TE fill CQUllTYIIEIiihnii USEE OoosotidAtcd Not. 1915 ? - Publwhed CTery Friday at TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Eatwad u Mcond-class matter April 23, 1915 at th pott office at Tryon. North Carolina, un- Cn m act of March 8, 1&79 , C. BUSH. Publisher I Subscription $2.00 .per V ear OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, Q solutions of Reipect, Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financia rain, will be charged regular advertising rates of Ave cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. X25 West 19th Street. New York City, is our sole ' nd exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. . session, tender to Mr. viieo. ts. lodd, Chairman at Large of the said. As- saciation, its sincere appreciation for the very earnest, painstaking and ex cellent services rendered in behalf of the fair for the year" 1919. s' Resolved further, that the Polk County Fair Association hereby ex presses its deep and sincere regret that the illness of Mr. Cobb prevented him from witnssing, in perseon, the splendid exhibits which were made possible, largely, through his untir ing efforts. Resolved lastly, that the Polk County Fair Association express the unfeigned hope that Mr. Cobb person al health may De speeaiiy- ana per fectly restored. There bemg no futher business, on motion the meeting adjourned. Respectfully submitted MAE IRENE FLENTYE Secy, prottem Where There's a Baby On Farm Keep Rat-Snap. Rats are on "most farms. Once they get inside the house look out. Rats kill infants biting them is not unusual. Nursing bottles attract rats. Brake a cake of RAT-SNAP and throw it around. It will surely rid you of rats and mice. Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00 Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Co. and. Carolina Hardware Co. 0 - - COURT PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEM BER TERM. "Lone May It Wave." ANNUAL MEETING POLK COUN , TY FAIR ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Polk Coun ty Fair Association was held in the effice of Mr. J. R. Sams on Friday October 11 at 12:30 P. M. about twenty five members being present. Dr. Edwards not being present no treasurers report could be made. Mr. Lindsey, the President made a short address explaining that the of ficers than holding office would hold over until January 1st 1920 in order to wind up the affairs of the associa- Hayden, Col. was convicted A C. Black, Nol-pro. with leave. Buck Payne, Col. plead guilty of lar cerny, 4 months on the chaingang, of Burke county. Jerry Laughter, con victed of , an assault with deadly weapon, fined $150 and costs. Luther Melton, waived bill and plead guilty of forcible trespass, the cost. Toney Pace,guilty retailing whiskey, judge ment suspended on payment of the cost. Otis Pack plead guilty in two cases, assault with deadly weapon and of carrying concealed weapon. Coot Hodge was tried for making the sweet spirits of corn, and the case was removed to Rutherfordton County. Otis Pack making whiskey. It seems that Mr.Pack was making this deli cious happy go yonder andwhile mak ing out near Mr. Bonnie jacicson,s barn he could not resist the tempta tion of drinking some of the good old corn and srot too much and while m Columbus, and happy with his system full of the happy go yonder, he just had to tell the people where his still was. Mr. Pack, got 6 months on the Burke County roads in consequences -f 1 J 4-4-1 infnmnQfinn r'ViavlOir Fair Premium Winners (Continued from Page 1) Chow Chow, Mrs. Dura Arledge, first; Mrs. T. P. Rice, second. -Exhibit No 1 and 2 Mrs. G. L. Orr. Fig Preserve, Mrs. G. L. Orr. Home-made Butter and Cheese. Butter, Mrs G K Corwith, first f Mrs. N. T. Mills, second. ,r Cottage Cheese, Mrs. Walker New man. Home-cured Ham, Mrs. C. E. Shore, first; Mrs. T. P. Rice second. Home-cured Bacon, Mrs. C. E. Shore, first; Mrs. J. H. Gibbs, second Pantry Supplies. ' Loaf Bread, Mrs. J. I. Landis, first; Mrs. John Carneeie. second. Light Rolls, Mrs. John Carnegie, first mA second.- - Gineer Bread, Mrs. E. B. Cloud, first; Mrs. J. I. Landis second. rnf Halcft. Mrs. J. R. Foster, first nnrl second. Layer Cake, Mrs. E. B Cloud, first; Mrs T. P. Rice, second. Sweet Potato Pie, Mrs. E. B. Cloud, first and second. School Lunchr Mrs. J. A. Feagan, first 1 Bessie Hamilton, second. Home-made Corn MJeal. Mrs. Robt. Hamilton. Apron. Mrs. Chas Davenport, first; Bessie Hamilton, second. Home-made Soap, Mrs. H. H. Ed wards. Ladies Handiwork. Tatting, Mrs. N. B. Jackson, first; Mrs. C D. Eliott, second. Best Cross Stitch, Mrs. C. D. Elliott. Best Collection Embriodery, Bertha Prendegost. - -Best Wool Quilt, Mrs. J. R Foster, first; Mrs A. L. McMurrav. second. Best Silk Ouilt, Mrs. B. F. Gibbs, first Mrs. Jack, second. Best Crochet Article, Miss Dedmond, first: Mrs. L. H. Cloud, second. Best Crochet Collar, Mrs. C. E. Shore. Best Rug, Mrs. John Carnegie, first; Mrs. McGuinn, second. Best Bed Spread, Mrs. L. E. Hutchi son, first; Mrs. McGuinn, second. Best Towel, Alice Tallant, first; Mrs. McGuinn, second. Best Table Cloth, Mrs. McGuinn, first; Alice Talant, second. Best Home-made Handkerchiefs Em ma McNitch. Best Sofa Pillow, Mrs. John Carnegie Best Pair Socks, Mrs. Sarah Bradley, first and second. Best Sweater, Mrs. L. H. Cloud. Best Pair Mittens, Mrs. L H. Cloud. Best Pair Wristlets, Mrs R. G. Ham ilton. ! mku Best Flower Basket, Mrs. R. G. Ham ilton. Live Stock and Live Stock Products Family Cow, C. C. Constant, first; Calvin Philips, second. Cow 2 years and under 3, E. W. S Cobb. Gilt, Lyrnr Waldrop. i mm In A WORD OF WISDOM Doctor Wisdom says "The child is indeed w mofo wKft Viae nnf hnm' f arirVi4- fU"Li-. - uniQl As a business proposition. I Twenty years ' experience ff in life insurance as an avoca- H tion is at your service, VWt wiaiT nnf vnlv Via nVllft a to save "money but to get the best tolicv to fit. your indi- 2 vidual requirements. Consultation free. Phonfe write or call I X. bank account in the childs own name creat 1 real inspiration to save. es a i ;ANIK OP LANDRttljvi S Landrum, S. q ( Old Reliable9 OFFICERS: g H. B. CARLISLE, President. J. S. CARPENTER V d ROY P. WHITLOCK, Cashier. R. H BRADY, At. Ca,f W. F. LITTLE TRYON, N. C. A SA1T ml MM WHET COLUMBUS BAPTIST CHURCH Sundav School at 10:30. Let us all rally to the support of jour Sunday ! School and keep up it's splendid record. As the Pastor will preach at Mill SDrines Sunday there will be no preaching service at our church raver service Sundav evenine at 5 E. J. JONES, pastor. ' o . REAL ESTATE TRANFERS Real estate Deeds filed in the regis er of deeds rofiice for the past week were as follows: J. H. Gibbs. and wife to Wfc S. Mc- the Ehas Cantrell piace at Cross Keys consideration $5390,00. W. B. Cant- IO rell to J. H. Gibbs, consideration $5390.00- J. M. Lewis and wife to W. B. Williams, et al condideration $4450.00- G. N. Mills and wife to is. F. Gibbs, condideration $1500.00 - o Our meats are kept in a sanitary ice box, which we keep as clean as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only the best meats on the market, toth native and Western. We, grind al our sausage and feel satisfied that if you want clean, sweet meats tha you can do no bettes than let us serve you. A. H. WILLIAMS. tion and he. urged al members to pay their $1.00 in dues either to Dr. Ed wards or. to the Director from their district in order that the premiums might ' be paid soon as possible. Mr. Lindsey spoke especially of the in terest shown in the exhibit of grasss in the Juvenile Department and also in the Lave Stock, and hoped that everyone who owned stock would ex hibit next year. Mr. Sams made a, short talk urging that the community Fairs be con tinued both in order to . stir up in terest in the County Fair and because there are people who have no way of getting to the County Fair who need the inspiration of them. He declared that it was a reflexion on Polk Coun ty and created a wrong impression amqpg visitors that onlv three pens of full bred poultry were exhibited when there might just as well have ben one hundred. He also urged that" Polk try to establish for herself the reputation of having the best bred live stock in the country. He maintained that if one was to have the best stock it would mean the . best crops and that in turn would mean the best soil. umcers ior iyzu were elected as follows President W. T. Lindsey Vice President G. H. Holmes Secy. Mae Irene Flentye Treas. C. E. Shore It was moved, secondecTand carried that there should be a" director and alternate from each township so that m case of sickness or other unavoid able circumstances there would at ways be a representative It was also voted that the Director for the Coun ty Fair shoud be the Chairman of the Community Fairs if that v could pos sibly be arranged. The Directors were elected as follows. . Columbus Township E. W . S. Cobb, Director; L; H. Cloud, Alternate. White Ook Township-J. M. Lewis, Director; J. T. Waldrop, alternate. oopers Gap Township Mr. T. F. Mills, Director; J. W. Biddy, Alter nate. . ;l Greens Creek Township Mrs. J. M. Walker, Director; John Weaver, Alternate. in cases for selling liquor, and got 6 months in one case and 4 in another; judgement was suspended in the third one. Lovlace Kice, convicted of sell ing liquor, judgement suspended on payment of the cost and the defendant to leave the State. Rice was another colored transportation Co., of Spart anburg, S. C. Mrs. Dasie Davis wad tried for an assault and a mistrial was had in her case. Mr. Thomas Pace, was acquitted of selling liquor. Jesse Pace was con victed and appealed to the supreme court. Mr. C. C. Jones of Green River cove, was found guilty but the judge sat the verdict aside, stating that he did not feel that Mr. Jones was guilty. This was one of the cases in which there was a still found by the officers some where in Mr. Jones community and some person other than the officers cohcieved the idea that it was Mr. Jones, still. Herbert 'Arledge was convicted 1 of making liquor and released on pay ment of the cost, on account of his un healthy condition. " There was a number of cases of different natures that was carried over to the next term of court. The only case of any importance was that of the state against J. T. Green and Eugene Norman for mur der, this is the case in which it was alleged that J. T. Green and Eugene Norman killed a -Mr. Patterson, at Tryon, N. C. some' time ago r there was no bill found as to Mr. Green but a true bill as to Norman. Mr. Nor man was convicted and given twelve months on the public roads of Burke County. News reached the officers of this County Saturday night that Elis Peeler who was sent to the road in Burke County at the last term of this court for disturbing public jyvorship had escaped. o Will You Spend 50c On Rat-Snap to Save $100? Best Pig, B. Willis, first J. F. Black, second. Best Boar, any age, J. F. Black, first; ' IB Willis, second.. Best Sow any age, B. Willis. Best Pen Columbian Wyandoottes, J. H. Hughes. Best pen Buff Orpingtons, J. F. Black Best pen White Leghorns, B. Willis. HILL flPBIWa Rev. Shelton preached his ' last sermon Sunday, he will leave for con ference this week. All who went to the fair last week report a nice time. It certainly was grand to see the nice produce which is being grown in Polk County. Why not begin now to prepare for the fair next year.. Mr. J. M. Lewis and family, attend ed a family reunion at Landrum S. C. last Sunday. : Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hampton visited relatives here Sunday. Come to Christian Endeavor . next Sunday. (at Bethlehem) Topic: "Ways of Spending Sunday" Miss Lizzie Dal ton and brother Joe. were welcome guests at Sunny Brook Four of Mrs. J. R Foster's sisters came up from Greenville last Wed nesday to spend the day. Little George V. Brisco is at home again after a short visit with rela tives at Ruth, N. C. ' .. -, . ' ; " ... " Estates Iroir iFannrn. Daocfls or town property These Rats Wouldn't Eat My Grams." Says Fred Lamb. Best i CCC3CCS3CSC3CCC3CCC3CSC3CSSCOCCC0CCC3C3S3CQCO0Cetni It's hard to keep rats out of a feed store. Tried for years. A neighbor ing store sold me some RAT-SNAP. It worked wonders. " Gathered up dead rats every morning. Bought more RAT-SNAP. Haven't a rat now. They wouldn't eat my best grain when I threw RAT-SNAP around." Three sizes, 25c 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Co., and Ihe Carolina Hardware Co. NOTICE. Having qualified as executrix of the estate of B. D. Wiliams, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said de ceased to present them to the under signed executrix for payment within one year from this date or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. - This 15th day of October 1919. EMMA C. WILLIAMS Executrix. Tlhofft Oay AIRE REAL DAYS The time for saving and getting ahead in the game v of life is NOW. With a Bank Account staHed and steadily growing you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving that comes from naughtTelse. The best way is to come in and start an account to day. Don't delay on account of the amount you have for the start. ' ; BAN M, of ALU OA Capital $10,000.00 SaBudia, N. C. JOHN B. CANNON, Pre. , PRfSTON H. BAtlEY, Casfc. Wanted In Green river cove, 8 miles northeast of Saluda to prepare land for stock raising and fruit. WiU sell the timber on 300 acres of virgin forest for immediate removal, either as a whole or in sections. Usual va rieties, mostly oak, pine, chestnut, etc. Lumbermen will do well to in vestigate at once. E. J. Bradley & Sons. I&Twl SEPD-PASTE PAOOTS BEST THAT CAN BB UADB y O Costtd"you $325 a Q&Ion when made ready to use RECOMMENDED DY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER AO YEARS O Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agents or t LONGMAN & MARTINEZ Manufacturers New York One' 50c pkg. can kill 50 rats. The average rat will rob you of $10 a year in feed, chicks and property destruct ion. RAT-SNAP is deadlv to rats. Cremates after killine. Leaves no smell. Comes in cakes. Rats will pass up meat, grain,, cheese to feast on KAT-SNA1 Three sizes. 25c. 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed bv The Balleneer Co. and Carolina Hardware Co ' o- i ' FIELD DIRECTOR AT TRYON. A very well attended meetinc of th Red Cross was held at the Trvon Graded School last Sunday afternoon. 1 ho mPPTlTl cr wraa rnnA sm. baiuda iownship G. R. Thompson, notice, in order that our people mirfit 11 ? i m w nave me opporniiy oi nearing some thing of the peace time program of me iNationai organization. Alter the invocation bv t.h "Rav Dr. Daniels, Mr. Dwight S. Bayley Director of the Bureau of Camp Ser vice, Department of Military Relief, of the American Red Cross, was intro duced and in a very illuminating ad dress made it perfectly clear that the time for retirement of activities on the part of the Red Cross is not arriv ed; but that more than ever thare is now need for keeking the organiza tion together, and preparing for relief work which is even now Aoyaa most and for the demands which are bound to come Deiore the country settles down to normal conditions. The The 'WiW n: i. 1. T . T5 rvi . wuuu,a note oi warn- v.vvwuu uj, a j-ziiccuir at i.ito in? as to r no nnacn.. r i t in4. 4.. . Z. . j r oojr ui uwng pre- rc w uie uoara of Directors ior sucn an emergency as the themselves. ; : , r return of . the Influenza enidemir. nnH On motion of t? w c r. l - lnakmfif sanitary conditions' bet- - "vviu" wx n w. e. L'Oob it was i ter: anv constmf . l , I '. . ' . - ,vtv. TYUXJEL 111 LTie uuammuusiycwered that the ' Pollc matter of ; .preventinir r siden ia i,ounty.Fair Asaociation, in regular JPSWS11 , n hm the compass Director, Albert Sally, Alternate. Tryon Township J. F. Black, Dir ector; C. M. House, Alternate Mr. ti. Holmes moved that the names of exhibitors together with their townships be placed on exhibits u not before as soon after they had been judged as possible so that viz a . ltors might know who , owned the creditable exhibits. The motion was carried. It was the sentiment of the meet J1 a . . tnat a one day Fair was the oawsxeittury, wim som3 - prcvicion case of rain. e A m Auto parts and accessories and mechanics to install them properly for yob. ' . h and Tubes Our Public Service Cars can make that trip quicker and more comfortably for you. 2-1917 1-1918 Ford Tong Cars, second-hand, for sale. ..... : - er-Morris Motor Co. FORD SERVICE STATION ' Tryon, - N6rth Carolina rvv We are somewhat overstocked on rugs, and beginning on (VIONDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1919 we will give 10 PER GENT DISCOUNT ... j on all sizes. These run from the small to the 9x1 2 in grass fibre and wool. We have a f ew of the Artox and Cfej in the small sizes at practically the prewar prices and several 9 by 12 Brussels at less than current prices. While looking for' these y6u can always find first grade new merchandise at less than real wortn. Outlines covers everything!11 dry goods, clotiv ing, shoes, hats, groceries, - feed stuffs, f urnitur and house furnishings. -. Our Prices are Right. The IBalfeiTigeir Co. Tryon, FOR EVERYTHING North Carolina I i i il i of the Red Cross wbrk.

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