. . - f i POLK OOUNTY-NEWS, TRYOJT, WORTH CAROLINA I. j Report of the Condition of the The directors of Tthe Bank of saluda are the most progressive, influential and successful business men in this section and are as follows. r S ALU OA H ' et Saluda, in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, September 12, 1i9 19, V Resources V Loans and Discounts. .................. . .$49485.69 Overdrafts, Secured. . . . . ....... .... ... ....... ... . . . 589. OQ United States.Bonds and Liberty Bonds. . .... . . . , . ... . . .. . ....... 6200.00 Banking Houses $3720.77. Furniture and Fixtures $2500.00 . . . . . . . . .... . 62 20.77 AH other Real Estate owned . . . 750.00 Cash in vault and net amount due from banks, bankers and trust companies 1 741 8.93 Checks for clearing. . . . . . .............. r. .................. . 684.76 ; Total............... ...................$81349.15 LSabiDStaes Capital Stock paid in. $1 0000.00 'Undivided profits, less current expense, and taxes-paid. 773.41 Bills payable. NONE Deposits subject to check. i . 45763.35 Time certificates of deposit . . . . . . . . 1 6409.60 Savings deposits. "... . . . ........... 13017.34 Cashier's Checks outstanding. 385.45 Total. ... . . . . A. . ..... . .: ............... ...... . . .$81349.15 STATiE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County of Polk I, P. H Bailey, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. , P. H. BAILEY, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me Correct Attest this 24th day of Sept. 1919. J. M. Hearon, H. B. Lane, D. M. Fraser, Notary Public. - John B. Cannon. ' Directors. HENRY P. CORWITH Chairman Board Directors, owner Overbrook Orchard PRESTON H. BAILEY : ' Cashier JOHN B CANNON (banker of South Carolina) President DONALD M. FRASER (member of firm Sams-Fraser Lumber Co., Spartanburg S C : ' Vice President ' ARCH B. CALVERT - .. . . Banker JOHN M. HEARON . . " Merchant . '' WALTER JONES Attorney A. D. TURNER Capitalist R. B. STATON Merchant OEPOSDTSj 12, 1917 $30,882.39 epjt i 2, v G 8 ' $50,0S9.13 ep(to U 299 H 9) T09ST5.74 c :3e: 5 NO I H CAROL h M A tew ! Tlhe (Gateway (to (tlhe BOuue ds flocaltedl ON TOP off (tflrxe Bllcae Radge MoiuiinKtaSini. 3 CQ)f (tlh(2 amd 8 ffainrnoojis for Sts eveon cSommalte. s pretty resort lias a any 10 tltas s TM brigihiteir tHam ratare Two years ago the BANK OF SALUDA was nrnb k I.,.. to give Saluda a live, progressive bankins: instituHnn whirh u,n,.M k M (- .....v. irvum uc euuiuueu in everv way to cam fi,r the growing necessity of a growing cgmmunity. This bank has resou - ces now of approximately $100,000.00 and during the time it has been in operation,' the banking resources of Saluda have increased $1 50.000.00. ' . . To everyone desiring a home where good health is guaranteed, Saluda extends lation to; come and live among her peeple; - a cor- 8 "0 Til A