IMPORTANT MS THE tJORLD OVER IMPORTANT HAPPENINGS OF THIO AND OTHER NATIONS FOR ' SEVEN DA Y8 GIVEN ME HEWS OF THE SOUTH i ; . What It Taking Place In The South land Will Be Found In , Brief Paragraphs foreign Ninety-eight men have been arrest ed at Donora, a steel town on the Monongahela river, Pennsylvania, thir ty miles from Pittsburg, when troop ers of the state police raided Lithua nian hall headquarters of the district steel workers of that district. l . A box containing $25,000 in gold coin shipped to the Anglo and -London-Paris National bank of San Francisco on: the liner Korea Maru was found to contain scrap iron ana metal wasn ers when opened by the consignee in Hong Kong, according to cable ad vices received by the bank and steam ship company in San Francisco. Mexican bandits at night raided the Clareno ranch, on themerican side pf the Rio Grande, eleven miles to the southeast of Zapata, Texas, es caping with provisions from a store on the ranch. . Mandamus proceedings to compel Secretary Lansing to cancel the state department proclamation announcing ratification of the prohibition amend ment have been filed in the District of Columbia supreme court, Washington. The ground is that the required num ber of states have not yet acted on the constitutional amendment which enjoins nation-wide prohibition. Frank L. Polk, head of the United States 'delegation to the peace con ference; ' Paris, " summoned Kurt von Lersner, chief of the German repre sentatives at Versailles, and told him Germany should not interpret as be ing in her' favor any delay that might be encountered in ratifying the Ver sailles itreaty at Washington, accord ing to newspapers. . Speaking at Portypridd, Wales, Sir George Hewart, attorney general, said fh RTiP'E'stinTi wqq Tint tmo that th ot-q was any dissensions or waverings with reference to f the trial of former Em peror of Germany. . An agreement which it is hoped will solve the Adriatic question has been prepared in Paris by. the Amer ican, French and British peace repre sentatives for submission to Italy, ac cording to private dispatches received in' London. I The use of automobiles in Bermuda is not permitted. f The American delegation to the peace conference, which was to have sailed from Brest or the United States on December 6, has postponed its departure for home. The change in the plans of the delegation is due to the failure -of the Germans to sien the protocol ratifying the peace treaty. A serious earthquake occurred in iWestern-Asia Minor, seven villages in the districts of Soma and Balikesri ibeing destroyed. Many persons were killed and injured. The French representatives in the peace conference are urging the dele gates from the United States to de lay their departure for home until the protocol is signed for putting into ef fect the peace treaty with Germany. December 1 was the date set for the exchange" of ratifications of the peace treaty, no definite hews was at hand regarding the intention of the German government. Sir Horace Plunkett, who is chair man of the Dublin convention, and who has generally kept aloof from Irish politics during his long career of public service, has issued a warning that the announcement that hunger strikers will not be released from the jails in Ireland hereafter, if it is in tended to break the spirit of the Sinn Fein, will have the opposite effect. f Washington The annual report of Secretary of the Navy Daniels, just made public, is ja long and chatty relation of the ef ficient work of the sea forces of the United States during the great war and since the signing of the armistice. In his annual report, just issued, Secretary of . Agriculture Houston -tells in a brief way how the farmers of America helped to win the war and are saving the world from starvation by marvelously increased production of foodstuffs. ' . '" Extension of the coast guard serv ice to patrol all coastal and inland "boundaries against the entry of unde sirable aliens is not practicable, Capt. 'W; E. Reynolds, commandant, said at ja hearing before the house immigra tion committee. . j . It is stated that Consul Jenkins, the American, agent, at Puebia; Mexico, ..has been released. This development is accepted generally as relieving re lations - between the two governments. Counties of Southern states releas ed from the federal quarantine re strictions against the spread of cattle fever tick- and tick fever- which by order of the department of agriculture were" freed December" T, are announc ed by the bureau of animal industry. Another note to the Mexidan gov ernment relating to the arrest and im prisonment of William O. Jenkins, con sular agent at Puebia. baa been sent by the state derailment to the em bassy at Mexico City Jor presentation jto Carranza. : :. Norman Hapgood, United Stages minister to Denmark, Is returning to Washington leave to report on condi tions -political, Ihilitary; and economic - In Russia, it is learned from the state department. C' , Mexico has 24 war-type airplanes mobilized at Chihuahua City alone, and ii abtaining additional planes from Germany;" according to war depart ment information. The war department, has informa tion that former airplane pilots in the German army are in Mexico for serv ice in the army air forces there. Two " senators, delegated by the for eign relations ' committee to confer with President Wilson on the Mexi can crisis and report whether in their opinion the president by reason of his iJlness was unable to exercise his functions, left the white house after a conference of threetuarters oft an hour with him agreeing that he was in touch with recent developments, and was mentally keen enough to form judgments On the questions concern ing the nation. Increase of the rates of pay for enu merators of the fourteenth decennial census to four cents for each person enumerated and 30 cents for each farm reported, was announced by Di rector Sam L. Rodgers. , , Marine and shipyard strikes during the past year have cost the United States shipping board $37,000,000, ac cording to an estimate made public by the chairman of the board. This estimate does not include the loss thus far sustained by the coal strike nor is there any attempt made to estimate loss which will be entailed; if the coast wise longshoremen go on strike. Representative Joshua Willis Alex ander of Missouri has been appointed secretary of commerce to succeed William C. Redfield, in the president's cabinet. Congress got into full swing with the receipt of President Wilson's an nual message and inauguration of ac tual legislation in both senate and house. , The senate has taken up the , Cum mins railroad bill, hoping for its pass age before the Christmas holidays. House leaders have arranged foi immediate attack on the annual ap propriation bills carrying almost five billions as submitted - by the departments. Domestic . Certain American concerns operat ing in Mexico ordered 'their border representatives to prepare for getting their American employes out of Mex ico. In . some cases the definite in structions were given for immediate withdrawal of American employes from Mexico. The government was requested, either by legislation or by an execu tive order of the post-office depart ment to forbid the issuance by news papers of comic supplements and mag azine sections as a means of conserv ing print paper in resolutions adopted by publishers from Kansas and Mis souri. Ratification of the federal woman suffrage resolution was completed by the South Dakota legislature when the senate passed the measure. . Wiliam Carlisle, the artful train robber, who for three weeks had laughingly defied civil, railroad and private detectives, was captured neai Glend, Wyo. The bandit fought des perately until he fell from the man wounds he received, none of which will prove fatal. The South Dakota Republicans have endorsed Gen. Leonard Wood for the nomination for president. Thousand of cotton and woolen mill operatives in New England will receive an advance in pay. Trappers in the Adirondacks region due to the unprecedented high nricee paid for furs, are making from $300 to $500 a week. Henry Clay Frick, pioneer Ironmas ter and one of the foremost art col lectors in the United States, died sud denly at his Fifth avenue home, Nei York, in his 70th year. The second five billion dollar con gress of ordinary peace times faded into the past when Secretary Glass presenting the annual estimates, pro posed appropriations of five billioi dollars for conducting the peace tim activities of the government durim the fiscal year 1920. One thousand soldiers under the command of Villa fell upon the eight! eth regiment of the federal army 21 miles north Santa Rosalia. Chihua hua, Mexico, 24 hours after the Cha- pultepec Officer, General Aneelea had been shot down by a firing squad and massacred all but two memben of the squad.' Unlike its- predecessor, the second Industrial conference began behind closed' doors.. Newspaper men wen asked to leave. Some of the dele gates opposed this move. Another American murdered in Mex ico, close on ; the imprisonment ol Consular .Agent Jenkins, coupled wit- reports of revolution In Mexico City. with Carranza in flight to Queretaro, though these reports were denied. ar adding complexities that seem to force the already tense1 Mexican situation toward the long expected breaking point. . . . Railroads, under federal control made a net profit of eleven million dollars during the month of October. Wartime restrictions on the nation'! use of coal, more stringent even than those applied during the war, were or dered into effect to stave off a cruel famine. Moved by: reports of dimil iehing coal stock and growing darigei of distress in numerous sections, the government sought no compromise with the striking mine, workers whose walk-out forced the emergency, but asked for national determination to endure privation and discomfort until coal mining was resumed on its term !WXtowwvvmR . 1. -American cemetery at Romagne, near Verdun, where lie 22,000 of our soldiers who fell in the Argonne Forest 'drive. 2. Czecho-Slovak legionaries, who served in Siberia, welcomed home by the people of Prague. 3. Launching of the great superdreadnaught California at Mare Island navy yard. HEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS Coat Shortage Becoming Acute and People Demand That the Strike Be Ended. MIDDLE WEST IN DISTRESS Miners' Officials Cited for Contempt of Court Diplomatic Relations With Mexico Likely to Be Severed Soon Supreme Council v Calls German Bluff. By EDWARD W. PICKARD. 'Give us coal, and quickly, wa? the Imperative demand of a great part of the American public last week. So serious, had the fuel situation become that it seemed a settlement of the dis pute between the operators and min ers must be forced by dire necessity. In the northwestern and middle West states the condition was aggravated by a severe, cold wave, and the people of that part of the country especially, actually became alarmed "by the pros pect of freezing to death. Plans for ending the strike at least temporarily were as numerous as the planners, but almost the only steps really tak en were for the conservation of the existing supplies of fuel. It is true that In some of the western states the operation of the mines was taken over by the state government and volun teer miners were put at work under protection of the state troops. This was most commendable In principle, but naturally the concrete results In the way of coal to burn were not ex tensive. Chicago, and Illinois general ly, felt the pinch more acutely than most regions, and prominent men gathered and devised regulation? to curtail the use of coal. The state public utilities Issued these regula tions formally, and Governor Lowden proclaimed them, and also planned to ask the federal government to adopt the same rules for the entire country. They cut the working day of stores and factories to six and a half hours, and materially reduced the heating and lighting service everywhere. Al ready the regional coal committee had cut off all new supplies from nones sential industries. These rules prom ised, within a very short time, to throw out of employment many thoui sands of men and women. New York city was not suffering from the soft coal strike, because the law permits It to burn only anthracite, but it was worried by rumors that the hard cod miners also might strike soon. In general the Atlantic coast states had enough fuel, and Director General Hines was shipping hundreds of carloads from there to the dis tressed middle West. The federal government got into action again by filing in the district court at Indianapolis, information charging criminal contempt of court against . 84 international and district officers of the miners' union. These leaders, who include Acting President Lewis and Secretary Green, were sum moned to appear in court Tuesday and answer the charges. Of course such proceedings may result In the punish ment of the accused men, but will they get coal for the would-be con sumer? That is what, the latter Is In terested in just now, and that only. He is thoroughly disgusted with the whole' wrangle and is no more In sym pathy with greedy operators than with greedy miners. In his view, both sides are criminally inconsiderate; of; the public needs, and he demands' that they be forced into a compromise. The suffering and financial loss to the peo ple already T have been immense and cannot now, be checked entirely even if coal mining is resumed at oncer But the people do insist that they be kept warm from now on. ' . . . - ' . . : Toward the end of the week hope aroee that the warring operators and miners might reach an agreement. A number of the largest operators form ulated a new wage scale offering slightly more than the 14 per cent . ... raise suggested by Dr. Garfield and making certain other concessions. This scale was submitted to the fuel ad ministration before being made public. Though in most of the mine fields the men were reported to. be firmly stand ing for the 31 per cent increase which Secretary Wilson proposed, in some parts of the country they were said to be drifting back to work on the Garfield basis ; and it was hoped that even if their union did not accept the new scale offered) It would help to break down the holdout of the more stubborn. At this writing Consular Agent Jen kins is still in jail at Puebia the state department at Washington is await ing 'a reply to its second request that he be released immediately, and Pres ident Carrunza is in conference with Generals Marguia and Dieguez, two of his strongest military commanders. Secretary Lansing's rpcond note went to considerable length to refute the contentions put forward by Mexico In the Jenkins case and closed with a repetition of the urgent request for the freeing of the consular agent, but It was no more of an ultimatum than the first note. The Mexican congres?' formally put the whole matter in the hands of Carranza. Many members of congress as well as many other Americans are not sat isfied with the administration's Mex ican policy, and in response to this feeling Senator Fall of New Mexico drafted a resolution requesting Pres ident Wilson to sever diplomatic re lations with Mexico, and to withdraw his recognition of the Carranza gov ernment. The resolution was taken under consideration by the foreign re lations committee, and that body had before It copies of official documents said to disclose the activities of Car ranza, bis embassy in Washington and his consulates In various American cities, to stir the radical elements to revolutionary outbreaks. There was a report that these documents were supplied by Secretary.' Lansing, who wished congress to relieve him of the responsibility for aggressive action against Mexico. It was said" that Pres ident Wilson had not been consulted concerning the Mexican crisis and that the state department wanted congres sional action before breaking off dip lomatic relations. If this were the state of affairs, it seemed likely that Mexico could n.ot avert the rupture now by releasing Mr.; Jenkins. The demand that the whole unsavory mess be cleaned up is growing Insistent, notwithstanding the fact that the mo tives of some of the loudest shouters for such action are open to grave sus picion. When he introduced his resolution Senator Fall I said the evidence by which it is supported "will astound tfie people of the United States when It is produced." Senator Ashurst scored the war department, for Ignoring re peated requests for; sufficient troops to protect the border. Senator Shields of Tennessee, a Democrat said : 'There, is no question thatN our rela tions with Mexico constitute the most humiliating chapter of our foreign re lations and that there ought to be some action to protect the citizens of the United States. We have had oc casion for war with Mexico for five years, and now this resolution ought to declare war against Mexico." ' -. .- ' -- Germany persisted in its refusal to sign the protocol and thus delayed the interchange of ratifications and the proclamation of peace. The Germans objected especially to the requirement that they make reparation for the sinking of the surrendered war ships in Scapa Flow; to the evacuation of Lithuania; to the necessity of turning over to the allies fo(- trial the. German officers accused of crimes- and' to the paragraph .which, as Baron von Lers ner says, "would 'permit the invasion of our country by armed force in times of peace on any trivial pretext." The supreme council showed no disposi-' tion to recede from its position,' and as the American ; delegation delayed its departure and supported its Col leagues entirely, it seemed r certain the Germans would yield soon.' Their assertion that if the terms are too drastic their government will fall and the country lapse ! Into bolshevlsm is discounted, for ; recent Investigators have lenrned that that kind of talk so prevalent sinre the signing of the armistice; is largely "bunk." Mr. Polk has let the Germans know definitely that any differences in America con cerning the treaty cannot be construed to their benefit. The American delegates planned to return home because they felt that such matters as were being handled by the supreme councij should be handled by the state departments of the various nations. The British and French urged that their departure be delayed for they considered the situa tion as threatening in view of the ugly temper shown by the Germans, and felt that the armed assistance of America might still be needed. A Paris dispatch says secret advices from Germany state that more than half a million German soldiers still are under - arms a force exceeding the combined British and French forces not yet demobilized. The American, French and British peace commissioners last week formu lated a compromise agreement on the Adriatic question which was present ed to Italy f orj consideration and which it was confidently expected would sat isfy , the Italians and all other parties to the dispute. A dispatch from Rome said Italian regulars would occupy Flume and all the territory given to Italy by the treaty of London, and that Captain D'AnnunzIo's volunteer troops would withdraw. Unless some solution for Italy's troubles Is found, there Is a good pros pect of a revolution there. When par liament assembled the Socialist depu ties refused to rise on the entrance of the king or to take the oath in his presence. Next a general strike was started in several large cities, and though this did not last long It was accompanied by disorders ; that as sumed revolutionary aspects,In Rome, Turin and Milan there were serious riots. r The tangled situation In Russia, Po land and the Baltic countries is still more complicated by dispatches that show Denlklne is being fought to a standstill by the Ukrainians, Poles and Jews ; that the bolshevlkl are either winning or losing ground, ac cording to the source of the news; that Colonel Bermondt 4and his Ger man army in the Baltic region were fighting for. Denikine and Kolchak and against the bolshevlkl. It would take a Philadelphia lawyer to figure out' the truth concerning that part of the world. Esthonla and Lithuania began a con ference with the Russian soviet govern ment on Thursday at Dorpat and it was believed a truce would result. Finnish and Lettish delegates attend ed, but they were without Instructions as their governments were awaiting word from, the allies. . - . From Tlflls comes word that an American officer. Colonel Rhea, has been named personal , arbiter In all disputes between Armenia and Azer baijan that cannot be settled by agreement. The Armenian premier said this was the first time in history that the Armenians and the Tartars had signed an agreement, and he gave full credit to Colonel Rhea for having ended a warfare that had been going on for nearly two thousand years. , Although It was not wholly unex pected, the indictment of Senator Newberry of Michigan and scores of L his supporters in the senatorial elec tion came, as something, of a shock. The defendants are accused of cor: ruption, fraud and conspiracy. At first there was a widespread rumor that pleas of guilty would be enterot, but Mr. Newberry not only declared he would fight the case to a finish, but also demanded a senatorial inquiry Into his right to his seat Politicians looked toward . South Da kota last week with ; great interest, for the state conventions of the var- jjciiLitro ueyiureu ineir preierences for presidential nominees. The Re publicans indorsed ' General Woo af ter a lively ; struggle in which Gover nor Lowden came out second , best The Democrats twere unanimous for Wilson for a third term, and the Non partisans were " a unit for ' Governor Frazler of ' North Dakota. Both Re publicans and Democrats Indorsed the League of Nations covenant, the form er with reservations, the latter with out WW SUBJECTS CH.EFUV UP0" ARE COST AND LArad ... ' UVNQ E Readjustment of Tari Necessary; Recogn , Washington. ricT..,., dons on legislation to 'cS cost of living, labor ' ?bat HI ism and readjustment J ' r peace time ha.Ri0 .. of President Wilson's sage to congress. the annual The peace treaty, the Pfpm congress, will be discussed arate message later, as m ! road question. IUem For the second time'onlv -r the President estahiiQh . ' of addressing con?. , Prac message was read by the cS The President's nHn,-J, rk mendations were- re " 1. Establishment of a h,, tern for the national nances system with simplification ft come and p-rrac-o ue .so UU1HS. . 3. Readjustment of the tariff torn if n asi a?, n a a !TJ. uccoaaij, io meet tem conform with the fact that I United States is "the greatest talist in the world." x. n-cLugmuon ana relief for Te li m war, partk ularly in the way of government lam, w yiuyuscu uy secretary Lane. 5. Proper measures to fostfri dyestuffs industry built up during ti, war, to keep the United States info pendent of foreign supply. 6. An enlarged program for run development, in recognition of ft farmers' part in the war. 7. Measures which "will remon the causes" of "political restlessw in our body politic." At tnis point the President made kii most extensive reference to the peati' treaty by saying the causes for tit unrest are "superficial rather than deep-seated," and tjhat they "aria from or are connected with the failur on the part of our government to ar rive speedily at a just and permanent peace permitting return to normal conditions, from the transfusion of radicals theories from seething Eu ropean centers pending such delay, from heartless profiteering resulting from the increase of the cost of living, and, lastly, from the machinations of passionate and malevolent agitators. With the return to normal conditions this unrest will rapidly 'disappear." The President renewed his recom mendations for legislation to deal ! fectively with "those persons, who by violent methods, would abrogate our time-tested institutions." Several recommendations, some re newals of previous ones, were mad by the President to bring down th cost of living. Among them were ex tension of the food control law to peace times for the emergency; regu lations for transportation of foods to interstate commerce; a cold storage law modelled after the law in NewJir sey; a law requiring marks to shot the length of time foods are kept J storage and a law to secure "competi tive selling and prevent unconscious ble profits," by federal license of cor porations selling food in mterstt commerce. A long portion of the message devoted to a discussion of the cona tional rights of labor. "A definite pr gram to bring about an imprJ in the conditions of labor" and Wtt about a genuine democratization oi dustry" was recommended. . The only way to keep men )W agitating against grievances u i j move the grievances," Aid the W dent's message. At another point J declared "the seed of revolution repression." neicla The establishment of the regarding labor, laid down tot nant of the league of nation8, the message, "offers us the jay dustrial peace and conciliation. other road lies open to us. o ernmenti must recognize the y nenrto bargain coUecUteJ mane objects. ndity" longer be treated as a coin ,,, "The right of iividualvtoe( nviiHi-Ki continued me , there U a preaomia-" is the right of the gorenime 1 1 jtf Is the right oi me hV rtn assert w teot all of its people and w mlestr against m lenge of any class. t0 th The President was insl government's recent injunction as the coal strike. . nninte ... i r n n. f - The message isage ciwea d doe. to radicalism a . toda, J van reference . . - j Ariri to Russia witU'lU blood and terror ful object lesson oi tu- . norities" fh,fi coun'. VThere are - r.aten ou- those ib r:- direc aid the message, uD0Q a m action to force tneir what minority it i-j-. n0 or labor, or any oinr ltt.fl -of prlrllege will ever be P dominate this country- MESSA6 UIER ON )

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