u U' u ' ' A : .J S L f - t r v ) Ml fcLrl l VU 11 u owes its success to the fact that we treat au) ofbiir customers right, the little the same as the big- one. Our statement proves this statement fell Bank With Us and You Wiir Always Have Cause to be Thankful Tor So Doing 1 RESOURCES" Loans ........ . . . . . . . . . . . .... ...$195,290.82 Bank House. . 1,500.00 Overdrafts . . 122.8B Liberty Bonds V. ....... . . . .1 9, 750.00 Furniture and Fixtures . . 1,298.60 Real Estate 1 24.00 Cash and due from Banks. ' 41,999.72 Total $260,094.00 -jLOABItlLllTFDES-- Capital: ...... iV. . . . .......... ... . ... ... . 15,000.00 Surplus .and Profits 6.000.00 XJridivide Profits.'. 6.740.32 Que to Banks. . ..: 1 1,41 1.45 Bills Payable . ; . . . . . . . ; NONE Depo sits 220,942.23 Total. $260,094.00 A mm AL UN-' 11 ML FEOF -A 1 v M. B. Carflosfle, Presided! It J. S. Carpenter, Vice Piresudemilt Roy -P. WflnnltOoclk,; Cashier i:DrD. IBipaxrJy, Asst. Cashier. H.B. J. S. CARPENTER X T. WALDROP ROY T. WHITLOCK 3C Days U iTDiralftt; : ' AIRE REAL DAYS The time for saving and getting ahead in the game of life is NOW. , With a Bank Account started and steadily growing . you will experience a pleasure of accomplishment in saving that comes from naught else. - The best way is to come in and start ah account to- day. Don't delay on account of the amount you have for the start. BANK of ALU OA JOHN B. CANNON, Pres. ital $10,000.00 aiuda, N. C. PRESTON H. BAHEY, Casb. FRESH BREAD and CAKES Try our Home-made Candies We carry a high grade candy with our line of Fancy Groceries and will appreciate your patronage. JOHN ORR & CO., Try on, N. C. Phone No. 14 Undevelopecf Country Lake St. John, at the head of the picturesque Saguenay river, has been brought to the notice of the Royal So ciety of Arts by Prof. J. C. McLennan as one of the best undeveloped power sources In North America It has an area of about 350 square miles, drains a basin of 30,000 square miles, and is 315 feet above sea level. Three easily developed power, sites are capable of yielding a total of 1,000,000 horse power at tidewater, and many sites for docks and Industrial plants are avail able on the river. -o ' Mr. P. LaDuke, Farmer, Says,. "You Bet Rats can Bite. Through. Metal." "I had-feed bins lined with zinc last year, rats got through pretty soon. Was out $18. A $1 pkg, of RAT SNAP killed so many rats, that I've never, been without "it since. Our collie dog never touched RAT-SNAP. You try it.. Three sizes, 25c, '50c, $1.00. Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenurer Co. and The Carolina-Hard-wart Co. JUST RECEK A Car Load: of Dispatch Wagons nit WJOflflainrD9 D-fldlWo; , Landrum South Carolina, Co Arctic Night. Viewed solely as a matter of optics, the Arctic-. night Is as dark as any night. Explorers in high latitudes say, however, that there are many allevia tions of the obscurity. The stars flash keenly, the moon .comes, along in a. regular succession of phases, the snow surface relieves the gloom under con ditions of the utmost absence of light, and, the aurora bprealis is the finest kind of. illuminant. Explorers all agree that their- men : pass the : winter night without . much-; difficulty if only there are means of amusement. . v. -; Furs and feathers. " From the dawn of human history furs and, feathers have been used to satisfy bur taste and need for cloth ing and adornment. Our most primi tive, ancestors, were . connoisseurs' in the plumage, of, birds and the pelts of animals and admired them; for their possibilities in furnishing; himself and his family,- with .raiment and adorn ment, and so do we. , , Hat Bursts Grave I. The bureau of. standards has found that if the concrete is made - with gravel; .particularly siliceous- gravel, there is atendency for the stones to burst In extreme heat, which disin tegrates the concrete. Accordingly it Is recommended that gravel be avoided . wherever possible, but - its Impossible the gravel concrete may be protected from extreme heat by coating IJ: . with an inch of cement, held in place by a wire mesh- Plasters may also be used in wHich; asbestos is the principal con stituent. , Beginning of Great Industry. Plymouth' was the first permanent white settlement' in New England and dates Itsfounding from the landing of thet Pilgrims, December 21, 1620. The iron works on the banks of the Saugus river, established In 1643, were the first iron works in AmeMca. A small Iron, pot cast there in the first forge in America is nowNthe; property of the city of Lynn and Is in a glass case in the Lynn public library. ' A He Knew Papa. Bernice- was Just recovering from an attack ;of,-the flu and the" first day she was "able to sit up she 5 said : "Mamma, X'm going to . ask .Idaddy : to buya tricycle." Her brother, who was playing In the room, spoke up: "Well, you'd better strike him for it right away, for if you wait till you gets well you mightn't get it. Worry! " We can live a little while without sugar and ; while we are waiting let's eat more good ham and eggs and brains. This is Ham Week and it will pay to get one or two. Armours Star, any size per lb .38 Rex Cooked Brains per can 25 o oyi iu . T7i txi e en o t ius. riavoriour iiww jj 24 lbs. Pure Made Flour . . . 1.70 H 24 lbs. Town Talk Flour ; . . . . r. . 1.80 V 100 lb. Bags C. S. Hulls .90 jj 100 lb. Bags C. S. Meal 7 per cent, $4.00 and 4.25 it Get your coffee Compound etc. from, A Lady in Chicago Telegraphs Rat-Snap. v for Read Mrs. Phillips' -wire: "Youell's Exterminator Con Westfield, 5 N. J. RusK $3 worths of. . RAT-SNAP' Later ree'd following letter. "RAT SNAP arrived. It rid our ..house, . of rats-in no time. Just - moved here fromr Pa., where-I used RAT SNAP, with great results.." Three sizes. 25c 50c, $1.00 6old and" guaranteed by The Ballenfrer Co. and Tha Carolina Hardware Co.- . .. . tfl .; Analohouft. . Spending a dollar before It Is "earned Is llke .eaUngtoday .the egg hat is to be laid tomorrow. A Rat That DidnM Smell Aftei V Be ingPead For 3 Months.. "I swear it was - dead at least 3 months' said James Sykes,i Butcher, Westfield, N. J. "We saw 1 this rat every day. r Put a cake of RAT-SNAP behind a barrell. ; Months later -my wife asked about the rat! Remem bered, the barreU,Jooked ... Ibehind it. There .was the rat dead, "not the siitest ooor.". Three zes,i 25c, 50c, $1.00. Soldind- guaranteed' by The Balenger. Co and Carolina Hardware Co. .'h . ' . r" t - .. . r Dolls Long Popular. " " Therfe: is ample evidence that the use of dolls as an assistance to the operations .ot , the young mind dates from themost remote times. Among the t&Uf tribes of Africa, It was. the custonuof , married women to carry a doll with them mitll they had a chllA .when , the. doll was discarded- Saluda, N. C i n al; II i -Tl til A. uur sale Arnvcd mis ween - We are prepared to take care of your actual j .Lock, Screw Door, Mosler Safe, made of Managn wwv-i- au&umtciv uuruiar uruui. vvw ' i - , f C XT - SPA lr ., - w v A W v Can Absorb. Much: Pofcon. - " : logs; and -horses can take 10 timet as, much-;, morphine in' comparison. to thelr;body; weight: as man can. t The , pigeon an take 500 times -as mneh whUer; aror:! -unhurt by; a dost;, a thousand times-- greater;-- weight for welghtr than one which will klll-a hn. xaan betog. v - a s it is xo your advantage to open a cneu& k f count with this strong new bank. A paid cec tt- voucher is a legalrcceipt. Pay your bills by cnec Tnxmef ; n4.;a 14? rif Make y?u v)cx ungate ui Lcpoii. j ;money work while you sleep. Good interest anu time and at any bank. : Special attention gen deposits sent by mail, receipt is acknowledgea jj day; we receive it. POLK COUNTY BANK & TRUST CO. : The Peooles Friendly Bank. w F walcer. v ?" u o o 0