POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA INN 111 BY KENTUCKY cTRENUOUS EFFORT IS BEING MADE TO COLLECT TAX ON FLAGLER BEQUEST. STRONG POINT IS AT ISSUE I, Law Affecting Educational Insti tutions 4n One State be Held Effective In Another SUte? Raleigh. ittomev-General J. S. Manning is Louisville, Ky., def ending . for the rnlvefritv of North Carolina a suit in tituled Iby the State of Kentucky to liect $225,000 inheritance tax "from ! t part of the Flagler estate left the Sversity of North Carolina in the -mi nf Mrs. Bingham. , ' I r!11 maintain 4 ....cUv nf North Carolina' h-,-" j,o I ;Hlvci - ' - . n eflucauouai lusuiuuuu, is ci- mnt from this tax under the laws of state 01 Jentuc.y. xuw irwini. si urawor is the aiif9tfr icanP. - BJ" ' . 1 TT J 11 I I hpthef or not me university, Deing educational institution of another will be allowed tne same ex- motion accorded to a Kentucky in - . W 1 1 1 -3 1 .titrtion. judge manning noius iuai the Kentucky law would exempt the vnrth Carolina institution as well. ' . tr A. 1 -1 f i - if the state 01 rveuiutity wms in its effort to collect the mnentance tax the university win nave to aevote us income from tnis source to uie pay 0ent of the tax for three years.-; Condition of Cotton Bad. . The North Carolina cotton crop is ii : ; producing as smau a yieiu per acre as at any time in more than twenty years. The total production - will be the smallest within ten or more years, notwithstanding the known gradual increase in acreage, since that time, to meet the world needs. Over four per cent in abandonment of acreage has occurred with a decline of twenty two per cent in condition since July 1st DuringSeptember, there was a decline of nine per cent in condition of the crop. This is the remarkable information just issued by the Field Agent of the Co-operative Crop Re porting Service representing the Fed eral and State Departments of Agri culture; and it is based- on the con servative estimates of hundreds of ex perienced reporters, mostly reputable tanners. " "The present prospects .indicate a state average of 61 per cent. " Grimes Explains Position: ,. Secretary, of State J car in Virginia carrying Nortn Caro- 7 Va T I W1U1 ctory. numbers mu tilated and the arrest of the owner, declared that this i a - , wv,v .XT r ims 18 a matter in which North Carolina ha no concern. m my recent letter to th tary ;of the Commonwealth vu. glnla," said the Secretory of State "I was In no way attempting to protect y citizen or North Carolina "who violates' the . law, of Virginia. I was oniy protesting against a throat which, if carried out, would work a tremendous hardship upon innocent and . law-abiding North Carolinians. ' Goea After Auto Dealers. " v ; State Treasurer B. R. Lacv is -come after automobile dealers in the' state selling cars without the $500 dealers license. Two cars have been levied on, by direction of the state treasurer, m L,aurmburg, two in Winston-Salem and one in Elizabeth City. The shbriffs of the counties will be notified to; levy on all cars sold by dealers who have not either the $500 dealer's license or the $5 duplicate from the office of the secretary of state. , COATS THAT COMBINE CHARM AND UTILITY BROTHER . AGAINST BROTHER Quality Only at State Fair. ' Farmers of North Carolina should be especially interested in the prizes offered by the fair association for the hest collective agricultural exhibit; by any individual farmer in the state. says Mr. C. B. Williams, director of the field crops department of te state. Fair this year. A total of about $500 is offered under this head, the first premium being $100 cash; the second, $75,- the third, $50 and the next eleven, each $25. All of the products ' exhibited must have been grown 6n the exhibitors' own farm, and it . will be to his advantage to have them well prepared and arrang ed so as to.be of the greatest educa tional value. Former Mayor McNineh Enters Con ' test Again 'His Brother, present Mayor of Charlotte. : R DANIELS TO Charlotte. S. S. McNinco, former democratic mayor of Charlotte, .later. unsuccessful republican candidate for Congress, and a bother of Mayor Frank R. McNineh, has thrown his hat into the recall ; election ring . as candidate for mayor, making the race a three-cornered affair. s . The recall election will be held on Tuesday,5 October 21, according to a resolution prepared by the city attor neys;. Vwhich ; will be adopted by the, city commissioners, according to an announcement of Mayor McNineh. u. o. c. coiirai DELIVERS ADDRESS AT NIGHT SESSION BEFORE HUNDRED8 . f -v OF RAPT LISTENERS. .' . S' LOVES . HER COUNTRY MORE United Daughters of Confederacy an Important Factor In Making World Better, Spiritually and Morally. Roxboro. Roxboro is evperiencing as much if not more building than ever in its history. Raleigh. Hon.' James Iredell John son, mayor for more than twelve a a m mm at r-k years, ana meiong resiaeni oi tai eigh, died at Hot Springs, Va., less than two days after he was stricken with paralysis. Lumberton. The "State of Robe son," largest cotton producing coun ty in North Carolina, and the largest county in the state, has completed its full organization for the campaign lor membership for the North Carolina division of the American Cotton Association. Form Inter-Racial Council. The. formation of an inter-racial council to maintain friendly relations ' between the races of Wake county was announced by Governor Blckett following a conference with leading white men and negroes in his office., This is to be followed by similar, or ganizations ln every county in ;the state. . ''- '. ' " Intrastate Telegrams. In an opinion written by Chief Jus tice Walter Clark, the North Carolina Supreme court held that a telegraph message originating in one town of this state with its objective in another is an intra-state message, if the tele graph company has means of commu nication between the two towns in the state, in spite of the fact that the telegram may be relayed to points out of the state before reaching the place of delivery. Auto Theft Law. J . Washington. A national automo bile theft law, which has been advo cated by numerous North Carolinians in letters to members of the Tar Heel delegation, was finally passed by the senate. The bill already had passed the house and soon will . become a law. . . '" Executive Clemency Extended. TJry Tallent, Burke county moun taineer, who is serving an eight-year sentence in the state prison for mur der in the second degree, was par donedJ'6onditionally by Governor Blck ett upon the ecommendation of Soli citor R. L. Huffman, who prosecuted the case, and a petition signed by county officials and a great number of responsible citizens ot the county. Who Broke the Line? Who broke the Hindenburg line? If one reads only the great metropolitan dailies he will come to the conclusion that the deed was done by the 27th division alone. But Gen. Lawrence U Tyson,. who was there, says: "The 27th did not break the Hindenburg line because the 30th broke the line first." . General Tyson is going to come to Raleigh on November 21st and ".ell the North Carolina State Literary and Historical Association how it was done. Now is the time when the warm coat for midwinter comes up for consider ation and the buyer goes cheerfully forth to see what she can see. She is destined to find quite a number of new coatings represented in . thick,' soft weaves and, if gifted with a retentive mind, she may be able to commit their various , names to memory. They all seem to ? be variations of cloths that we have known in the past as Bolivia, zibeline; duvetyn rough mixtures and other heavy, wooly fabrics that are cozy, looking. Some of them we know to b6 strong and sturdy, others look as promising. Taken as a whole, coatings are richer looking than they have ever been, which is a pleasant thing to contemplate and measured by prices they certainly ought to look rich. . ;4 . . . .7' :; Some of the new coats are extrava gantly high priced and there has been an Increase in nearly all of them. The cheerfulness of the buyer is apt to be somewhat dampened unless her purse is long, for fur-trimmed coats must be classed among the luxuries of the Gate&ville. The people of Gates county gathered at Gatesvillo to do honor to the white boys of the coun ty who took part in the world war and to the Confederate Veterans. It was a home-coming day long to be remem bered by the people of the county and the visitors present. High Point Expressing the firm belief that the war has presented to the TJ. D. C. unprecedented opportu-. nities for service, Mrs. Josephus Dan iels, wife of the secretary of the navy, addressed the hundreds of state U. D. C. delegates at their first night ses sion. ' , . "My recent trip to Europe with Mr. Daniels," began Mrs. Daniels, "taught me to love my country more than ever. It was surely an inspiring sight to see Old Glory proudly flaunting the midst of the national . emblems of so many other countries, and it makes one's bosom swell with pride to be privileged to acknowledge.' allegiance to our flag. v ' "The war was like a great divide- one stream flowing in one direction and one in the other. America has passed over this divide and is now en tering upon a new era. ; Never in the history of our great country have the United Daughters of the Confederacy had such unparalled opportunities for real service; never, before have we had the virtual 'made-to-order chances. America's task now Is to help make this world cleaner, spirit- rich. Pile fabrics are warm and rlcl looking and have proved to be most durable. Coats of these plushes sell Wilmington. Representative bust at a reasonable price and so do those ness men of Wilmington were told at ually and morally and in this task the xf heavy wools that are woven like a conference held here that the con- U. D. C.'s will play an important part steamer rugs of army blankets. Leath- J tinued operation ot the Carolina Snip er coats have been introduced to pro- building Corporation in -Wilmington Greenville. So far this season 9, vide warm coats at a medium price, ( would depend to a great extent upon 184,289 pounds of tobacco has been The two coats shown in the picture the housing problem in this city being sold on the Greenville market, and for this amount the growers have been paid $3,515,175.30, or an average of $38.27 a hundred. above are good examples of styles for successfully solved at an early date. all-round general wear. They are cut a . a . a M on the most practical lines witn mm- Black RIver Chapel, Ivanhoe, the fler collars, big pockets and roomy ... churcn .round which cluster tra- sleeves. The coat at the left has a h,lttnM l.9l. ancestral associations of Greensboro. Fire destroyed all in- narrow belt of cloth with long ends the emiirrants who came from the Isle struments, furniture, and records In of Arran in the year 1770 to 1774 was the office or tne western union ieie the scene of a happy .gathering, when graph company here, and did consid the Arron-on-Black River Literary erable damage to the six-story build- and Historical Society held Its first lag in which the office is located. annual meeting. that Iood over at the front. A few bone buttons make themselves useful for fastening at the waistline and col lar and ornamenting the cuffs.' ; In the coat at the right, the buttons are cloth-covered and the .... belt : slips through a slide at the front. A luxu rious collar of skunk fur may be brought up and fastened at the throat, in the face of stormy weather or, be fore the teeth of an icy wind.! These are both attractive coats and types of styles that are soft and becoming aa well as warm and durable. - Washington (Special). Former Congressman Lever, member of the farm loan board, has been forced to decline an invitation of the state ex- Alluring Veils for Autumn Hats Fifty Counties Order Tags. Fifty counties in North Carolina have ordered dog license tags under the North Carolina state-wide dog law, Major W. A; Graham, commis sioner of agriculture said. A total of H556 tags have been furnished the counties, and. Major Graham, expects Ue total to reach 120,000. Health Board Investigator. Mr. John F. Gordon, late of the'Pub Health Service has been appoint e special agent for the State Board of Health, to inspect hotels, all state Institutions, convict camps, and jails, Aw books of local registrars of vital statistics, and county quarantine officers. price of Bonds Rising. Bankers generally have expressed themselves as greatly Interested in the recent activity in the Liberty bond market, the substantial rise in nricea tending to indicate that the for mer low levels will not again be reached and that a par market or bet ter may soon be expected for all issues. To Aid Illiterates. "Our main purpose in the work of reducing Illiteracy in North Carolina is to help illiterates realize meir worth as citizens, each in his own community state and natlon,vand as such to provide means by which they may attain to the best possible citi zenship," says Miss Elizabeth Kelly, director of Community Schools for Adults in a special bulletin just issued on "How to Organize and Conduct tv Schools for Adults." VIWU .. JiI- Illiteracy, Miss Keiiy mamwu., does not mean Ignorance, it means a restricted chance. Cars for Print Paper. Washington. Senator Overman has sen up with the postoff ice depart Jfcat the question of estabHshlng a landing field for mail airships at eensboro. At the instance of several state Jespapers, Senator Simmons has aken UP with Director General Hines, or railroad administration, the latter of obtaining a more adequate s'ply of freight cars. Inability of Print-paper manufacturers to obtain rs threatens a serious shortage in ia:s commodity. An nual Conference D. A. R. The nineteenth annual conference ot the Dauehters nf th American Solution of North ""Carolina will and 6th. Ja accordance with the ruling ot the nierenpo - cnu jfoars ago, me uor There is something very alluring about veils. They are among the be longings of women, that are peculiar ly their own ; mere man having no share in this kind of apparel. The wedding veil is a vision that girlhood cherishes and thrills over. Veils are significant and charming and have in most cases no other season for exist ence. But they contribute to neat ness, if one must be practical, and Farm Work to be Shown. , . ara 0ften very flattering. It Is r.a f the exhibits of the coming 0iAmpnt of style In them, with be- State Fair. Which Js likely toattract jQgness, that makes them- dear to a great deal of attention, is that of the hearts of women and provides us TTnltad States Department of Agricul- wltn ever.Changing weaves and pat- i . . . 111 a A TnO I . at ture The exhibits win f terns to choose irom. nrimary purpose of making the farm- gome m0aistes have featured veils ir acauainted with the workings of ftn essential part of the trimming the department. ano,.wuw . of nats, in meir uispiays um- how they can make use of facilities 1Inery The all-over lace patterns ap- 4n Washington and other places. peaj t0 have given place to mesh veils ritv residents, too, will find much wlth DOrders, these borders being often n ; int-rest them, tor the work, of the , lace pattern or having a floral de- to interest . ' . ... - wMa and . , Volla oll onartment of agricuituxo Sign appneu w ; QeUttHUs. . I . . -l. o.l haoil -f-rn-m email anuui uic lu - and medium-sized hats in ways that seem casual but are not. They, are varied. . n!.k.aitnf(l. -8rI!IIinetoh (Special).-Any idea sometimes draped with the border rirlv vacancy-on the Supreme about the, hat and the plain edge hang- that an ea-liy . JHInn ... I x. J.t.ta la arnantlnnol - . v ig nicely. " iae tuuuiuuu . lng qowu, uui um cav.vhwv.uo Court bencn nanr?R Brown is OQriv niwavs the nlaln edge is placei 'aVa, 11 w I II .V! . M J V I al ' ' a? a . of Associate of said idea, Rbout the shape and the. border de- nearly always the plain edge is placed Kates and members of the confer- bom eniertainea in wo hrveSvf the iostes8 chapter. Salis W8 t facilitles will afford am bstIe8 fr aU delegates, and the gerr":iTated by the fine state fines' the. bottom of the veil. mt be aissipa-cu j 1 . , .i.nt r. . . iv and nis eaicr Ueaiku - - AmOng , the very elegant veils used of. the Juasc . gtate back on dresSy hats those of chantilly lace ness to get 4tl ,a life he s r rnnslcnous. The mesh is fine in these, ana tne uoraer a uurui yaLieiu above a scalloped edge usually. Black and taupe gray are the favored colors for veils, either color proving practi cal for the street and becoming to the ho hnch - ,:;.d to be in harness, he, so longed to be Q-. at . ; clif t0n he JudgeV nas en- ' I a 1 mt-r- . a-i mm naUUlrwa rnth, uVdergoi treatment fo. an attack. of neurasw ' Rocky Mount. The sales of leaf tobacco have been seriously inter f erred with during the past week with circus day and the county fair ecutive committee of the North Car- in progress the rest of the week. To- jolina Cotton , association to deliver the tal sales for the week approximate (principal address . at the meeting of one millipn pounds, which sold for an that organization at Raleigh on Octo- average ot $44.86 per hundred pounds, ber 21. making the total to date, as reported by the warehousemen, 7,215,217 WinstonrSalem This pity voted to pounds. issue $800,000 in bonds for the en largement of the public school racili- Chapel Hill. The university oi ties and $85,000 lor a new municipal, North Carolina flung wide her doors building. . tor the begkaning of the 125th session. The registration for this special The largest crowd of students which election only totaled 925. Only a few has ever assembled at Chapel Hill Is votes were cast against the bonds here and large numbers are still com ing. One thousand and seventy-six Lenoir. A tremendous -r crowd, a students had registered, ot whom 389 great picnic dinner served at the fair are freshmen, and long lines are out- grounds and an address by Cameron side -the. registration offices. Morrison, of Charlotte, featured the opening day of the Caldwell county Newton. Friends ot Rear Admiral fair, at which the county's veterans of Andrew T. Long, formerly ot this three wars the civil war, the Span city, and a brother-in-law of Mrs. T. ish-American war, and the world war W. Long of Newton, will be interested were special, guests. to learn of the recent honor bestowed irw Rpar Admiral Lone, who Salisbury. R. E Barringer has jVaa aaalllt - - a- is acting as escort to King Albert of gone to Mooresville( to meet the al- Belgium, and royal party, was decor- dermen of that place when a flnal de- ated by the king, together with two cision is to be reached as to whether other naval, officers on the steamship Mooresville will secure' for a public George Washington, which brought park a tract of 20 acres within the him across the Atlantic. town limits. , . Charlotte. With the Jrair oi tne oreensDoro. miss . v;atuenne m. Carolinas just a few days away, plans Campbell,, of Greensboro, a registered - ' . a. - - 11- fla AAM-klAfA f MP a.ma.a m tlfM ATflAFt At"! tl Till trofTI am a . a a aW4, n FU flT If'H 1 1 W I I 1 1 - I.IIJlIUlDbUU VWa JIIII no aB. WWa.VU OaV W Vat V W wearer, 'mere is a great variety 01 - . ' . mm v- ,i f, shapes in meshes-square, diamond one of :th grwto. thertajs T1 shaped, hexagonal and oblong, with held in Charlotte, Clarence O. . Rues- health nurse for Davidson coun all sorts of inconspicuous , crossbars ter, secretary, stated. ' . She began work m-f5un,"Te and figures to add Interest to them. All of the tents are up and midway days ago, being J"i.? Street veils have light woven-ln bor- getting in shape for entertaining partm.nt at .the .Reeds community ders and they are worn either hanging visitors from this and many counties, fair and the VOldHlckory" fair here free or fastened about the neck, after while the attractions this year are Wt tor. to observe the the manner of the three veils shown above the , standard previously main- work being done there by the infant in the picture. tained at the Fair of the carolinas. hygiene nurse. "VpIIs should ' h rrtpd nn pnd rp- lPPtPd fnr hprnmincmMs a hnt simnoii The Edenton Fair. I Rehearing for Asheville. ci .l. , w tuA Ttrifh nirift miles lust com-1 Asheville. The corporation com- ure. ouuie iiitronca uiane me iace iuuk jhuouhu. - - more youthful and ofhers seem to re- pleted .Edenton's several miles of mission wrote Mayor Gallatin Roberts, rQ.i nrWntiao iaoin nri ha ntHr ninhait street pavement which of Asheville, enclosing a copy of tne skin and bringing out color dark blue, has Just been completed, is one rea- transcript of Xhe hearing given om sapphlre, and national blue are all ef- son why the Chowan Fair Association cials of the Southern Bell and the fective. Taupe and black find "more will have the largest crowds and big- Asheville Telephone Company.- inter admirers than any other colors. gest fair in its history. All automo- directorate corporations on tne peti- There are some small face veils onlv hillsts will be tickled with the smootn tion of the companies ror continuance large enough to extend from hat brim rides Edenton's streets now delight of the increased telephone rates, ap- - to chin, and thev are made to be Unn with. The Chowan Fair Associa- plied under iederai control ana ex- pinned or to be slipped on and held tion holds its biggest and best fair, at plaining that if, after carefully study in place with small, round elastic cord. Edenton the last four days in Octo- ing the transcript, he still desires, to The floating veils shown at the right ber 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st The have a hearing, a' date will be ar- and bottom of the group are knotted faid will have many attractions. ranged. in at the back sometimes as in the tonnnn Turn-Kev Job. , Few Divorce Cases; y; a. Franklinton. The town aldermen Greensboro. Guilford Superior are advertising for bids for installing court for the trial of civil ;cases, be a complete water and sewer system gan with Judge T. D7 Bryson presid- ( for this prace. The bids will be open- ing Ten divorce cases claimed first ed on October 23rd, and the contract consideration, and in all cases the awarded at that time, provided satis- nlaintiff was successfuL The mini factory arrangements can be made er of divorces granted in this conn- In Small Furs. !. with the bidder. It is estimated that try during the year now exceeds iuu. In small furs there are noticeable the ' total cost to the' town will be This large number of cases is; at- stoles that may be adjusted so as to somewhere near $80,000 for a turn-key tracting the attention of social -wel-- be worn In several unique ways, and job." The water supply will he secur- fare workers. There - is ft general among the recently presented models ed by boring deep wells.-' There is to feeling that the number of divorces In ot this type are many of gray squlrre' I be two sewer outlets one to the cast I too large for a county tne size ox uuu- and of Hudson seal. 1 and the. other to the west I Cord. hat : shown at the upper left side. These are popular styles, soft, becom ing, and desirable. I ' ' ' I '" I t

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