POLK COUNTyMwS,. TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA. - -w-.il. i '""V . " . 'r-v-. , , " We are on YOUR side of the H. C. 1. fight! SOME men are paying high pri ces for their ;clothes. Others stick to, their old prices and 'don't get the right quality. The clothes we carry get men out of both difficulties. They are good clothes. You can wear our clothes, confident that you have not lowered your cloth ing standards. The prices are medium you pay enough but not too much, to se cure correct style and dependable service. We are on your side with all wool fabrics and careful tailoring We are on your side with the maker's guarantee that says a newjsuitoriyour money back if not sat:sfie. We are on your side with Style plus, Americans known-priced clothes. The sleeve ticket tells the price. The maker attaches it. Styleplus Clothes $30-$35-$40-$45 HATS CAPS SHIRTS NECKWEAR UNDERWEAR HOSIERY Styleplu Clothes THE BALLENGER CO. For Everything Tryon, N. C. j TELES tOST SHIP WHERE SHE IS System of Triangulation Will Give Bearings to Bewildered Craft ALL U. S. PORTS TO WATCH Classified Advertisements. FOR RENT. Six room furnished bungalow, with bath for rent orjsale. Overbrook Or chard Saluda, N. C. FOR SALE :-iHouse and two lots on 'Whitney Avenue. For price and terms apply to Sam P. Hill, East TTM.r.4- "Drvl, XT r . - FOR SALE OR RENT: 35 acres, good house and barn. Conveniently located near town. Fine place to keep boarders. House partly fur nished. Apply to James Leonard, Real Estate, Tryon, N. C. For uphoisterig and furniture re pairing at reasonable rates, and work that will give you satisfaction, give me a trial. You will be pleas ed with the work and prices. Ar thur Scruggs. Buy your nursery stock of E. J. Bradley, Saluda, agent for the old 1 iUOM 1 i We Can livfi' lit.flp wViiIp wiVirmr giktqv anf while we are waiting let's eat more good ham and i eggs aim Drams, mis is nam VVeeK and it will pay to get one or two. Armours Star, any size per lb .38 Rex Cooked Brains per can ......... v 25 24 lbs. Flavo Flour .1 $1.60 g 24 lbs. Fure Made Flour . .... .... . . .'. ...... 1.70 g 24 lbs. Town Talk Flour 1.80 8 100 lb. Bags C. S. Hulls .90 iuu lb. bags C..S. Meal 7 per cent,' $4.00 and 4;25 Get your coffee Compound etc. from reliable nursery company, of Pomna, N. C. He can save you money and assist you in your selection of trees best adaptedt o your soil. FOR SALE 91 acres of land, fair buildings, m5iles from Saluda and 3 miles from Melrose. Price $800. H Pace, Saluda, N. C. p7-2t FOR SALE Fine saddle horse, very gentle and has good gaits; sad dle bridle and blanket. Price $300. Mrs. J. T. Coates, Saluda, N. C. 2t rmf0 SALE 2 steers, weight about JJJJJ pounds each; 1 wagon, all for $200. One horse, sorrel, work any where, age 9 years. Hannon Pace, Saluda, N. C. 27-2t WANTED 100 men at Chimney Rock at once. Apply to Chimnev Kock Company 27-2t He Pace & 2 6 g Saluda, N. C. FRESH BREAD and CAKES Try our Home-made Candies We carry a high- grade candy with our -line of Fancy Groceries and will appreciate your patronage. JOHN ORR & CO., Tryon, NJ C. '" Phone No. 14 "' . ." ' Our Advertisers Treat You Right Is There An Electric Flat Iron v In Your Home Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed for 10 Years 1RY0N ELECTRIC SERVICE COMPANY ilants Care is guaranteed to stop and permanently care that terrible Itching. It is com pounded for that purpose and roar money will be promptly refunded without question I! ?S,nt 8 8i7e alls to cure Itch , Hcxema.Tetter. Ring Worm J ; any other skin disease. T6e the bos. . t , , For sale locally by MISSILDINE'SPHARMACY NOTICE 0 ' ; ' . . . r. I. V. Tallanti enters 10 acres of land in Columbus township Polk coun ty, N. C. on waters of North Pacolet river joining lands of D. V. Tallant, L. L. Tallant. and . others, beginning near the heed waters of branch that empties into Horse" creek waters of Pacolet river. Entered October 28th, 1119. ' JVM, BURGESS Entry Taker. Operators at Radio Stations Figure Out Position of Boat by Com- t passes Used in Navy for Years. New York. Not the least of the dangers attending the business of be ing a mariner has been that ot losing one's bearings while at sea. Time was when the sailor's life was more re plete with danger than in these days of advanced maritime efficiency. But though the ocean terrors were elim inated one by one until there remained little to be afraid of, there still was the disconcerting possibility of a ship losing itself; of fogs and compass ir regularities; of mishaps to instru ments and disabilities of steering mechanisms. Thus every so often a liner or freighter or a warship was re ported "lost in the fog" or "out of its course." The United States naval communica tion service has perfected a system of triangulation that has eliminated the possibility of further maritime reports of this sort. It is not the discovery of any one man. Indeed, it truly can not be classified as a discovery. It Is simply a perfection of a basic ruleof position finding that has formed the fundn mental of range determination in the army and a straightforward geometric theorum concerning inter secting lines. , . System Explained. 1 The perfected system has been in use in the American navy for a year. At 44 Whitehall street the system was explained briefly by attaches of the New York district central controlling radio station, j It is to be ajssumed that a ship is a hundred miles off the middle Atlan tic coast. She has lost her bearings Her navigators are unable to tell her latitude and. longitude. At once the bewildered ship's radio flashes the American coast a demand to be told the data she needs most: "Where am IT The request coming within the sec tor for which the New York district central controlling radio station is re sponsible, the appeal is received by five radio compass stations located at Montauk Point, L. L; Fire Island, Rockaway Beach, Sandy Hook and Mfttitoloking, N. J. Each of these stations is connected with 44 Whitehall street by telegraph and telephone. These radio compass stations cannot communicate with the "lost" ship, as they are receivers only and not transmitters. However, each of the radio compass stations notifies the central station . In Whiteall street that a ship within the district Is de manding to know its location. Imme diately i the central station radios the bewildered mariner to continue flash Ing his call letters for at least , thirty seconds. And at the same time the radio compass stations begin obtain ing bearings on the ship. Then Its Simple. The operators in the five stations turn their compass wheels until each has an accurate bearing. These five readings are transmitted to the cen tral station where, on a huge chart, the five readings are combined. Each reading will indicate a certain num ber of miles between the ship and the station that took the bearing. It is a relatively simple matter, then, to project these lines upon the chart un til the five lines intersect. And that point of Intersection is the location of the calling ship. Acknowledgment from the ship completes the operation Every American port is now being safeguarded by just such systems oi radio compasses and central stations. Within a few months, at any point along the coast, marirfers will be abl to approach channels, reefs and shoal waters with an absolute assurance that they will not proceed too near, nor yet exercise such great caution as. to throw them out of their course And thus also is the danger attending fog banks eliminated. , Lieutenant Commander R. B. Coff man, U. S. N., is superintendent of th central station at 44 Whitehall street Lieut. M. W. Arps, U. S. N., is it direct . charge of the New York dis trict. Just a Quiet Smoke, But It Shocked Some. Topeka, Kan. Clouds of smoke coming . from the wom en's waiting room at the Rock Island depot here caused the patrons of the room to make an investigation. Over In the cor ,ner, smoking a clay pipe peacV fully, was an aged woman, all unconscious of the excitement she was causing. When the ma-: tron told her it was not the place to smoke,; the aged wom an calmly went ,'outside the de pot and completed"5 her smoke. She said she came from the mountains of Kentucky and was on her way to Nebraska. ADMINISTRATOR'S . NOTICE. 4 Having; qualified as administrator of-thev estate qft H. KijQorA deceased, this is to. notify all "persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned, administra tor, on or before the 9th day of Oc tober, 1920, or this5 notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This October 10, 1919. FURMAN JACKSON, Administrator SALE OF VALUABLE LAND. Under and by virtue "of a decree of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Polk County, Nbrth Carolina, render ed in the special proceedings entitled "In the matter of Sallie Edwards and others, heirs-at-law, , Martha J. Brian, deceased, Ex Parte", to which decree and proceedings reference is hereby made I will sell, at public auction, to the last and highest bidder, on the premises, at the house which has been used as a School House, in Greens Greek Township, Polk County, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1919 at 11 o'coik A. M., the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: ff M. the folowing described real estate," to-wit: That tract ' of land situated and lying in Greens Creek Township, Polk County, State of North Carolina; which was formely a part of the Walker Tract of land, adjoining the lands of Bevery Bush, D. F. Shields and others, lying on the east side of Bear Creek, bounded as follows: Begining on a white cak on the east side of Bear Creek,1 B. Bush' corner; and runs thence north 7 poles to a post oak; thence north 13 west 17-1-2 poles to a pine; thence north 40 west 22 poles to a stone on the east bank of Bear Creek; thence north 9 west z2 poles to a stone on the west bank of Bear Creek; thence 7 west 88 poles to a stone on D. F. Sheields' line thence; with his line north 86 east ,89 poles to a red oak or stake; thence south 7 west 146 poles to a poplar at a branch; thence south: 89 west 82 poles to the beginning, containing 75 acres, more or less. The said land will be divided into three tracts, a map or plat of said tracts will be on exhibition and can be seen in office ten days prior to date of sale in my office at Rutherfordton, N. C, or in the office of J. T. Brian at Fingerville, S. C, and said maps will be on exhibition at the sale, and said land will first be offered separately in three tracts and then the said land will" be sold as a whole, and the sale will reported either in seperate tracts or as a whole, in the manner in which it brings the highest price. The terms of sale will be announced on the date of the sale. This is a very valuable trnct of land, situated m an excellent agricul tural section, and is hierhly recom mended to prospective purchasers of land. This sale is sold for, partition among the several tenants in com mon. i This 25 October, 1919. SOLOMON GALLERT Commissioner.'9 o Ba Cam Brassi Yd ndeaiiv isoles 50c to $2.0 Iff S STREADW1CK, 1 Wilkin,' Store TRYON, . Nt We Have the Right AND NOTICE -2i Having qualtified as adminstrator of the estate of Mattie A. Eo-ertoTf: Nelson, deceased, all- persons having claims against said estate are t& quested to present the account to me within twelve months from this date or rar oy statute will be plead. -All persons indebted to said estate will make payment of the same with out further notice of settlementThis 25 day of Oct 1919. f , W. G. EGERTON Administrator. NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS. Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below, and to all other persons who may be concerned as morteraerees. that the undersigned purchased at a sale of pronerty of de linquent tax payers, in Columbus, Polk County, N. C. on: the 5th of May, 1919, land listed and described as fol lows: Nine acres of land in White Oeik TonwshiD Polk Countv. listed in tbe name of W. M. Fowler for taxes 19i8. beventy Acres of lanH in White Oak Township, Polk Countv. listed in the name of v.ade Head Heirs for taxes 19iy. One town lot in the town of Tryon, Polk County, less seven feet on tne oack, listed m the name of Mrs. M. D. Sweatt for taxes 1918. Notice is hereby futher iriven that application will be made to the sheriff of Polk County N. C. by the under signed for deeds to said property af ter the 5th dav of Mav. 1920. Tbis Nov. 3rd, 1919. v E. W. S. COBB Purchaser. NOTICE. Kind of Materials o -do your -building -Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding,FioorI Ceilinpv Shingles, thilnfei Finish and Moulding RouJfJJ Drjsd Lumber. Carrycot STOCK OF FEEDS - J S T. Ueipnij;. iiubei, v. . . . w -. MwniBKn mt .' SALUDA, N. C. JOYNER KELLEI Plumbing Sewerage Heating Phone 42 trvon.N.t Ff LITTLE ' NOTARY PUBLIC ' ' Tryon, N.'C; Mack P. Spears Attorney at Law Columbus - N. C Tryon Lodge No. 118 Knights of Pythias CastleiUll vWMtetiMti - Meets -Thursday Evening at 8:30 VISITORS WELCOME TOR SALE House ana - twa log Whitney Ave. For price and terms apply to L L - TTTT T SAM r. mi . r...1f 2-w East Flat aw NOTICE DELIQUENT M PAYERS. Having qualified as exeriitriv nf the estate of B. D. Wiliams, deceased, late Of Polk Coimtv. Mnrlv roi-nliTia this is to notify all persons having cranial, incesiate oi said de ceased to present them to the under signed executrix for "Davmprif. within one year from this date or this notice win De pleaded m bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. , , , r - This 15th day of October 1919. -EMMA C. WILLIAMS ; Executrix. GEO A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE -AND , NOTARY PUBLIC. 1 'Collections a snAnmlKr TWlc and .Mortgages prepared, ; and Contracts written at reasonable pnoes. . , :-v; TRYON,. N. C. we solicit : . Your orders for. Flooring, Ceiling, hiding, Finish, Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can- save you money. ' See - us for lath, brick. doors and sash.' . , . . h T, GREEN LUMBER COMPANY, f Hip parties Notice is hereoy g Vvat may named below and all l person - be concerned as mortgagees, fl undersigned purchased ai ; a . iD property of delinquent tax Columbus, Polk County on the 4 of Mav. 1919, land listed and ed as follows: . r0m Eighteen acres of and" 0f lJ Twi.7t,0i,;t u;tpd in the name Hrant fnr the vear 1918, one i q Town of Tryon, less forty u0.i, lifori in the name oi . a gaie ior tne yeui " fnot 0n u Town of Saluda, less one foot kt, Ticto in the name o- u- rni . ,? mic nnp lot l" . t-.iV. ior tne year the v7 or aiuaa, less c. T listed in the name of lo lerbe for the year x-- - one in the Town ot miuu, . ol on the back, listed m the . L. Moore; for the w hundred ana T.ushiP llSl nr land in White Oak ?Ve&te H the-name of W. M. Sentell J vZv&J Vfr, the name ot - of C. R. Bmdley for rtv-g Coopers uap Tsmp; res m WeriVeD thf name of uran. ,her gj year 198 Notiw is to -that application will be m sheriff oi Polk ,Coun t my r. Milieu xyx May tVitfT ter .tne 4tn u, - TAX I