0 i .i ( POLK COUNTY NEWS,: TRYONf ITOItTH CAROLINA 'A II ''V 4 -if .V 'i ,'; Jr. i 1 in km ! 'Jr. 1 1 : 5 1 i' " 'j j'H Itl i i j y. - r.! . u r. . I 1 5;i i. a S: s .tl . I.. I' ! ; : 1' C '5!;!: 1;. .1 r J: . s H--iEtfaiJl-lflllll I WlMP I KTiln btt Consolidated Nov. 191 5 Jill -: - " v " - Published every Friday at TrVoN, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Sattrcd at Meond-class matter April 28, 1915 at tbm poat office at Tryon, North Carolina, un Ctx the act of March S. 1879 C. BUSH, Publisher Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES. CARDS OF THANKS , ft solutions of Respect. Church or Lodft Notices 'where an admission fee is charged, or for financia srain. will be chained rejfular advertisinjr rates of Are cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. 285 West 19th Street. New York City, is our sole jnd exclusive Foreign AdvertisimfAif ent. "Long May It Wave." RADCLIFF CHAUTAUQUA " Final preparations are under way for the opening of our chautauqua. The dates for Tryon's three- day in spirational community meet are Sep tember 23, 24,, 25. Cooperating with the - Radcliff Chautauqua System, the local organ izers of this annual getting-together are arranging for a rousing time with twelve gripping ' events on the program. Entertainment numbers of the first quality to be combined with features illustrative of the grat cen tral theme of this year's program- Education for every American child. The quickened spirit of democracy preparing for the dawn of a new era embraces Education as the only road " to future progress. Embarking on a crusade for real education and stak ing its success on the finer and more joyous things in life, the Radcliffe Chautauqua and its local co-operators invite the whole community to make the town the dynamic center of the United Staets for three days. The local Chautauqua promoters are buildig for an ideal a raised standard of living for everybody. And they are building with ideas. The program is loaded with material. THE FIGHTING YANKS a group of military boys in the uniforms they wore in France,, will "make the Chau tauqua atmosphere vibrate with the speed of .their rapid-fire entertain ' ment on theaf ternoon and night of the first dav. This organization of instrumentalists, vocalists and dra matic entertainers will give the open ing program its humorous and its rol licking touch, with their colorful "trench" repertory. THE AGNES MATHIS CO., rol licking youthful spirits, all of them, but artists of the highest order, will offer two concerts on the second day. These are skilled instrumentalists as well as highly trained vocalists, and their esthetic musical numbers are offered in combination with colorful costume effects. THE LAWSON CONCERT CO. will give character to the last day with their distinctive repertory of readings, impersonations characteri zations, and comedy bits will be of fered by this group both for the amusement values and for the edu cational . benefits. These talented players are artists in expression and their acted episodes, solos and recit als are expected to be of high cultu ral value. The six lectures are not less mv tertaining, witty, snappy and radiant one is assured, but they have a very serious purpose. The big, throbbing question of the hour is Education, The Chatauqua- orators and demon strators will make this subject ring -OL. G. A. GERHART, broad eloquent, keen, analytical, construe tive, the master of 5,000 audinces will give the opening afternoon lecture -on "THE LAMP OF ALADIN" This lecture will be rememberd long after the khaki tent has depart ed. There will be stimulated brains and aroused; emotion . before has finished with his graphic picture of ,- e acmevemets of the trained minds ; of the world. His' evenings subject x titfj tiKE ATEST THINft TWAT ; MEN MAY KNOW' will promote ideals of true . education, not ;of the hands alone, nor yet df the head only uut aiso' of the heart. ' ! Aiie marshal of this fanrnA.i tmsaae will be. the Chautauqua Di ww wno, on the nio-hf f tl,0 00 )nd day will carry the, central theme to . a practical level under, the . .topic "THE PROBLEM OF THE UNPRE PARED." The -Director j will inject fresh elements into social j life and. in snappy, live-wire phrases; ? awaken us to the backward conditions of American life. His third night topic will be "PUSHING BACK THE HO- RISON Individual, Home, , Commun ity," a fertile subject that invites elo quence and imagery but that affords also a valuable basis for objective instruction in ideals. Of particular "significance will be the, lecture on "HOME-MAKING" and the conference on "THE HOUSE AROUND THE CORNER" by the Radcliffe Woman Specialist in Home Engineering, on the afternoon of the second day.. That she will be listened to with absorbing, interest by both men and women is the assurance giv en because of the scientific impor tance and practical nature of her talk and her demonstration. Miss Frances Breckenndge Maltby, a graduate nurse, especially assigned to this educational work by the Amer ican Red Cross, will lecture on the afternoon of the third day on "THE RED CROSSA RECORD AND A PROPHECY" and will hold an in struction conference on HOME CARE OF THE SICK." The American Red Cross holds a unique place in the affections of the people of al 1 the world, and the message of its repre sentative, carried to us under Rad cliffe auspices, will be eagerly sought The whole inspiring, educative pro gram is symmetrically arranged. There is something worth while for everyone, and none need go 50 miles from home to get lively entertain ment and fresh cultural impulses, when these are brought in such rich measure right to the community. The success of our Chautauqua can be read in the striking features outlined and in the sincerity of the commun ity's purpose in arranging for it. o "I Must Have Been Dead at Least 6 Months But Didn't Smell." "Saw a big rat in our cellar last FalL" Writes Mrs. Joanny, "and bought a 25c cake of RAT-SNAP, broke it up into small pieces. Last week while moving we come across the dead rat. : Must have been dead six months, didn't smell. RAT- 25c, 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaran anteed by The Ballenger Co., and Carolina Hardware Co. LETTER LIST. Pitts, Mr. Ike Belue, Miss Minnie Bracy, Master Paul Bullington, Mrs. Nancy Davidson, Mrs. Kennette Goued, Miss Gaine Jackson, Mrs. Fanny A. Johnson, Sammis Lockhart, James Lockhart, Mrs. Argana Murphy, Mrs. Helen Annie Mam Mr. Lessie Rodgers. . 7 ' ',W. H. STEARNS P. M. : o "I Spend a. $1. on. Rat-Snap, and Saved the Pnce of a Hog." James McGuire, famous Hog rais er of New Jersey says, "I advise ev every farmer troubled with rats to use RAT-SNAP. Tried c everything to get rid of rats. Spent $1.00 on RAT-SNAP. Figured rats it killed saved the price of a hog." RAT SNAP comes in cake form. No mix ing with other food. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Three sizes. 25c 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Cd., and Carolina Hard ware Co. Mad Right Idea,, Anyway. ; My youngest daughter is quite a peachy little person and It Is quite amusing at times to hear her air her views. The day after Christmas sev eral children from the neighborhood came in to see her gifts and to play with her. When exhibiting her pres ents she sard in her best peachy man ner : "I glved away a lot of things and I 'joyed my Christmas so much 'cause t's nicer to be a giver than a taker.' Chicago Tribune. ' Must Be Progression. The moral law of the universe is progress. Every generation that passes idly over the earth ' without adding to that progress remains unin scribed upon the register of humanity, and the succeeding generation tram ples its ashes as dust. Mazzinl. Read What U. S. Dept. of Agricul ture Says About What Two Rats can Do. According to the government fig ures, two rats breeding continually for three years produce 359,709,482 individual rats. Act when you see the firt rat, don't wait; RAT-SNAP is the surest, cleanest, most con venient exterminator.. No mixing with other foods. Drys up after killing leaves no smell. Cats, or aogs won't touch it. Sold and guar anteed by The Ballenger Co., and Carolina. .Hardware Co. , 1' -v -.rv ;'- " .. Nuta. - A nut lock has been invented that consists of a plate . of metal 1 to ' be placed between two nuts with Vings at the sides that can be bent "to grip the nuts. t v , Thorpuah Mournlna. ; The Sitka widow, when 1 she has to IMPORTANT FACTOR OF Nothlno Really; off Qfetter Momrit Than the queatlonfof Proper Transportation. ' A city. Is a big business institution. Not merely in the business it under-; takes of its own, but rather in the part it plays in the business of the whole community. -(V ' ' " ; -V 'rr-,':S-' Take the comfort of its citizens, for; Instance. I During the war the lumber men found they had relatively little! labor trouble in camps in which it was possible for families to lfve a normal,; wholesome life. - Schools, churches,: medical attendance, amusements all entered into the labor problem. What was true in the camps is true in every city. The comforts available for people help to determine the busi ness possibilities of the city. ! Another Important business factor Is that of the traffic system. In addi tion to street railway transportation, there must be adequate trafflcways to handle business. Jt must be possible for people to get quickly and easily ? from one part of the city to another and it must be possible to deliver goods readily. . Would a large automobile plantbe able to turn out Its enormous produc tion of cars daily if it were cluttered up, if its passageways were relatively as narrow, and congested as those of Kansas City? Kansas City Star. LltilSUS! A it 4 Asa Jbusiness proposition. Twenty years' eSxperiehce in life insurance as an avoca tion is at your service. hi Youlinay not only 'be ' able to save moneybilt to get the best policy to fit your indi vidual xequirements. i Consultation free. Phone write or call To Whiten Floors. To whiten wooden floors add two tablespoonfuls of paraffin to the hot soapy water used for washing a floor. What Hurts. Sometimes a man doesn't mind being henpecked a little, just so the chickens don't laugh at him. Cincinnati . Enquirer. w: f. little TRYON, N. C. DR. B. H. TEAGUE DENTIST ' SALUDA - N. C. July, August and Septehv ber. Office in old postdffice building: V ; J t rJ3 SER3II-PASTE PAD WS V-BEST THAT, CAN BBtADE S. A' ; . O rCost to you 03.25 a Gallon whiaioade ready to use RCCOUUCNDED DY SATISFIED USEiiS FOR OVER 40 YEARS O Obtain COLOR CARD from cmr Agents or LONCUAN & MARTINEZ Manufactarer New York 9 v I Let Us 011:sDp YOiLfl 1 1 1 9 o The fact that your account raabe a small one in the beginning does: not bar you from the benefits of a bank account." We shall be fflad to have your S name on our books and furnish you with bank book and checks. . A bank account will eventually enable you to I start in business for yourself I BANK 'Old Reliable" I OF s LANORUIVfl - 3 Landrumy S. C. OFFICERS: c o o o o o o o o o o o o COURTESY! SERVICE! 9 o O O o o o o . B. CARUSLE, PieridenU J. S. CARPENTER, Vice Prei. J ROY P(. WHITLOCK. Cluer R. H RADY. Ast. Guh S OSOOOwwOCOOOCOOO o o o o o o o o o C) o 0 o o o 8 o o ococo D o vestt Wy lp a S 0 Buy a Certificate of Deposit It earns four per qentjfrom Cdate and can be q converted into cash by mail, at any time. BAN IK O Of TFffSYO N W. T. LINDSEY Pres 2, B. HESTER Cashier. ocococcocccccoc A MM Mil Our meats are kept in a sanitary, ice box, which we keep as clean as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only the best meats on the market, both native and Western. We grind a I our sausage and (eel satisfied that if ybu wattt clean, sweet meats tha you can do no bettes than let us serve you. j ;' v"-: A. H. WILLIAMS. Great Is Enthusiasm. "... Enthusiasm come? ; with the revela tion of true and satisfying objects of devotion, and It is enthusiasm that aets they powers f ree. Woodro w Wil son. . !-. . x- A Good Manners. Some -wise person has said that "good manners are surface Christian ity,'! and. an essential part of good manners is uaselflshn ? vvuiuub pther person's viewpoint -1 . ; Paper from Many Kinds of Bark.' Fifty kinds of bark are now -used to manufacture paper, besides banana skins, bean stalks, pea vines; coconut fiber, clover -and hay; straw, fresh wa. ter weeds, rsea weeds and bver 150 kinds of grasses. - v. 1 " !; Swiftest Dog. 4 The swiftest dog In the world, the borsol, or Russian wolfhound, has made record runs that show 75 feet n a second, which would irlVe ir apeed of 4.S0O feet, in a mlnSte if the Pace coutt bt kept up. ; - - . Fjem Bread ainid Cakes received daily JohirB Orr & Co. Phone No. 14 Tryoo, N. C. BBBBBBBBBBBBlBHBBBMaMBBBBflBBB IFor IFaiirinni Daods or town property sec W. T. LD NOSEY, Tryon. STRENGTH -SEIRVOCE SECURDTY These Essentials of Sound Banking are embodied in this institution. 1 YOUR, ACCOUNT SOLICITED BAN IK off ALU DA V, Capital $10,000.00 SaDiiidla, N. C. HENRY P. CORWITH, Pres. JOHN B. CANNON, V-Prts. PRESTON H. Mlin.dst 4 SF ECIALS We are this week offering four specials in our Grocery Department and honestly; believe you can do no better than buy for future needs. Special Lard, 4lb. bucxet f or $1.40 Flour per bbl, cash at door 1 2.00 Octason Soap, large size, worth 10c, tow.... -08 First-class Roasted Coffee . . ;.. .30 i A complete stock of canned fruits an vegetables under wholesale prices today. We will slice all Government Bacon bought from the Government. Free, at our market We make a specialty GOOD. G1IGAR e,; -osiMeirigeir Co. Tryon, FOR EVERYTHING North Carolm3

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