POLK COUNTY NC7S; TRYON, r NORTH CAROLINA Woodson is yisitin her sisters ft Letter from Peonies Bank I Trust Co. Mrs. pettigrew. ' " JIrs. M. E. Stevenson is visiting " daughter, Mrs, Chedester in Ashe- 11 . Vile j - , iir V. F. Swann returned , Va business trip to Raleigh home Sat- f -, TRYON' fj- - . ' I . "T""' ll f l n weeiaynev .Expect An Ep'orth LeaSue was organized t the Methodist church on Sunday evening ' v ; ' James S. Holde of Detroit. in. c.indav and Monday of this -xi. liio nnrp-rifs Vipta Miss Nel1 Crawley vhp is teaching I 0 at Greens Creek" spent the SCeek-end 'ith home folks here. W'olfs Qee Baptist church, of ndrum S. C, raised the sum of Z?n m for the Baptist 75 million campaign on last Sunday. . Mrs. Edgar Dixon and Miss , Annie Carter of Sackville New ? Brunswick -visiting' at the Congregational parsonage. - The ladies Aid Society of Lynn give a box supper on Saturday night. The proceeds will be used to to purchase an organ for the church. Mr. Arthur Ford and daughter left, recently, for Norfolk, Va., where they tfill make their future home, as Mr. Ford, a Y. M. C. a. secretary, has been' transferred to that place. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bates have "ar rived and will occupy Mrs. Corwin's dence The Studio Mr. Bates has been a painter of Tryon scenery; and hlS Wilt? IUlIiici iy iuioo AuaAcj , n ao visitor last winter.- , The stores or such portions of them not selling necessitieslike food and medicines iare complying with he law, by opening at 9 A. M. and clos ing at 4 p. m., in order to save light and heat and so conserve fuel. Railaway financial troubles hit ev ery city or town on the line, in some way Increased cost of trackage and other charges led to the tearing down of that old land mark, the Missil dine coal shed, east of the station. The girls of, the Rainbow Club are to meet with Miss Beatson and Mrs. Mrs. Doubleday Monday evening, for a picnic supper and to dress dolls for the Christmas Tree held each year by Miss Beatson, and to rehearse for their Christmas entertainment. Mr. Jesse; C. Brown and Miss Susan Andrews of Landrum, were quietly married on Sunday "last. The groom is one of Landrum's substauntial business men and the bride is a sister of station aerent Andrews and is one of Landrums popular, young ladies. Mr. Rowell will hold a special Christmas Exhibit and Sale of paint ings of Tryon at the library on Thursday, Fridav Dec, 11th. and 12th. from 10 A. Mu to 6 P. M. There will be many small framed paintings suitable for Christmas gifts,and a number of Christmas cards showing bits of Tryon scenery. The Valhalla Tea House is still serving hot chocolate and whipped cream also coffee or tea. tevo or Coca Cola, Sandwiches and Cake, Doughnuts everv Saturday and Sun day. Salads and meals on order. Fancy work, jellies and preserves. Open from 16 P, My every week day and all day Sunday. Mr. Ade of Anderson S. C. has bought the Rankin place, but until he is he ready to occupy it, he is living -in Mrs. Bancrott's iiew Dungalow on Whitney Ave. Mr. Ade is an artist and formerly a resident in Italy; but being more interested in raising things than in naintinp- them,, he has come to Tryon to engage in fruit growing. This paper, while not hit by the fuel regulations yet, wants to do its part in helping to save coal. Until the fnpl crpts better we ask that all parties having aricles or ad verisements for publication, get them to us not later than Tuesday for pub lication that week. We are compel led to leave out several articles this veek because they did not reach us in time. . V - About lz or 15 young people of the Baptist church met Sunday night, or ganized a B. Y. P. U. under the aus pices of the Tryon Baptist Church. Rev. E. J. Jones explained the nature of the work emphasing the education al the inspirational and social features of the organization The following officers were elected. Prof. Milton. Pres. Mrs. L. V. Brown, Vice Pres. Miss Pearl Keenan, Secty. and Treas. Miss Lilly, Group Captain. Commit ties will be appointed later. The iirst meeting with prepared program will be held next Sunday at 6:45 at the h churcfl. C- - The sending by a Tryon lady of a Thankgiving dinner to a Washington relative was cited as an illustration of thp fnnveniPTicPu and use of mod ern traffic. To it mieht be added "V Nplsnn JiirVaftTi's triD to New York xnA harAr in S Havs solelv in or der to attend the funeral of a friend's ifejand Mr. T. S. Holden's coming from Detroit to make a week-end visit to hia narents here. Both trav elers spent more time on the )Srnej than thev did on their visits. Thous and milp t.rina fn-r hrief business ' and social-purposes are becoming cus tomary. - ; THIS BANK Not We invite you to-compare the bank state ments published in this issue. Car Jiine Can Make Immediate GDi AS. J. LYNCIM1, Polk Miller' Liver Pills SIXTEEN YEAR OLD-EVEN HORN Ford bought in 1903 still doing ser vice in Oregon ana vyasnuignm. A rear tonneau door, two cylinder by the tousing car manumciuu -f J ltffvl-m I :r)rn TIMTIV 111 1903,-the war of that company's organization- 1a in iisa since that time is still on the job". It is an eight horse power lZ Jua o sAVEntv eicrht inch wheel base a five gallon gas tank and is SSd by A. C McCarthy of Portland, Oregan. ovflrfiv Of course tne ruiu -r iTl possed of the latest lines and it is be Sinnineto wear slightly, but mech- nically-why even ea ur horn, works. incfnuiie iuwm ingliriven on business trips through Oregon and Washington who doesn't expect to bem the mark . , " . , uwH for some years to come 'iSS hrt T Wnda got acquainted with the old one. . v-vm o , " . ; 4-,- t. nolumbes on last Monday for the purpose pf vising wavsand means of bettering our pub- ayA., ";nt attended by a very 555 Smed talks were SSe by Prof. E. TV. S Cobb, J, W. ': it-'. SOLICITS YOUR BUSINESS ecauise It is the largest, but because you will get the best there is in banking. Peoples Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. G. H. Holmes, Pres JT. Waldrop, Vice Pres. Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F. Uttle, Cashier V. A. Bland, Asst. Cash CD 1 tine fo ir 1 920 frBodeO, IK j f The Good Old Kindj that I I p always do the work. I Vv..Same formuiajfor 50 years. Unequalled for Biliousness, Sick HeacUche. Constipation and Malaria. Atfcll druggists. Manufac tured by Polk Miller Drug Co., Inc.. Richmond, Va. t Jack, W. Tl: Swann and others, which we sincerely; hope will bear fruit. On account -joi the small numoer pre sent the matter of electing the Coun ty Superintendent was not consider at this time, but another meeting will be held m the near future, at which time it is. hoped that a representative attendance from each sction of the county will be present sojthat all may be fully informed as to the object and purpose of the move. Owing to the (inability of Mr. Chas Davenporfc . i , x At a; a. to De presenx at mis meeting, ii- wita presided over by Mr. C. Bush, of the NEWS. . , - ' , Mr. Galloway who has been living on Warror Mountain for the past year has gone-toi.Columbia to practice law. He was back in Tryon a few days the first of the tweek. La TJ SErjaO-PASTTE PABNTS . BSST THAT CAlf 8S IIADR O T Cost to you $3.25 a Gallon when made ready to use KIECOIUENDED DY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS - Obtain COLOR CARD from oar Affcnts or 9 LO::SI3Afl Ck MARTINEZ C3nnfaetarers Hw York Mbuniaiiift. 4-5 Delivery Tryoffi, N. C, James Watson Says, "I'll Never For get When Farthers Hogs Got Cholera. "One morning he found 2o hogs dead and several sick. He called in the Vet. who after dissecting a rat caught on the premises, decided that the, rodents had conveyed germs. Since then I am never without RAT SNAP. Its the surest, quickest rat destroyer I know." Three sizes, 25c, 50c, $1.00 Sold and guaranteed by The Ballenger Co. and Carolina Hard ware Co. AT THE CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. Sunday School at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. The sermon toDic Dec. 7th is. Allies in Battle. Visitors cordially welcome. W. A. BLACK, Minister. j ' o Rev. J. F. Black and wife of Hill crest Vineyards are visiting theipj daughter, Mrs. J. Strosahl, near To ledo. Ohio. They report cold and snow. . to be in our new fireproof store building soon, where we will carry a complete line of general merchan dise. In the meantime come to us for your needs in all lines, as we now have a full line of groceries, dry goods, furnishings, ready - to - wear, etc, at live and let live prices. Wilkms'.&Co. Tryon, N. C. What Good is Opportunity To the average man if he is not saving? It will enable you to grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice Open a tar ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNIR If. B. LANE roMotnt coc o :08C; o COURTESY! o V c the series of talks on banks and banking that will S c X appear in this space regularly from now on. ) I They are not musty statistics, learned theories ? O juoi; poui, iiuiiMii) uuwuui, iicipiux tcilr.c tU pialll v is. ' " 7 each one carries a message. Watch this soace o 8 regularly every week. BANK Or TRYON 8 8 W. T. LINDSEY Pra - REAL COLUMBUS Columbus, N. C. Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Town Property. Bought Sold, and Exchanged. Tract No. 1 . 1 60 acres 2 1 -2 miles from Salud, small or chard, good water. 4 room house, good pasture, well timbered. Price $1 5.00 per acre. Tract No. 2. 44 1-10 acres 1 1-2 miles of Coiumdus, on public highway to Landrum, 1 3 acres cleared. Price $35.00 per acre. IPor farm Bands or tovvro iZ.'. property sec W. T. LD NOSEY, Tryoini. A SANITARY Our meats are kept in a sanitary ice box, which we keep as clean as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only the best meats on the market, both native and Western. We grind al our sausage and feel satisfied that if you want clean, sweet meats tha you can do no bettes than let us serve you. . Market prices paid foi Cattle, Hogs, and Chickens. ; A. Our Advertisers VI e PrMidtato Cubier 'COCOCO SERVICE! o J. B. HESTER Caahisr. , ESTATE 8 INS. CO. UMUUUUUUUUUUUaAi mm H. WILLIAMS. Treat You .EAT ml () () () () '. 1 8 : 0 o

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