- i:- T J" ' i. i 1 t r. u fi. ..4 . t v ii 'I if, I u HI I 1 ' t I 5 . . '. V i 4 t i i 5 'If- it 'tt I; r ' 4 it' - ft t ii H I f 1 Ml I 2 i i) jilt 1 i V, k IM. 1 1 i; 1 ' 4 ' r ICBfMllHi! - Consolidated Nov. I9XS Published every Friday at - ,TJVr ONiNOrH CAROLINA Ofice phone 99 Residence 45. mtswd M Moond-clasi matter April 28, 191 t tkft pott offlca t Tryon. North Carolina, an r m act of March 8. 1679 C. BUSH, Editor and Publisher Subscription $2-00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THAN&S, . . ...... solution! of Respect. Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financia rain, will he charged regular advertising rates of tre eents per line. ' ;-4 r " : THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. D S2t West 19th Street. New York - City, is our sole AadexdusiTe Foreign Advertising Agent. "LonS May It Wave." Uwmg to the high cost v of news print paper and the possibility of not being able to sret it at any prce. we are- compelled to raise our' advertis ing rate. Beginning. January first our .rates, for , display advertising will be 20 cents per inch. - Until that time we will accept - contracts at the old rate of 15 cents.' All space not contracted for before January first will be charged for at .the; advanced rate.' We dislike to do this but if we continue in business and pay our bills there is no other way out. ? Our, ad vertisers will see the justice of this as they are all confronted with the same ever increasing prices and know we' must make a profit or quit busi ness. ..iilifcui! Only 10 more shopping days Christmas. until Shop early and give the clerks and storekeepers' a little time to observe the" Christmas holiday. twe extend congratulations to ouri neighboring ;town, Saluda on the . , de- cision to try and vote the , sum of $20,000 for a 'school building at that ! place. There should not, bea single vote against the oonas as there is nothing, that will be of greater benefit to the town than" a good school. - ;You owe to your children the best; "edu1 cation money will buy and if you do your duty by them there is no doubt of 1 ' the result. Here's hoping the election Will be unanimously in favor of the bonds. There is one thing that always did seem strange to us "and that is why the people living in towns will wait - until Saturday to lay in their supplies, - when they could just as easily do so on any other day in the week. On last Saturday we noticed that there were quite a number of Tryon people busy laying in a supplyof goods tnat they could as easily have bought on Friday or any other day in the week when the merchant was not nished waiting on his country ' trade and would have gotten much better ser vice and quicker deliverv. .Thiel should not be. We people in' town should buy our goods at some other time and leave our merchants free to wait on the country trade, many of whom have ' " to drive from 1 five to twelve of more miles to get home af ter, doing their shopping. Let us buy at other times and get better service, more prompt .delivery and make it easier on our friend, the merchants MORGAN SCHOOL. We have been watching the POLK BOUNTY NEWS since the meeting at Columbus c Nov, 8th for reports concermng the raising of funds for Soldiers Monument but if any school o is ahead of us, they haven't said any- , . .. . jr Af TV'' ' ' ' "i At the box supper held at the school house, here, last Saturday night, we raised from the f hoxp Hud W i. (tftc t - . v P es !,47f5; one cake v.vw, vy a, auoscriDed .QO; : total o.a.? jut wie aboves amount $50.00 -xrill Vm patron "4.V-.- . i j, . nrui j - .,, , w 1 T r ,.yiU De toward, r . f aiL vner. uses lorj the seJiopLh our t district is rather smali'feer'very Grateful A . A . - v both of Polk and Spartanburg conn: . , 7 v...uu6 UH- ties, who brought boxes, fand helped -wvnerwise to, swell the fund. ..MfcMMiMaiMMMMSMiMMMMMMBMBMBSBSSSMBlBBSSlMiBSiBBBBBBWBSS ' ". , , - , . - .... . . . mr..a f- . . .... . . - r- - - -. BBBBH. . RED MOUNTAIN. - Mr. Waste basket rot us last week. We hope he won't be so lucky any ........ - .?: ; . more. . v - L ,1" 1- The sick of our community are very much better, we are glad; td report. Mr. Reuben Wilson is spending a few days -with his father. . We are grateful to know that our church has done wonderful work , in the 75 million campaign. Our teacher spent last, week-end with parents. Misses Ura and Bessie Whiteside spent Sunday with Miss Eula Jack son. . ' J ': " Honor roll for Red Mountain school fof fourth week: Grammar grade, Esther Wilson, Sue Jones, Martha Jackson,- Ura Whiteside, Lizzie Lee Wilson, Gladys Wilson, Mary Lynch, Mary Lynch, Wilbur Hill; MAPLE GROVE Misses Leora' Burnett and Ellen Tesseneer visited Misses Grace and Oma Gibbs Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Corn visited Mrs. Ellen Searc last Sunday. Mjss Oma Gibbs spent Saturday night with her grandmother Mrs. N. C. Lynch. , Mr. Tolbert Odellas visiting in this section Sunday. , ,Mr. Will Tesseneer's children are attending school at Rock Spring Mlessers R; R. Wilson, and Willie Mills were in this sectfon Sunday. We hae had a new mail carrier for' the past week and all like him fine euess he will soon eet tired of the rough roads. ' Mr. andMrs. Whit , Wilson were disapointed last week as they were expecting their son Claud from Ashe- ville. .. Several from this section have eohe to Chinmey Rock to , work this week. Mr. W. D. Helton passed through this section Sunday. O ' Wanted Red- I ; v vRlAenJA1 Mont U1VUUVU ITAVUi 1 HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL PEO- ' PLJE VERY WHERE ARE AL WATS IN GREAT DBMAND BEST FRIENDS RED-BLOODED PEPTO-MANGAN PRODJJCES BETTER BLOOD SOLD IN LIQUID AND TABLET FORM Get into the red-blood class if you are not there now. laKe a lew weeks' course of that splendid tonic Pepto-Miangan and note how you im prove in health and looks. Pepto- Mangan is a red-blood maker and is for sale at the drug store right near J your home. It- is put up in both I liquid and tablet 4 form. Take your choose,-but see that the name "Gude" is on the package.: .'Without "Gude' it is not Pepto-Mangan. , It Js the cry everywhere "Wanted Red-looded LMen- , The soldiers and sailors that won the war were red-blooded, two-fisted fellows. In business it is the red-blooded man that stands the Strain and win s the Dig successes, . The world has no place for the thin-blooded weakling.' It is natural too, that red-blooded men and women should have more friends, and they do. They are better human beings than the thin blooded, anemics, who are likely to be "grouchy" and irritable most of the time. . . NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below, and to "all other persons who may be concerned as mortgagees, that the undersigned purchased at a sale of nroDertv oi de unquent tax payers, m uoiumDus. 1? J jm Polk County N. C.,on the 5th day of May, 1919, land listed and described as follows: ' 40 acres of land inColumbus town ship, listed in the name of Zeb Rog ers for the year 1918. 2 town lots in Town of Saluda, listed in the name oi wm. nnicney uox; ior the year Motice is hereby further sriven that appuutuwi wn ue ffloae io me snenn ot Folk County. N C.. bv the under- signed, for deeds to said property af ter tne otn day of May, 1920. . This Dec. 12th, 1919. :. ' v C.E. Shore, Purchaser. . . V..;- ; NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS " belowf SFto persons who may be concerned as mortgagees, ' that the . undersigned xt: i i .. . Purcna5f; at a sale of property of de. Ihnauent tax navprn m PninmKnii Polk County. C.on the 6th day of May, 1919, land , listed and described as follows: r- ,x town;lot in Tryon, N. C, on Ik EIe street, listed m the name of J C. Fisher, for the yars 1917 and 1918 uue town lot and store room on Trade Isa in the, name. of, Geo. A Ga8h. for the vears IO17 101 q Une lot and dwellmtr nn TiA nfaftf a listed in the name of Gd AGash for years ivri and 1318. One house axi- lot Valhalla road, listed in the ame?AiIiUrl Metcalf, for the IV -f T-H I vj I V -t "If ENeaK COLORED i flf 9? and lot. Hated in the name of - Tom Jackson, for 1 the yewt 1917 in the name of G. D. Jackson, for th years 1917 and 1918: , One house and lot, listed in.ii.the ,name pt Mattie M, All bf the Wbove n thev town of Tryon, Polk County. N. C. iouce is nereuy xurwer lven wi&k application will be made to the sheriff of Polk County, N.' C., by the under signed fordeedsvto said property af ter the 5th day Tof May, 1920. This Dec. 12th, 1919. J. P. LOCKHAKT, Purchaser. REf CROSS OiFML p APPROVES SEAL SALE " - ..... -5,:-' Dr. Livingston Farrand, Chair man of the Central Committee, American Red Cross, Expresses Hope That Public Will Give Generous Support. SALE IS NOW UNDER WAY. Mora Than 050,000,000 Seals Must 6 Disposed of to Insure the Success of the Natlon-Wlds Educational and Preventive Campaign of the Nation si Tuberculosis Association In 1920. Dr. Uvlngston Farrand, exec utive head of the American Red Cross, has given his un auallfied endorsement of the 1919 Red Cross Christmas Seal sale. which ts now under way and which will extend for ten days under the auspices of the National Tuberculosis Association and Its 1,000 allied organ izations. A fund of more than $8,500, 000, which wlU be used In the 1920 ed ucational and preventive campaign, will be raised through the tale of the seals. Acquainted as he la with all ques tions of general health community Im provement and relief because of the nature of his work' and office. Dr. Far rand's endorsement la based upon as expert knowledge of what the Na tional Tuberculosis AssocUtlon.'bss ac complished and will accomplish la the future. His letter to Dr. Chsrles J. Hatfield, Managing Director of the Na tional Tuberculosis Association fol lows: "I have been greatly Interested ta the plans that the National Tuberculo sis Association is making for the sale of Christmas Seals during the coming holiday season. The success of that effort is indispensable to the carrying out of the farreachlng plans of the Association is Its fight ssslnst tuber culosis in this country. The American; people, In cemooi with the nations tof Europe, are b a . ' . a ' . coming arousea ce tne cnucai impor tance of the problem of vitality and conservation of, health , as the neces sary factor m re-establishing the world after the detestation and de struction caused by the war. Of all the preventable diseases, tuberculosis takes perbsps the 'first place la Impor tance. For that reason I view - with keenest stmDathy and anproval the splendid work which the National Tu berculosls ' Association is conducting, ;and I trust that the response of the lAmerican people In the Christmas Seal Campaign will be generous and univer sal. Sincerely yours, (Signed) LIVINGSTON FARRAND, "Chairman, Central Committee, Axaer ' lean Red Cross." ., HEALTH BONDS POPULAR. The demand for the Health Bonds which the National Tu berculosls Association Issued this year for the first time are meeting with a ready sale. The bonds ; are in graduated denominations, the : smallest being for $5. In the past some of the large business houses and other large contributors found It dlffl- :cult to use up the number ef Jted Cross Seals their subscriptions called for. The bonds have been issued for ' the convenience of large subscriber and the proceeds of their sale will be used for the same purpose as the ' Christmas Seal funds the financlnf of the 1920 effort to reduee the num ber of deaths from tuberculosis In the . TJnited States. Last year the disease lalmed 150,000 lives. The health "s can be obtained from state and tuberculosis assoclatlens. ... W Bends, but, Cuts Glsss. , An American steel company, making all grades , of electric tool steels, an nounqes that it has produced an alloy chisel steel which can be made so hard that it will cut glass, yet may be bent by being hammered over the edge of an anvU. . ; ,' s ' :r-. .... Deserving of Reward. " We are to te rewarded, "not only f of work done, but for burden? borne, and I am not sure but that the brightest rewards will be for those who have borne burdens without murmuring.' Andrew Bonar. - I u What -Cenotnph Means. . " ' I he word is derived from the Greek words kenost? meaning 4,empty,yiand laphos," jaieanihgV4tomb.,' In ether ?ords; a' fc cenotaph is a sspulehral monument erected in honor of a perieh Fhose body lies elsewhere. v tl 1 Nobody Envies a Dead Man. ' Everybody envies ths.nuin who U Csing to die rich, but th tt W XE1AS SEAL MONEY TOiOISPENT ? 1 91.7 Per Cent, of All Funds Rarsr ed in Any State Remain There to Carry : Out the Local fi V Programs. NATIONAL FUND IS SMALL NatlonaTTuberculosis Association and American Red Cross Share Re maining as Per Cent. t,l "For, the Health of This , Com-Enmity.- Such Is the slogan appearing on the flap of enve lopes on which the Red Cross Christmas Seal is printed. The issue of such envelopes in order to save the trouble :'io ftfflxing gummed seals .to letters lent out in quantity by large corporations, and business houses has been Inaugurated this year as part of the machinery of distribution set in motion by. the National Tuberculosis Association and its 1,000 State and lo cal organizations In disposing of more than C50.000.000 Red Cross Christmas Seals during the ten day sale which began on December 1. . The significance of the slogan lies In the fact; that whether the letter vis mailed Sa t Los Angeles or Boston, In Chicago or in Galveston It still holds true. This community" literally means s the place where the seal , is bought and used. To be exact, 0L7 per cent of the funds raised Is devoted to local 'mntt-tuberculosls aetirities in the suts. - Of the remaining 8.3 per cent a portion goes to the Red Cross. WILtON BNDOR6E8 tTAMP 8ALt President Wishes "The Very Beet 8ie- fer the 1919; Red Croee Xmss fl Campaign. frstident;' Wilson, is a letter to Dr.iT Charles J. Hat tsldi Managing Director ot the'; National Tuberculosli Association sxpressls keen .interest in the work sf the association aid wishes success td the 191t Red Cross Christ mas Seal sale. -More than 650,000,000 seals must bs sold during the. tea day drive which began on December 1, td assure a. one hundred per cent appli cation ef the Association's 1920 eduea tional aha preventive campaign: The Presidents Utter follows: "Allow tns to express again my deep Interest i& the work ef the National Tuberculosis Association. I aa very much interested to learn ef the efforts ef the Association to raise thf sum sf six sad one-half million dollars thst the staU budgeu may be' laanced for the coming year, and write to wish the very best success of the effort." CHILDREN. Ivid. Jltarr ; Jordan sj: ers is-: nothing in ail the world so- Important as little ehlldrea : nothing so Interestlrij. If you wish to go in. for philanthropy, if ever you wish te bs ef ahy use in the world, do something for little children. If ever you yearn to be truly wise, study ; children. We can dress' the ore, Windage the wound, imprison the criminal, heal the sick and bury the dead, but there is always a ehancs that' we can save the child. ;if the great army of phi lanthropists ever , exterminate sin and pestilence, ever work out 'the race's salvation, It 111 be because a Uttit child has led them." RED CROSS CHRISTMAS SEALS-SAVE THE LIVES OF AMERICAN CHILDREN Buy them to-day. : . . y-r' . Is There An Electric. 4 Flat Iron - i- i f i In Your Home Prico $ 5.50 Guaranteed for . 10 Years ... iryon ELEamc service COMPANY Notics of Land Sale. Acting stent for the heirs of the late J. J. Byers I will on the 20th day f Dec.ernjsr, 1 9 1 9, about 1 2 o'clock ll.at ths former home of J. J. Byers on Pcaridge. offer for isle te the highest bidder, for.eh.- pr .en, terms of ciedil. about tb5rty-ijv;aciss of .lapd known as the Ji'J Byers homestead. This .land is in a ood state of cultivation and hat a very desirahle location.' There is a very good dwelling and bars - and the LOCALLY land is well tcited te the trewth sf gen ' t:V.-T:y ' S ISh ' ' SBBk '"Aft . SANDY SPRINGS. j Rev. CM. Teal, filled, his appojnt jnent at Sandy Sprngs Sunday.-He 'spoke "in' his - usual quite impressive way to an attentive audience. Most of the farmers of this section have finished gathering their crops planted their wheat and ' other small grain and are not worrying about the heavy rains. Several carpenters are. working on the ' new room ; which is being built to the New Hope ; school building. We hope it" will be completed bjTthe last of this week so the school can begin next Monday, for theUittle folks are so anxious to .be in school. ; Misses Eula and Cara McMurry have Centered Boiling Sgrings high school. - , - Mr. C. L. S3eam and family , moved to Cliff side last week . Mr. O. C. Smith made a business trip to Ruthfordton last Friday, f Miss Grace Hines of Greens Creek who is teaching in Ruthfordton coun ty visited at her grandfathers, Mr.-C. L. Rogers recently. Mir. A. B. - Tanner has purchased a otcrtar engine and lime spreader. Hoyt McMurray was the guest of Welfc rd Rogers Sunday afternoon. The people , of Sandy v Springs church expect to have a Sunday school Christmas tree. Everybody is invited. - THE UNIVERSAL CAR Weak Links in a Strong Chain ..... : -.' . That's just what imitation are when they be come a part of your Ford car.- They look strong t enough, but the metal isn't there the strong durable Vanadiurajteel that goes into the Ford parts. Ford partiT are ripecially cast and heat-treated, each ac cording to its use. Ford metallurgists have deen studying that problem for sixteen yearsTand know just how each unite should be made to endure a maximum of wear and tear. They know that best results can be ob tained only by the use of special formulas for dif- " erent parts. ;fH?S We carry complete assortments of genuine Ford parts; and give careful, prompt Ford service. Drive in, it is better to be safe thau sorry.. Come rio the Authorized Ford dealers for serviced Touring $525 Chassis $475 Runabout $500 Truck $550 -Couplet $65Q Sedan 775 Freight on any above $38.36 Gov. tax on each v Ballefloer-Filorris - Tryon, North Carolina - i 3C ON Not with standing are on your side and real bargains in dry wear. : , ,V We have some special values in ladies XtOC f0 nice coats $40 values ,f or . ..... .... H,4UUU Mens suits $30.00, 35 00 and 40.00 values for W e have a few mens suits with cotton in them but dressy and well made for. . . .... .. . . . . . . ......... Good values in hose of all kinds, sweaters, children caps etc. One lot of $1.00 .caps for 50 cts. A big lot of mens dress shirts worth much more for 98 cts. : Best outings 25 cts. Fine dress ginghams for 30 cts. u ht -r Good , values in springs and mattresses bougni' when steel and cotton were much lower than now. We have a big stockof goods bought below to days markets and we are Willingto divide with you Come get your share. ; ; Ealleirirger Try on, M , ,.i ISSSM AsK for '"HILL'S' FIVE MILLinTj USED IT Lr VSg CASCARA Standard cold remj , opiates break relieve, in 5 S , ".". fin v,es gP in 3 ? 2 back itfaa,3 le box ha, 1 ie 4 Polk MillerV Liver Pills Used 50 yeari -Jta change The Go od Old Si! ned kin r ner fans. Unequalled f0T piousness. Sick Headache, Consti paton and Mala "a. Your Grand ather relied 0n them. Nothing better at any price. tet the genuine. M.Ulfrl m:i. . 10 At ill rt; tiiririt Drug Co J'lC. Kicliin'.)i,d, Va.': Motor Car Company 5 erm, n wva? YOUR SIDE the high prices we can offer you some goods and . ready to $15.00 Co FOR EVERYTHING 1 : North Carolina SLi'JjS?? envy tia, rF; V

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