POLK- C OUNT Y WE WiS. - TRYON. NORTH CA&OLHTA - J 3 1 - o. r speed transacted "umuCM ivfnnday. is iw Chautauqua, F 23 24, 25. FT Cnon,o f Greenville, S. C. .V.B.. Tuesday. ''IMlIlt A. - Boards, of Mill Spring was IA. A V.iv. on business. f E L. Shelton, of- Mill Rev- ' .' Trvon. Wednesday r; Wofford and family visited F onvile friends Sunday last. ' rl v Missildine and Misses Mrs- ,T...ciiriinfi were in Spar- , Eva burg Tuesday Mcssie of Mill i o nrt"r1 n nosi- Route 1, nab av, - r Edwards, H"6 .rr -PrtVfP the N& . o (rood time to cut some of W i " ..0f lots-in Trvon. Ueedsontne ... it them g"-1" Uses Ethel aitu leit iUUlluajr ' :KSH .'ii fQvJ Virnl this ire they win autUu . . iter. ,!rs. home a T Hill and children return- - a visu parents T,,psdav. . from - a visit oi , ,.v. Viot narents at I i i VI 11.11 LV. A . eral wM " " . v wino- r.f Castle Park, Mrs nclcU i'"e - nrrived m lryuu u "u.iu,. Jch. j?..:.la Vp vp are ' many "UUfl : tn Trvon. viinnt.rir.lc. who have L. e-uest oi r v,0 nast week or so. left InTlP 101 f " glad to their home- in rida, Friday. St. - Augustine, Salesmen Wanted to solicit orders iking Iva: weewy Newsletter ftom PeopfeBanltlt Trust M TALE OF THE YELLOW Sir '" A short while on each side oi te balorr lG reading matter in black on a yellow background. That they are af tractive tcai not be disputed for we have evidence that would sati?fv f! IV A" tJie aesetic person TW KS WUld be cohfemed lhey have caused some comment favorable, and otherwise, an of they ..have what C1WBC" caA1J ine "pulling power." "They are gaudy not gay" Ss the monkey said when he iiitJ5 S! dft?LSTvu So Just t0 bs accomo dating, which Sj customer recently said, is our middle name, we are go S5 k the jffading sign - from the building and place thear where there will be more, perspective. A speaker in an AsViPviiin nu,u meeting said that Asheville could not live Arum camate and scenery alone; That tQAfmnfVM t w w1W8 must De encoureed tc wwic. xwitner nrnrti! t- jixutuixxig piant is of e-reat enent to ar:y communitv an a an opportunity fpr young men that if it were not thprp omm. would have to be elsewhere thereby n.xxiS u gwu ciass m citizenship "v'u community. Well paid wjv employees arp trnnri . sumers, tky help in all .lines of busi. ness, neip tne larmer, the truck and fruit grower. With an abundance of power available at an early date we ououia encourage the location of some factories. ? A Polk Countv citizen from a' dis tance called at the bank recently to make inquiry about depositing .some mPpey He was an elderly, gentleman mux maae excuses for not - knowing how to start a bank account. He had never had an account in a bank altho ne is well-to-do. The deposit was soon made .and the transaction ex plained to him whereupon he remarks xuai, is very piam ana easy." fo it is. t If you know , of any person in Polk County who is not familiai- with banking customes tell him of this bank and send him to us. We will take great pleasure in explain ing any part of the business that he cares to know. v . A checking account with this 'bank luentlneS VOU " With cnacfnl people of Polk Countv. If von are i. i . ' not a depositor now. become so at once and get the benefit of modern and emcient service. The most success- ncnnln 11 11 . . in.au. lines oi activity m Polk County are customers of this DanK. ,we have helped others to be come successful, may we help you ? The matter of making a will is ticKiish subject with some folks. They think of undertakers when you Might just - as well face the issue. The tyne will come when you should nave a win 10 best : consere your estate, however small it mav be. This bank has a trufet department and will confer with you about making your wiu. ana you win De at no ex pense or under no bbligations. Bet- ter talk it over with us. Do you work and isave or work and slave ? . You will always be a. slave to your, work unless Trou can put your work to work for you. You-can do this by opening a j Savings Account :i-L il:. u.i -rj- -: mi j, . -i wnu mis iauik. - xou wm men oe getting a premium for your work for every dollar you save from vour labor is a dollar that you can make work for you. (We pay 4 per cent com pound interest. One dollar will open an account. " I- mention . wills insurance. 1 ness. It is dangerous tor leave money , or Liberty Bonds around the house to be stolen or burned. Don't do it. We will give you a Certificate of De- posit ior tne iace vame oi tne bond and will pay you interest at same, rate the bond calls for as it becomes due. If not convenient to! come to the bank send them . by registered mail and we will receipt you by re turn mail. We are serving a large number of people through the mail and the customers and this, bank find u a very sausiaetory way to do ousi- .i . : I , t-of no- oils. ereases aim !tc Salary or coranussiuii. au- t THE LENOX OIL & PAINT Cleveland, Ohio. 1 " - " . 1 toed by' the NEWS to the scnoiar the greatest percentage oi. ncement during the next term of Tryon Graded school? ' - ulian Hester, who has . been 1 T-ll ktioned at Fensacoia, r ia., ior time,. but who has been touring kisiana and Texas, arrived here, ednesday for a visit with home ks. . For upkolsterig and furniture re- ring' at reasonable rates, , and irk that will, give you satisfaction, ve me a trial. You will be pleast with the work and ' prices. Ar- ur Scruggs. , School opens next Monday... It is iuxy oi every parent wno nas lildren of school age to see . to - it Jat their children are in school the pt day, and not only the first day It each succeeding day of the term Mrs. J. T. Hester and her two Lighters, Misses Emily , and Eliza- th, left Tuesday morning, motoring their home in Mt. Carmel. S. C. jhey tell us that they were much im ped with Tryon and hope for an My return next summer. Mr. E. E. Missildine has installed glass washing machine at his soda puntain, which not only does the orkmuch letter than by the old pethod, but is quicker and much more fnitary. If there is any improve ment that will add to the service of store that is lacking, you may est assured it has not been brought the attention of. Mr. Missildine- therwise it would h there. This week we are devoting a good Jrtion of our space to the premium 't of ourEair. As this is of inter- st to every person in Polk county, e feel sure our readers will overlook R shortage of usual readinp' mat-F- Be sure and attend the Fair and with voq thp hpst. of vour Dro ps and help to make it one of the f in the-State. M. F. F. Bacon. Mrs. W. T. pdsey and Mrs. H. N. Bowne spent ednesday in Ashevillo VaftPTidiTir Womens conference on the Na ;ide camoaiCTi of the EoiscoDal Rich One of tW cionifinnt. far.- ;5rs Rowing the importance -of the mmgn is that Mr. Lewis B. Frank- of NeW York, who was the War P organizer for the Liberty drives, f Riven up his. business once more r this caniDaie-n in the Kincr- (Ylw -j. c -OlliOd. Peop tes Bank &rust Go. TRYON, N. C. G. H. HOLMES, Pres. J. T. WALDROP, V. Pres. W. F. LITTLE, Cashier ini in o m im c i nn 0 THE "S rtniL . . " i """ : : - : w : I' "W MODELS (K SERIES) Si! QUALITY has been the foremost consideration in trie construction of the 1920 Model K Series. An estab lished standard of- Buick construction that for years hds given to the Buick Valve-in-Head Motor Car a reputation of superiority: fx ft r ; J' sit. - Upon such a foundation of strength, durability, and value has the 1920 Buick Series been designed and manufactured. An inspection of the new line will reveal improvements and refinements that are sure to please the most exacting purchaser." :. . 't." i .;. . Prices of the New Buick Series Model K-Six-44 ThrcePa8scnger Roadster . . Model K-Six-45 Five-Passenger Touring Car . Model K-Six-46 Touring Coupe . . ' Model K-Six-47 Five-Pasaenger Touring Sedan . Model K-Six-49 Seven-Passenger Touring Car . 'Model K-Six-50 Seven-Passenger Sedan . . . . P. O. B. Plin t, Michifrn $1495 1495 2085 2255 1785 2695 Can Make CO-OAS J. LYNCM, 1V-- Immediate Delivery New .amies Owing to the delay in getting a start to rebuild our store, we have decided- to put in at our present location a complete line of Dry Goods Notions Furnishing Goods Shoes and Ladies Ready to Wear These goods are arriving, almost daily and we invite your inspection. Bought right, and sold right. WilM ns (S: Co. Tryon? N. G. Statement of the Condition of the CAROLINA STATE BANK of SALUDA, J. C. At the Clot e of Business August 28th, 1919. ASSETS LIABILITIES $5,000.00 and I aboi i W. Grav m receipt or a letter from 'j ry, m which he says: now on nleasp wn'ii fip nf.ws toil ssuiiic vx iiijf J iill be there about the 16th. vlcave hpy . "c ucai weeK. Is There An Electric -Flat Iron In Your Home expect to ut Octobr first arrive Mrs. Gray in 1 1X1 11J via TIP 1 1 ' verv r w nave spent a wh rV. fenxui, summer nere, s ..cive oeen aeiigntiui ii ' had not been very ill a se Portion f v. x... . . . :(rti,,.i . time.; it is most Hosier. dt an excellent Marine , ; 18 located near here, in which ni0v- ?reat deal of my time. "y work greatlv. - : r. 1 mssrmi i2tor;. J U com- rq'8ci.B,llT fall? . "MWO. bo5tte kin Ai 8 Worm Miss D: & 5.50 ? xti Gu aranteed f o t JO pfears. 1 RYON ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY FOR SALE AT A BARB AN If taken at once Cash or reasosble : ' yM terms. ; Two tenant Houses, well built, in colored tenement district. Store house and lot on Trade street. GEO. A. GASH, Agt 1,500.00 Undivided Profits 1, 646.49 Dividends Not Called far ......... 1 6.00 Deposits .........67,197.99 Loans and Discounts ..$41,063.04 (Capital Stock.... Overdrafts...... ........186.08 CSurpIus Fund Gty'of Saluda Bonds.. ......6,000.00 U. Sand other Stocks and Bonds..:.: .........3,650.00 War Saving Stamps... 25 1.40 Real Estate.... .......... .....1,551.57 furniture and Fixtures. 1 ,000.00 Exchanges for Clearing House... 220.35 Cash and Due from Banks... 2 1 ,438.04 $75,360.48 $75,360.48 The above statement issued at the close of our business year just after the payment of our 8 per cent annual dividend. The past year has been the most profitable in the history of our bank, and we invite your attention to the -following comparison of deposits with former years: 1917!........... $36,165.66 1918 ....... .-. .53,286.50 1919 67,107.99 Our . surplus and undivided profits more than cover the investment in real estate and furniture and fixtures. Our banking house, which is a good two story brick building, would easily bring more than the conservative value at which it it carried on pur books. We invite your account on the strength of the facilities wc offer, and the safety afforded by conservative management. DAVID C. BARROW, President. Q. C. Sonner and W. C. Robertson, Vice President H. B. Lane, Cashier Miss Louise Lane, Assistant Cashier. Dom't Forget V. that when you are in need of anything in the line of general merchandise that it is unnecessary for you to lose the time to make a trip to town. cCome to us for Dry Goods, Notions Groceries Star Brand Shoes, Etc. You will find our prices right, and pur service is all you could ask. May wc have the pleasure of serving you? : Mill .Spring, N. C. J. M. Lewis & Son -u '1.3: Daily- Thouoht. 'HaSt?-tnon : attempted , retness? rhen go on l;.Drfdk turning slackens res plutlon.Herick. " . Your orders for FlooringCeiling, o:i;2 SSiaT,. Mouldings, Framing. oiuxuB, .77--ll,i A nart save i We manuiacture wua -. . , rrnVrrirtnevSee us for lath, oricK, A Font of Type. A font of our type weighs 50 pounds and costs4, $5 ; ,a font of Chinese type weighs half a ton and costs flOO, GEO. Al GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE NOTARY; PUBLIC. ""Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prices.. tryqn,;n. c. Open Air School For girls of all ages and very young boys. New term begins Oct. 1, '19 MISS EDITH M. THURSTON - Tryon, North Carolina. MW1 -I imhrMcK Petfcnsie Onr: Advertisers and SaMlcnzy. ' Purpose in Life. Have at purpose in living. Aim to be somebody and to do something, and to know ju8vwhat it Is you mean to be and; do. - Some -people pity those who fall short of their ldeals--the inventor who falls, the statesman who Is so tar in advance of his constituents that he receives censure instead of praise.- But these are not the ones who need your sympathy. Save your pity -"'for f those who are drifting through life, with out- a goal, who are living without a purpose, ; - "" - " . Arab Consideration. There is a story told of an Arab' who possessed a beautiful and valua ble steed. His companions were readyv to start their journey anck wanted to know why he had not saddled his horse. "Because I am angry, was his reply.' ; . Children's Logic . 'Do you know," said a'little fellow of four years of agefwhat I thought dark' was? A great, huge, live thlnjr, the color of black, with mouth and eyes.. Another lr assured his teacher that the wind was alive, for he heard It whistling in the night . " i SI. D n't ' Forget . This. According to an English scientist's, estimate the world's total annual rain fall amounts to 29,457.4 Cnblc X3i!?3,'c which Jess than, one-fourth :C?zlz thfoush. rivers Into the ocean; -