- ..ma n t ipmimll: i lifiU nuuiiu if HOTOR SALES POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYON, NORTH CARotlNA SHOWS INCREASE OF 3 THROUGHOUT THE . L COST IS S90.000.000 the plo cr American w:lr hip in days-. I'Tho mental cotton ett In! public a trasr decline The lows License Being Paid at the 0f $10,000 to $15,000 Every . Office is ODen. Raleif h. there are 13,000 more.au- kere trucks in the . state was at the close of the li- r 191S-1919; nearly 300 more automouues wiu uiuer mo il" . . i j j vehicles, several iiuaureu ,j f0r the highway commission 1700,000 more from this single f revenue to date than was ltc4 dunuo ' does not tell the complete f Korth Carolina's motor (or citizens of the state are 5& thousand for every six days, " t ifio to ,170 new machines week day. Based on the esti j average cost of $848, the total of the automobiles in the state is than $90,000,000. ; The Interest js investment is more than five I half millions dollars annually, 3t 50 cents per day for gasoline 051 which probably will riot cov 1se items and tire expense the J upkeep of the motor driven! .;es of the state amounts to more "jl3.00O.OOO every; year. 5 secretary of the state has al r turned over to the treasury for i!ghway commission the sum of nAflflSnd this is being added to :iT the collection of from $10,000 every six days the license L Is open. . 235 Bales Cotton Ginned. . 'isbington. '(Special). , Accord to a report compiled by Sam D. U director of the bureau of I . Janqrtmanf rvf . rtm m orra Carolina has ginned 354,635 of the 1919 cotton crop as corri- to 297,910 bales for the 1918 ja! additional federal district judge western North Carolina was con- led by the senate. feting National Guard. k Don Scott, of Graham, new jd of the infantry regiment of the mal guard, . authorized for North !iaa by the war department be an inspection of the various i, and will continue until all cities re units have been .authorized been visited. Col. Scott and the itant eeneral are verv much kfed with the nrosrress 'that has Wade by the state In getting the' ) national cuard whipped into At the present time there are it 500 enlistments. pen Join Legion. - ' leiga post of the American legion ed to state headquarter that naa secured their second, woman iir. The lonal nnat'r claims the of securine the first women tore to the American legion in Carolina. The two lady mem- of the Raleigh post are Misses lt A. Johnson and Maud L. Hen- bo were both members of the f?rican nurse corps and saw actual pe overseas. i, " ' . va, HTQie. (Special)'. Dr. William "fo. 52 j-ears old, president of 3h Macon Woman's college at r bb was in California for his A when the death of his wife whbursr. Va n tbH of a "f poison on October 17 brought 1 to this stflt.e tVio fAT-mf hnmA of ily. Dr. Webb was af native ierbilt. : Carolina Leads . headquarters of the southern n of the American 'Red CrOBS 'that . . ... I. . uau oi me aivision s quota national fund of the! Red Cross' sion to thft pmin'v flnrolline - uULJr to aaxe, naymg earoii- fth Of its TvrkmilaHrtn ftf fiOO. tie 'Meted. work of enrollment not nearly Win Place. pernor Bickett's" reconstruction I, ,.lasion has granted , to the North LT Club of the University of t arolint an iinrtffJMal momhAr T!iJl?dhas allcwed the club the S 1 Pacing one i of its mem- , wen of the committees. :. W ls of the universitv. Tricked fit " of the club, will therefore NtinJ commission at all . its phi! a heartnss- : V.. Official Tv,nrKn..V,lvs. si v luvuiuctauiii was "Rememb to Cotton Aasoru! iber'the ,,v i 4 - Mat Pued Of th eV" ' - UP011 the Sf'r.1?. the -rfc .Atjciation which North Carolina A,-i. beginning November 10. - - association has done "a mo-u-service to nil th states, says ' Governor : Bick Ws proclamation given 4o the this morning, "and it would be P. hninilfl 4 -.li ,. . -. . . Authentic Styles in Furs j : '? j 'When 'When God governor's nrnpinmati in part: folks are sick and all thw go awry, ; , and the Doctor'! is the cry. folks are well, an a Qn -righted, 6S s forgot, and the Doctor slight-6d." "These homely lines Pxniair, ' (,ur; apparent apathy, of , some of our people in regard to the American Cot ton Association. ' When the "associa tion was formed th nttAn .i.i. . vwwu:..'lMlll was desperately sick, and there was the wildest enthusiasm for the asso- ofoHrwn TW. Jin ... w"uu- iuc tuuumon oi tne market tremendously Improved; Indeed, it aDDrnanh in p- mhnot r..x. a Mtst, oucugui, alld ther has been a consequent falling i. ui mierest m the 'doctor.' "The association has mental service to'all the people of the cotton states, and it would be a tragic blunder to allow it to eo into de. clinv." r Best Place for the Negro. The best place in the world for the negro is the farm," Governor . T. W Bickett told as many negroes as could crowd ip hearing distance of the band stand at the State Fair Grounds where he delivered his address at the Negro State Fair. ; The governor's address is an an nual event at the negro lair just as it is for the white fair. There have been, all sorts of precedents for speeches on such occasions, but the governor 'adhered to his strict rule of brevity, said a few words, expressed his kind feelings toward the negroes of the state, offered all the encourage ment he could for the development of a higher citizenship, and then quit. "Stay in a good humor" was the governor's parting injunction to the negro citizens. - . "If you want to get along together," he said, "get in a good humor live in love and fellowship with all your neighbors black and white; follow the example of the scldier and pack up your troubles in the old kit and smile, smile, smile." Postofflce Safes Cracked. . Postoffice safes at St. Pauls.-Robe-son county, and Hope Skills,' Cumber land county, were cracked by yeggraen and govervnent agents have sent out warnings to postmasters, garage own ers, policemen, sheriff and. other offi cers in eastern North Carolina to be on the lookout for these robbers. Highway Tour Postponed. At a meeting of the executive com mittee of the - Central Highway asso ciation held at Greensboro it was de cided to postpone until May the tour over the highway. The' committee found difficulty in getting the requi site number of cars pledged for the trip. Furs, like coats, have soared in price until the average mortal can only look' at the more sumptuous .wraps .made of it and wonder that there is so much money in the world as they represent. But these extraordinary-prices havejnot decreased the demand. Furriers are unable to obtain skins that they could use for ready purchasers. Possibly the lack of transportation from some . source of supply to the fur market is respon sible for the shortage of pelts, or it may be, that the demand advances much "more rapidly than the increase In fur-bearing animals. In this case good furs, high priced as they are, will prove a sensible investment. 4 Mink, seal and kolinsky are favor ltes for the longer capes and coats. Moleskin is liked for its softness and suppleness and is dyed into dark brown shades this season, and brown Is .so much admired that squirrel and fitch are dyed also. Cape mantles and capes or cape-like coats Insure the ample loose effects that are of all the most graceful and pleasing; But the two fur garments in great est demand just now are wide, straight scarfs and coatees. A diamond is a diamond and furs are furs, whether in large or small wraps. These scarfs and coatees strike the note of luxuri ous warmth and richness that be longs to furs and give their wearers more service than garments, that can only be worn in midwinter. : There Is almost no fur that may not be made into a beautiful scarf. For coatees, seal, dyed squirrel, mole, kolinski, Persian lamb are used, with'-seal a favorite. This fur appears above in both the favorite garments, first in a long scarf with turban to match. These matched sets are to be credited with adding much distinction to this season's furs. The, odd turban has a soft band of velvet, with battlement edge turned up about it. Much atten tion has been given to the linings of scarfs to make them worthy their aristocratic company and they are often of chiffon beautifully embroider ed with small scattered , blossoms. The coatee, shorter in the front than at the back and full enough to sug gest a cape, simply was obliged to have flaring sleeve3, "with cuffs of skunk fur. This fur has wonderful wearing qualities with which it re-in forces the softer seal and makes an ample and most becoming collar. Muffs are large, many of them flat and so made that they are bags a, s well as muffs. VEIN OF MICA "DISCOVERED Buncombe County Man Seems to be on Hl Way to be Rated as Strictly n of. the Bloated Bond-Holders. Charming Hats for Midwinter No More Hazing. The sophomore class of the State College of Agriculture and .Engineer ing here has pledged itself to abolish hazing at the college, in consideration of the reinstatement of three sopho mores who were dismissed two weeks ago for hazing following the hazing of thefreshman son of Congressman R. A. Doughton of North Carolina. No Suffragist Meeting Now. On account of unexpected and press ing engagements of Mrs. Carrie Chap man Catt in the West, the convention of the North Carolina suffragists which which, had been planned for Novem ber 17-18 in Greensboro, has been postponed until early in January, the precise date to be announced as soon as it is definitely learned when Mrs. Catt can' be present. Two or three other suffragists of national reputa tion alsq will be present at the Greens bbro convention. ; y ... Taking Prominent Part. North Carolina physicians and pub lic health officials will have a promi nent Place on the program of the Southern Medical association, which will meet in Asheville on November 10 to 14 inclusive. This is the first time that the southern association has met in a North Carolina city. Itjs expected that between 3,000 and 4,000 delegates will attend. The opening address will be deliv ered by Dr. Cyrus . Thompson, , -ot Jacksonville, who is chairman of the public health section. ; Assessed $125 Monthly. Judge Guion made a ruling in the alimony and abandonment suit against Major W. A. Graham, commissioner of agriculture, by his wifsv Mat Clark Graham, to the effect that Mrs. Graham's alloiirance, pending a jury trial of the case, shall be $125 per The1" judge held that in view of the official salary of the' commissioner d the damaged condition of the alimony modified to f 5 month would be nbugb. being half of fcls salary of $3,600. ; r ; rr.L..Mi i iiiigiii --rjTT IT -mro-1 ' - I We take a great manj things for granted in a world that is rich in won derful and beautiful fabrics. We hard ly stop to think how they are related to the seasons of the year and that It has taken some centuries to perfect them. But they are here, at hand, for the artists in apparel to use in inter preting their ideas to us. Milliners make their choice and- hats tell the story of the seasons and much more, with rich velvets and brocades, warm, soft-looking beavers and plushes?' gold and silver tissues, with furs, making tip the brilliant and cheerful millinery of midwinter. There is something of splendor in it. i.Four charming' hats for midwinter shown in the picture above, are good and sufficient excuse for a little ex travagance on the part of the eternal feminine. 'Every woman knows that her hat is the most important Item in her , cotume and here are four that have all the excellencies! beauty of fabric, fieauty of line, becoraingness and fitness for the season.' The hat with graceful brim, at the top of the group is a triumph of the framemuker to start with, and is made, of velvet. It has ft- soft tarn crown and a sash of wide satin' ribbon ending in bows that follow the season's mandate In keeping to the right. , - ' ' V " Just below, at the left of the group, black velvet and gold cloth . brocaded with black achieve a handsome Na poleon hat, which also has a soft crown. Except for a sash and tie of narrow gold ribbon about the j crown It is without trimming. This Is one of several successful off-the-f ace V hats. Opposite it a large velvet hat Is faced with beaver. Its brim Is turned up at the front and a handsome ornamental pin fastens It to the crown. With this hat a wide scarf of angora yarn makes a neckpiece to correspond, taking the place of fur. , ' . C Siberian squirrel fur the lightest of the - gray squirrel skins makes the spirited turban at the bottom of the group. A small cascade of fine lace, with a bit of fur along the plaited edge, results in a trimming that cannot be Improved upon. , All these models are worn well down over the head and not an ear is visible. " - Asheville. J. R. Kuhna . discovered a veinof mica six miles from Ashe ville that measures sixty-five feet in depth and the length has not yet been estimated. The mica is on the land of Owen Gudger, postmaster, at Asheville. It Is two feet wide and the mica that has so far been taken from the mine is said to be of the best grade. Southern Pines. Moore county to bacco, at (3.60 a pound, has made a new high record in price. - Durham. Grand Chancellor D. W. Sorrell, of this city, has just appoint ed Dr. Byron Clark, of Salisbury, grand keeper of records and seals, of the grand commandery of the State Knights of PythiaSi Charlotte. Dr. C. A. Bland an nounced his withdrawal from the race for Congress to succeed E. Y. Webb advanced to the federal bench. MEET ANNOUNGEO ASSOCIATION IS TO CONVENE KT GREENSBORO NOVEMBER 8 AND 9 AT THE O. HENRY. STRICTLY BUSINESS SESSION Fair Subscription Rates and Code of Ethics Will Be Among the Leading Topics Up for Discussion. ? Lumberton. Mrs. Charles Sander son, who lives in Wishart township, Robeson county, shot and killed two wildcats one day recently. The cats were chased up a tree near the San derson home by some dog3 and Mrs Sanderson marched to the scene with a shotgun and killed them. ; Reidsville. rTobacco breaks have been quite heavy and prices are the highest in , the history of the market Numbers of farmers .who claim they are "from Missouri" attend the sales as spectators only to return the next day with heavy haulings of their weed for sale. . Wilson. If signs hold good this will be a mild winter, according to a mountaineer prognosticator, who says that this year's crop of young lambs are scarce of fleece and that squirrels are not laying in a supply of nuts.v He says these signs have held good from time immemorial. Concord. The home service cam paign by the Young Men's Christian association for the purpose of raising $15,000 for the local Y. M, C. A., came to a successful; close when the execu tive committee of the campaign an nounced that the full amount wanted had been subscribed. ; Wilmington. Orders received here from the treasury department direct that within 21 days or less, the army and navy club building, at present lo cated on the postoffice green on Chest nut street, must be removed to some other location. The order came as J something of a surprise here. Elizabeth City. Congressman John H. Small has arranged for a hearing before the Bureau of Biological Sur- ; vey of the United States Department - of Agriculture of the grievance felt by j many people in Currituck in that un der-the migratory game law it is ille gal for the people of Currituck to pur chase wild fowl for their 'tahje. Kinston. D. G. Hargett, son of Ed gar B. Hargett, of this city, has re turned from an "extended tour abroad." Such luck as came to him befalls few persons. Hargett is a photographer. Ijje enlisted in the navy He was sent overseas on a snapshotting trip. It carried him to twenty-two European countries. Fayetteville. The community - wel fare work done by the War Camp Community service during the period of the war, which was to have beefl discontinued here on November 1, will be carried on In Fayetteville, accord ing to a decision reached at a confer ence at W. C. C. S. headquarters in Charleston. - Asheville. Tn , ; an order received here by federal officials, Federal Judge James E.. Boyd of Greensboro, who several days ago asked President Wil son to name his assistant, directs that the term of United States district court I be adjourned day to day until the nomination of Congressman Webb is confirmed by the senate. Better Roads and Bridges. Rutherfordton. The federal govern ment .has approved the plan of the city authorities for a16-foot concrete road through town from west end of Seaboard depot ' It will be built on a 50-50 basis an6 will shorten the road to the depot. t The county , commissioners closed a contract for a steel bridge .with a con. crete floor across Second Broad, river near Hayn'es mill at Avondale with the Atlantic Bridge company, of Char lotte. It will cost the county $17,360. Editor Is Chief of Legion. Monroe. John Beasley, who was elected state chairman of the conven tion of fforth Carolina posts of the American Legion, held at Raleigh saw service as an enlisted man In the Ar gonne and later in the army of occu pation in, Germany.' A n . Mr. Beasley is editor of The Mon roe Journal, 'which, was 'founded", th years "ago by his father, G. M. Beasley. and his uncle, R. F. Beasley. , Mr. Beasley is temporary 'chairman of the American Legion post which ha4 been chartered at Monroe.' Concord. J. B. Sherrili, secretary of the North Carolina Press associa tion, gave out information relative to the mid-winter meeting of the asso ciation. The meeting will be held in Greens-, boro, at the O. Henry Hotel on Janu ary 8th and . 9th. Mr. Sherrili points out that the executive committee of the association, in deciding upon the meeting place and the time, also de cided that the convention will devote its entire time to discussion of mat ters pertaining to the printing and publishing business. It is proposed to have five-minute talks on the s first day on topics that are of vital inter est to every member of the associa tion. The following will be some of the subjects: . i The postal regulations and rates, the news-print situation, rates for ad vertising, : the : adoption of standard rate cards, the need for full produc tion in all lines, modern methods of producing a newspaper, a fair sub scription rate, a code of ethics for publishers. .' Durham. Five wealthy citizens formed a corporation with $50,000 authorized capital, , $5,000 paid in, to take care of this city's franchise in the new piedmont baseball league. s Hickory. Forty-two former soldiers met at the chamber of commerce and decided to organize a local post of the American Legion. Burlington. The North Carolina Christian conference will convene in this city November 11 to 14, It will be held in .the handsome new Chris tian church just completed. Fayetteville. Two persons are In a local hospital, while two others suf fered slight injuries, as a result of a head-on collision between automobiles. Asheville. John L. Moore, night watchman at, St Genevieve's convent stepped out of the automobile driven by Sheriff Mitchell at Arden, -1 near here, slipping on the concrete paving and falling, broke his neck. - He died instantly. Lumberton. Anderson " Britt prin cipal of the public school at Raft Swamp, Robeson county, was fined $25 and the cost by Recorder E. M. Britt when found guilty of assault and bat tery upon a pupil of the school. Britt gave notice of appeal. . , Kinston. The 75th annual session of the North Carolina Christian Mis sionary convention was held at Rober sonville. Several hundred delegates, including many from the churches at Wilson, Greenville and Kinston, where large congregations are located, at tended the 10 sessions. Charlotte.-A whole time health of ficer for Mecklenburg county is as sured if the county commissioners and the state board of health follow the course taken by the county 'board ofy education, the board agreeing to pro vide $1,000 if the county commission ers will contribute $2,000 and the' state board of health $1,000. ' Salisbury. Paul Castor, twelve year old son of Berl Castor, met a iiorrible death at the cotton gin near Faith wheie the elder Castor Is employed. The boy, while handling a bag, got it caught in the shafting and was dragged into the rapidly T moving shaft His legs and arms were toro off and his head badly battered, death, being instantaneous. ,:;-.v.;V:. V; .Vv-:r:"':' Recruiting Officer a Killer. Asheville. Corporal William Ball, stationed at the local recruiting sta tion of the United States army here, shot and instantly killed W." P.' Mc Kinnish. - Immediately after the shooting Ball fled but was later apprehended on his way home to get his clothes, be fore giving up, he said.. r , : : ' Witnesses state that Ball met his victim on the street and fired imme diately. It Is alleged that the dead man. told friends that he intended to kill Ball on sight ' v Y. M. C. A. Work Overseas. Rocky Mount. J. , H. Armbrust, of Charlotte,' addressed the Current Top ic! club at its. regular meeting. Mr. Armbrust who has only recently, re turned from a long period of service overseas, spoke of the boys' commu nity work that the Y. M. C. A. is un dertaking under its program s of en larged activities, - stressing the import ance and need for such endeavor and urging. Rocky Mount' to" contribute freely In the campaign which is about to be waged to put on " new boy MtAtArv here. r"-;.-