IMPORTANT NEWS THE WORLD OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINQ8 OF THI8 AND OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN DAYS GIVEN THE NEVSOFTHE SOUTH What It Talcing Waoe In Tht Sout. land Will Be Found In DrUf Paragraphs The Southeastern Fair, an annual event at' Atlanta," Ga.j threw open its doors Saturday, October 11, and will remain" open until October 18. Every one of the big exhibit buildings was ready for the opening, t something unique for fairs. ' The Republican leaders in the Sen ate boldly claim that 49 senators will support the Johneon amendment to the peace treaty. This is the amendment designed to give the United States an equal number of votes with Great Britain. Gabriele Hansen, self-styled psycho analytical detective of Memphis, Ten nessee, who has brought about the arrest of three persons in connection with the murder of Robin J. Cooper, appeared at the office of the district Rttornfiv at NnshvlllA nnd fh rltat.rlr.t Foreijrn ' ; attorney makes the statement that Advices to Helsingf ors, Finland, re- the package contained convincing evi port Nikolai Lenine, the . Russian Bol- dence of the detective's power. The shevik premier, has been placed un- district attorney says that Hansen is der arrest in Moscow. Leninle is said a genius, and has given the best prac to have ordered the arrest of Trotzky, tical analysis of a baffling case which but, like Haman, found himself in the the police had given up that he has toils. ever heard. sheviki is reported in full swing in killed two policemen and got away, Moscow. J,, hut a searching party Js hot on his The -German , government's appeal trail. to General von der Goltz's troops to To encourage the building of homes, withdraw from the Baltic provinces a federal system of home-loan banks has proven successful. The troops is proposed by the department of la- have declared themselves willing to bor. This is a measure which was return. . warmly advocated by the Progressive The British steamer Sizerga Castle party, which died in Chicago in 1916. has been sunk at sea. The Afel re ports she has taken the crew of the I Washington British steamer on board. The country's enormous corn crop A Helsingf ors dispatch says the Bol- has run unharmed the gauntlet of shevik government is willing to begin dangers that it faced during the peace discussions with representatives doubtful days and nights of Septems of the Baltic states at Dorpat, Llvo- Der and lays into the lap of mellow NEW BUREAU OF MINES LABORATORIES IN PITTSBURGH i m ' mm 2; mm imw m - - - jmm WFm mmm mmm v TO Nip r K . SPEAK ENGt 1 ri::;iisS.Vi-i4-k23'l iS:iWV."W"l I5K. NECESSITY FOR An elaborate program-was arranged for the formal' dedication. September to October 1, of these -iiew labora tories of the federal, bureau of mines In Pittsburgh. Inset is a portrait of Dr. Van H. Manning, director of the bureau. LEGISUTI Mn M" ' Those Wh, . and 0"' 0ppo Washington. lity, Ame ncan; II Help Out Jfarm .Profts Full and Fair Replies When the Enumerator Calls Are Likely to Aid the: Farrner to Success Every Question Be Asked Is an Essential Question Not Too Early ; to Get Facts Ready for Census Man, ' SEEK JOBS FOR CONVICTS (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Apiculture.) Washlnenn - Vhlpn th tvnsna pnn- nia, it Is declared by the Soviet for- October 43,000,000 bushels more of merator comes around to the farm eign minister. npenea ears man it could promise at shortly, after Jnnuarv l Wt vmf. he . . ... ' I k V I 1 .!!.. I ' " ' a rencn major and tnree soldiers r!.uefiluuul5 ot e onw. will ask some anestlons that mav were wounded In a riot at Sarrebruck. Slow but continued progress over a ound'llke prying into the purely per- m occupied Germany. The riot is said Period of several days has brought sonal affairs of the farmer Now the fc have grown out of a labor demon- such an improvement in President farmer.' like every other aelf-resneet- .tmtiAn .w.n. vj-u u Wtkni,'., nnHtin .t- -v-, lttrmer,- use every ouier seir-respect-. ing in which the Spartacans joined announce that he is much stronger. ZJlTV 1,?! ish government passes to another. No m gthe developments in the disposal sooner is the railway men's wage cri- surplus sea Island cotton now in thinks . about this thing In advance, may have a disposition to be unrespon sis surmounted or deferred than the the hands of the government. Sena- H? tf V1117 reslstant. miners demands for the nationalize- tor William J. Harris stated that a tion of m.nes confronts the cahinet. I great many inauiriea wem hainf mad Denial that the JaDanese threaten, of the director of sales rnnrpmtn questioa ana Has a direct bearing on ed to back the Cosascks against the special cotton, and that a good price r16 personal welfare and prosperity Americans "in the recent incident at was expected to be secure dhefnr nv U1 lue mamauai larmer as wen as Iman, north of Vladivostok, or that more sales were maded. upon the advancement of the agricul any apology was demanded by the Much excitement in political circles ture of tb nation as a whole. Americans, is made a statement is- and extended comment in -the Dress When the bureau of the census de- sued by the Japanese general staff has been caused . by reported receipt j cMed to take the farm census in Jan- at Tokio. , of warnines from Great Britain on A Luary Instead of in Anril; it rfirt Rn Frequent introduction of anti-Japan- the United States to Italy with re- upon the advice of the United States ese legislation In the legislature of gard to the situation at Fiume, says a department of agriculture. The farm- caurornia is one 01 tne reasons for Rome dispatch. let is less likely to be very busy in irritation against the United States Legislation designed to put into ef- January than at the spring planting In Japan, said Baron Yoshiro Saka- feet the famous article 27 of the Mex- and breedlne season, and hu nrminnt.' tani, financial adviser to China, speak- lean constitution against which Amer- and live stock are in better shape for xxxB aw "W""6 uuuer uie auspices lean, tfriUSn. JUUtcn and rFench EOT. Statistical trentmont A1crt of the American-Japanese societies at ernments have protested on the (mention and there r nmKM Trsrt I ... . I w - " V " v kwutiow uicurtuBerieu iu me agricultural tion of foreign owned netroleum de. UOTnestlC posits, has met with a check in the UnitnH uu a Forty-seven airplanes, piloted with Mexican senate. That body refused aeriraitnr n-na orMnt(nn AmA..n tlU. I u vtit ""'"i'D 4 vw w,vw uiin,o I tlCUll Ul flO,VUV,UUV LU UlLTallie. i UlB the continent and return, in the great- money will be used for the purchase est speea, endurance and reliability of United States goods. A. 1. J 1 A H I contest iu msiory, wnne irom aan Concentration of nracticallv all Francisco -fifteen planes took the air available army flying stations along ior me ease this rnnntrv at tho oir atatinno lnn Eight accidents in -which three per- the southern border has been announe. sons were killed and one injured had ed by the war department under "rec been reported to the headquarters of ommendation of the director nf ii. tne American riymg Club at Mineola, service. wnicn is co-operaimg witn. tne army Heavily increased use of air service in conducting the great candv. soft drinks ice rrm nrf nth. A. 11 LI 1 . . I ' " " irau-Diazing aenai contest. a- iTiirios in tho TTnit gqa, Judge Elbert H. Gary, of the United hne the first nine months of iqiq it States Steel Corporation, a represen- is announced hv the United stntoa - , T. . . ... . I . w.vW lauve oi tne unsuspecting puDllc, nas ear etmalization hoard, means tht unconsciously, projected into the na- such over-indulgence in sweeU "must tional industrial conference the issue EOw be curtailed in some sections of upon wmcn tne paney oetween ,capi- the country for the next three uu anu iaDor promises to iuncuqn or months." ioii.. aue national sieei striKe Drawers of checks who have no oners one oi me iunaamentai dll- fnds in the hnir tn ferences between employers and em- going to find much harder sledding ployes which must be dealt with be- after the new banking law goes into lualcllal Piugieas can DO AffAnt on Jnniiarv 1 H5(V Thn a made. The employers and organized law makes the drawing of a check iauyjl "ay" wonie to griys over tnis is-1 without funds to cover it prima facie T. . ... . .. . evidence of fraud. All that the so- marneu aoiks yam oy iar xne larg- H.itnr -will hovo to rt wiii'W ,t,K. est proportion of the revenue derived the hd chv T),Dn i k from the.income tax during the calen- tn thA )ir,(,wi1,tn'flhnw ,Q fI Is trying to aid the farmer. Here are some questions that will be asked : "Do you own all of this farm?' "Do you rent from others part but not all of this farm?" MDo child Is grown the farm paid for and the money that used to go to pay off the mortgage available for sending the children to college. V Now to the department of agricul ture that looks like a thoroughly nor mal, healthy and beneficial process. To Just the extent that tenancy leads to farm ownership, it is a good thing for the country and for the individual. Full Answers Essential. But it has not been possible to get a complete, nation-wide survey of the situation. The forthcoming census offers the opportunity for doing that If every farmer will answer the enumerator's questions fully and fair ly the department of agriculture will have the data from which to analyze the situation accurately and to deter mine what things can be done to best advantage to help the tenant in his aspiration to become a farm owner. One of the directions that aid may take Is encouragement of rural cred- '-.w ! jfl . & v" 011 1 in in k- in fort ue an imn,Jr,,l declared Senator 3? chairman of the ,,7 01 C tee. which re S" ""O "on of the Uzei ? -burffh dctr.; inKe m tha Asserting that abont v steel workers are of f ' lf ti, cannot read, write or SD"?lrtHj Senator Kenyon said 2 J S aims of Congress as ft , N committee inquiry ahouwT f canization legislation be In a formal statement Se yon said: beilatoru "I do not desire to discus v strike nor the reanZ'; therefor at this time n aDie tee has not as yet complete! vestlgation. I think it p say, however, that , IssliH turned from the PittsburX strongly in favor of some a m zation bill. 80me Amenc When you find that h 8nni these mills over 60 p workmen cannot read, write 0tL , the American language; h necessary in these mils t nv,,?a to. in all kinds of langW timo for the a ' timo for the American Dflnnlo sented by the American-ft givo determined consideraUon ! some plan of affording these fowl citizens an opportunity to learn 2 the institutions of America stand to w Americanized. "Many of those who cannot speai our language are yearning to hn it and want the opportunity tn i. about our institutions. Most of ftea Dr. E. E. Duddlng, founder and head ita finding 'all of the ways possible of, the Prisoners' Relief .society, and have subscribed for Liberty h!!? . ..rt,iUS ic juuuB ioiujw tu gi uu uHsisiani, aiiss uveiyn Abbott, out now can they know am), the monev that he needs tn hnrmw it Th KnHotv ha - - i vt tuuiicu a. tauiyaigu i auuui Amenc? . institutions tha America's la. dar year 1917, but single men who are "heads of families" and other single men also contributed a considerable amount. ' A national budget system complete- it without criminal intent Col. Rudloph Medek, chief of the mu- reau of military affairs and represent ia uw.esary, inereiore, to Know what to raise a million dollars from a mil- they cannot speak yrupuruou OI larmers wno aavance non people. One of Its rhipf npHvi- mm irom lenanis to owners Have "to bor- ties Is the placing of ex-convicts in rOW tnOtlPV tn mnlra tha KhnnaiD nrA I cnlfakln 4.K. K W 1 t i i . I . . : " """- juus, uuving Deen piacea duim SIDES CLAIMING uw iuui;ii. iu proporuon to total last year. , The headauarters of th rsAiMe .m value of the farms bought, they have society are In Washington. Doctor 1 L tO bOrrOW. I rliHrllny la hlmcnM t I niu.i . . w - u te. mm unrri nil w- . i ' i ,v r w a rm w rm w r j i , . v,a&su4.fejj. olcci iUinpanies waow xne roaa toward ownership does has devoted his life to orison relief nlanta not necessarily start with tenancy. A work without pay. bureh dstHot t nH ESfiZff armwn were flrst : steady progress toward normal co farm hands then tenants, then owners tions. No announcement of additio, with a mortgage, then owners debt ng to do In aid of the farm popula- al mills startins- nn rm frL I free. The census will show, if the tion of this country. In order to do there Tin th many years, if any. every farmer ment needs as full information as reported as having begun operation,. II" V " "uw ia? Ia nnmes Neither were there any claims made J :",ry . PP? Ior com" of large numbers of men returning to .vi uuu luuveuieuce. Another Way to Help. Every farmer will be asked how many acres of drained land he has and how many other acres of land there are on his farm that could be made suitable for cultivation if they were tile-drained or ditch-drained. When these questions are asked you. work fn plants that have been working. LITTLE CHANGE NOTICED IN PRESIDENT'S HEALTH tative of the Czechoslovak ministry ,f Yo" A,m .to c,imb Th' Ladder, Tell the Census Enumerator All the nf r in RlhoHo -nrVir. la . nTnoV. I nuuui I uurseiT OO nat tne Gavrnmnt f Ui w-.. ly reforming the existing finanr.iai L .r U - H , - . . lugiua, ciiargea inai, me uzecno-olO- " . - - A. : : plan of the government has been fa- vv a' ia tho nr.ov nf ,,lQ you rent , from . others all of this vorably reported by Chairman Good and is seeking the aid of the United 'If you rent all of this farm. oT the senate committee on budget. states m getting the soldiers back wfaat , do you pay : as rent?" "If you The measure provides that the presi- home own all or part of this, farm, was dent shalhsubmit a budget to the con- . i." there any mortgage debt or other en- p-rpsft fnRteAd nf the nmcont ,iroam I "hj iciiuncu mbcs ui itt- of "estimation. ing at the naval academy at Annapo lis has been ordered by Secretary cumbrance on' the land so owned on January 1, 1920?" "What was the to tal amount of debt or Incumbrance on t Federal control of commerce in ki. th. DOfflJa f sugar unUl December 31, 1920, to pre- lowed the reported attempt at suicide land on m farm owne1 b Jan- 7aenCrTf PfS t0. ?on4svumer8' by two midshipmen, which reports uary 1-1920 is proposed in a bill sent to the sen- uavik oaM ' Q MOu PertinentNot ImDertlnent. ate .committee . Inyestfeating the sugar by UDTOr ciMsmen. Secretary Daniel. "What the Sam Hill" you may In STSf '.tXtamM "I would have no hesitancy ta Quire, "has the government got to do vw. wuumiououuu. I ,,,AA Wltn nOW milCtl mnnov I nnra An iOAVClllUg UUUU1CU IXllUBUlJlUOU UUm I vns UU ' XUjr the academv if I found thev had hoon laud?" Well, two of the things fn uest o oui. oi games is champion implicated in hazing of any descrip- which the department of agriculture ot tne baseball world. The Cincinnati tion." has been giving deepest thought dur- ;STi rong ior cnicago, The senate military committee has ing tne Past 8everal are farm many 4resPectfK greatest unanimously recommended the appro- tenancy and rural credits. The past BMt tn fha VnaL-" priation of fifteen .; million dollars for inree censuses nave shown an in WW M I A I u MA. A A I maOOA in thA 1 1 M m i tximy coustrucuon. i uuuiucr ui tenants, nuaareas ol persons, neaaea by t..q.ii. nmi.nii m-i,-- AiarmiBts. have felt and snid va4 r1 imm . . .. . .. - I iJOUUUD WUl lCM X LL. W1UUW 1 . -v. -.A V S Ti T w 8 aepulles en" George' B. Pickett, the fam- tne country is going to the bow-wows S ?nt lr aina?n?n,d WOm- one Confederate leader, is slowly rt the landlord route. The department Shhk'SJ covering at her home in Washington o; agriculture, however, looked into tt;; ma.uer as wen as was able, and SawvVr Sawver is in Ta critical onT tIon DrouKnt on by overwork during rerusea to be alarmed. Where At was fZZ ' Sawyer ls in a critical con- the worid war. Mrs. Pickett had in- able to make surveys it discovered The fortv-fourth tri-ennial rnT,J fend?d to go to the Atlanta reunion, that while the number of tenants 25 tion of , e . Protestant Episcopal t W 1!! ??10 890. Church is In session to Detroit, Mich. comnivi wifh m,;,... -a Buuwuvus uiauw The convention will last three weeks r.J'Z "!"1"1 ukkwuo. and many of . the most prominent 7i, t 01 E ine ttPr? churchmen of the country ire in at- "lif.?0"11116 ha , , - - - ow a Brir I irivavi ci-aAA4Ml i .a. m. tanHA... Tmtinrtant nravfir W , wurucuong W ail tne vision HI be made. v ' : ' ,0 "Mhe. the number of tenants 45 years old ivas considerably smaller in 1910 than in 1900 or 1890. The Inference is that tenancy is a step toward ownership, that t the young fellow .who becomes a tenant larmer wnen he marries, say, is likely Washington. President Wilson'! condition remains muci the same as for several days said a bulletin issued remember that they are asked every Dy hIs Physicians. one of your neighbors. Possibly you Dr- Grayson said that while w. have a tract of land that would be would insist that thei president the most productive field on your main quiet and not participate in af farm if you could get the surplus wa- airs of state, some occasion might ter out of it, but you can not do it arise where he would have to gi because, to be effective, the drainage his consent to the president taking el- ditch would have to go far beyond ecutive action. He added that tht tne Doraers of your own farm, would president's mind was clear. nave to be a county enterprise, and the county has not seen fit to do any thing about it If that be trueseveral of your neighbors have land that snoum be drained. If all of you tell Washington Imminence of another the census enumerator how many test of strength in the senate contro acres you have that need drainage, versy over the German peace treaty the department of agriculture will overtops in interest and important have the facts' to show what is needed all matters likely to come before con- worked for wages' how nun, 1 "-""""""y. wnen the oppor- gress for several days, beaaen. - he was a tenamTaid how maLy yeS " Wl" be ,n P- treaty light regard an early ha v,o0 i . - w uo wnat ir may to secure fnr what you need. v La(lt am aaan qa hone that with-. . CkO MOttlVU y amenoiu""' ANOTHER TEST OF STRENGTH IMMINENT OVER PEACE PACT he has been an owner. The depart- "ityii 01 agriculture will have the basic Information It needs to help men to success in farm ownership. Other Important Queues. Those things are fairly typical ' of in ten days all other the questions that will be-asked in can be disposed of. tuiviug me agricultural census. In o answer all of the questions STRIKE OF LONGSHOREMEN IS DENOUNCED BY G0ir- Here are some other questions that I lntell?.SWlyf the farmer will have to will be asked: "Has th.a think about the matter miA ka phone?" "Is water piped into the the; enumerator 'calls on him. He ought New York The longshoremen operator's house?" "Has the opera- ffrr the most &ccur- strike was denounced as a riolj tors house xras or eientri. itu ote information he n KTh.tth. ii .j.fnis of k an eirort to m . . cnuuieraior is American Federation oi ... find out whether or not the farm fam " r of other rJmper,. president : ."r T? 'orts-nd it iLJS?, ? American Federate of.r ucic "4uisiiiveness. Sev eral months ago. when the bureau of farm management was in process or reorganization the secretary of agriculture called a conference of heads of schools, social workers and wtTm a". Ver the country. When the people were assembled in Washington, he asked their opinion as to the most useful thing that could be done by the office of farm manage ment. For a whole day those people 5 matter Just ore night with a score of items on the ballot, they took a vote. The work of promoting the ' Mmfn T o " - vuuiiurr n n n venience of the farm home received votesVerWbelmlnS majonty ot the Love for Hairless Dog Lands Mexican in Jail Dallas. Tex. His love for a hairless dog from Chihuahua, the homeof his birth, got Jazza Morales In jail this weeky ;The dog catcher hooked the Mexi can's canine and took him to the city pound. v Morales went to the pound and demanded his friend. When he was refill he broke the gates down and J aucuiyicu iu iaKe tne dog. He was arrested. Morales' canine -f .b. . farm own.,, before hi, nrstlthe ntZ- .ifJSSJSriJ S .Lhe. m tha, If ...thers-theigas rohte. iKAn . I .. " .1 li ffl U,ly" Hundreds pf,t being planned agains. ate si O'Connor- i Tinf president oi me lul 1 frike va shoremen's Union. The stn jf unauthorized by the union a flC 'O'Connor has endeavored to the men to return to work. CLEMENCEAU ANNOUNCES WILL LtAVc - Paris. Premier Georpes ti i- has declared to a number o that he has made up his mm eeC the; cabinet after the coming tions. . the c5 : The premier, speaking ou f tl, troversy which has arisen gaf government's plan, is P ts iefi ing he knew fresh o- tnj. nf fcrinerinr on A t the. cabinet's general pd

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