-J; POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA iLfi ,r ,r "i T, -Li' 1 1'lHl. i!l it' in Mood H Auhil aXw:s II iiAiLiiiv v i pirn sDent Sunday nfi-s. Li. . . t i..i,nve with friends. P (J. ivipsiey leavej Sun- i A 4-1nnfn JTW "" for her nome m .n-n", p. a' r, t ttalleneer has returned Mr l, triVto Rock Hill,S. C. from l oin Peoples Bank llnistCo; . ... t .. . ... .. . . . 1 1 and 5V. C. Swann is attending the rWnr Gentenary at Uastonia Mrs. Ashe- a short trip to Rock Hill m pfn of r!T"Pfn7rAl AX'hpn in iryvn r - T"'vvu Hotel- Frank McFarland . c Ward spent Monday m Annie Ward, of Asheyille, is th; guest of Mr. and Mrs: Ward. ... Mrs. H. I. DePass and family, of ..iff o nrft eruests at . Crestwood Hotel. Mr. Fred E Junior this week. Irwin Lindsey, of Richmond, a visit of Mr. Eubank has returned C a paying Va., is ar 1CiU4Y" Miss Ina a two weeks (trip to Afeheville and Waynesville. Mr Barnett, of Manning,; frequent visitor in Tryon is at Oak Hall. s; Mr P. P. Palmer, ol Charleston, S. C was the guest of his son, Efr. M C. Palmer, last week. Mr. D R. Sutton, of Glendale, Sl'C., has accepted a position with the- Mis sildine. Pharmacy. Mrs. Paul Smith, of Peoria 111., is w narents. Mr. and ,Mrs. Harold Doubleday. Dr. Edgar Ballenger, of jUlanta, was the guest of Tryon relatives from Sunday until Tuesday. Mrs M. E. Halstead and daughter, nt Orlando. Fla., are spending- a. .few weeks in Tryon, guests at urestwooa. Mrs. E. Rhodes and Miss Sallie Streadwick left,. Sunday, for jAtlanta, where they will buy goods for their firm. , Mrs. H. Wilson and Family, Ji Charleston, S. C, are spending a short time in Tryon, guests' of Mrs. W. C. Ward,- , ; -j- . ' Miss Reba Barnard was called to Aewiilp nn account of the serious illness of her niece, Margaret Bar nard. ' ' ' ' Mr W. D. Cox, of Asheyille, is snendine a few weeks in Ttyon for his health. He is stopping at Crest wood. - Fred Reich arrived Saturday from Cincinnati and is spending some time ritvhi narents.rMr. and Mrs. Henry .v X Reich. - Airs. J. S. Donohue and daughter, Ruth, of Marquette, Mich., innnaA 4n fVioi-r tipw home near Val- 111 tliv- -- halla. : . ' " -. '. Miss T?nth McFee left. Wednesday, for Khoxville, Tenn., to buy! stock of millinery for McFee lenger. When m Tryon stop at Crestwood Hotel. Miss Mary Clark Ballengejr arrived Saturday, from Baltimore, with her grandparents, Mr. T. T. Ballenge. Miss Reach and Miss 0 This batik - guards mfUr n transactions ' of its .XL V considers the,account of evT' in dividual as strictly confidential and mere are no " eaVs" T?Qc4- j that if you do business with us that ever vransactron will Fp heAA stiictly confident,:. 1 Le , hCld A customer, livino- Aid : ftSSJhf .occaaowJly has us pay his freight bills ..m order to- cause his teamjter, to have no delay in deliver- xxcignu arrivals m Trvon. He trouble' as he called it. Of . course WA Tfirilf -rtrs. J . .. .v 11U ana we taKe no pay for such services. It is a pleasure to ZZ I A .u turners in any manner tnai can . Use this oank for any vmng tnat you can. It is here for that purpose. The officers are paid to serve you and it is a pleasure to serve you. You may want a freight ivi, jiuu migni:. want to send Folks,,. It made good and appealed 0 a number of our good citizens, but a srood customer, who spends a part of his time in Tryon took slight exceptions to the slogan and said we should say: "Polk County Bank ior Polk County Folks and others". He is fisrht. This bank is 'here for any person who can use its modern services. , Our thought m using tne. slogan was to foster ; a county pride, to make Polk County folks patronize heir own institution, rather tnan do business outside of Polk County. money to another point in the form " 3 v-iiicck. or a xsew xorK orait. you mav want t.n lmnw nhmif the reliability df some firm in distant City, ur it may be somethinp- pIsp matters not what it is, call upon us we nave recently used a slogan on. aavertisine matter "A County Bank for Polk Countv A little bov called at the bank and asked to have a dollar changed. His wish was immediately eratified. A short time after he again asked" ior the same accommodation and again he called with a dollar for change. Rather curious the Teller asked the boy why he wanted so much change knowing-that he was not m business The young American replied 1 like to see that machine work". The mystery was solved. The boy would take the change to a nearby store and trade it for a dollar and kept the thing going just "to see the machine count money". By the way it is an interesting little machine. It passes out the exact change by pressing the button. If you havn't seen , it work ask to see it the next time you are in the bank. If you have a spare dollar; -, or two open a savings account in . this bank and add to it at regular periods. Make a rule to lay aside so much a week or month and live up ot it. In a short while you will have a mce bank account. To encourage you we wil pay you ! four per cent compound interest. If vou nave as much as $50.00 that is not working let us issue you a Certificate of Deposit for it. TTT Ml i , C we win pay 4, per cent irom aate oi deposit and pay you the interest every ou days, rrhe money may be with drawn any time. Deposit your money m this fast growing bank and there by help biild up Polk County. We tak? Liberty Bonds on deposit and issue a Certificate of Deposit for the face aiue. The -bonds may be withdrawn; any time and we pay the interest the bond calls for as it, be comes due, This applies to coupon bonds only.' No charge for this ser vice. If s you have valuable papers unprotected against theft or fire bet ter rent a! Safety Deposit Box in our solid concrete vault. We have them for $2. per . year. i "If you fare not banking your money some ones else is" Peoples Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. j G. H. HOLMES, Pres. J. T. WALDROP, V. Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Cashier j A- 1 !1 -i HAAS THE 1920 Monday, Miss Ida Missildinei on Tues- Mrs. riol- - i who has for "some day, spent the day visiting den, in Saluda. J Miss-Emma . Dickersbn, been a guest at Crestwood i fr. Dptroit for a visit with her sister. Mrs. Godshaw and Mrs. john Lan- drum and little daughter, rA n r i I1 MODELS (SERIES) mi--. -M: i a fall and Bal- QUALITY has been the foremost consideration in the. construction of the 1920 Model K Series. Ji estati Jtshed stancfeirf brBuick construction that for jrears li givqif to h& Buick Vdlve-in-Head Motor Car a reputation of superiority . i . ..V, . v .1 and is land Mrs. Upon such a foundatidh of strength, durability, nd vahto has the 1920 Buick Series beendesi lver, on An inspectionof the new line will; reveal impiwemeiits -1 and refinements that are sure to please the most exacting vj purchaser. . f of Green- ville, S. C, are at Mrs. -Codsnaw s home on East Hill. : Mrs. C. S. Corwin, who is spending the summer with her daughter at Fkt Rock, was the guest of Tryon friends last week. Services as usual at the Congrega tional church. Sunday school at 10 a. m.. Dreachinsr at 11. The Rev. Mr. Brower will preach. Tvliss Lucile Orr, who is spending the summer in Saulda, came down Saturday for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Orr. - County Agent J. R. Sams left, yes terday, for Raleigh, where he will at tend a meeting of county agents to he held there this week. " - H. G. Todd and family, of New Or: leans, La., are spending their vaca tion in Tryon. They are stopping with' Mrs. Williams, on Melrose Ave. ' Elsewhere in this paper see the ar ticle nf Mr Hon TT TTnlmes in- re- agrd to the proposed rebuilding of Mimosa hotel. Read it. Then act.' The past week we have had much of the genuine Tryon ; weather, so rnuch that we have been able to share in and Bpread.it, aroundan he, WGinrty though at times the sun has shone here while it was raining in neighbors ing towns. " Prices of the New : Buick Series Model K-Six-44 Three-Passenger Roadster . . Model K-Six-45 Five-Passenger Touring Car . . Model K-Six-46 Touring Coupe . Hv . . . Model K-Six-47 Five-Passenger Touring Sedan . Model K-Si-49 Seven-Passenger Touring Car . Model K-Six-50 Seven-Passenger Sedan . . F. O. B. Flint, I4ichign ! . $1495 Jl495 j2085 255 1785 2695 Can Make Immediate mes ems Owing to the delay in getting a start to rebuild our store, we have decided to put in at our present location a complete line of Dry Goods Notions Furnishing Goods Shoes and Ladies Ready to Wear These goods are arriving almost daily and we invite your inspection. Bought right, and sold right. Wilkins & Co. Tryon? N. C. This Bank is for Peopel who Want to Improve their financial Condition. 3 Will you let us serve you? A checking account is moat convenient in trie payment of bills. It is the safest rectipt, J?A Savings account is the sure road to an eventual com petency; We solicit your account. CAROLINA STATE BANK. f)fAVI D ' C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNBR riHtuaui icficaiEiiti H. B. LANE Cuhitr Beauty at the Wheel Reautv at the wheel! Ah! how serene. the looks: l. know more about motor cart, than's e'r books! t She knows about ignition, short circuits and transmissiomx' All about her engine, and her carburetor, and all their hooks and crookt. She knowt all about her starter, her clutches and her brake: The system that lightt her car and blowt her horn, her knowl edge, take the cake! 5 And more than that, she knows full well the need, Of a motor runnning smoothly, when she wants to put on speed! . And for that Tery reason, and she's found the reason true She buys "GREEN FLAG" MOTOR OIL ANI NOTHING ELSE, for nothing else will do! You can buy this splendidly superior MOTOR OIL from any of the following well known and reliable dealers in tjia county. Be sure and look one of them up, when you ofl up Missildine's Pharmacy CM AS. J). LYNCH, No.f Is There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home Hunt's Salve, forinerly called Hunt's, Cure is especially com pounded lor tne reawnei - . -m -r i m wami. nnu i ... SerranTS SR Your orders for Flooring, tjum, gst on the strict .guarantee that W . . MouldlIlgS, Framillg. tne purcnase price, j-f !,,. and can savt promptly rerunaea We manm-- lath, brick Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed for , -10 Years, lftfOH ELECTRIC SERVlCfe COMPANY FOR SALE AT A BAR 1 If taken at once. Gash or reasosble terms.1 Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store liquse and lot on Trade street. GEO. A. GASH, Agt. i' W0TICEr 1 r 441 n R. Feaerans enters two (2) acres ofttfrens; Creefc line, joining land pf,G4 A.,firanscomJ Sam Feagans anu ui w --- waters of Bear Creek -Entered July 22nd, 1919. - F M. BURGESS, Entry Taker; mGASH JUSTICE "Of THE PEACE AND 1 nS&tionsa SD&ialtyr Deeds and I Mortgages prepared, "and Contracts written at reasonable tryon. n: c. Patronszc Our Advertisers and Save Money Don't Forget that when you are in need of anything iri the line of general merchandise that it is unnecessary for you to lose the time to make a trip to town. Come to us for Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries Star Brand Shoes, Etc. . , , - 4 -, ' ! :..' You Will find our prices right, and our service is all you could ask. May we have the pleasure of serving you?,. v , Mill Spring, N. C. L M. Lewis & Smi r 'I !! isnedcustomer. xry -mm m0ney. oee. atourriaic. jroraioiw -r i. v ,

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