m m . .Mm i i iw in I a mil ii .4.3 . , :i fit h is St. Helena the Good. St. Helena according to a colonial eport, appears to have no real crim- nals.- Stone-throwing by night was for ?- short period the most serious of ense. x Last year no person was com mitted for trial ; 104 out of 210 sum mary cases came uno r the education, oad tax, and poor lax1 ordinances and 7 trivial cases were dealt with by the ollce without bringing them to court, -hree Instances of flogging are record- d, under 4he juvenile smoking ordi nance. Classified Advertisements. 7. forentI Six room furnished bungalow, with fath for rent or sale. Overbrook Or: hard Saluda, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. "Rnv vmir niirsfinr stock of E. J. pradley, Saluda, - agent for the old eliable nursery company, oi romna, !j . C. ITp can save vou money, and !issist you in your selection of trees !est adaptedt o your soil. ! ; j FOR SALE : Nice mahogany book ; t l jase; also some small farming tools, i U ; jSnquire of James Leonard, iryon. . 1 1 Additional Tryon News. u a. c9 15c .10 ..5 .5 Golden Grain . . . Bevo . . Coca Cola . . . . . i Chero Cola Peach. . . . ... . . . Strawberry Orange ... v .... . Grape Cream Soda Cherry Blossom. ..... .5c Ginger Ale . . , 5c .'.'.5c . . .5c ...DC 53 . . ,5c Always ice cold. Give them n trial. . Y. BAllEW, Tryon, N. C. I :: 3C W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. ! '-ft f.lillinerys Dress Malting All Work Guaranteed first floor Wilkins' store MRS. E. RHODES. ,Ve Have the Right Prices AND Kind of Materials do your buildingj Full stock oors, Windows, Siding, Flooring feilmgr Shingles, Loths, Interior inish and Moulding, Rough and )ressd Lumber. Carry complete ! STOCK OF FEEDS Dr. Harmon, of Statesville, was in Tryon this week looking over the field as allocation for the practice of den tistry. Tryon surely needs a good dentist. Mr. M. G. Blake returned the , lat ter part of last week from Virginia Beach, Va., ' where he spent several days the guest of Mr. and -Mrs. Whit fieatson. Henry Reich,' who has been in Unf cle Sam's service in France and Ger many, arrived home last week, land is spending some time with his par ents here. Scoutmaster A. L. Hill and 18 mem bers of Troop No. 1, from hert, spent Sunday camping at Laurel I'ark in Hendersonville. The boys all report a good time. Mr. Watson Bell, of Spartanburg, accompanied by Mrs. J. B. Bell and Miss Nan Bell, of Gaffney, S. C., made the NEWS office a pleasant cal,l Wednesday. Mrs. J. J. Howard and daughter, Miss Rena, of McGall, S. C., are spending a few days in Tryon, guests at Mrs. Williams' on Melrose Ave., as are also Mr. W. J. Bell, of Bamburg, S. C, and Miss Shaffer, of Waynes ville, S. C. Are the people of Tryon going to sit idly by and fail to get the old Mi mosa hotel rebuilt? Now is the time to get busy and raise the money nec essaryonly $5,000 more is neces sary to insure the success of the pro ject. Let's all get busy and raise it this week. The many friends of the family of Rev. H. Norwood . Bowne are glad to welcome them back to Tryon. Rev. Bowne and family occupy a place in the hearts of our people that can be filled by no one else, and from all in dications Rev. Bowne will be able to do much more good work here now than he did when he was rector of his church here more than a year ago and as the little boy says that is say ing a mouthful. Complaints of Men and even ex tortionate prices -have been made by tourists in Asheville. They have been invictd to take the next train out of town. Some in every town even Tryon think that this is easier than to listen -respectfully to all rea sonable complaints, and remedy them if possible. Then if the visitor ' is still of a mnid to go elsewhere: the town can not be held responsible. It sometimes happens that a discontent ed visitor betake himself to some oth er place because he finds it to hot or too cold, i More than once the next thing heard from -the "emigrant was his wish that he was back in Tryon. A Soldiers' Monument Association for Polk county was organised at Co lumbus on Aug. 20, the He v; Jones presentine the matter in well chosen - - - words at the ioint "meetinir of men and women attending " the Farmers, Institute. T. C. Mills, of Tryon, was chosen president; Prof. E. W. S. Cobb, of Columbus, vice President; W. A, Gannon, Lynn, secretary and treasurer. The board of seven di rectors, one from each township, in cluded W. A. Cannon. Lvnn? J. P. Ar. ledge, Columbus; J. T. Waldrop) White uaK; A. v. Corbin, Cooper Gap; Calvin Hill, Saluda; Calvin Ridings, Greens Creek; and J. Mi Lewis. Mill Snrinir. tn renresenti tne counyt at large. Annual membership was made zoc per year for adults and lUc for juniors. Additional mforma- ' :.U MM HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA. N. C. tion will be given next week andwill varinim nlans attd suCTfirestiOns for l perpetuating the' memory., of anj Polk county soldiers.. : . MORTAGEE'S LAND SALE. ITTirfer Snd bv virtue 'of the' power of "sale .contained in a mortgage exe- I cuiea w ine uuuci&incu uy , . Blahton and -wife 'On the eth day.Jof March,' 1911, the undersigned will sell at r public auction at the court house door at Columbus," on MONDAY, SEPTEMER 15, 1919, at 2 o'clock p.m., for cash, the follow ing described real1 estate, to-wit: -Two parcels of land in Polk county, N. C, Coopers1 Gap Township, on the waters of - Bullins Creek, adjoining and others, the first tract beginning lands of T. M. Ruppe, Roland Ruppe on a -post oak, - Blanton's and Mc Graw's corner. - and runs thence north 53 west 26 poles to a pine; thence north 16 east 12 poles to D. W.; thence north 18 east 17 poles to a pine; thence north 31 east 12 poles to a pine; thence north, 30 east 10 poles to a 'pine ; thence north 1 47 east 11 poles to a stake in McGraws line; thence with said line to the beginning, containing 6 acres. Second tract adjoining the apbve and beginning on a pine and running thence north 69 east 41 poles to - B. O.; thence north 53 west 26 poles to a pine; thence to the beginning, containing 2 acres. The above mentioned sale will be made to satisfy the debt secured by said mortgage, default having been made in the payment thereof. This, August 5, 1919. H. S. TAYLOR, Mortgagee. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. ICILLS RATS and mice that's RAT-SNAP, the old reliable rodent destroyer. Comes .in cakes no mixing with other food. Your money back if it fails. 25c size (1 cake) enough for pantry kitchen or cellar. 50c size (2 cakes) for chicken house coops or small buildings. $1.00 size (5) takes) enough for all farm and out-buildings,-storage build ings, or factory buildings. Sold and gauranteedby-The Ballen ger Co., and Carolian Hardware Co. lit- 'I ! ,i .1 . vihen you tise TRADE MAR ftCOISTf net There are many ways of getting more money out of wheat. On of them" Is the use of Royster a Fertilizer. But : wo arts not content with giving tho farmer the best plant food that can be made and so have prepared a .compact, plainly worded, practical book, called "Wheat Growing for Profit, which covers the entire process of wheat culture from the prepa ration of the ground to the harvesting. This book embodies the best 7 modern thought on this subject and will be rery helpful to those who wish to increase their profits. It will be sent free of charge, Writotoda for your copy, using the coupon below, ' MAIL COUPON TODAY..................... F. S. ROYSTER GUANO CO.. Box BlOl Norfolk, Va, ; : Please send vac your free Wheat Book. w . r , :f W . . .yMM,MlllWiSWHSWSiSWB!aiB8SSBS7TT ,, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, Departemnt of State. To All to "Whom These Presents May Come--Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dis solution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, depos ited in my1 office, that the Tryon Pa per Box Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situatated in the town of Tryon, County of Polk, State of North Caro lina (C. W. Ballenger being the agent therein and, in charge thereof, upon whom nrocess mav be served), has complied with the requiremnts of mChapter 21, Revisal of 1905, entitled 'Corporations." preliminary to the is suing of this Certificate of Dissolution Now, Therefore, I,XJ, Bryan Grimes. Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 10th dav of June. 1919. file in mv office a & . 9 w r duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stock holders therof, which said consent and the record of the proceedings afore said are now no file in my said office as provided by law. In .testimony Whereof, I have here to set my handa nd affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 10th day of June, A. D., 1919. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. FURNITURE REPAIRING. Having returned from my service in the army, I am now located at my old stand and prepared to do all kinds of furniture repairing, upholsterinsr and wood carving, at prices consistent with good work. Give me a call. tf ARTHUR SCRUGGs FOR SALE VINEYARDS. I have a couple of. fine vineyards that I can sell very reasonable. the one On the mountain side in the Ther mal Belt is one of the show daces of Tryon,. Call or telephone for : price and full particulars. James Leonard, tteai estate. Picture framing A nice and varied lined mould ing and clear glass. Bring your work in for estimate. F. K. McFarland, ft Under Post Of fee NOTICE. Havine Qualified as administratrix of J. J. Byers, deceased, late of Polk county, N. C, this is to notify all per sons having claims against the -estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 16th day of August, 1920j or this" notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said, es tate will please make immediate pay This August 16th, 1919. MRS. J. R. SMITH, Administratrix. FOR SALE: About thirty-five acres of land, located at Pearidge, 3 miles from Mill Sprincr. known as the J. J. Byers place. Good land suitable for growing corn, cotton and wheat. Apply to Mrs. J. R. Smith, Columbus N. C. 15-2w . V a .. SODA FOUNTAN FOR SALE. 5 SDlffOt. 12 SVrutJ ' solid nrmfhlo front soda fountain. A beauty. Cost $3650. Has been Slight! used and we win sen at a bargain. Will mail photograph if interested. FEREBEE & YOUNG CO. Andrews, N. C. -o NO MORE or mice, after you use RAT-SNAP It's a sure rodent killer. Try a pack age and prove it Rats lulled - with RAT-SNAP leave no smell. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Guaranteed. "' 25c size (1 cake) enough for pantry kitchen or cellar. , J 50c size (2 cakes) for chicken house coops, or small -buildings. $1.00 size (5 takes) enough for all farm and out-buildings storage build ings or factory buildings. Sold and fruamn taH Kw Tii. Dniu.' er Co.i -and Carolina Hardware Co, . i r - here, and unless you live in Saluda, where it is delighfully cool, you are in no imood to bother with aSlpt of figures; but it is to your interest to glance the following: RoDcir Bflirag Dotar SH 3.20 Every Sack guaranteed. . Cottorn Seed Meal, $3.50 IFrtiiDlt Jars amdi JeDOy G Basses Prices right i ' SltapDe aodl Earn cy 'Groceries full line at 'lowestf prices JaoTDs, JeSiliesvaiinidl Syrups that will make your mouth water IFresOu aracil SaDt IVQeats the choicest, and always on hand IrrajBts arnd Vegetalbfles in their proper seasons Co ' i ' ' "- " ill1" i . - Aft. Its toasted to in crease the good, wholesome flavor Of f the Kentucky iBurley tobacco. A regular man's smoke and deli cious! tnternatlan9iit v our conviction : i am not born for one corner of the earth my onntry 1 this world." Seneca. "( BHX Method of Rising. Some trust to luck some rely upon tnfluencesome expect promotion without elf-asderUon but the perse vering rls upon the wings of will . Herbert Kaufamn, '' : '. i.' ' ' "... Long-Felt Want A species of cactus growing prolifi cally in Algeria - has been made by French scientists to yield 14 per cent of sugar and about 60 per cent alcohol. niov Pain-of -Sting. -The yv?yads rub. a crushed clove f garlic upon a spot that has been stung by a wasp or bee. : This makes the swelling go down and drives away the paia, ; Speak Up, Then. Said the facetious feller, Yon all heard that-old wheeze about new" Ing Pike Speak; but did any of yo ever hear Jack and the Beans Tau Keeps Hands and Feet Out. A Greek .inventor has prducea Qg machine which automatically cie and packs more than 150 cases of c rants an hcir v without contact w Raaand or foot,