POLK COUNTY NEWS TRYON, NORTH CAROLINA' . ; X . - 1 J -u i ' i , It. -r Lrt 1 lamrur t m vi co a.. .1 Jones who has 1 QQn m Mrv fnr the nast ten davs re Valtcr unij uv-vii in ...... ash nfnme last week. . Ml :.?v,vf..- . . , """BB,B-l,l-ll-, " rife mem Visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Kennedy. - : . and Mrs. ijcj-cu iiitve arxivea t. to spend the. winter 'in fi"m home. their tt. Lois vviicuA, uuuiiu- to see Miss rr-rvon once more' will sin , J ' S?T the early part of next year. ...nortpd - to arrive in Trvon C-1S fnr a visit with Mrs. J. W. Satur(w , ; - Kennedy- . ; , Miss Lelia Dempsey, of Spartan- j is the guest of her brother-in-Police Wilson and wife ti1JC-x . : 1 - It- 13"' " 0L- this (r and Mrs. Clarence Lierhtner . .i j- i'hrt nonro hoon DnanHm snfl .i ,,-opVs at their home' - here -orprai v : . .. ! have Little Mary faster Morgan enter i ned a number of her little "friends 7a birthday party, Wednesday, in Honor of her sixth birthday. ' Mrs. Kilpin, formely Mrs. Campeau Jo is occupying the residence of the JJet John Wilcox, on Melrose Ave. On account of trouble with the gas- nline DUlTifi uii vjfpcoctuug iiia- chine we ilIt; w icavc . ... uui some very interesting news items this week. ''' Trvon Lodge is now open for the accommodation of guests. French cooking, good comfortable rooms and kothq Prices in keeping with ser- vicc rendered. There is talk of a possum supper with sweet potatoes, spoon bread and ether -"fixing" at the Library, some evening soon Yum r Yum: All mouths prepare tu ya.i. Just received Car load of good TIT ll XI imggies. worm. more man we asK for them, tome ana see tnem. . J-j. iVliV i UK x 25-4t-pd Campobello, ' S. C. Mrs. Freeman is a guest of Mrs. Grady, while preparing her house for winter occupation Miss Jane is in ew YorlC taking a course in private secretarysnip ; miss manan, one,, in art. , " , : " 1 ' ' Only a few more weeks until Christmas. Do your shopping early ani -avoid the last minute rush when stocks are short and the overworked store keeper and clerks too busy to wait on you. , Two soldiers from over seas and their wives, are occupying Iryon Lodge. the LeCount house on Melrose Ave., and are receiving7 guests. One of the soldiers is said to have em- gloved his- leisure over there learning r Tench cooKing, ana is now a.cnei. Mrs. Henry Williams , and daugh ters, of Ithaca, N. Y.,- have come to spend another winter in Tryon, which tells the story of this place's attrac tiveness as a winter pic-nic ground most of the' time. These resident vis itors are occuping Mrs. Kilpin's house. . - The work of redecorating Pine Hill (into onH ffri-o nroo ic Tir-n crro c a l n rr TreTV satisfactorily and everything at that ' popular hotel will soon be looking, s'pic and span. The management.- are looking forward to a rvery successful season and we hope and think they will not be dispointed. . Mrs. W. A. - Newell, formerly a resident of jTryon, now of Statesville, is to be a regular appointed delegate to the west Methodist' Conference, the first one at which women have been admitted as delagates. xnis week she entertained at dinner 25 stewards of the district of which Mr. Newell is the presiding elder. t Some Tryon women, with shoes at present prices are disposd to com plain of the rough spots along the sidewalks. Mr. Blake City manager savs in defence, that he is doing the very best he can with the fund, labor and material at his disposal. It 'is all a part, even if a small one' of un satisfactory conditions everywhere. ; Little Miss Edith Missildine cele brated her fifth birthday last Thurs day by entertaining eight of hr litte friends, at her home. Refreshments were served and all enjoyed the af ternoon to the fullest. The little lady received her guests like an old timer at the game of entertaining time. akint? a-bnTiV; - matter of great importance. Many tiTl t r T Can be "ted from the right bankin- connection. The banker oft times decides the failure or succsss of an undertaking. In selecting youp houge thing above all others, should be kept in mind. Suppose the time' should come that you would need money. Frequently a. loan nromnt1v would tide , vou nv, 1 ' . , Place m your affairs or may help save you from .financial ruin. When that time comes you want : to feel that your bank is your friend fwu will see vou - tlimn ' tuj. i. 'ii takes care of its customers. Its of ficers are, alert and - "v Ju J.H ktllC matter of credits oc wn n .. o wen s an other departments. Loans are pass ed upon the same day anrjlication is made, in most cases within the hour. Service and promptness are the watchwords. You are not getting a complete bank service unless you do business with this, Polk County's Greatest Bank. o We have a customer in far away Colorado who sends us time deposits frequently, knowing that we will have the money ready when it is needed.' Confidence makes the bank ing business what it is today. Con fidence in the officers and the bank's ability to make good. This bank has made a" wonderful: record. Its - busi ness has shown a. steady increase from its organization "until now it is the foremost bank in the county. Within the last month its business has materially increased, in one - day the rast week six new checking . and three saving accounts . were opened "Nothing succeeds Mike success,-'' Our mail service takes in a great deal of territory and we are amply 'prepared to take care of our mail customers. We have customers from New York to Southern Florida and as far west as Colorado. - We serve one customer in New York , City in our Checking Department,, who ; has been with us for over two years. Open an account - with us, if you live at a distance, and see how well we can serve you with Uncle Sam's mail. . Wise jnvestors are. taking advan tage of our liberal interest terms to invest in our Certificates of Depos its. This department i is having a very hearty growth, showing over 100 per cent increase in the last year. A Certificate may be taken out for as triclr. short .a time as 60 days" -and they are issued Jn sums froni; $50.00 and -.upwards:": If you have idle funds invest in one. of these Certificates 'where you know 'your money is absolutely' safe and ready for -you when you wanf it. Call or write for full particulars. -The writer -of these preachments was presented with a gold coin of no little valiie as . an ; appreciation for service -rendered a good customer. Of course' the gift was promptly re fused on the ground that . the ser vices rendered were paid for in the form of salary by the bank, but the customer, insisted so the gift was div ided mto savings accounts for the officer's children and set aside as the beginning of an educational fund. Why not open an account, for each of the children? You will want them to have a good education so that they will be well equipped for v life V bat tles. .'Begin now with the fund and add to it as fast as you can. Take our word for it that it will grow be yond your expectations, when com pound interest gets in its work. This bank pays four per cent compounded quarterly. "W e will be here every business . day waiting for you to open that account. One dollar will do the Many thanks. Peoples Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. ? c G. H. Holmes, Pres J. T. WaldropfVice Pres. - :- . Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F.;Little, Cashier V. A. Bland, Asst. Cash " - y - 1 1 (0 TEe Car for the Mbimtains. 1 :920 unpcllell, Kir 4-5 Can Make Immediate Delivery CHAS. J. LYNCBi, Tryoflu, C deed be hard to improve upon. Miss Emma McFarland is in charge of this department and ladies will find her always ready to help them in their wen-its ""in this line. In fact this store to it that all present had a good Would be a credit to a town many times larger Mum Missildine is to be commended upon his enterprise in giving us such an institution as he conducts. Miss Edith Thurston writes Tryon friends that her mother's and her own journey to Cuba, was very com fortable, and at times telightfuL The one-night voyage from. Key West to Havana, was calm and soothing to both. Plenty of work in her cousin s school in Vevado, the Havana suburb was in readiness for her. Both her mother and herself are much impress ed with the beauty of the city and the pleasant manners, .ready, .hospitality, intelligence and cultivation of the uu-San- people-especially the - women they have met. ? - - . Almost any complication even in simple domestic affairs can happen nowadays. Mrs. busan - cently opening a package . x6 bought in . Charleston last spring found them not in .the least those she had chosen. She sent them back and in exchange .receiytuii- r":v mpQ nf exactly tne same uujcwt1Uuai Pattern. She Iso sent her check forTa 'Charleston paper andreceived to letter back from-the Government warehouse for Jthe sale of -army gooos, jusrposite the; ppstofficewith information that-the letter : was. opm 5?ls1e;:butcheck must be feVtified anyhow. : Everybody is get tg convinced, that it's a -.crazy old wlrld? no matterwhere you happen to be living on it- We are in receipt of a letter from Miss Matilda Giles stating that she and her mother have arrived in New vork from England, and, requesting that her copy of the NEWS be sent to her there, and that ye hope to fome to Tryon, but we have made w no definite plans, but both my mother and I would be very much disappoint ed if we do not get tnere some time darinir thp winter pMr. and .Mrs. Brown of the PineHiIl Cottages made a recent trip from Chicago to Tryon last week; leaving there on Monday and arriving here n Sunday. Every day wras bright, warm, sunny. They ' came through, without a break down; not even a puncture. They were their own chauffers and knew the way. Under those circumstances one ought .to Mobile pretty-much as they choose.; Mr. W. . L. ; Sanders living- just jutside the corporate limits . of andrum, had the misfortune of los ing his house and contents by fire Monday morning. ; Mr. J Sanders,, who works at theCQttdn gin there was at work, and his" wife and daugher had gone down, town to do some shopping their arrival down town they were fold that heir home -was on; tire, and before help arrived the' building w&S burned. : The loss' -fs estimated at. feout $6000,'with!inb. msuTa4ce. I ne best display of rubber goods i'e have ever seen 'outside of city !?rug stores. And much better than . 1Ji many of them are now on display I at the Missildine Pharmacy. This ! concern is strictly up-to-date in ev O'thing and their servic would in- o'clock at the home ' .of Mrs. T. L. ifor the wedding were Miss Iris Jack- Bramlett, 41 Vance street, when Miss son. Miss Alva J-ackson, Miss Jennie Janet Jackson and Mr. F. H. Snipes, were united in marriage. Rev. Dr. W. Powell, pastor of the First Bap church officiated in the . presence of sixty or more invited, guests. The lower floor of the .house was charm ingly decorated with quantities of white chrysanthemums and plants The vows were spoken in the drawing room, before -an improvised altar ar ranged with chrysanthemums and evergreens. On each side were plac ed three crystal , candle sticks, hold ing lighted tapers. Mrs. George Thompson accompanied Mfs. E. L. Wolslagel .violiist, on the piano ren dering the wedding music. Previous to the ceremony Mr. Frank Hill sang "Until." Little Miss Frances Powell, daughter of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Powell wearing a dainty ruf fly frock of white organdy, was the small ring bearer. - The bride wore a handsome traveling suit of blue silvertone with a small blue hat and a corsage. bou quet of bride's roses Her only orna ment was' a" string of pearls the gift of the ' groom. ; Immediately after wards, there was an informal recep tion in the dining: room; where the bride's cake was plac on the beau tifully appointed round table, a deco rative -note of chrysanthemums was also used. The cutting of the cake Jackson and Mr. Ralph Jackson, all of iryon, and Miss Kate Hudson; of Greenville, S. C Thursdays Ashe ville Citizen. JLi to be in our new fireproof store building soon, Vhere we will carry a comjplete line of general merchan dise. In the meantime tome to us for your needs in all lines, as we now have afull line of groceries, dry goods, furnishings, ready - to - wear, etc, at live and let live prices. Wilkins &' Co. Tryon, N. C. a - What Good is Opportunity ' To the average man if he is not saving? It will enable you to grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice Open a sav , ngs account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVIDJC: BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONBR H. B. LANE Cubier i ) i President Vice PrMitTeats j COURTESY! COCOC O 8 SAFETY! O, O . o O- converted into cash by mail, at any time. O O O O C) O O ococo servicb; DrDV2s(t by IVOaSflS Buy a Certificate of Deposit It earns four per cent from date and fcan BAN IK OF TRYON W. T. LINDSEY Pre J. B. HESTER Caahier. A- S. A. A. A. . wvoJUUU5UUCOCOCOCCCOCOCCCO be O, ''', M t 'II 1 COLUMBUS REAL ESTATE S INS. GO. Columbus, N. C. Farm Lands, Timber LandsTown Property. Bought Sold, and Exchanged. . " j TractNo' T 160 acres 2 1 -2 miles from Salad, small or chard, good water. 4 room housegood pasture, well timbered. .Price $15.00 per acre. Tract No. 2.-44 1-10 acres, 1 1-2 miles of Columdus, on public highway to Landrum, 1 3 acres cleared. Price $35.00 per acre. ' : James Watson Says, "I'll Never For get When Farther's Hogs Got Cholera. "One morning he found 2o hogs dead and several sick. He called in the Vet. who after dissecting a rat caught on the premises, decided that the,, rodents had conveyed germs. Since then I am never without RAT SNAP. Its the surest, quickest" rat destroyer I know." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00 Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger.Co. and Carolina Hard ware Co. . APPLICATION FOR PARDON O. P. BRUCE. OF TRYON GIRL , MARRIED. was ' VAmft -wedding nroved -most interesting. " The button was found by Mrs". J. W. Neely, Jfiss Ruth-Neeiy got the dime and Miss ward ' their protests to the Governor Margaret; Hobbs found the nng,H As withoif 'delay; "" .pyizmi t. ; - Application will (be made - to the governor of- NortH Carolina for the pardon of O. P.-" Bruce, convicted at the FalL term of the Superior Court of Polk county 1919, for the crime of manufacturing whiskey and sentenced to a term of six months on the public roads of Burke county. . All persons who oppose the grant ing oi saia paraon are invrcea to ior- ' This 20th day: 6t November, 1919. ' MRS. ?0.' P.: BRUCE. sistmg Jin: serving the guests were Mrs: Eri Snipes and Miss Kate;Hud- son. Mrs. snipes is the daughter . of j Mr andMrs! James Jackson, of Trv on... and- isr well known in Asheville t . WANTED: -To!buv bovs second- rt 9 l manager of the western hand, bicycle, Must be in gd con distnct of Sands and' company at .... r - , f . . . Knoxville; Term. After a bridal trip ution and price reasonable. Suitable of ten days in-the north Mr. and Mrs. for 7 or 8, year old boy. Ernest An Snipes will be at home at Knoxville, drews, ldl Palisade St. Spartanburg, Tenn." 'Among th out-of-town guests S. C. . For "fairflirn Oarndls or towo ' . property see W. T. LD NOSEY, Tryom. A SANITARY HEAT : Our meats are kept in a sanitary ice box which we keep ar clean as prears ot .expeneace and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only the best meats on the.markst, both native and Western- Weo:srindiid. gour. .saiuag9 'aiid feel sansfied that if you want xlean, sweet meats tha Market prices paid for Cattfcy Hogs, ChickensVC ' TvJj" - '-i- :-.T "'' .j". ' " " ' uj sty Rr, ' ,v.-i - . " - t , ' v in m- ' rk.r. . .,?- i r..- ? , v A. H. WILLIAMS: t Oar Advisers Treat O o o o

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