i ' 2AKiWHi Tivhtf -lT07lTH CAROLINA - v.- -'. ". A. . . it: 1 t i' $ sir r t j' f . f,i- I.: i f i i TtE FCUC CQUHTY HB7S aiiH TRYOB BEE ;,;,';oi.Kdied Not, J . i" Published every Friday at TR YON. NORTH CAROLINA Telephone 99 Sat red as Mcond-class matter April 28, lftlS at ihm port office at Tryon, North Carolina, un der M act of March . 1879 C. BUSH, Publisher Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, B solutions of Respect, Church or Lodge Notices whm an admission f ee is charted, or for financia rain, will b charged regular advertising rates of Ire cents per line. - , THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, S25 West S9th Street. New York City.- is our sole jad exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. f ' " "Lonff May It Wave." A FRIENDLY TOWN WITH A HELPFUL SERVICE. Business not charity. It is said that charity should begin at home but when we say, "Trade in Tryon," , we are not speaking of charity at all but strictly of a business proposition one of benefit both to the frnaji;lo slls and the man who buys. Tryon is a good trading point. It's 'a liieT com.- m unity center. It's a friendly t ,twn with a helpful service a town where you get more for your farm produce" than elsewhere and we want ,to im press you with these facts and we take this means of talking , to you the good people who live in the Tryon trade territory. We believe in the progressive peo ple of this community. We. believe that 99 per cent of them really want to support the home business and professional man, the man who is at their beck and call everv day in the year and who is sincerely interested in the welfare of the community his home and the home of his family. And beieving thus our merchants are making every effort to serve efficient ly, to : live un to - their obligations as business men. They are " carrying well selected stocks, are selling on a fair and egitimate margin of profit and are extending ' every: courtesy consistent with good; merchandising. As to Mail order houses. They have no quarrel with the man who patronizes the mail order house. All they ask is that the people of this ter ritory give them a chance at their trade before sending their money away to strangers. Come in and com pare their prices and quality (don't forget the quality, please) with the pretty things you see PICTURED in the catalogue. Remember, you do not Tiave to pay for anything before you get it, and that their personal guarantee is behind everything they selL Their goods and their service must be satisfactory to you. They want to know you better. If you live in this territory and are not trading in Tryon, it may be their fault. If it is they want to correct it. Come in and let's -get betterVac quainted. Maybe we do not, under stand each other as we should. We want, to treat you fair in every way and we believe you want to do the same by us. A mutual understand ing between the business men of Tryon and the people of the surround ing trade territory must be of much benefit to all. Let's know each other better.. i MILLIQNS GOING INTO ROADS Western States to Spend Much Money In Highway Construction and Needed Maintenance. . v Millions of dollars will be expended In highway construction and bridge work and maintenance by the states of the centraUW.est during the pres ent year, .according to data recently compiled by highway authorities. Colorado haa 51 miles of highways under construction at a cost of $300, 000; 91 miles ready for contract to cost $360,000, and 30 miles and three bridges contemplated, to cost $350,000. a iic -rw people YEAR DEEDS RECORDED. Same B. Patrick and J. A. Patrick to Elijah Meyers. Consideration $10 and other considerations. ; x L. V Jones and wife , Ella Jones, to McD. Turner. Consideration $3300. Samuel Gailand -Storey, executor to Newton J. Norman: Consideration $400., Annie M. Boone to Nesbit Walker. Consideration $1000. Will You Spend 50c On -V Save $100? Rat-Snap to One "50c pkgV can kill 50 rats The average rat; will rob you of $10. a year jlu j-Kinij cnicKs ana property destruct ivAi-ori Air is deadly to rats .v"wws witcr ,jsauing. Leaves , no bmen. umes in cakes. Rats wil pass up meat, grain, cheese to feast ka RAT"SNAP- sizes, 25c oOc, $1.00 Sold and guaranteed by Jgie Ballenger Co. and Carolina 0 HELD DIRECTOR AT TRYON. W. F. LITTLE TRYON, N. C. "These Rats Wouldn't Eat My Grains." Says Fred Lamb. Best The man who said conceit was at the bottom of every extravagance knew a good deal about human nature. Few men would pay $4 for a tie that did not look as if it cost $4 and the factory girls in Connecticut who are buying $300 fur coats on in stallments out of a salary of $15 a week would are little for such a coat if the only place they could wear it were in an asylum for, the blind. A modern philosopher says, "I con clude that dissatisfaction is a com mon human aibnent and that I might as Well be unhappy with what I have as unhappy with what I , can't afford." Thosinds of Americans are dissi pating their savings in extravagant purchases purely through conceit. And it is a blind conceit which de ceives no one , but the extravagant hemselves. When a man goes into a store to buy a $6 hat which he can af- brd and comes out with a $16 hat which has forced him to break into his savings, he does not impress the clerk who sells it or his friends who see him wTear it. But he has injured them all and himself also . Hp - has nirforl tn divert production W necessities to hfif J$T& Mate ox. I'olkauiity North Carolina, I At A. - 1 Pi 11 .- . vnis is 10 noiuy an persons navmg claims against the estate of said de- The Photograph Shows a Portion of tho; Pikes Peak Ocean-to-Occan Highway. Maintenance on 4,000 miles will amount to about $500,000, while local road and bridere expenditures will amount to about $200,000. Idaho has 87miles, costing $720,000, under contract ; 45 bridges, costing $425,000, ready for contract, and about $1,800,000 worth of additional work is contemplated during the-season. iQVajWiu expena $i,uuu,uw on jtne road.; system . of the state, of which about -$11,000,000 will be for road and bridge construction, ' : Missouri has, CBCV xrnlea under 6n- tract, costing' $1,785,000 ; 888 . mijes, costing $3,104,000, ready for contract, uuu u. uv u i biavwiVW - auui uuuaa- wii- struction contemblated. ' Local road and bridge expenditures In the state will amount to about $7,000,000. Nebraska has 173 miles, costing $431,000, under contract ; 145 .. miles, costing $550,000, ready for contract, and about 610 miles, estimated at $1,310,000, contemplated. Local road and bridge expenditures will amount to about $3,000,000. Nevada has four miles, costing $54, 666, under contract; 102 miles costing $657,412, ready for contract: 123 miles, costing $523,000, contemplated. Local expenditures on maintenance will amount to $600,000. Oklahoma has 128 miles, including 80 bridges, costing $1,360,000, under contract. Additional construction of 165 miles, costing $2,500,000, contem plated. . These amounts will be suplemented by increased : federal aid appropria tions . ana later, -it is noped, . by na tional construction of main trunk lines under the supervision of a federal highway commission, as provided for in the Townsend bill which will come up for consideration by the next con gress. - , SAVING OF IMPROVED ROADS Report of Congressional Committee Shows 8 Cents Per Ton Per Mile ' Can Be Saved. ' The report of the Joint congressional committee which investigated high way economics in 1914 shows that a saving of 8 cents per ton mile can be effected in transportation costs when a road is lifted from the dirt to the durable class. This does not take In to account Increased real estate valua tion or social advantages ' resulting from the Improvement. Build Roads Now.' ' If roads are. a good. thing, why no build ; themvjlnmediately instead-of waiting and; buffering - inconveniences for years to icome,- heeause it should be remembered that we are not sav ing ; any money by; acting In suchv a mannr. Big Chang In , Sentiment. people are apparently ready and willing to spend huge sums' f br roads where a jfew years ago It would have been impossible to secur.e even a small appropriation for this purpose. FIVE MILLION USED IT LAST fiJILL'S Standard cold remedy for 20 yeara -in tablet torm wue, sure, bpiateabreaka up i cold in 24 hours relieve gnp in Money back if it tails. ; ine genuine pox naa a . top wna mr. m picture. At Alt Drug Stmf W u "LI X X 1 ft I I n 1 1 F1 KM IWUWJ X X EXTRAVAGANCE & CONCEIT mm 4 J. , As a business proposition. Twenty years' experience in life insurance as an avoca tion is at your service. You may not only be able to save money but to get the best policy to fit your indi vidual requirements. Consultation free. Phone write or call account means a j; I The best known1 Silent 'partner is a Wv it is your best friend in times of adversity S Yours to make use of at all times. J Get acquainted with this partner ;t great deal to your welfare. I BANK Or LANDRiiM J..OM Reliable" Landrun g H. B CARLISLE, Pres'ident. J. S CARPENTFR f ROY P. WHITLOCK. Cashier. R. H BRADY a CC B J ' ,Asst-Ca,h j non-necessities he-has helped keep up rices, and has withdrawn potential capital from possible use in increasing enea nis aeienses against old age sickness and employment loss and de pleted his offenses in the battle for success. . Failure to Slave is too high a price to pay for the pampering of conceit. tThe only safety against extravagance lies in thrift and saving. Where There's a Baby On Farm Keep Kai-Snap. Rats are '""an most farms. Once they get inside the I house look ut. Rats kill infants biting them is not unusual. Nursing bottles attract rats. Brake a cake of RAT-SNAP and throw it around. It will surelv rid you of rats and mice. Three sizes 25c, 50c, $1.00 Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Co. and Carolina Hardware Co. ,v To Rspair Ccok Covers. - Beautiful booko are generally bound vi tn leather, and If theyare In constant use' the cnlf or morocco soon becomes wffrn. To remedy this, use equal quantities of. white of egg and water beaten together, apply with a soft brush or.Jp'Iece;of -flanneU and when thorouvhIyv dry' polish with a fresh nieca of '-nneL Education the Only Road. Education alone can conduct us to that enjoyment which Is at once best In quality and Infinite In quantity.- CTnr fonn It's hard to keep rats, out of a feed store. Tried for years. A neighbor ing store sold me some RAT-SNAP. It worked , wonders. Gathered up dead rats every morning. Bought more K A JLVoJN Ar. naven t a rat now. They wouldn't eat - my best grain when I threw RAT-SNAP around." Three sizes, 25c 50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Co., and The Carolina Hardware ; Co. NOTICE. . 1 A. . . A A A 11 1 indnstrv. Fnr " Wmsplf . WW WMk c presem inem io me unaer- j , . , - . . . gned executrix for payment within one year from this date or tHinotice will be pleaded in bar of : their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will .. please make immediate payment. i, . This 15th day of October 1919. EMMA O. WILLIAMS Executrix. Wanted In Green river , coy, 8 miles northeast of Saluda to prepare land for stock raising and fruit. Wil sell the timber on 300 acres of virgin forest for immediate removal, either as a whole or in sections. Usual va rieties, mostly oak, pine, chestnut, etc. Lumbermen will do well to in vestigate at ,once. E J. Bradley & Sons. Bird Friends of Gardener. Few people realize tb value of birds in keeping ga rd en insects ; under "con trol.' Evenhfifegtfgilsh spar- Towwinettmes ieatsr a 3'onnI have watched them for honi-s, busily chasing moths -which the bl ds go.after with far more energyhjilhey ever, display In gathering.seelsjfixcange: . , Neat Blarney. . "Why does . your horse go. so slow ?" asked a tourist or.s daj "n the Glen of the Downs, Ireland, of his driver. "It is out of- rispict to the bayutiful san ery, yer honor he wants ye to see it all. And thin he's an intilligent baste, and appreciates good company, an wants to (kape the like o' ye In ould Ifolitnd h 1 nn or ijst ha onn.n M SEWD-PASTE PADNTS j N BEST THAT CAN BE UADE , O f Cost' to'you 53 -25 a Gallon when made ready to use RECOMMENDED DY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS Q . Obtain COLOR CARD from oar Agents or f ; LONGMAN & MARTINEZ " Manufaetnrers Hew York Oil- amid 'FREE MR Goodr Auto parts and accessories and mechanics to install them properly for you. icE Tires and Tubes Our Public Service Cars can make that trip quicker and more comfortably for, you. i ! a1.?;)' ; lT1918; Ford Tounnga iGars, second-hand, ror sale. 5 " .... . 1 .v, o 5 - It nt BallengerMorrid FORD SERVICE STATION Tryon, - North Carolina A SANITARY MEAT T Mini Our meals are kept in a sanitary ice b'ox, which we k een at j . as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy .n the best meats on the market, both native and Western. We grinJ our sausage and feel satisfied that if you want clean, sweet meati ' you can do no bettes than let us serve you. a A. H. WILLIAMS. CCC0CCOOC5C0COO00OOOCOOQ0OOC0OOO0O00000ttmttttt RsaiQ Estate For fannrD. Bands or town property sec 4VJ -j,,- - ' - i .... . W. T. LO NOSEY, Tryon. Tthoftt Oay AIRE REAL DAYS The time for saving and getting ahead in the game of life is NOW. With a Bank Account started and steadily growing i you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving that comes from naught else. The best way is to come in and start an account to day. Don't delay on account of the amount you have for the start. BANIK of SALUDA I Capital $1 0,000.00 I i: . Saflodla, N. C. JOliliB.aNNdN.Pres:: ' PRtSIONH.BAIUV.CBl leaf To Wear We mention below some of our Ready to Wear lines and give range of prices. Every garment is good value for price, and you can buy from us cheaper than from larger points. Coats suits from $22.50 to $47.50 Coats $6.50 to 45.00 y Ladies and mens sweaters $1.00 to $12 50 ChUdrens sweaters 50 cts. up Shirt-waists $1.00 to $10.00 Skirts from $3.00 to $16.00 Mens suits from- $9.00 to $45.00 Boys suits $4.00 to $16.00 We carry a complete line of men's wometfs boys' and misses underwear, and ail bought at pn lower than they are today. Let us fit you and y family out from head to foot. Everything we se you we guarantee. the --Je V . Our Prices are Right. Tryon, Ballenger FOR EVERYTHING - , North Carolina I

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