?GLK COUNTY 1TEWS, TEYON, ITOtlTH CAROLINA TRYON lpft. Wednesday fiss Lora!n, irtfiVp in Chicago. rVT Nelson Jackson visited fs in Spartanburg, Wednesday. H Ward spent Sunday in Mr- vv ' I I jprsonviUe. i . C Earle Grady spent Wedncs l -r,' Scartanburg. F a Edwards, of Mill. Spring f ... Trvon Monday. , .- I, t G Cherry, spent- the day r in Asnevme J G A Gash spent Monday in &m"wiih relatives. ' I and Mrs. J. C. Bushnetf, of Sa f were in Tryon, Tuesday. f' L V. Brown ahd little daugh- . n, Unhnrff rP atlVRS UH- visited apai ------ wee ay News tetter lroi Pel!es Baiilt i Trust Co. I king V W r IT HAPPENS IN POLK. J. and Mrs. Bancroft are tc- their JlcW lavnns vi umuw r. Slate and little, daugh- spent a lew ua,s m; jun vi""' . the guest oi nw meuu, ... . rong- i fr. T A T.ivincrston -of Mr ana iii " " -fonhure. visirea lryun remuvps psday. Ir. and Mrs. Twitty Thompson, of t.s nf a hrv. kit are me jt ..r aiu L Friday. - - t. J. H. Gibbs, of Mill Spnng, f .' rr., Tnpsdav. pti route to urn iqv jartanburg. LeGurley's store bulding is almost apleted. He expects io occupy it jilt NOV. 1. ' J to his bed this weeK irom an at- 'u of malaria. C. W. Ballenger returned Sat-(jay,-from a visit of several days Atlanta, Ga. . ' hisses Sallie Streadwick anciLena ingston visited friends in Spart- urg this week. - . , . Sir. J. T. Green has installed a king and water system injriis farm be near Mill Spnng. Mrs. Youmans, of South Carolina, s rented the residence property of , V. T. Lindsey, oh Melrose Ave., L G. LeCount is expected home ,v irom isdnuc, onn.. wnere ane been spending ' the - summer Mu.ua, . I. - feev. Mr. E. J. Jones attended the I 1 tool of instruction .for the Baptist Million campaign, at , Asheville, h week rMr. R. A. Leonard left, Sunday, r Asheville, Knoxville Richmond id other points. He will be gone a ek or ten days. , ; , . plrs. Alice K. Missildine requests announce that Sunnalee school will Jen for the fall term on ." Monday xt, October 13th. Mrs. W. T. Boyer, of St Louis', Mo., o has been visiting her sister, Mrs. F. Little, in Try on returned- to rhome last-week. Mr. and Mrs! Win. Thomas; of arleston, S. C, arrived Monday are occupying one of the Searles pges for the winter. The Polk County Fair is being held MJlumbus this week. We are is- m our paper a day early in order our force attend.' , . Dwight Bailey, of Atlanta will the pulpit at the Con- ptional church Sundav. The is cordially invited to attend service. ' work of laying the concrete r and roof of the Wilkins store g is progressing nicely and mS iryon can boast of its firstl pWof buidln?. : , J15- H. H. Edwards and Miss May. " "I tehimhllS . wpm ir. Trtrnn. raaay on their wnir f AcV.0m11 a the training school for workers -wptist 75 Million campaign. - g'sterig and furniture -'re- I o at reaSnn!lK1 vafae n-nA . xnat will , JJe a trial. You will be pleas J . ? the vork- and: prices. Ar- At r ' - .' . hh n meetinS Tuesday evening L;; U- A. M. completed all ar- kl ls ior the sunner thev will " "saay. the 14th, tor Henry Green carefully hid his money m. a. sock. Henry now has. an an oaa sock and no money. Susan Bricepushed 'her savings un der a mattress. She still has the mattres. . t v George Martin carried six months pay in. his pocket. George was held up, but all they took was his money. Anna.Mason hid. two. hundred dol lars behind a brick in a chimney. Some one started a fire. ' - The above is taken from a bank ad in Cleveland, Ohio paper. The cases mentioned are of frequent Occurence. We would like to,add a few more. A Polk County citizen left some Liberty Bonds m his house. While away from home his house burned so did his Liberty Bounds. " Jim Bovode let a "slick tongued" person talk him out of his hard earned money for stock in a worthless con cern. He now has a beautiful en- i graved certificate of stock. (Don't be like any of the above. Put your money in a "strong bank, such as this ojie, check against it or if you are not to use it at once put it on interest with us by taking a Certifi cate of Deposit, which pays you four percent from date of issue and your money is ready for you any .time you want it Don't leave valuable papers around the house, rent a , box iiv our Safe, Deposit Vault and be secure. Don't make' an' . investment without first consulting your bankers - He has the vf acilties to get reliable ' inf orma tion aboijt all kinds of investments. .. v. - -. . - - ' We rent safety deposit boxes for as low as $2.00 per year, larger boxes at proportinate . rentals,. Don't 'delay, rent one today.' . ( All deposits made in our Savings Department until close ' of d business Saturday ' will draw interest : at the rate of four per cent from' October 1st. The intererest will be a credited or 'paid on January 1st: Amounts may be ' opened for One: Dollar. Sums of $5.00 or over draws interest. Open an account by Saturday, even if it is a smalL amount and add to it at regular; periods, it will soon count up. If not convenient to come to'the bank send in by mail. There is tio red tape to either put in or . take ' out -v just tell us what you wantto do. business with you should take into consideration the matter of service. This word .service is mighty 4 over worked these days. ; Of course all banks have service or they could not stay in business. Then the thing is, which; One can render. YOU the BEST. A bank may be willing to give you good service but may not know how; another may know haw but it is too much trouble . to J do all the " little things now a part of modern banking service. Another may be villing and anxious to serve you the modern way but may not have the facilities, such as resources-and experience and so on. This bank takes great pride in its service and the word is not an empty phfase with , us.. We have the facili- ties, experience and all of us are " not only willing but. anxious to serve you with banking service that can, not be surpassed, even in th e larger cities. This is no idle boast, put us to the test and if we do not make good then quit us. '. ' - To determine what bank ytfu will do Peoples Bank Trust Co. . TRYON, N. G. G. H. Holmes, Pres J. T. Waldrop, Vice Pres. ' , ' ' Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F. Little, Cashier '.V. A. Bland, Asst. Cash A Certificate of Deposit issued by this bank is a safe and sound invest ment. Jf you have surplus money consult with us about this form of in vestment. . . , .v New:LiinieS: Aided. Ovong to the delay in getting a start to rebuild our store, we have decided to put in at our present location a complete line of i ; ''''- - , , .' . ' - - . , " - v " . . . ' -, r - ' -v t ' Dry Goods , r : Notions ' C ' Furnishing Goods Shoes and Ladies Ready to Wear These goods are arriving almost daily v and. we invite your inspection. ; Bought right, and sold right. - Trybn9 N. C. A im: im CD lumie 5 mi What Good is Opportunity THE 1-920' - finfii Ciuy m To the. average man if 4ie is not saving? It will enable you to grasp the, opportunity if you will take our' advice Open a sav ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA STATE BANK. i DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNER H.B. LANE ?rednt Vi Pracideats Calmer MODELS (K SERIES) COURTESY! 4 DinivesQ: by (VflsaSDS QUALITY has' been the foremost consideration in the construction of the 1920 Model K Series. An estab lished standard of Biiick construction that for years has given to the Buick Valye-in-Head Motor Car a reputation of superiority. - "j s- . .. . I , f. --'':- : . ' -I1-. . ' ' ' ' . i - ." ' ' - "" Upon such a foundation of strength, .durability, arid value has the 1920 Buick Series been designed and manufactured. An inspection of the new line will reveal improvements arid refinements that are sure to please the mbst exacting purchaser. ' v " : . 1 . SERVICE 8 o o o Buy a Certificate or Deposit. , " -: ( ) It earns four percent from date and 'can be C) ' q converted into cash by mail at any time. , q , r - -s . - (3 O IRAIIM OF TRYOW Q o ' c ) '.. ...,t f . . M O W., T. LINDSEY Pres J. B. HESTER Ctshjtr. '-a. i n - - c n . ( COCOC cococ o : 8 SAffTY! o o () o o o o o OCO8COCOCOCOCOC0COCOCO; 6.: Model Model Model Model Model Model Prices of the New Buick Series K-Six-44 Three-Passenger Roadster ' . K-Sbc-45 FivePassenger Touring Cat . . K-Six-46 Touring Coupe . ,t . .'. . K-Six-47 Five-Passenger Touring Sedan . K-Six-49 Seven-Passenger Touring Car . . g-Six-50 Seven-Passenger Sedan $1495 1495 2085 2255 1785 2695 F. O. B. Flint, Michigan : Can Make Immediate Delivery ; C CDil AS.: J. LYNCM, Tryorn N. .C Poii9t Forget that when you are in need of anything in the line of general merchandise that . v it is unnecessary for you to lose the time- to make trip' to town. Come to us for ' ' ' ' " Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries . Star Brand Shoes, Etc., You will find our prices rights and our service is all you could ask? May we have the pleasure of serving you? Mill Spring, NC. J. M. Lewis & Son C'rrs and their families. Mr. ucuver an aririrpss. A "w - . ' -- . - are urged to attend.. nl8.0111 Eat My Best - oayS i-red Lamb. y W,keeP rats out of a feed Slre soiH years A neighbor ed auraP xvAT-blSI Air. bonders. I r.-,D in y wouldn't- 7. S S?M.- L threw RAT-SNAP es." 25c 50c, $1.00. ad f Cniee? by The Balleneer vrouna HarHw9 f n ina Hardware Co. SOTJPTT. S3?1? for Plonr! nui Csoopv re "s and can , eav at $3.00 per year.- Subscrolbe Now FOR SALE AT A DMA I If taken at once. Cash or reasosbls ' r . terms. , Two tenant houses, well built, in colored tenement district . Store house and lot on Trade street. GEO. A. GASH, Act 3 1 FcEpir .for a iSoiniDiaeca Oinnie -omifly 1 Hunt's Salre, formerly called Hunt's, Core is especially com pounded tor the treatment of Itch, Ecsema, King worm, and Tetter, and is sold by the drug gist on the strict guarantee that the purchase price, 75c, will be irompuy rerunaea to any aissa ifld enstomer. Trt Hunt's Salre at our risk. For sale locally fey GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE - AND v w NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty, Dtzlz and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at rciconsblo - ...,... ' LyBEB COIU'AIIT. r :-3' r: IV J