Knio- Tr ?v TNTY 'nTWH TRYON. NORTH fiATinT.TN'A ; : - vr TRYON Mr. R- Gibbbs' rt'iU .Pring 9ft c- ?; if - -i- : - i - . - .. -. .., , .. . . . .. . - ' s.--.-Pi -.jl j ....... . . ,: ' tV AT H. Williams spent Sunday jf.h, friends at, Saluda htJ a L. Hill transacted business Asheville Wednesday, Airs J. G. Cherry spent Tuesday and Wednesday in Asheville. Miss Elizabeth Bowne spent - Mon day with friends in Spartanburg- " Brick for the new bank at Colum , are being unloaded this week. ATr T. W. Ballew and family spent Sunday with relatives in Landrum. Nice rent. little cottage, uniurmsned, for AddIv to Mrs. S. A. Oliveras Mr. James Vernor, of Detroit, down Friday, and is spending a Miss Mury Lindsey went to Spar tanburg, Monday, for a visit with friends. Mr. Ralph Erskine, of New York, visited his mother, Mrs. C. S. Corwin, liist week.. Mr. D. c- Stearns, of Cleveland Ohio is the guest of his brother, W. H. Stearns. - Dr. M. C. Palmer, returned" Mon day from a month's stay at Harvard Medical school. :. Mr. and Mrs. H. N. . Bowne left Monday for New York. They will be for several days. gone fr and Mrs. J. N. Jackson, left Mondayfor New York, for a visit of ten days or two weeks. : . r Wr. T. Lindsey left for New York Monday. He was summoned as a witness in the Ferriswi4case. " -few days in Tryon. ; Mr. E. E. Missildine, our druggist, ice and coal man, has purchased a Bew Republic truck to better take care of his coal business. ' Mr. A. D. Turner, of Saluda, writes BS to change addres of his paper from that place to Boardman, Columbus county where he ym snd thj- win- Capt , Bernard Sharp arrived Trvon Saturday to spenof trid' He has been stationed jtt army xamps in Texas and the, west for seyeraV years. 9 Mrs. Herford, of Baltimore, -who has been the guest of Mrs, C. J. Lynch for the past few weeks, left for her home Sunday. She was "accompanied as far as Spartanburg by Mrs. Lynch Just received Car load of good kggies. Worth more thah !-we "ask for them. Come and see ;them.""k .. C. L. MAYBRY 25-4t-pd . Campobello, S: ; C. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Bacon returned Friday from Detroit, where they had been to attend the meeting of- the Episcopal church. They iepoyt g very pleasant trip.,irf 1 The deposits imPolkQpunty banks from December 1, 1916, Jto Decemeber 1. 1918 shows a substantial increase according to a statement, just v. issued by the War Loan Org'aniazticm i Ihl dividual demand deposits increased $77,000 or 84.61 per cent, savings j , ' . . ueposits have increased $89,000, or 261.76 per cent, and total deposits in creased $166,000, or 132,80 per cent. Polk stands fifth in this list of North Carolina Counties showing an in case in deposits, a record we may justly feel proud of. The figures given above are the latest available, but there has hppn a la all classes of deposits in Polk County banks since they were completed. . . SCHOOL NEWS OF TRYON. The teachers wish to extend their wanks to the Boy Scouts for their re gion, and regardless of the bad father, a most pleasant time was en. Joyed. : - v The Girls Club gave a box social uesday night to raise money for new "Stains for the school auditorium aia $24.60 was taken in on the boxes. !f everyone took as much interest in lp school as the "Girls Club" a great aUvould be accomplished. : Ihe High School and Sixth and enth grades have organized a lterary Society and will give a very Coonting prograrfi next Friday vaf- PeninK Song, "Satr Spangled p0e Banner Helen Morton Cu . Geneva . Reich Jft,rent Events... Theodore Ballenger JKes . . T tjT 1 ' James Rion Deb t '" Prof. Milton ate' "Resolved that flies are more dangerous than mos A quitoes." , , . ; ative jui;,a Averil, Max Steel-an- Negative Louie Monroe, rles Nessmith.. 1(41 fty montl1 there will be an honor aVera IlucaDsent ana nave an , eWs ge ?f : 90 or pver, in the school 4oyR? KChSjotte -San Blackwell. feSi, Sec ' s ThirJdrGrade' Emer Pettie. KeWma Gade. Leona Waters, Edna PcuJ; William Scrivens. - : Par ade' Polly- Scrivens, Mel i yte. Geraldine Sayre Sidney &Grade. Stella Streadwick, Sal- . A 'WELFARP rnnn By Richard Morse in Th, v V. ter University of N. C. "We believe! that t ion is a vA . purpose.- Wj believe that the Kingdom of GoH SS' love' and un- We believe that twxu Cnnstian j . . tJo , general is to fur- ufer imS PUTDOSe in tlio object of: the church in this nis' to f uther this purpo'se in this community and in this stt. ; possible way. : - "4 cvery This church offers you therefore a religion of cooperation. If you want to serve your fellow men come put your shoulder beside ours in munity. ; -i. ? v We will begin in nractirai make this community clean Py., and. democratic. We will with bur school teachers, we will work With our county officials, we will work vith every man who wants our nin m any Undertaking for" the public We believe in our fellow men ' ho. lieve that the gbod in them is .mr,. than the bad, that they are filled with g ; imO o. 5 ! 'htw Kfil ' Ji". ' .. . I ' 1 - Can Make Immediate RAMPANT RADICALISM WOULD RUIN AND RULE wvio-n fiormaTiv's armv of bar barians were almost in sight of Paris, and Americarand the Allies held their breath under the fearful . tension of whether that great city would be loot aA hv. tin's horde, of ravages and rav- j , : w ishers the civilization of this country uroo in crreater. dansrer, proDaDiy not so great, as it. is today, when the , same nen-inspucu, iuiw ; at work thoughotit our land to ravage, to ravish and to loot the country and utterly destroy our Government, f The threat of revolution is heard everywhere'. The Radicals and Socialists-in high places and" in low,: twin children of Satan himself are seeking to destroy the Government of this re public and revel in the wild orgies of murder and crime which have brought Russia "down into the mire of woe and unspeakable misery,- The influences which are at work there vfere largely iij ,r:rierm9Tiv and from vomiveu vv-...rf .- i iQUSr terms txien. xyt wtc less P4rmai?Mh3ll tmT9Q?mZA the Satanic power which its people hayet gladly and joyously taken unto tVioiV fcinsom. i Thisis the splTtit backothe :es nd. Innocent men are oeing made to UfMfriv of the vilest Radicals do So- - or vuc o - - .-int.- 1 TtAicVi ovists that j tnis any other country has . ever toown; - . . .. . l -nnxxr .mntrollea flMMMUS U1U , ffW labor- unions, are v-w . . livtf t - n. j.-..i:wi o w - ATiHanerennK the tcccer rram infinite capacity for service-that if we give them faith and fellowships and hope they will give us faith and fel lowship and hope in return, thaVthere is no barrier, to selfishness or. greed or sin but faith and persistence, and that the Golden Rule will at last break down all human i barriers. 7 This religion we olfer you as the re ligion of democrary. Fear: God -:in .Your Own Village." U :. o : The foregoing calls to mind the re mark of a prominent Tryon business man. . He stated that the present and future problems would be solved by a general applicationof the Golden Rule. The main trouble withv. applying ! the Golden Rule! is that most of. us think it is for the' other fellow :;The - sel fishness of most of us : so warps the mind that we do not see the other fel low's problems. A writer in a'maga zine article suggested that each of us try for just one day to live the Golden Rule or in other words to try for one business day to lead a perfect, life. He said that the trial would be Vorth while altho one failed, which of course, he would do. v For all to be Just a little more . charitabre, liberal and merciful would accomplish- won ders. ' Many, of' our farmer friends Peoples Bank & Trust Co. ': ; TRYON, N. C. J G. H; Holmes, Pres J. T. Waldrop, Vice Pres. Walter Jones; Vice Pres. W. F. Little, Cashier r V. A. Bland,. Asst. Ca& Mi foir the 1,920 onodefl, IK . . . I tic man, and there are hundreds of thousands of them in 7 labor unions, either to control these , organizations for good, or else to come -out from among them and stand for the safety of civilization. The' time has come for the teacher and the preacher, the business man, and the newspaper, ' and for everyone who loves not simply America, but who'loves human liberty and civiliza tion, to awaken to the seriousness of the struggle which is now before us in the effort of the Radicalism to do minate the country. Manufacturer's Record. , Grade Duroc Jersey pigs M. Howes, Tryon N. C. $5.50 C. MONUMENT MEETING. A Meeting of the Polk County Soldiers' Monument Association hereby called to meet a. Columbus Saturday., Nov. the 8th.; 1919. This meeting , is very important and it's to be honed that all who , are ; interested 4a- this movement. will be there especi- - r - r - 1 . I ;DrfrreflMen?f W; A. CANNON, . : ,-v";7 -- v": . Secretary., '';f";:x 1- v . ; Dogs of War. vsr On July 28, 1838, General achary Taylor, afterward - president of the United States, requested the govern ment to furnish him with bloodhounds td be used 4n hunting the Seminole In dians of Florida ' He was . furnished ic 1 II A throughout the, cqimty are taking ad vantage of this bank's lioeral interest rate to deposit their money with us on Certificates of. Deposits;; This is a fine form of investment 'and the money is ready any .time ; you may need lit. It'draws interest from date of deposit every 60 days.' If you have idle money in sums of $50.00 or over let us issue you a certificate arid pay you interest. Our Savings Department is grow ing at a very gratifying rate. Many new accounts every weeek. Sums of $1.00 or more will open an account and we will pay you four per cent compound interest on $5.00 or over. Start a Savings Account and (deposit a stated sum regually and in a short time the result willysurprise you. Ac counts of women ancTchildren espec ially invited. If not convenient to call at the bank send in a deposit by mail. We will receipt you by return mail. A checking Account with this bank will save you many annoyances and perhaps disputes as to whether; or not a bill has been paid. check is a legal receipt.- Then again it is unsafe to have money , in "one's .. pocket. lie posit in this strong bank and issue checks that's business. Thanks. , :; -.t:. .s i ; ' . ; i ' " .1 1 . .' : i 45 Delivery "Tryoo, N. C. fathering Life's Gold. The gold of life does not lie, bidden In mines; it sparkles in tiny sands all along the common path of every day. . He only who gathers'tt bit by bit from daily duties and plensures and opportunities and friendship? will find himself the possessor of the real treas ure at last, x 5 As Usual. " The man who-is always telling what a perrecuy lovely place he used to live in makes you wonder how he ever came to leave such an Eden. Farm Is There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Home . Price $15.50 I f V JMouiMmsIll j a 1 . . - ' Guaranteed for; T 10 Year 1RY0M ELECTRIC SERVICt 4 . Owing to,the delay in getting a start to rebuild our store, .we havfe decided to put in at our present location a complete line of Dry Goods Notions Furnishing Goods Shoes and Ladies Ready These goods are arriving almost daily and we invite your inspection. Bought right, and sold right. : ;lOTBEbEfe: Go. :. Tryon5 N. C. What Good is To the average man if he is v i srasp the oDDortunitv if vou ?ings account tb US Today. .' t r ( . if CAROLINA STATE BANK. tun i $yD BARRQW? Wi2 ROBERTSON, Q. ,C. SONNKR II. B. LANE ' cbobcocojoocoscocococococcco 0 SAFfTY! COURTESY! , SERVICD g Dmiveslt by VflaiuD? O Buy a Certificate of Deposit. O j It earns four percent from date andean be () qi ' cdhertfeaiht by Ok i IR (Fb O W. T. LINDSEY Pru o Qococpcoscococodococococcco .Doim?it. Forget that when you are in need of anything in the line of general merchandise that it is unnecessary for you to lose the time to make a trip to town. Come to us for Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries Star Brand Shoes, Etc. You will find our prices right and our service is all you could ask. May we have the pleasure of serving you? Mill Spring, N. C. J. M. "Fnr titiholsteric anrl fumitnrft re- rn il-in cr nt rJisrTisi'h1 rsitAS. nnrl work that will give you satisfaction, triva mpt a trial. "Von will ha nleas- ed with, the work' and prices. Ar thur Scruggs. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator nt tnp PsraTA xT h . k i .nrn fipppnsPrt. , wV v v "7 this ia to notify all ;.perjsons shaving' rliATn frt t.Vio nnf?prsi(rn(ff "innrttriiTiisf-ra- tor, ' on or before the : 9th "day -'of i Oc tober, ,1920, iDT; this. notice 'will he pleaded in Jbar of their Tecowry;;.;' All oersons indebted tn J saiH pstnfcA - will please 'make immediate payment.-.,-- xnis uctober iu, 1919 ' v ' FIRMAN JACKSON, Administrator Keeping Cut Flowers Fresh. - The length of time cut flowers ran b& kept can be, greatly lengthened by prang a jittlfe saltpeter or ; carbon- to Wear Opportunity not saving? )x will enable you to will take our rJviri Onn v Motto; Save that's what counts.. VllePrtnieati Cashier O 8 () () () O mail, at any time. 0 o 0 () 0 C) n IF TTIryViTufl , B. HESTER Cuhitr. Lewis & Son GEO A-GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE rf - AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts UTitten at reasonable pnpes. TRYON, N. C. Bunt's Salre, formerly called Hunt's, Core Is especially com pounded for the treatment of Itch, Eczema, Bine worm, and Tetter, and is sold by the drug gist on the strict guarantee that the purchase price, 75c, will be . promptly refunded to any dissat isfied customer. Try Ham's Salve i a our nsx. jrortala l--i.w X .. - j ; ii uAnnaa pvprv t?2,tri0 nation, sua y. -

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