A lWe,Cl tan Fortte'lloce AND THE TRYON T BEE! NO. 15 4X- TRYON, N. C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1919. $2.00 A YEAH I : : : : : ; rrTTi mm If.l uun FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY . . . f i- ft n . r ' . at Cairtl larww or var rrespondents From Variou Sactini of Polk County ass Sr. ABOLENE. are needing rain in this part of Lunty ve y ; are sorry w Wilkins has apiwuuiw" 1D G W. Davidson, J. C. Da- ?ssrS -j.'-,. maHo a business f a r v. ' Wr , . last week. toCouinDus, c tit j j Eva Davis spcw " v-v"" 1: WilL-inK fee raUlUlc and Mr. J. M. Da,.' d famliy spent the day at J. C. urnesday last E C. Davidson and three little liters are spending uie M. Miller.. and Mrs. J. k. nines, ui x-m- s vicinity reiauves. protracted meeting Degant at River, Sunday, with Revs. k and Blanton. FISHTOP. Plains were the guests of Mr. M. C. Gosnell, Sunday Mr. Harley Jackson and Mr. Grady Melton were pleasant callers at Mr. Billie Wilson's Sunday. V Mr. Grant Mills and Miss Emma Shehan were happily, married last Sunday. We wish them a long and happy life. Mr. Richard Jolly and ' Mr. Sam upton, oi AJhesnee, S. C spent Thursday night at Mr. W. R. Turner' f Mr. and Mrs. Miles Younge, of Lin- colnton, Gav visited relatives here last week. ' I he protracted meeting will begin at Silver Creek today at 11 o'clock. Revl'J. B. Arledge and Rev Mr. Mor gan .will do the preaching. Miss Etta Thompson and brother, Hoyt, were in Hendersonville last Wednesday. MILL SPRING ROUTE 2. The meeting closed at Cool Grove with seven baptised. ' Rev. W. R. Wright will begin a re vival at Cooper Gap, on next uSnday. Mr. Reuben Wlison and sister Miss Annie, are visiting relatives in Spar tanburg this week.. Miss Pearl Gibbs was a dinner guest of Miss Grace Gibbs last Sun day. . . Mrs. Arkansas McGuinn, from John Hayes of Aboline Messrs G. C. Feagan and Wilber McjGinnis. Every body invited to come tout, with the promise of hearing some good speak ing. - " v::,:;' .' $p' POLK COUNTY FARM AND HOME Edited by J. R. Sams, County Agent. RED MOUNTAIN. This week we will devote a part of space to a talk with Polk county far mers about our trip to Alabama. It Mrs. La vina Jolly is Vi visiting her father this week,' Mr. Charley Dims- came in this way Dr. C. C. Cary, Dean dale, who is very ill. f of the Alabama State College of Agri- Had fine success with'1 the meeting culture, invited your County (grass at Cane Creek. Sixteen were baptiz- crank) agent to attend the farmers ed. ';M.:Av I convention which met at Auburn Ala-1 Little JCiCina Wilson is visiting her bama on Aug, 4, 5, and 6 to addrei man woman and child in Polk county and a burning desire to serve you to the very best of my ability. t arn your faithfully, J. R. SAMS, . County Agent. ThBushiess Farmer's Calender: grandmothr Mrs, W. A. Ruff, this week. Mr. E. L. Jackson, who has been ill for quite awhile,v passed away Satur day and was buried Monday, in Coop- COLUMBUS. Asheville, visited her sister, Mrs. D. ! er Gap cemetery. His friends and relatives have our sympathy. ' Mr. Hamp. Ruff, who- has been at w hich was much There will be a meeting of the Cqt- lumbus Betterment Associatiqn, Sat urday afternoon, August 16. ' ". Mrs. Lizzie Wood, Mrs. Harvey Co- field and Miss Ruth Weaver; of Tryon, spent Sunday in Columbus. Mrs. R. M. Hill and family spent last week with relatives in Ruther fordton. it The revival will begin at the Co- nice shower lact er weuuwuj . - lmhS Ranfisf. rWV S11T1HV A11tr vant spent two oayg . Saw iur humble ser week in Henderson county. fine Torn and some that was not a VviHentlv they have hot 1 At " as much ram as we nave, on mis Saw some fine stock; also a hog ouston Levy mai xiau live pcucti, D 1 8 ohn Paty and, son of Asheville, ted his brother, Dave, a few days week. m. Mason of Greenville, S. C, ted his sister and brother-in-law, es Miller, last week.- " man by the name of Reberts, who i he is a Missionary Baptist; wai? this section a few days back. . C. Hill and son visited his sister, l.C. Laughter, " staying over it, last week. 'J. B. Bradley went to Henderson- le Friday last. Misses Pearl Laughter and Flora hdley went to Hendersonville one ly last week to have some denatl rk done. . Wm. Morgan, of Topward, is visit- g his daughter, Mrs. N. Case. Mt. organ lost his wife last week. Only three rattlers this week. uite a contrast to last, which had ght and two horned snakes Why was Fishtop items not pub-. ished last week, they were mailed on ame: Was there too much snake lews? Rattlers are the deadly ene- iy of every livings thing, especially an, and if we here do not care for pie knowing how, snaky this place s no one else need not care; in fact wple ought to know when they are siting on dangerous ground. Mr. and Irs. R. C. Jackson were lffay from home one day last week lId left the small children in charge jf Minnie, a 12 or 14 year old girL She discovered a rattle snake in the N making toward the house. She t once procured a hoe and returned 0 find Mr. snake actually coming up e steps. .She immediately removed Fhead. She is a little heroine. 10W Call Wo"fai .Jmmf if vro to warn strangers of this deadly eilly if it should be a snake or milk Sometimes butter is made and 17. Rev Vesey of. the French Broad Baptist church of Asheville, will .as sist Rev. Jones. Stearns High School opens Monday, August 18, with Mr. E. W. S. Cobb, principal; Miss Emma McNich, assist ant principal; Miss Pendergast high school teacher Miss Boone, Grammar teacher; Mrs. J. W. Jack, -primary teacher; and Miss Failor as Domestic Science and Music teacher. Misses Mae and Annie Lois Mills returned, home Saturday after spend ing a week with relatives in Spartan- Mrs. Charles IDavenport returned home last week after an extended vis it with relatives in Hendersonville. Attorney Spear and wife have mov ed to Columbus. Miss Ruby Shields, of Greens Creek is visiting her cousins,. Misses Feagan at this writing. v Miss Leona. Corine and Jeannette Feagan returned home last week after an exetnded visit with relatives in Greens Creek. Columbus Baptist Church. Sunday school each Sunday at 10:30 Public worship at 11:30. Our revival services -begin on Sun day, August 17, and will continue through the week, services being held morning and evening. Rev. J. W. Vesey, of Asheville will preach for us. We extend a hearty and cordial invi tation to all to come and enjoy these services Come and help us make this the best revival service ever held Polk county. Good music. E. J. JONES, Pastor. MOUNTAIN VIEW. P. McGuinn, on last Sunday, also her mother, on Route 1. Mr. F. R. Coggin made a business trip to Spartanburg last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lynch, from Columbia, are visiting relatives here. Mrs. O. L. Wilson and daughter, Miss Bernince from Columbia, and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith', Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cantrell anfcl Mr. Garner Skipper were pleasant visitors at. Mrs. S. J. Helton's, last week. Mr. Frank Dimsdale and Miss Myr tle Whietsides were happily married on last Sunday. Mr. Furman Jackson performed the ceremony between Co lumbus and Tryon in the presence of relatives and friends. They left for Kansas City accompanied by their brother, Henry Dimsdale. We wish them a long and happy life and much jpy. : Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haynes spent Saturday night at Rev. W. C. Wal ker's, at Mill Spring. M. H. Gilbert made a trip to Ashe ville, last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Wilson visited relatives in Mill Spring Friday. the farmers of that state on clover. grasses and permanant pastures, of course the temptation was too strong and I went and I desire to give to the farmers of Polk county some - of my impressions from observations while there: 1st, The Alabama people are just folks, like Polk county folks, Spartanburg, S. C, for the past week, TRey consist of men, women, boys, 'came home) Saturday, returning Sun- girls, children and even babies, like r J &?- . - 1 I t i mi i . ... uay. s . : jour DaDies. iney Dreath. drmlt water Miss Mamie Gilbert -was the guest eat and wear clothes, just as we here cttcn is too rank to permit it. of her sister; Mrs. J. A., Ruff, Monday. in Polk county do. They .also live in Miss Naomi Dimsdale spent Satur- houses; have school houses, churches, day night with .Miss J3ue Jones. live along public and private roads as Well, Sunny View, Route 2 is beat-j we do. All this calls for money to ing us sowing turnip seed, so let's get supply these things, so they are taxed busy and see what wejhnd. just like. we are, and consequently Miss Ruthie Bailey ji jvvas a caller at must work and grow crops to put on Six Things To Do This Week And Next. lover planting time will soon be here. Get bur and crimson clover seeds and at the proper. time put in at leasva small area of .these. 2. Plant the fall Irish potatoes, in case this has not already been done. 3. Be getting a piece of extra good land in shape for the -fall turnip crop. 4. Keep up . cotton cultivation un til the bolls begin to open unless the Mr. J. P. Dimsdale'sJ, jSunday. 5. Make plans to plant at the proper time some rape for the nigs and chickens. 6. Save all the hay, and other rough age you possibly can, because . feed prices are pretty certain to be high again next year. Progressive Far mer. Brookdale-Farms was visited by Messrs. W. J. Green, Ralph Edwards, Tolbert Odell and others in search of peaches last week. , Mr. Will Burke, of South Carolina, who was bitten by a mad dog went to Mr. E. L. McGuinn's to the mad stone The Sunday school at Big Level is doing fine at present. f Mr. Jesse Green is very poorly at this time. The rains always come in good time, ijrops are doing iainy wen in his section. Mrs. O. L. Wilson and daughter, Miss Bernice of Columbia, S. C, also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cantrell of Spartanburg S. C, were visiting riends and relatives here from Thursday ot Sunday. m Isick. we are told, from places where tfle ones that male it An nnt sp it Are they not murderers, in a sense ? U he letter you refer to has not yet Cached us. Ed.) PEARIDGE. Mis ss Mossie Edwards spent Friday grandparents, Mr. Mrs! L. B. McGraw was the dinner guest of Mrs. H. H. McCrain, Tuesday- Miss Alma Corn was a caller ot Miss Alice McCrain, Monday after Quite a number f rm this section xTAeA services at Silver Creek, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McCrain spent Friday night with the latter's narents Mr. and Mrs. R. L. D. Gilbert. Miss Alice Jackson was a visitor of Miss Alice McCrain, Sunday. T MrrG-aw was a caller of iUlO. JUf Mrs. H. H. McCrain, Sunday. Mrs. H. H. McCrain had a severe attack of neuralgia last week, but is irnnroviner. Mr Bamett McCrain is visiting his nnH Mrs.- K. Li. U- "Wt Wiht r;oo Mr. and Mo t . ur.u i atives n Rutherfordton visiting relf Mr. Gravson TiirQ. ,a i,oVo etUld home from Macon, Ga. o ' ,r- and Mrs. Ralph Moore spent Joli V r Onnie Thomnc r .. iru-t t Sunday at F r, tv,' ir, (,rnTo rri SatuM turner and wife spent night at Mr. W, T. WiK M vis- Gosnell's. Sundav. iV Fax, J . t t , J "u wlIe spent Sunday "u' toys. nilKArf.. Several from this section attended the baptizing at Cool Grove last Sat urday. . o- . MT. LEBANON. ite;11 Hartan and family Mr- M. C. Gosnell' s. Sund2 uarie tv, Mt. Lebanon school is progress ing'nicely. Miss Minnie MpBride, of Spartanburg, S.C, is teacner. Mocrs.' Hovt Thompson and Gai- T-i- OY.Q. ' 'attending onthe tner uoiui&uu iir : w singing school at Silver Creek. 5-J: Herschel and Hoyt Thomp son spent the week-end near Saluda, the guests of Mr. B. Arledge. "The Mt. Lebanon school is progress- incr nicelv. Miss Minnie MILL SPRING. -7 JS Mrs. T C. Wilson' and children are visiting relatives here. Miss Esther Gibbs is attending a singing normal in Chesnee this week. Quite a , number from here attend- i 1 5 ed the revival services at Beulah, Sun day. ... r . I Tv Miss Mayme'- Cantrell and brother, Roy. spent Saturday ;'night and Sun day at Sunny Brook farm. Revival services will begin at the Mi prjnj. Baptist church next Sun day. Saturday is "grave yard clean ing day' at this church. Mrs. J. M. Lewis and , Melba, are visiting in Asheville. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barber, of Greenville, S. C, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barber, of ! Chester, S. C, spent last week with Mr. J. M. Bar ber.. - ! Miss Leona Egerton was the after church guest of Misse Pearl and Es sie Edwards, Sunday. Miss Leatha Barber was a welcome caller at Sunny Brook farm, Sunday afternoon. 4 ; : Mr. Edward B.i Barber is visiting Sweet potato runners cut and set now, will make the very best of seed pototoes for next spring beddingr -and will make some good potatoes for use this fall. -Try it. V the market to bring in this money just as we do. Their crops are corn, cotton, oats, wheat, sweet potatoes, jwatermellon etc. about as ours. But their main money crop is classed with the boll weevil, and by the way, this was my first introduction to this un friendly gentleman. He does not 'op erate as I had thought he did. The moth deposits the egg in the bloom i i- i i . . . cioses mm up ana wnen the Doll is is something longer than the garden pea; it hatches and bores into thq lit tle boll and becomes a grub or mag got and then , turns to another moth to produce another generation ad lib- ium, so the result is, the cotton stalks produce no- cotton except the" , lower limbs that bloom before the weevil moth makes its appearance. This little enemy to cotton has somewhat Now dont... neglect ; that turnip upset the plans of the cotton planter, patch , and when you. sow. your turnip Sow hollyhock seed right now and they will make good , stocky plants to set in rows next spring to beautify and make cheerful the back yards and the front ones too, where, time cannot be spared to cultivate other: flowers. Then , there is an old ,fashionedness about the holly hock . that -makes things look cheerful where they grow; So. lets not get too STUCK ; UP, to have the .holly hock about the yard. which put him to thinking along righf lines and about right things, Many farmers while there told me the boll i weevil was the greatest blessing that had ever come to their state. That it had persuaded them to do in a few' years what the department and ex- seeds, then sow .some, crimson or ; bur clover seed on the same land, or red, alsike or sapling , clover , and see what it will do for you. . Just try it once and oyu will be found trying it on a larger scale right on. Now do it for my sake, for the poor old milk, ;. cows periment stations never could sake, for the childrens sake, for your this MELYIN HILL. I his brother at Kings. Mountain week. ' Li' . Messrs. Claude Lewis, J. M. Lewis; Bob and J. R. Foster, also Mrs. J. R. Foster were visitors in Landrum, Sun day afternoon. Mr. John Webb died at his home, ' i m 1 near here, last aunaay aiLernuun. Mr. Webb has been a member of the church here for sometime, and , was found still in' the Faith when the end came. He leaves a wife, a father, mother, four sisters and thrfco oroth- 7 TRYON, ROUTE 1. Up with the wings of the morning, the mind begins a new day free from the cares of yesterday, I'll pen a' few happenings of Rdute 1 and vicinity. 1 Many are the happy mountain par- ! i j tips sp.en flockinc tci the mountains for ers to to wnom we extenu syiupuuij. f. , . Little Madge, the twin baby .of Mr. pleasant recreation and to view tne and Mrs. W. A. Reed, vho are, visit- spienuors oi nauxrp uome. ing relatives up in Alleghany county, journeying in trucks, cars, cycles, wa- died recently of colera infantum. Sons" w f u"? v "m" " Mr. and Mrs. Reed are expected was 50 neaviiy ioaaa one na11 ( w walk, and my, what a time, seemed to be enjoying themselves far more than any. home sometime this monthV Mrs. Branscom, who has been sick, is sufficiently improved to be out at church last Sunday. Messrs. Columbus and Judson Rid i'nrrc VvrntViprs. who were in Uncle Sam's service have recently arrived d misbehaved! d ran madly into home. . - On returning from a party given in j honor of two soldier boys, Messrs Ed. Barber and Boney Arledge, Mr. Over- airs. " . . " , i.V, , "uuilin. Of ARhpvill vicitorl Snnrtanburg. IS WJ' "r nriftfl ' . " I w' tt --wierfc. Mrn iv I ht A Mrs. LiOgan J and children spent Sunday afternoon at w and wife, of Sandy I Mr. J. B. Thompson s. Mis Mamie Cantrell is attending music school at Chesne at present. Mr. G. C. Feagan is making some additions to his home residence, at the old home place. Mr. Claud Gilbert is preparing to build himself a new residence. Mr. O. R. Steadman also is building a new house to live in. Mr. and Mrs,- John Tipton, who used to reside here are proud parents of a fine boy, who arrived last Satur day evening. . Quite a. number from here went to the ice cream supper at Sandy Spring,. last Saturday night. The young folks enjoyed a singing at thp home of Mr. and Mrs. Smith w w Saturday night;also at Mr. and Mrs Tom Cantrell' home Sunday evening The question for debate here next Satnrdav nierht is. "Resolved that the divorce law should be abolished. a bank, throwing5 Miss Elsie Edwards out and severely! hurting her arm. The other occupants, Miss Bessie Hamilton and Mr. Walter Edwards escaped with only severe bumps. Mr. W. M. Heague returned Satur day from Cane Greek, S. C, where he had taken the four, little orphan child ren of Mr. Joe Edwards. Mr. E.,B. Edwards and daughter, Pearl accom panied them to Spartanburg, S. C. Many on the route attended church at Beulah. Sunday, vhere a .revival was being carried ? on. We hear much praise given Miss Burgess as teacher of Beulah school. Another school is progressing nicely on Lightning Rod Ridge, conl ducted by Miss JMcMurray. 11 . Mr. Milo Foster, of Landrum, S. C, was on the roufe Saturday. He says the corn crop is short on his ; river plantation. Mr. Paul Hamilton cycled to Hem- I " m i i a l'-' '.' T Affirmative Messrs. C. O. Ridings, of locK iaiis last evening - ana was mucn Sandv Snrings: J. W. . Stacy W. B. enthused over ;the beautiful scenery Feagan of this place. Negative Mr.) on the new highway. persuade them to do that is to grow live stock and diverisf y their farm crops. This they are doing, way down South, futher than Charleston, S. C. They are growing hogs and cattle suc cessfully, and they are so anxious to learn every thine- possible aboutbuild-r ing permanant pastures, they already have better pastures than Polk county farmers, they have some red clay, and some gullies, pines blackberry briars, weeds and etc. just like yours, and alders, willows, are along branches; but not as bad as Polk county. One thing they do not have that we have in great abundance; and that beauti ful, sparkling clear running Water, Now in all candor, I want to ask, why should Polk county farmers wait before they go after permanant pas tures and the growing of stock until the boll wevil comes and makes him do so ? I never did enjoy being made to do a thing. If worth doing and a thing which ought to be done, I prefer doing it voluntarily to being made do it as the Germans were made to quit fighting. -The wevil is on his way and in a few years will be here; Then what will you do for a - money crop? Why not begin now and do like Mississippi and Alabama, or why not learn the lesson in advance and get busy, go to making permanent pastures and adding live stock. They are sowing their rich bottoms to per mant pastures and Jbuilding up their worn out upland for corn and cotton. I know there is already a strong and growing r sentiment in Polk county along this line; but it should work faster. The fact that grass seeds are high is no reason for not pushing ahead; for they, will, go higher. The very fact that people every where are doing this thin& increases the demand for them and runs the price up Alabama is shipping pure bred bulls; both beef and dairy into the . state by hundreds, and only a few years vago the entire state was tick infested. beg you ,to . think, and think fast and seriously. I will not be with you long as your agent and I want to see Polk county well on the way. with pastures and- fine cattle before I - leave. Now t with the very best wishes for every wife sake, and for the lands sake, even if you are so self forgetful that you will not for your own dear sake. . NOTICE Every body remember August 20, is Womens' and Men's Farmers' In stitute at Columbus, N.' C. Let - this be the greatest and best gathering of the year in Pplk county. We invite the banks and merchants - and all classes of business men of the county to be on hand and become better ac quainted with the farmers hitch up to the farm wagon fill up with straw and bring the whole - family, .with their lunch . along and have a regular straw ride and good old all day time. Respectfully, J. R. SAMS. HILLCREST. Mrs. W. B. Valentine has returned after spending a fortnight in Ander son, S. CI, 'and' is again at Thirty Springs. Mr. Todd, who for three years. has been serving 'Uncle Sam in; Cuba, spent the week-end at Hiilcrest. Mrs. Milnor Jones has returned to her home in Tacoma, Washington; af ter having spent two years in the East. Mrs. J. T. Camp left, Monday for San Antonio, and other points - in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. J. A; Shields motored to . Spartanburg, S. C, Friday. Messrs. Floyd Walker and Stanford Spurlin earned agolly crowd to Chim ney Kock, Saturday. Miss Annie Ray utnarn, of Shelby, N. C, is the guest of her cousin, Miss Ruby Putnam. ' ' "Rat Snap Beats the Best. Trap Erec -Made," Mrs. Emily Shaw Says." "My husband ; bought $2 trap. I bought a 50c box of HAT-SNAP The trap only caught 3 - rats but RAT SNAP killed 12 in a week. I'm never without RAT-SNATV 7 Reckon 1 1 1 couldn't raise chicks ' without it." RAT-SNAP comes in cakes. Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guar anteed by The Ballenger Co., and Carolina Hardware Co, '