poultry yard and i laced so that the front will face the light. The insects will find their way out but not too fast for an ordinary flock of chickens. Thus the grasshopper catcher becomes a poultry self-feeder. An analysis of grasshoppers shows them to be high in protein and there fore good, chicken feed. It Is known that chickens are more productive when insects are a part of their ra tion, and grasshoppers when dried can be used with other feeds during the winter. Make-Up of Poisoned Bait. The poisoned bait recommended con sists of bran or sawdust made tasty and attractive by the addition of mo lasses and fruit and treated with an arsenical poison. The following form ula is recommended : . Bran (hall and half bran and Bard wood sawdust, or sawdust alone), 25 pounds ; paris green or crude arsenious oxide, 1 pound, or white arsenic, 1 pounds; molasses (cheap feeding grade), 2 quarts; lemons, bananas or oranges, 6 fruits; or 1 ounce of cheap lemon extract ; water, about 2 to 4 gal Ions. The poison should be thoroughly mixed with the bran. The water, molasses and finely chopped fruit or extract are then mixed and added. The mixture should be wet so that it molds in the hands but Is not "soppy." The bait should be scattered broadcast at the rate of seven to ten pounds to the acre, applications being made in the early morning. In clover or alfalfa much material and labor can be saved by first cut ting around the field until there re- Safe Place for Potatoes, Carrots, Beets, turnips, Etc. Well Drained Location Should Be Se lected Straw, Leaves or Similar Material May 1 Bo Used for Lining Cover With Dirt. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Outdoor banks or pits are used very generally for keeping vegetables. Thar conical pit is used commonly for such vegetables as potatoes, carrots, beets, turnips, salsify, parsnips and heads of cabbage and is comstructed as follows z A well-drained location should be chosen and the product piled on the surface of the ground; or a shallow excavation may be made of suitable size and six or eight inches deep, which may be lined with straw, leaves or similar material and the vegetables placed on the litter In a conical pile. fMuifypvs 'inter Grasshoppers Can Be Captured In This Portable Cage. mains a small central uncut area where the grasshoppers will have; gathered and may be quickly and cheaply de stroyed by the poisoned bait H the grasshoppers are feeding in corn or young trees more water, or better, more molasses and water, should be add ed, and the mixture thrown forcefully so that the particles will adhere to the crops to be protected -How to Make Grasshopper Catcher. The grasshopper catcher, which has an advantage over the old-style hop perdozer, in that the Insects can be utilized for chicken feed, is about 16 feet long with an upright but curved piece of tin in front and so arranged that the grasshoppers will strike it as they hop up, falling to the bottom and back through a narrow trap opening into a box behind. The tin front does not extend quite to the bottom, where, just in front of the tin shield, is a strip of tin so placed that there is an opening about 1,4b or 2 inches wide. This front strip or Hp may be made by using a 16-foot length of gutter, one side of which is flattened outward. The back and top of the box in the rear is covered ' with wire screen and the top should be so hinged that it can easily be opened and the accumulated grasshoppers shoveled out as needed. A horse is hitched to an extended beam at each end and the catcher dragged through the infested area, be- ginning at the sides and working to ward the center of the field. ENSILAGE IS VALUABLE FEED It Is Excellent Feed for Cows, Sheep, and Beef CattfeSilo Is Good Investment.,' , While you are canning fruits and vegetables for your hme, as you sure ly will, why not can (ensile) feed for your live stock? Ensilage may be called canned feed, and It is a very valuable feed for cows, sheep and beef cattle, ' The ello fcgill 1)9 an in vestment if you nave atTltT"Ww to f ee4 next winter , V,-. Sc.o Safe Way to Keep Potatoes, CarrotSr Etc The vegetables should then be covered with straw or similar material and finally with earth to a depth of two or three inches. As winter approaches, the dirt covering should be increased until it is several inches thick. The . depth of the earth covering is detei mined by the severity of the winters in the particular locality. It is well to cover the pits with straw, corn fod der or manure during severely cold weather. , The amount of ventilation necessary will depend upon the size of the pit. Small pits containing but a few bush els of vegetables will receive sufficient ventilation if the straw between the vegetables and, dirt is allowed to ex tend through the dirt at the:' apex of the pile. This should be covered with a board or piece of tin held in place by a stone to protect it from rain. In larger pits ventilation may be secured by placing two or three pieces of board nailed together at right angles. Vegetables keep very well in such pits, but it is difficult to get them out in cold weather, so that when a pit la opened it is desirable to remove the entire contents at once. For this rea son it is advisable to construct sev eral small pits rather than one large one, and instead of storing each crop in a pit by itself it is better to place a small quantity of seyeral kinds of veg etables in the same pit so that it will be necessary to open only one bank to get a supply of all of them. In stor ing several crops in the same bank it is a good plan to separate them with straw, leaves or other material. The vegetables from the small pit may be placed temporarily in the storage room -in the basement DEAD VEGETATION IS USEFUL Grass, Straw, Stalks and Leaves Should Be Plowed Under for Humus-Making Material. According to the Ohio experiment station, vegetable matter, such as grass, straw, stalks and leaves, loses in six months fully 50 per cent of its carbon or humus-making material. In other words, these materials .plowed under In the fall are twice as valuable, for humus as when plowed uder In the spring. Here is an excellent rea son why every day, when the ground is dry enough, should be utilized in plowing under the dead vegetation on our fields. IMPROVE FERTILITY OF SOW To Make It Possible to Raise Good Crops Next Year Land Must Have Good Culture. v'. .. . Every farmer is interested In get ting large crops and ample profits this year. This is laudable and highly de sirable. But good crops will be need ed next year and the years that fol low. To make this possible the must have such culture as . w . . prove its fertility. , J if,1.

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