Classified Advertisements. FOB RENT. v Six room furnished bungalow, with bath for rent or sale. uverDroo or chard Saluda, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. Buy your nursery stock of E. J. Bradley, Saluda, agent f or the old mIi'oKIa nnwanr MTKlIianV. OX POmn&. N. C. He can save you money and assist you m your seiecuun w mccd best aaapteat o your sua. BUGGIES FOR SALE: Just re ceived a car load of buggies, for sale at reasonable prices. C. L. Mabry, Campobello, S. C CITY PRESSING CLUB: I have just opened a pressing club on Trade street, next to T W. Ballew's. Your trade solicited ana sausiacuon i guar anteed. Suits called for and deliver ed. Fred H. Reid. ll-2t FOR SALE: Nice manoeany book case; also some small farming tools. Enquire of James Leonard, lryon. RIG FOR SALE. Beautiful bay mare, six years old, Moyer top buggy and harness. Ad dress P. O. Box 262, Tryon, N. C. WANTED TO RENT: Furnished bedroom by two ladies, in or near Sa luda. Mrs. C. A. Eaddy, Leo, S! C FOR SALE: Fresh cow, gentle and good milker. G. G. Weaver, Try on N. C. FOR SAL. .: One five-passengeri Overland car, at reasonable price for cash. Apply to C. P Rogers, East Flat Rock, N. C. 12-3t MULES FOR SALE: Three goood mules and several beef and milk cat tle. Prices and terms to suit the pur chaser. i Ms - J. H. GIBBS, Mill Spring, N. C. GOOD RECORD. Railroads in the Southern : Region are keeping up their excellent show-. mg maae on-Time passenger, vram vice. Records for June, made public today by the United States Railroad Administration, disclose that 94.4 per pent of nearlv 51.000 trains operated during the month maintained sched-a ule or made up time. , Tnis not equai the new record set in May, but; it surpassed anv other Derformance. I The figures are all of the 28 South ern roads under : Government control. These roads operated exactly 50,949 passenger trains in June, and 48,140 of them maintained schedule or made up time where delays had been caused by connecting lines. ' Trains arriving on time at terminals in spite or de lays for any cause numbered 46,885, or 92 per cent of the total. As usual,, the performance of the 17 larger roads was slightly better than that of 11 in the smaller group. Of the 46,063 trains operated by the larger lines, 94.5 per cent maintained schedule or made time, and 93.7 and per cent, respectively, for the 4,886 trains of the smaller group. Heading the larger roads in the on time at final terminal column was the Illinois Central, with 96.6 per cent for 6,380 trains. The Georgia was a close second with 96.3 per cent for 568 trains. The Southern Railroad oper ating 15,016 trains, or about onej third of the total for the larger roads, had a record of 95.6 per cent main tained schedule or made up time, and 92.6 per cent on time at final terminals. C'iftc?r. Hard to. Down. Peng -.ces of feathers were common In the seventh century, but so inveter ate wr.s the old habil of writing with reeds cn parchment and jy.per that it continued a long time after the first use of o;.J1Ic The custom of carry lng a peri beir.liid the earla ancient, as may be eu in the life of St. Odo: "He saw & pen stlriig in his ear in the m&cner of a writer." Golden Grain ..... Bevo.. ........... Coca Cola. Chero Cola....... Peach. Strawberry ........ Orange ....... '. Grape Cream Soda ....... Cherry Blossom Ginger Ale Always ice cold. Give them TW.BALLEVV, Tryon, ..15c .aoc . . .5c . . .5c . . .5c . . .5c . . .5c 5D . . .5c . . .5c . ..DC a trial It D W. F, LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC ; Tryon, N. C. m it inerys Dress Making AH Work Guaranteed ... first floor Wilkins' store MRS. E. RHODES. We Have the Right Pricei AND Kind of M aterials odo your building. Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding,floorlng Ceiling, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Moulding, Rough and Dressd Lumber. Carry complete HE A, RON LUMBER CO. SALUDA, N. C. MORTAGEE'S LAND SALE. Under and by virtue of the power oi saie contained m a mortgage exe- cuted to the undersierned hv J. "R. Blanton and wife on the 6th day of March, 1911. the undersierned will sell at public auction at the court house aoor at uolumbus, on MONDAY, SEPTEMER 15, 1919, at 2 o'clock p. m., for cash, the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: Two parcels of land in PolV N. C, Cooners Gan Townshin. nn tJiP waters of Bullins Creek, adjoining ana oxners, tne first tract beginning lands of T. M. Ruppe, Roland Ruppe on a post oak. Rlantnn's Graw's corner, and runs thence north dj west 2b poles to a pine; thence north I6V2 east 12V nnles t TV w thence north 18 east .1 7 nnlps to pine; thence north 31 east 12 poles 10 a pme; thence north 30 east 10 poles to a pine; thence north 47 east u. poies to a stake m McGraw's line Verdure on China's Great Wall. Trees and shrubbery planted In the soil that has been accumulating for hundreds of years on the great wall of China are in thriving condition, some of them having grown to a height of 12 to IS feet. This method of beau tifying the great wall was an out growth of the movement for the re forestation of the country started some time ago with government sanc tion under the direction of foreign ex perts. The driveway on the great wall Is considered ver much improved with the addition of trees. i TILLS - RATS and mice that's RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes in cakes no mixing, with , other food. Your money back if it fails. 2oc size (1 cake) enough for pantry kitchen or cellar. . i 50c size (2 cakes) for chicken house coops or small buildings. $1.00 size (5) cakes) enough for all farm and out-buildings, storage build ings, or factory buildings. sold and gauranteedby The Ballen ger Co., and Carolian Hardware Co; FOR SALE VINEYARDS. I have a couple of fine vineyards that I can sell very reasonable, the one on the mountain side in the Ther mal Belt is one of the show places of Tryon,. Call or telephone for price and full particulars. James Leonard, Real Estate. FURNITURE i REPAIRING. - Having returned from my service in the army, I am now located at my old stand and nrenared to do all kinds of furniture .repairing, upholstering and wood carving, at prices consistent with good work. Give me a call. tf ARTHUR SCRUGGs I 0 NOTICE. D. R. Feagans enters two (2) acres of land, more or less, in Greens Creek township, Polk county, North Caro line, joining lands of G. A. Branscom, Sam Feagans and land of his own, on waters of Bear Creek. Entered July 22nd, 1919. F. M. BURGESS, Entry Taker. ; O ' CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ! Departemnt of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting; . Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly , authenticated , record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, depos ited in my office, that the Tryon Pa per, Box Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situatated in the town of Tryon, County of Polk, State of North Caro lina (C. W. Ballenger being the agent therein and in charge thereof , upon whom process may be served), has complied -with the requiremnts of inChapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the is suing of this Certificate of Dissolution Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 10th day of June, 1919, file in my office a umy .executed and attested consent in thence with said line to tht hoonnnino- containing 6V, acres sff tt' ?S"-1;5W1;-11 nHiYnrvSTio. v. j C I w me i5Boiuuon 01 said cor aajoinmEr the aobve and hpcnnmnir nn LnMt j n , T til S2le ? L"orih th?. "ort the proceeding afore- 00 west 26 t)oles to a t?tip tVio-no fol .-j 1 . , . . w 1 onu ure wie ueginmng, contaimng z acres. as p aiic auuve menuonea sa a wi hA 1 t maae to satisfy the debt secured bv oai mortgage, deiauit navmg . made in the payment thereof. This, August 5, 1919. u, S. TAYLOR, Mortga. tno file in mv said office iy law. ! y wnereor, 1 have here- ma nd amxed my official h, this 10th day of June, J. BRYAN GRIMES, t secretary of State, BUILD WITH IDEA OF BEAUTY Hbus Should Never Be Planned Sole ly Along Lines of Economy Practical Utility. and -An earnest. plea for more beauty In building Is submitted by a writer, In the magazine Touchstone, who , says In part: - ' .jig' - "Building a home should be: ap proached with reverence as well as Joyous enthusiasm. There ls no' ad venture In life more: fraught wtll ro mance, than the creating . of ai rborne. We are apt to turn to the past for precedent In , architectural f styles, whereas we should concern ourselves, chiefly, with the honest expression of our needs and surroundings. 1 1 f . ; "Love of beauty was almost ia. re ligion with the Greeks. To build an ugly thing was a mlsdemeanorjpunish able with, ostracism. Our country would be a much more delightful and much jmore agreeable place td. live In if our home builders were gujded by wise , architects who took as much thought for beauty as they dQ for economy, and profit. Every nonie Is an investment, and a beautiful!; home returns far more Interest job. the money expended 1 than does in ugly one. . -: -' )f. , '" "Would it not be well for us, now that we are facing an era dfjhome building such as the world has, seldom known, to pause a little and approach our task with greater carefulness? We should remember that.fwe are building for the future as welj as for present delight and that our descend ants may turn, to our workt with, re spect, as we look into the past, and bow before the genius of the; ancient master builders. ' j TRELLIS EASY TO CONSTRUCT Twisted Wires Support Plants In a Most Satlsfac tory Manner. Sweet-Pea ;-4r A very satisfactory sweet-pea trel lis can be made by stretching-wires on a frame of two-Inch hard wood or one-Inch pipe, the length of the! frame being the same as the length of the Twist wt J 7iJ7$ 'Aw' 1 ' ' t-i V" rows. The wires should be placed loosely about the frame, asj shown, then tightened by twisting them with a spike. A trellis of this kind- can be used for several years, and ifj desired can be removed at the end f each season. Popular Mechanics Magazine, Red Raspberries on Town Lot. Just a small patch of a good variety of red raspberry will afford fresh fruit for the table for many weeks 1 Some of the new .varieties are ever-bearing. Perhaps one of the best is the jErsklne Park. -fffe'- 1 In setting out the plants first; manure and spade the bed as for a garden. II the plants are trained to a wire trellis they can be set two feet apart; Six or eight plants will be sufficient for an average family and ought to jproduce at least a pint a day from eacb plant , By having so few plants, they cau be watered, and well cared for. Hand weeding about the. plant is always the best . way to cultivate., raspberries. Thrift Magizine. Do You Think It Paid T " St. Joseph, Mo., employed! a full time expert garden instructor lasl year who organized the. pupils of th elementary school into garden j clubs About 3,000 pupils reported that thej were doing gardenV work before fhi schools closed in June, says their su perintendent Of this number; 2394 entered their names for meibbershli in the United States school ardez army. The school children gardenec 32 acres without help and, helped theii parents work an area of 394 , acres Although the season was .very unfa ..vorable, a. conservative estimate o! the ood produced by the pupils woull be $13,000 at market prices. .;.!! - Q il - NOMORE or mice, after you us6 EAT-SNAP Its a sure rodent killer.. Try apack age and prove it. , Rats killed ! with KAT-SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it. . Guaranteed, f 25c size (1 cake) enough for paltry kitchen or cellar. hT 1 50c size (2 cakes) for chicken housed coops or small buildings. -1 vi .. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enoughfor all farm and out-buildings storage build ings or factory buildings. i : Sold and guaranteed by The" Ballen ger Co., and7 Carolina Hardware Co. Wtrt 1 n - M " fi v 'A 17 Aria Koro rsnrl iinlacc vaii liirA in alurlo a lot of figures; but it is to your interest to gl at thefollowing r, IRoler IKirDg IrJour, $ 1 3 ,2 0 ' Every Sack guaranteed. Cottorn Seedl (MlcaB, $3.50 ITriuiolt Jars -aod-JeflOy Glasses Prices right StapDe aocO Famcy Groceries a full line at -ltfwest prices Jams9 JelOaes 'ainidl - Syrups . that will make your mouth water Irresh amidl Safllt Meats the choicest, and always on hand ITpcLflS tsaiinidl Vegetables in their proper seasons 3 aiDD(Eys(tai(t(D)irQ Co, Saflcuidla, No Go PJ know how much toasting im proves bread. Makes it taste good Of course more flavor, . - Same with tobacco especially Kentucky Burley. Buy yourself a pack age of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the ,; toasted flavor. Great! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette.. About Bathing. ' r Frequent bathing is conducive to good health as well as' comfort. It keeps the; pores of the. skin clear, so that ; they can perform . their proper function' of .clearing the system; tnrougn the. skin, of excretions -which are-not discharged through ithe mouth. noso, kidneys lor ? alltoentary canal. muse with 1 cold water. A brisk rub after the bath Dromotpa HrmiAtinn nf blood." -.- - Movie statistics. In ne eveuirg we "how see 16 an nouncements of forthcoming r attrac tions, 48 clos e-ups of th6 leading lady, 22 close-ups of the leading man,' 12 close-ups of a wonder child, 620 people get into automobiles, 620 people get out of automobiles, t?!x.ienal triangles, 11 mistreated : wives, nine unappreci ated husbands, etght " pooc girls mar ried to lords, tnree misrdes, one hang ing, 62 pies.-1-Film I'UiC k , nmin Has Earned, tne rarmer -j young corn to J 1 f thP root, aU be seen the scaf J planted corn jrj age they do to the c, ly be esumaic"' . ears. end of the yonjf water to enter corn. nce 4