i . , , - V . - - . ' - - , i - ft. xional ouncl ijpf the i vunenca. ' a : - 1 li i i. mtrM . k k . - ri ! ' t - . . .. . . : 1 , 1Z 1 IKIUW, N. U: f KiUAYv WUVtMBEK 28, 1919. D M HUM hU Lfllll: nilLU Tllr nnilllTII I : - ' rOMIMBITS- lniUttt'na'wl - 'l Allal'.r. .-.i. '-.riiTirs mum uuii i iiiliiuu uiiLn inr iiiiurji .....;iLi w m r ! k - ?h y - - " , H i . - mm vm. . uamv uwc will c& i ' m-m a m t i ABOLENE. Mr. J- in? fro"1 E. Ridings has been suffer a light stroke of paralysis .1 . rsocf wppIc. PhvsifinTiB cair jt is not serious. , . , - large audience listened to ja most excellent sermon delivered by Rev, r'PV Blantoh, at Green River 13'"- 1 tt; j- . . hurch Sunaay. ms uiscourse was in c: to tne (o mnnon campaign. rei A joint debate win oe neia at Mel- Hill school nouse next TSaturday i ir.i. TTiii- vin pi: Vht. tireen river aim ineivm xiili. Subject: "Kesoivea mai a league 01 nations should be formed; and that the United States should, join it." Green River school is progressing though there is a greax aeai 01 worK that should be done by the children. gut w are proud that the parents are making the. sacrifice. MOUNTAIN VIEW. Rev. J. T. Ruppe filled his regular appointment 'at Mountain Viev, Sat urday and Sunday. Sveral from Inman attended preaching services here, Sunday. Mr. Hobart Jackson, of Henderson ville, spent Saturday night with home folks.: - ; Quite a number from Silver Creek attended preaching services here, Sun-j day. Mr. Henry Garrett was a pleasant caller of Miss Carrie Jackson, Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Martin McCrain was the din ner guest of Mr. and Mrs.11. H. Mc Crain Saturday - . - Mr T. M. Ruppe, of Big Level, at tended preaching services, here,,Sun- Mr. Callie Halford ancf Mxsaud (Cochran) Halford were happily mar- ned last Saturday morning, xvev. o. T. Ruppe tying the knot.' ... . ' . . n . tV RED MOUNTAIN. The farmers visit Spartanburg very often here of late, with apples, cabbage, etc. Mr. Reuben Wilson, of Spartan burg spent Saturday night and Sun day with his father, T. N. Wilson, v Mr. Ernest Corn jumped from a car near Mill Spring last Sunday, and was very seriously injure!; but we hear he is much better. Miss Lizzie Lee Wilson was the dinner guest of Miss Martha Jackson, Sunday. A large crowd attended- prayer meetinp- at Mr. T. N. Wilson's. Sun day, conducted by Rev. Bud 'Jackson. 'Miss-Mamie Wilson spent last week end with her parents on route-1. Wss Fannie Biddy was the guest of Miss Esther Wilson, Sunday. Misses Ola Haynes, Sue Jones and Mr. Dock Wilson- entered school at Red Mountain, Monday. Mr. Clarence Whiteside, of Fruit land Institute, spent Sunday night with, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. L Whiteside. We are having plenty of corn husk 'ngs at this time. Mr. and Mrs. King Lawter left last Wednesday fro Alexander Mills. everjt from here wen4 to the par ty at Mr. W. D. Helton's last! Thurs- day night. J " -Mr. and Mrs. E - F. Ruff, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. N L. Whiteside and Furman Jackson mo wed to Hendersnville and other Pkces last Saturday MELVIN HILL There is to be a ioint debate be- feen Green rive and Melvin Hill, hen e, next Satudrav night. The sub- fct will be the League of- Nations 'erybody invited to attend as there ls sure to .be some good speaking Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morris, of Cliff J'de, called at Mr. and 'Mrs. Tom drop's, Sunday. Miss Love, the good nurse, of Partanburpr. who was as a visiting anl arnoriP- ih flu sufferers here last winter, spent last week at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Laughter. Frosts have been letting up on us several days now, and we are "vin Pleasant Indian summer FISHTOP. Just the kind of weather all like, cool and bracing. It seems a little odd to see Wm. C. Pace drawing the reins over luV fa ther's mules, who1 has been away at tending to Uncle Sam's business for 13 years. He talks of resigning his office , in Bahama at $175 per month and coming back to the mountains of the old North State,- raising stock and fruit and enjoy life. . Elder S. P. Jones and daughter, Manda, of Cherokee, S C, were pleas ant visitors, both, on business and pleasure, a fewdays last week. ' A dog found a ox.that was set for rabbits one night last week and bag ged the rabbit in the box and rolling it over the field for several hours, when finally he turned him out and we got to sleep some. Quite a crowd of Fishtop young sters went to Hendersonville, Friday ast. x Rev. Jackson, failed to fill his ap pointment. Newt Case visited in the lower sec ion Sunday. Misses Pearl and Vina Morgan vis ited Miss Flora Bradley, Sunday af ternoon. Y - - J. B. Bradley has been, and is yet, suffering with a swollen finger, caus ed by a briar sticking in it. MILL SPRING ROUTE 1. Mi, and Mrs. A. A. Edwards were made to rejoice when their son, Tench C. Edwards, returned home for a few days' visit.- He has been away from home almost three-years, and every body was glad to see his home again. He is visiting relatives in Spartan burg, at this writing, and will leave soon for Camp Taylor, Ky. He hopes to get his discharge in March, 1920. Miss Dorcas Edwards, who is in school at Valle Crude, N. C, was tiome on a short visit, last week. Mr A Ogle and family are moving to South Carolina, this week Their many friends will miss them, and hate to see them leave. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Sheean, of In man S. C, visited atjA. A. Edwards' Saturday and Sunday. Born to Mr and Mrs. Willie Gilbert on last Saturday, a son. Miss Mossie Edwards, who has been with home folks for several days, returned to Tryon; Monday. J. T. Edwards has purchased a Ford ' i truck. - Mr. Bert Edwards was a caller on route' 2? Sunday. 1 Prayer meeting was conducted ' by R. L. D Gilbert at the home of J. U Griffin, last Wdnesday night. Rev. Charlie Walker . delivered interesting sermon at Big Level oa last Sunday. Mr. Talmag Allen was a caller on the route, Sunday. Some nice watermelon was served at the home of A. A. Edwaiuo a few days past. Don't you wish you nad been there? . MILL SPRING. " Rev. Mr. Hackney filled his first appointment at" the Methodist church last Sunday. ' . Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Brisc ue vis iting friends in Rutherfordton. Dr. Smith is kept very busy now. quite a number of cases of flu are re ported but we hope we will not have any Spanish flu. - , George, Gdrdon and Hubert uidds were guests of Minter and Fred Bar ber, Sunday afternoon; also Miss Carry Barber called on Misses Jiva and Mbilie Egerton. . " Hog killing seems to be mucn in or der now. A few days ago some one was remov ing the salt from ; their meat - box, making room for pork; andto ther surprise found a ham but maybe they were just Hoovefizmg. . r. T Our Sunday school at the Baptist church is v progressing nicely." Ev erybody seems to be very; much en thused over the 75 million campaign. On last Sunday the entire lesson per iod was taken up .with short talks from4 members of the . Suday school t fhP line of the work; ,and be. lieve me, we haVe already gone the top at Mill. Spring... - aver Dr. H. H. Edwards spent several das : this v week in Rutherfordton' on business. . '. :"f" f c v Mrs. A. H. Elliott and children spent a- few days last week with her parents, at Mill Spring. - Miss Eula Jackson, of Stearns Hign School, spent the week-end at hei: home near Mill Spring. , jRev. E. J. Jones filled his regular appointment v at the Baptist'' church, Sunday. : , Mrf Grayson Arledge,'1 of Mill Spring, was visiting relatives 4 here, Simday. A.x. R. F. McFarkin'd was called to Rileigh on business last week. Mr. R. M. Hill spent Saturday and Sunday with his family here. .The 'Womans Betterment Associa tion will have a meeting at th4 .High School building on Friday afternoon, Dec 5th, 1919, at 3:30 o'clock. Prof. E W. S. Cobb is in "Raleigh attending the teachers' assembly. Laura Jack is on the sick list this week. ., Miss Ailcc Tallant has charge of the grammar grade work in the High school. .. 7 ." i v. ' fc'.v .The primary grade taught by Mrs. J4 W. Jack, will give a Thanksgiving entertainment Friday at 1 p. m. Ad mission 5c. Proceeds to go to the Soldiers' Monument Fund. (Prof. E. W. S. Cobb lost, valuable J6rsy cow, last jareek." ?Mrs. Roxie Thompson, mother of Mrs. M. P. Spears, moved to Colum bus, this week.' iv K , ;Mrs. R. A. Vatson. formerly of Columbus, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. A Cantrellat Spar. tanburg,. and was buried at the Co lumbus Baptist cemetery, Sunday af ternoon, Nov. 23rd. Mrs. , Watson was 78 years of age Tlie surviving children are: Mrs. N; T. Mills, of Co lumbus ; Mrs. J. A. Cantrell, op Spar tanburg; Mr. Edgad Yarborbf of Lin colnton1, N.C ,;' t : ''r:.. s-. "Mr. "and Mrs. Geo. Painter, of 5 Mel vin Hill, attended the funeral of Mrs. Watson here -Sunday. i o FOX MOUNTAIN." Say, Mr. Editor, will you allow us to join your paper ? This is our first isit;and if you are willing, we will come again. - Mr;' Jim Smith is very ill with flu. Many from this section attended preaching at Bethle'hem. We feel safe m saying everyone enjoyed the very r interesting sermon delivered by Rev. W; J; Hackney." ' Mr. Bona Jackson and Mr. W. B. Edwards imade a business trip to Rutherfordton, last week. The girls of Fox Mountain school organized fa literary society last Fri day' afternoon. The officers are as follows : Annie ' Edwards, president ; Grace Hamilton, vice president;, Helen Pai ton, secretary; Irene Edwards, chaplain; Jettie Hogue, teller. This society, will be uder . the supervision of Mrs. Ray N. Edwards, the primary teacher." The - boys also organized a society with the f ollowingi officers r - Hugh Edwards, " president; - John?. Edwards, secretary. -This society will be under the, supervision of Mr. John Gilbert, the principal. u -We welcome all the patrons of this school to visit us in these societies which Will be held every Friday after-' noon. " ;, We were glad to have Miss Sallie Carpenler visit our school Monday and would be glad if more would visit Mr. Thaddeus Barber and Rev. W. J. Hacknr. were quests at the home of Mr.-W. ?r Hogue, Sunday after- noon. , . ..' LYNN. Rev. E. J. Jones preached in Dr.. Pratt's place!-last t Sunday night. Dr. Pratt Wring been called away on business. . , . v ' - . The Ladies' Aid Societv have pur chased an; organ for use at the .chap el till church is ready for occupancy. Mr. R. D, Gray and Miss Alice, Mc Brayer will attend Teachers' Assem bly at Raleigh this Tfreek At ' this writing Mr. Will Newman is quite sick V with pneumonia. Also his .wifeand'icM disposeCSvj:iv.r: Mr. v ahd "Mrs." Jas. .- Cpnnor ' have quite a sick child," with pneumoina. , Mr. Chas. Edwards, Jr. has moved into the D. A. Goodman house, hav- ing bought it some days ago. v There was talk of ' a mad dog being in our village one i day; last week. Just a strange do acting a little sus picious, psrhaps. , We said last week that there would be a eclipse of the sun on Thanksgiv ing. JBeg pardon; we were mistaken, but we quoted from what 5 we thought a very reliable journal, but we all make mistakes. I ; ; c - Rev. E. J. Jones was the guest of H-G. Cannon and family list Sunday night.; v . . - r.' ; - - Mr.- W. F. Swann returned last Saturday from somewhere 't in Geor gia, where he had been for two weeks on business: We - quote from the Pathfinder: "The armistice went into effect 11th November, 1918 at 11 o'clock a. m. In other words t: was- thellth- hour of theslith day of tne 11th month ' of the yarjj Now behold wnat it says in the; 11th verse of the 11th chapter of the; 11th book of the Bible Look it up (for yourself." - ' MrJ D. B. Newman, of Flat Rock, is'Vitins:;..liis son and family Will Newnjan, who is sick at this time. MJss Grace Panther has been out of rschool several days nursing a cold. Mrj and Mrs. S. F. FowieV nave had a sick baby but is reported better.' LANDRUM ROUTE 3. i ivf were delighted Monday morn ing!. to see Mr. Clayton. Constant5 and his " crew of hands coming around to patch up a few of our "public -gullies"; as the road was in bad condition. 5 , Mr. and Mrs. Will Malone and two small children, of Spartanburg, -visited : JMr, Malone's sister, Mrs. T. M. Wolfe last . Sunday. Mr., and Mrs. W. S. Hall, also Mr. and. Mrs. G. W. Pierce, visited at Geo. W. Penton's, on route 1 last Sunday. The " school at Morgan is progress utg n "cl:: with a complete enrollment since the' second day. J 19 boys and 9 r:ffm:xt do oir share toward the ? Soldiers Monument. - ' One of 0ur' o'possiim hunters had the misfortune to lose his teeth while nuntmg Saturday nient, but was lucky enough to find them next day. 'H. P: Sharpe was in Columbuis; Monday, ; on' -business. v Hope every Baptist church in Polk county goes "over the top" in the Baptist 75 million campaign. Mor gan's Chapel is already over the top with the cash paid in for first year, but we mean to add considerable more during Victory Week. CROSS KEYS. - Nice cool weather and the farmers are getting their wheat sown. ' ' Mr. Wilbur Feagan and Miss Effie Mae Blackwell were; marrie4" Sunday morning at Greens Creek" church by the pastor. Rev. ? G. G. O'NeaL Here's wishing them much happiness . Mr. , Wilbur eagaii will return to Spartanburg in a short time, taking his wife with ljim. Rey. Mr. : Fqxi f rom New Prospect, preached an interesting sermon after Sunday school at Creens Creek church Sunday afternooni 1 There was"" a" large crowd attended the Wl t)iiW.( oyster supper at Cross Keys, Saturday tight! v Greens Creekhas organized a B. Y. P. V.x s'ocityr Will be glad for any one to 'jiome ' and join Will take in new members every Sunday night at 6:30. - - -..:' ,;? .'w, A. , H Mrs. Bridge Green, from Fair For est, spent the week-end 'with her par ents, 1 Mr. and ' MrsVMose Shields. iMr. Grady y Flyhn and Gladys took dinner with Mr. Frank Shields Sun day. ;:'v-'i;-,." - ' . Quite a number from Spartanburg took dinner at Mr.;'Barnett's. Sunday. Those ' who came were Miss Lela Bar nett, Mr. and " Mrs. Jim Ray and children. - ;' . .. , Mr. Barnett Blackwell was also up to see his pa'rents, and the newly mar ried couple. i Mr Luther Nadirie took dinner rat Mr. H. E. Flynn's, Sunday Miss . Maude- Jackson spent Satur day night with Miss Jannie Barnett. Mass Evelyn Perserr has - gone to New; Prospect to teach school. Mr. and Mrs." Vitus McEiityre spent the week-end with - Mr. ; and " Mrs. Bridges, near ' Columbusf; d 1X4 ; Mr7 and: Mrs. Clauide JV'BtveSd their plac'an'd'wiU;;-m6vUli7o Greers S. C. They wilhe missed very much out of the Sunday flchool at Sandy Plains school house ! wb.ii wwwii llllllll l Ilk K" ' 1 1 U III ! i ... ,,' ,: cornea oy j, k. oami, county Alia Last week was, one of unusual in terest as I went through, Polk county. One who is not acquainted with NE W POLK COUNTY, would think she is still asleep; but she 'aint" like Rip van Winkle. She is awaking if rom her long slumbers and putting on' some real progressive movements. If you. don't believe it, do like I do, go around and see for yourself. Last Wednesday I left Columbus at 1 oV clock p. m., and went to Tryon to dis cuss the possibilities of growing sheep in Polk county with, Mr. Vorhees from Michigan,a nd to attend a meeting of directors of Polk County Fair Asso ciation. There I convinced myself that old Polk is still on one corner of the map and certainly means to stay there as shown by the pluck of these men to settle all premiums at last Fair and to have the best Fair in all North Carolina next year. It was then 'my "pleasant lot to spend the night with Mr. James Scrivens, which gave us opportunity to discuss Hampshire hogs, cattle, sheep, poul try and all round better farm meth ods and management. Mr. Charles J. Lynch's farm was next visited, when Mr. Lynch kindly took me through his home and showed and' ex plained his Delco lighting plant. He said, "now if a farnief is not able J to iwn both an automobile and Delco lighting plant by all means leave ! the auto 6ff and put in the plant. - We first went to the basement and poured some kerosene oil in the tank and primed up with gasoline, and away she went till the batteries are charg ed and , the thing trips " off , automat ically. We then went to the living apartments . and turned on the" beau tiful white lights. The next stunt was to set the "electric' iron to going and then an old-fashoned jar was put into U position;.an&- in f an : instant : jthe" sure-enough old ' style churn was in motion till the butter was on hand and that without any labor on the part of an . already worked to death mother. - Then1 a nearby sewing 'ma chine was put in motion !by a touch of the' toe and 'away she went without let or hinderance or exertion of a back broken woman. Then "a kind of rattle dashing was started up in an other corner and lo and behold it was a washing machine doing the work of three or four women without the aid of but one to put in and take out the clothes, and thert-:fo you just ought to seV' that1 thing twist "the water out of them and the1 job is doneWell the thing- can do almost anything to be done about the house except eat and IUKNY VIBTf. Sunny View literary society met on Friday afternoon, Nov. 21 1919. Had a splendid program, consisting of songs, recitations, etc. A crowd of young people enjoyed a singing at Mr. F. R. Coggins' on last Saturday nfght.' ' Mr. Ralph Edwards was a visitor in Sunny' View section, Sunday. We are sorry to note that Mrs. Twitty Jackson isn't improving very fast. - A crowd of young people gave Miss Eunice Randall a surprise party on last Thursday nfrht. All report a very nice time. ' 4 We wish to correct a mistake made in last week's " paper concerning "the box supper at Sunny "View. It will be given Saturday night, Nov. 29. Mr. Lawton Wilson made a trip to Spartanburg last week. Mr. R. R. Wilson, of Spartanburg, visited home folks Saturday and Sun day.. . - ' V. Several from this , section attended services at Big Level Sunday." Mr. Hampton Ruff, bf Spartanburg, visited home folks," Sunday. Mr.' Willie MSlls, of Spartanburg, has returned home. , MAPLE GROVE. Several from this section! attended preaching at Big Level, Sunday. Mr. Noah Xynch left last Thursday for Va., where he will enter the navy. Messrs. Posey Wilson and " Andy Searcy, Mesdames Ellen Searcy and Bonnie " Corn and Miss - Oma Gibbs motored to Ruth, N; C, last Friday. ' Mr. and Mrs: G; S. Whiteside vis ited MrstJ: S. Gibbs, lastundayi Mr. Sampson Spicer visited, home folks Saturday, returning to his work WAJTS MTER dog fias a healftht ien - sadness Vorues; .UU versitv? And dbWou nines ween when suns iiand fail to, rise ? l " I nought to Jerry.j the e Airedale with the ill the world and the -W . . ."fe in Kansas. Jerry any more, nor does , -to rubbr?n gaijist , sweep the floprmriVith a -little training I beiieve Wwould clean up' the house buitd "fires, etc. All of this'.. ." is 5 going on way out in the country . on a ' f arm! We tHenT'went out lin3 " inspected ' the: grass fields which had been lately sown and bid fair to be a success. Mr; Lynch is secretary of the Hampshire' Swine Breeders Asso ciation, lately organized, and is very enthusiastic" for- the oeaiitiful belted .. hogs. t k:,;'i:-:.. - The nexti farm that attractof more than passing; notice : fos thatof Mar. WV B. McSwainif Wersi ea In the disfanc'e the glimpse of jthisfarm I saw : fiOTriethinir whiefc TPfieVnhle a cane mill in operation, and thought my luck would be an old styfemblas--ses boiling thatv' night: but when closer , inspection was resorted to, 'I mill, a stump puller was in operation - ' ai a r rr a '1 ' . -i i m . ' . 1 1 ana mai ouu Btumps naa oeen puuea . in less time than three : days; on ' t ur . . , ther ' investigation I found ; that 'tXt this tearing up of stumps meant that MrV McSwain had just purchased at v a Jcost of fl,4qp.00:a tractor and first-, class plowing and general land fixing . outfit, I All this looked , like progress;' but when I looked around and found man ne naa ; sown a acres oi grass. and ,had the seed necessary to'.'sowlO acres morel ana vera iur ouirht to " see" his1 cows ahd ; yearlings On. that ' '; bauti:ur green pasture browsing anct vl grazing on the green , grasses w sown ', oie year ago. . I then went ; down j on I ' the, creek bottoms that were covered " witli elders last lyear l.,anoT found a negro ".ditching and acres of. this' low,;, land that; had benr worth less7 . sown" to grass and 'made r valuable" for pad- . tdre. rSee 'together,, what . Mr: f c- , t Swaiif ia doihg, puts Jdra : rigfe - m , i the lead ' of '' the mcst progressive; farmers in Polk Counjty,' Mr. Jantea . A Blackwell . and Wmr t McDae 'liave cleared their fields ,f jrtumps and are ready f Or the : tractor. .Mr.', Ed, Lan". 1 casterwas ;the first ' farmer in ) ' the" county, so far "as ItTmbw; td"instaU:a. J tractor. He, Mr. JVIcSwain, Mr ; Granville Thompson and Mr.' Craw ford Walker making four v farmers who now t)wn tractors in Polk county. Now . don't everybody get crazy an.4 buy a . tractor," for ?yery farhieven,, a large one," does not need one ; ftpt'( . f where seyeraV neighbors' haye small fV and stumps might .cooperate and buy one together. So now if you, .don't believe that old Polk, is . getting a . "Hump on herr just go around nd see for yourself. ".Then comejbackjte . old ; Columbus' and see f stump pulling :.' and tree digging going on right ij. the court house square. , It's a sight J to see how they , are tearing up .dirt that has not been , molested since , the good Lord made the earthy but my . how the dirt is flying . now. :Its ' all , because old Polk is wakhe up never to sleep again!, Sunday Mr Hill they county superintendent of Rutherfordton, made a nice talk' at Cane Creek school building last Saturday. Mr. Will Haynes has ' mbveo! near Cane Creek. , t Mr. Claude Williams was V caller on route 2, Sunday. -Mr. Tolbert" Odel was' a caller at Mr. M. N. Burnett's; Sunday. Mrs. Bonnie Corn is on the list now, but is some better. sick SILVklt 'CttEElL What a stir, people moving, some , killing porkers, others busy k plowing getting ready for farming next year. Every person is quite busy in thisv community. , - , Mr. Will Green and wife have mov ed to Pea Ridge. Mr: C. R.- Bradley spent the week end with home folks. - Mr. H. P. Arledge and brother, G. H. Arledge have gone today, Monday morning, to move Mr. Jesse Splawn andlfamily to Cherokee S. C. Mr. ' Frank ' Green was a -' caller ' at' Warrior Mountain Sundajr af ternooxu ' ' Mr. Callie Halford and Maiid" Halford were happily married ,'" last' " Saturday evening, at ' Greed "River. Miss Nell Arledge was .the" guest of " Miss Grace 'Arledge, Suijday.v Messrs Hamilton WiUiann"-'1sad l Geter Bradley attehde'd churcli ser- ' vices at Mountain' View,' Sunday. I Mr. Will Foster spent the past week at ' his father's farm on Green, river. . - '" I The ' school at'Silver Creek is pro- gressihg nicely f with Mrs. Minnie Green as teacher.!" y4,,Tl,''.'j:,, ' Mr. Henry' Thompson'' and wife are : moving this week to Green riverf1

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