FOLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, NQBTH CAROLINA A tj Y Capps, of Saluda, was " ,;trr - ; visit"1- Won .-rv Bush spent Satur- Sunday in Asheville. , W T?mard spent Sunday JIi home folks in Asheville. t W Graham, of New York, who ps wffe, returned home, Fri- W' QTirl wife went to W. E- Shv. for a visit with rel- ihevie H-iue-hter Miss t. J-f Saturday in Hender- Dall an rrsr n I , ,r tsroaaus 6 , . sDent Tuesday m T':iy.V cnent; RnfnrHnv Asheville. H J J 1 jip: J rJ. Jiesier ana vjeur .Hgffi visitef in Henderson- fee, luebua. Mrs. J coiiip Streadwiek.and Lena 1 .n spent fromFriday until Klv visiting Asheville friends. fr Henrv B. Conrad, of Washing Ut. r Arrived today for a visit ton, V- L' a Mr nnH iVTrs J. "R. th her pai-f Hester. twp will be ,r.i- T.n-nrlrmYl - snent the j - 'i vrnn wim ivi i ts. jiir- r in I 1 V Vil uk-eiiu i" V- Morgan. Mr and Mrs. J. r obter oeanca, yvi, Jl III If m .. p - v ' -' I I ' - ...I -i -, - . : , Wcelily Mews tetter from Peoples Bankpt Trust G. nreachincr at the Sundav evening at Sfby the pastor. The public cor- dially mvitea. Mr J D. Sawyer left, yesterday, .Mt 'Dora, Fla., where he will the winter. He was accompan, SP5. ,fl-iPr and sister. ied by" """" . - Mrs. J. H. Gibbs, of Mill Spring, in town, Monaay xo meet ner S from Spartanburg that day. n.. att- Dver. of Kentucky, a re tired Episcopal minister, has rented the cottage lormeny occupieu uy c Oliveras and will occupy the same' for the winter. .r- t w Tlion and littledauehter are spending this week in Asheville.' Mrs. J. n. Kion ana iiuue uaugnier Oren Hernn?, ot bpartanourg . were Trvon visitors yesteraay. Just received Car load of good buggies. Worm nice man .we... as for them. Come and see them. (d. JL. MA 1 itfK 1 25-4t-pd Campobello, S. C LOST: On Thursday afternoon on & road between Mr. Wilson's house od Miss Pettigrew's a patinum bar cot with small diamonds. Rfi- rard if returned to Miss Pettigrew. I&ts. 3. U. Reaves, of Mobile, Ala.,1 snent last week in Tryon, the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. L. Hill. She was joined Saturday by her husband who spent Sunday here before they return ed to their home. . , Tom Moore, of Greens Creek, was in Tryon Monday. He informs us that he and and a party of four oth ers went "possum" hunting and got nine big, fat fellows, one of .them weighing ten pounds. . Elsewhere in this issue will be found the advertisement of the Polk County Bank & Trust Co. the new est comer in the financial field of old Polk county. This institution is starting out with 93 stockholders and a capita of approximately $13,000. This new bank onens for business to day and the prospects for success of mis institution are flattering.. Work on the bank building is progressing nicely, and until its completion the bank will be located in the old court room of the court house. Success to wik's "Baby Bank." . The Lanier Cub, which has "been an" influence for good here in Tryon, for enty-nme years, will meet for the rst time this season, on Thursday, October 6th at 3:30, at the Library. Ine officers and members of the club "el proud of its work during the war. ow that the -necessitv. of unusual T'ork is over fhey hope to make it 1C ana more a benefit to the com ity, to .the Trvon ' visitors and to jew comers to the city. Applications r membership are cordially received. me winter hours of the Lamer L.i Jary Will begin on November first; une l0 nve Tuesdays and Sat urdays. - .The school teachers of Saluda wvnship met on Friday afternoon at UDrarV Wnll : THE COPPER CENT The Government; of the United States, m 1835, made an, offer of $$1,000 fori the most acceptable design to beplaced upon the new cent coin soon to be issued. Some Indian' chiefs traveled from the Northwest to Wash ington to visit the Great Father, and then journey to Philadelphia to1 -see the mint, whose chief engraver was James Barton Longrace, who invited them to his' house. ' the engraver's - daughter, Sarah, aged ten, greatly enjoyed the visit of her father's guests, and during the evening, to please her, one of the chiefs took off his f eatherd helmet and war oonnett and placed it on her head. In the company was ah artist, who immediately -ketched-fier and handed the picture to her father. Mr. Longrace, knowing of ,the com petition for a likeness to go upon the cent projected, under the inspirtion of the hour, resolved to contend for the prize offered by the Government. To his delight the officials accepted it and the face of his daughter appeared upon the poin, which was circulated about the nations for nearly a hun dred competitors. The cent bearing the face of Sarah Longrace has gone into more hands than any other Am erican coin. Ladies Home Journal. ' Tomorrow may be too late. ? -Rent a Safe Deposit Box in our solid concrete vault for the protection of your valu ables. No one can meddle with the contents of thet box for you hold the only keys that will unlock the bcx and it requires a "Master Key."which the bank holds', to get in the box with your own key so that if you lose a key just notify us and no one can get in to the box. The master key wil not unlock a box alone. Better drop in and let us show you how they work. Boxes may- be rented for $2.00 up to $5.00 per year, owing to size. There are just a few boxes left and at the present high costs we will not, add ad ditional boxes. Don't delay attend to this today. One dollar will open an account in our Savings Department" and when you liave 45.00 accumulated we will begin to 'pay interest. This is an easy way to save. Make jjp your mind that you will try it a while and if you can't get the habit your money is ready for you at any time you want to 5 A Certificate of Deposit draws in terest from date of issue. We issue them in any sum of $50.00 or over for as little time as 60 days. 'Fine in vestment as the interest rate is liberal and your money is ready for you any time you want it. As . an eveidence of quick service a true incident may . be . related hat happened last week. A good custo mer of ours walked into the bank with high grade collateral and asked for a loan that averaged $3,200.00. " Witlv; in five minutes he.had his loan with out red'tape or "the third degree" be ing administered. This bank helps jts customers. It feels that the cus tomer's and its interests are identical. A bank is not only a place to de posit money as formely A modern bank serves its customers in many ways This bank is constantly studying the needs of its patrons and has every facility that a bank can have and it is a pleasure to serve its customers. There is no task too big for its officers to undertake if it betters the. service. Will you join this progressive .Polk County institution and make it a bank that we will be proud of. We We thought so. We thank you. Safety Deposit Boxes For rent $2, per year. Peoples Bank & Trust Co. j 1KYUN, W. C. V " ' ' - - G. H. Holmes, Pre J. T. Waldrofc, Vice Pres. Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F. Little, Cashier j V. A. Bland, Asst. Cash HI I ' - - IS TIi e Gar - for the Mountaim. 1 920 model), K 45 Can Make Immediate Delivery CD-DAf. J. LYNCH," Tryon, N. C. and fourth Sunday morning. Mill . i n a,, QnnHnv srhool 10:30. Come and see what we are doing for your boys and. gins. Preaching , first and third , Sunday morning. . 5Stor. ASS0Ciation. TIip fn11n-r?no- temrhem gre present: Prof J. A. Nicholson, wn. ts. Alien, Mrs. E. Lovelana, fi'S. VVm. Stntnn- TVTJec lrw TTQrwpll u- ''ix owuf miss vjrrace rarwcn Js Elizabeth Merkel Miss F. A. -mck, Miss Jeanette S. Richard 3 Miss Annie Nabers, Drayton ZW The following officers were t?ev- Wm- B- Allen, president; Mis r Loveland, vice president; W A' arwick, secretary and ure,r' Committee on constitu- ,Jy-iaws: Misses H arwell ana rZ -7. iur- urayton nream. mrnittee on Bovs awu Chibs: f,V' Wm. B. Allpn Prnf XTiVnnlson. rSyt?1?. Gilreath and Mi'ss Nabers. cnn DlJ.eci of the association is for -crdlion. im k th,s issue the NEWS be Plication of a religious Wt Jrt that will have for its ob GoJ jjf onnging of the church of of tvJ , 0 consciousness and lives the Jeople of the county, through terin dlT of Publicity, and the fos Soin? .couraging of the church Wfit cucted primariy for the hZt$? Columbus and Mill the pust cnurcnes, of wnicn terest rlh any religious items of in is to " ,ine commission of the church the ifl;ri.and to save. It must take s. 1 lllative. It must rrot mos. atLt;50re the People. It must win suadp irV convince ana per- Whv .i. WKy should I go to church? yonW 1 stay awav? It is for k7 e to answer. Columbus Jin oLCMrh Sunday school 10:30. tla.0UrJVIothers' class dr our. Men's rreaching services second MONUMENT MEETING. A Meeting of the Polk County ... . r - . A o ci a rum IS Soldiers' monument ln",:" hereby called to meet a 9 Columbu Saturaay rsov. mc , . meeting is very important and its to P . ?.i xt.-4. In nrp interested fn6 Zmovemen't will be'there especi- 'NONNVD 'V ;.M qqqiK 0 SOHX , . SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. . i 4-.,r nf o , decree FS np fecial proceedings entitled "fnhmXr of PSallie EdWds and "In the matter oi o Brian. others, to which degree &Sriffie is hereby neTwInseW AsLani fhuseS has been prenu o, in Greens J if tfcolk 'A. M., the-followmg de- to-wit: t 1ot,j situated and i A, GeenrCreek Township, Polk lying in Greens or Carolina, County, a. part of the i which worelv a he Walker u- -'D p Shields and owners, iyiB . follows: side of Blar Creek, B. Bush' corner, and runs thence north 7 'poles to a post oak; thence north 13 west 17-1-2 poles to a pine; thence north 40 west 22 poles to a stone on the east bank of Bear Creek; thence north 9 west Z2 poles to a stone on the west bank of Bear Creek; thence 7 west 88 poles to a stone on D. F. Sheields' line thence; with his line north 86 east 89 poles to a red oak or stake; thence south 7 west 146 poles to a poplar at a branch; thence south 89 west 82 poles to the beginning, containing 75 acres, more or less. f The said land will be divided into three tracts, a map or plat of said tracts will be on exhibition and can be seen in office ten days prior to date of sale in my office at Rutherfordton, N. C, or in the office of J. T. Brian at Fingerville, S. C, and said maps will be on exhibition at the sale, and said land will first be offered separately in three tracts and then the said land will be sold as a whole, and the sale will reported either in seperate tracts or as a whole, in the manner in which it brings the highest price.' lne terms of sale will be announced on the date of the sale. This is a very valuable . tract of land, situated in an excellent agricul- tural section, and is higmy recom mended to prospective purchasers of land. - - ..' This sale is leld for partition among the several tenants in com mon. ' . , i"- -. , ' , .. This 25 October, 1919. , SOLOMON GALLERT v Commissioner. Is the Converse True? The Chinese have a proverb directed against "babblers," for. whom they have a particular-aversion. Is it ap plicable in America? "The " great church. bells t rarely sound : the full cask returns no. sound." Is There An Electric " Flat Iron In Your Home Price $5.50 Guaranteed for 10 Years TRYON ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY M FEED STORE! .. . Wholesale and Retail ; Ifeed And Heavy Gro ceries. For Prices -See A. J. BURNS TRYON N. C. ' Owing to the delay in getting a start to rebuild our store, we have decided to put -in at our present location a complete line of: Dry Goods Notions Goods , s Shoes and Ladies Ready to Wear . ' ' . These goods are arriving almost daily and we invite your inspection. Bought right, and sold right. r Furnishing JUS Tryon9 N. C. Go What Good is Opportunity To the average man if he not saving? It will enable you to - grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice Open a sav ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNBR H. B. LANE PraMdtnt Viae PrMtfcnt rahir I ! CQCQOOCbCOOOSCOCOCOCOCOCOCO o o o o o o o o o o o COURTESY! o. SERVICE! 8" Dim vest by VOeaDS g . . ' '.. . v. () Biiv a Certificate of DennsJt. ( It earns four per cent from date and 'can be ( q convenea mio casn Dy mau, at any time. q O o o BANIK OP TRYON J. B. HESTER Caihier. O W. T. LINDSEY Prei o o o o () QOCOOOC08COOOOOCOCOCOCOCOCO Poin?t Forget that when you are in need of, anything in the line of general rherchandise that it is unnecessary for "you to lose the time to make a trip to town. Come to us for Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries Star Brand Shoes, Etc. You will find our prices right, and our service is all you could ask. May we x have the pleasure of serving you? Mill Spring, N. C. J. M. Lewis & Son For upholsterig and furniture re pairing at reasonable rates, and work that will give you satisfaction, give me a trial. You will be pleas ed with the work and" prices. Ar thur Scruggs. . o . ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ' Having qualified as administrator of the estate of H. K. Corn, deceased, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned, administra tor, on Or before the 9th day of Oc tober, 1920, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AH persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This October 10, 1919. FURMAN JACKSON, Administrator Daily Thought. . Words and feathers the wind carries away. Herbert. - - GEO A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND ' PUBLIC. Collections a specially. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prioes. TRYON. N. C. ; o . Bunt's Salre, formerly called Hunt's, Core Is espeeiallj com pounded for the treatment of Itch, Kexema, Ring worm, and Tetter, and is sold by the drug gist on the strict guarantee that the purchase price, 75c, will be promptly refunded to any dissat iafled customer. TryHunt'sSalre at our risk. For sale locallyby , Muiildino'i Pharmacy

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