vr. , i fi 'Hi U i 4 y ,! ,'1 4 ti lt ... - -I . p .r t fi i': "J-,- : i' ) V 1 i, ! v jf''nAtfMiiiiigWn: TB.YOH. iTORTH'-CAROLINA 1 -4 THE FOLK COUNTY Kan BEE olidated Nov. -..igiS Published every Friday at , TRYO, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Bmtrd at Mcond-class matter April 28. 1915 at U pott office at Tryon, North Carolina, un Att tfw act iof March 3. 1879 v C. BUSH, Publither Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, B tolatiom' of Respect. Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee ia charged, or for financia vain, will be charged regular advertising rates of fire cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 226 West 19th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." THE HOTEL PROPOSITION. I want to call the attention of ev ery public spirited citizen of Tryon to the present status of the proposed hotel company which some ofus have been trying to form for the purpose of securing another hotel in Tryon. E very one. who wishes to see Tryon improve as a resort town willv agree that the most necessary step is to se cure additional hotel accommodations. We cannot expect outside capital ists to cora(e here and-invest their money in n enetrprise of this kind unless the get considerable support from Tryon people. JTryon has "wait ed for years for just such an oppor tunity as ijs now presented to us through Mjr. Brown's proposition' to build a; fine, modern hotel on the old Mimosa site, if the citizens would join "with, him in the formation of the company. Now.it looks as though the opportunity will be lost through the lack of j support of the plan. Two weeks ago ft looked as though the ho tel was an assured fact, so much so that many people seem to think that it will be fcuilt anyway, without their support. The result, is that many people whej could subscribe and wno would be benefitted by the hotel being hereare siltting back and doing noth ing, each one thinking, apparently, that whethier they do or do not sup- port the proposition in a financial way, will make no difference as to whether the hotel is built or not.If each one oi these was alone in his at titude it would not make any differ ence, but today there are so many who are standing back, waiting for the other fellow to pull the chv-tnuts out of the lire, that it looks as though there woul d be no chestnuts and no hotel. - - We want t& make a final appeal to every citizon of Tryon to' get busy and make it his or her business to see that we secure the hotel. We must have cooperation now. A week hence will be too Slate and we shall have seen the opportunity slip' from us. G. H. rtOLMES, for Committee. o- MILL SPRING. JackSon, Sunday. ? Mr. 'demons, Biddy is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. P. Dimsdlde this week. Mr". Charlie Brown, Sue Jones,1 Dock Wilson visited, -Miss Murilla Dims dale, Sunday. '.'..' Mr. Pearson Dimsdale and sister, Naomi, and , Virgil McGuinn motored ot Spartanburg, S. C, Saturday, re turning Sunday. .... Mr. and Mrs. Clyde WSlson visited their mother, Mrs. T. N. Wilson, Sun day. Mrs. Hamp Ruff and children visit ed her mother; Mrs. M. L. Biddy, Sun day. Mr. Claude Wilson was a guest of Messrs. Virgil and Sidney McGuinn, Sunday. Rev. W. R. Wright started a revi val at Coopers Gap, Sunday. ; Mrs. Andrew Spicer returned to her home in Chesnee, S. C, after spending a fw weeks with her mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Green. Mr. Lawton Wilson returned to Whitney, S..C, Sunday, where he has been at work for quite a while. Miss Ora Burgess spent Sunday night with Mrs. Daisy Jackson. Mr. W. A. Ruff visited his daughter Mrs. Daisy Jackson, Saturday. Messrs. Andy Lynch, Bowen Wilson N E. Williams and Garrison Corn took dinner at Mr. J. B. Wilson's Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Grayson Lawter, of Flat Rock, visited at Mr. Bud Law ter's, Sunday. - Mr. Jay Ruff, wife and children, from Flat Rock, visited their father, Mr. T. N. Wilson, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lawter and children visited at Mr. E. F. Ruffs Sunday. Misses Mary and Minnie Lynch vis ited Miss Gladys and Lizzie Lee Wjl son, Sunday afternoon. Mr. Frank Mills was a caller at Mr. E. C. Lynch's, Monday afternoon. Messrs. Noah Lynch and Bill Jack son were callers at Mr. Bud Lawterrs Saturday evening.? Mr. and Mrs. J N. Lawter visited their sister, Mrs. W. A. Ruff, Satur day afternoon. ' jj Mr. Hiram Dimsdale has returned from Virginia to see his father, Mr. Charley Dimsdale, who is very ill at present. ' o Why People Buy Rat-Snap in Pre ference to Rat Poison. (1) RAT-SNAP absolutely kills rats and mice. (2) What it doesn't kill it scares away. (3) Rata killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell, they dry up inside. (4)Made in cakes, no mixing with other food. (6) Cats or dogs won't touch it. Three sizes, 25, 60, 1.00. Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Co. and Carolina Hardware Co. SOLDIERS, MONUMENT MEET- The Mill Spring Baptist church was filled to overflowing Sunday. ReV. Mr. Hamrjck delivered an interesting sermon toja very attentive congrega tion. Revival services began at this church, Sunday, and we trust we will t, . ii t . jive a glorious revival ana many souls will jbe saved. The repair work which is being done at this church has been postponed on account of the re vivaL We are glad to announce that the work Was progressing rapidly. Mr. T. jC. Wilson visited relatives here, last.iSaturday night. MissSjie Gibbs spent last Friday and Saturday at Chesnee. She was accompanied home by her sister, Es- iner, whoi has been attending the singing nprmal there. .' Mr. (Will Jackson and family are visiting relatives here at this timel MessrsJ Ernest and Hubert Gibbs entered Stearns High School, Monday morning. J Mr. Claude Lewis spent' Sunday arternoonim Landrum. Dr. Charles W. Smith, of Chicago is nere looking, over this field. It is hoped that he will locate here for we are greatly in need of a physician. RED MOUNTAIN. Mr. Lawton Wilso'h, Charlie Brown Muruia uimsdale and Sue Jones mo tored to Chimney Rock. Sundav. Mrs. Mary, Ann Green and children were dinner guests of Mrs. Daisy J AMERICAN' RED -CROSS One of the erroneous impression hat has got about concering the work of the Red Cross! Home Service is hat it is restricted to the disabled Soldier of the United States. Soldier sailor marine army nurse; it doesn't matter in the least. Just so you were in the service of Uncle Sam, and because disabled in that service, he Red Cross will help you to ob tain the compensation and the hos pital treatment and if you want it the vocation training that the govern ment offers. In the Southern Division, for ex ample, there are six nurses, their lealth impaired by tuberculosis con- race td or developed durirsg their ser vice. All are now receiving the regular compensation, in addition to hospital treatment. Any chapter of the Red Cross will tell you about it; and where and now o get medical treatment, if you need it; and the proper money compensa- ion; and the vocational education, if you want it. ' 0 . Why I Put Up With Rats for Years," Writes N. Wirdsor, Farmer. "Years ago I bought, some rat pois on, which nearly killed our fine watch dog. It so scared us that we suffered a long time with rats until my neigh bor told me about RAT-SNAP. That's the sure rat killer and a safe one." Three sizes, 25c. 50c? $1.00 sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Co., and Carolina Hardware Co. o NOTICE. - there will be a 'meeting Aug. 20th at 3 o'cdlck p. nu at Columbus, ior of orcanizini a Polk County Soldiers Memorial Association All those who are interestea m wie Soldiers' Monument will please at tend this meeting. A. L. Hill, i f, ; W. A. Cannon, l' Committee. . o -1 uiiiupiCE MAPLE GROVE. Mrs. Lee Wilson, Mrsi; Bennie Haynes and Mrs. U. S. Gibbs visited Mrs. M. N. Burnett last Sunday af ternoon. fi Little Henry Gibbs was on the sick list last week, but is now much better. Mrs. Fred Wilson visited Mrs. Geo. Price Sunday. v I f Messrs. Virgil and Sidney IMcGuinn and Claude Wilson, Misses Jjya Spicer Oma and Grace Gibbs went?, to Bat Cave and Chimney Rock4,!' Sunday. They all reported a jolly time. Mrs. A. I. Gibbs spent -one night last week with Mrs. U. S.j Gibbs. Mrs. Whit Wilson visited Mrs. Bar ney Wilson, Sunday. f! J Several from this section are plan ning a trip to Asheville this week. Miss Ellen . Gessemer was an after noon guest of Miss Leona f Burnett, Sunday. . - - Mr. Jay Ruff and family, also Mr. Harris Laughter and ' family of Flat Rock, attended preaching at Cooper Gap, Sunday. ' Mr. Frank Jackson spent) Wednes day night with Mr. Butler Jackson.. As a business proposition. Twenty years' experience in life insurance as an avoca tion is at your service. You mav not only be able t save mdnev but to get the best policy to fit your indi vidual irequiremems. Consultation free. Phone write qt call L& TJ3 SErJSD-PASTE PABOTS N BEST- THAT CAN BS MADE O f Cost to you $35 a Gallon when made read to use RECOUUENDEO BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS ) Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agents or c LONGMAM A MARTINEZ ' Manufacturer New York It rMas9j ill J A Bank for All People I It is our constant aim to meet this needs of all I the people all the time in every particular. We consider the small depositor is entitled to as i much careful attention as the large ope. I B AIMIK OF LAflIDRUIVfl i R ' mm a a '..' . a a m . 5 "Uld Reliable" . tl-andrum, I OFFICERS: n I H. B. CARLISLE, President. J. S. CARPENTER. Vice Pres.- f vi ROY P. WHITLOCK, Cashier. , R. H BRADY, Asst. Cash 5 l2ittSSSSilBSIIBSltSSSStlhmmUl M.IMtiPSSStl JSnHSTsSSBsal lABBtSfMaBn Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Julia A. Pollard, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against her estate to present them to, the undersigned within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to -said estate will please make immediate pay ment. , 1 . This 18th day of. August 1919. PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO., b-ib-w 'j v Executor. Tryon Lodge No. l ift Knights of Pythias Castle Hall in Missildine Building Meets Thursday Evening at 8:30 VISITORS WELCOME Crrryr o o SAFETY! O o o o o o o o COURTESY! D owes! Iby Ml ai 5 Q I Buy a Certificate of Deposit. OCOCO O SERVICE! 8 O O O O o o o It earns four per cent from date arid can be O ' i' :'V '.-' ' ' - wuiivcibcu iuwu ixdu vy man. ct any urae. O o o o o 8 RAW IK (Tft IF TnirhlVI O - W. T. LINDSEY Prwi O o J. B. HESTER Cuhier. A SANITARY IWEAT 1ARHET Our meats are kept m a sanitary ice box, which we keep as clean as yean of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only ihc best meats on the market, both native and Western. We grind alt our sausage and feel satisfied that if you want clean, sweet meats tha you can do no bettes than let us serve you. ; - ;v A, H. WILLIAMS. D) A jT . S N AP r KII.l ; RATQ ! . Also mice. Absolutely , . prevents odors, from- carcas. One package proves this. RAT-SNAP comes m cakes--no mixing With other food. Guaranteed. n ' 25c size (1 cake) enough for pantry kitchen or cellar. ' . 50c size (2 cakes) for chicken house coops, or small buildings. $1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all farm an4 outbuildings, of, factory buildings Sold and guaranteed by The j Ballenger Co., and Carolina Wms DIE and so do mice, once they eat RAT SNAP. Ajid, they leave no odor be hind. Don't take our .word for it try a package. )r Cats and dogs won't touch it. Rats pass up all food to get rat snap, a Three sizes. 25c size (1 cake) enough for pantry kitchen or cellar. .. ' 50c size (2 cakes) for chicken house coops, or small buildings. . -$1.00 size (5 cakes) enough for all building. p.ut'buildines of factory j ..iiwuftuiwu oy ,xne r alien-, cer b.&ti rjpli-a Haraware Co, VS..', W, F. LITTLE TRYON, N. C. . . ' ; : : 8 DR. B. H. TEAGUE DENTIST SALUDA - N. C. Julv.Auerust and Septem ber. Office in old postofRce I building; r v F h Bread Cakes received dail y Joho Oirr & qq Phone No. 1 4 ' TiryorB, N. C. cccacccocccocccccccocoooocooooooetct or fair dttd lands or toi property sec mm M M I 'aj jp SEIRVDGE SECURDTY These Essentials of Sound Banking are embodied in this institution. YOUR ACCOUNT SOLICITED BANK of SALLID Capital $10,000.00 SaOodla. N. C. HENRV P. CORWlTli, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON; V-Pres. PRESIOB lM You Cam Money It is unusual at this time of high Pi to see goods offered at educed pncei we have just received the following that nirL-aJ uw 9f Aj4iirfinri Bft& to you at prices named. Galatea, per yd. Ginghams per yd. f vtVlllOWVf Jd. y Km I Poplins per yd, rongee per yd. Voiles per yd.. .... . . . Cretons per yd. " Ladies SSflk Hosic 50 75c. $1.00 $2.25 and?)6.-" Special prices on shirting I striped SjLieaanes Summer slunv raw. hate; - . xTry on, FOR EVERYTHING J ... ', Nortn

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