TRYON A a for &e:' f&:00 W;. lindsey. ' ' ' Mr B- L' Ballenger sPent Sunday Ashenne. C W Ballenger and family went t0 AsheviHe, Sunday. : ' rT Ralph Morgan, of Landrum, ;n Tryon, Monday. was 111 j Gentry, of Asheville, was, . Tryon, Wednesday. ,- ' n echer McMurray spent Sunday Jh friends at Saluda. . l R. Presson is visiting her t'e Mr. and Mrs. . j: . Gaines. parents, . , .,' pte'd a position with the Ballenger Company- Misses Elizabeth and Ruth Bowne turned Sunday from a visit jwlth Mrs. James jacKson, miss Alva Jackson and Miss Iola Bell spent yes terday in Spartanburg: , ; - 5 . Mrs. Giles and daughter, Miss. Matilda, of London, England, - are at' Oak Hall for the winter. : ' -V it will not last long but after all, the advertisements are good news! and should be read by every reader. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jones have g0ne to Kershaw, S. C, where they yjll visit relatives until after the holidays. .: : Miss Reba Barnard, who has been with the Ballenger Company for the past several months, has returned to her home in Asheville. ( Mrs. Arthur Smith arid Mrs. Whit en Beatson, of Washington, B. C, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith, of this placs-"" Miss Ella Stackhouse, who has been with the Ballenger . Co., for the past year and one-half, has resigned her position and gone to Inman, S. C. On account of an extra' amount of advertising in this issue we arer comr pelled to leave out a number of items. We hope our readers will overlook this shortage of reading ?. matter, - as Mr. and Mrs. T. H uoggey have opened a restraurant up stairs over Ore's store. This is something Try on has long needed and . they" should be given a good trade." Here's - hop ing. The many friends of Mrs. ' R. ' A. Leonard, who was x operated, upon at the Mission Hospital at Asheville last Saturday, will be pleased . to know that she is getting along : as welf ak could be expected - - Miss Mossie Edwards Uspent the wek-end with- friends in Lynn. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sherry, of De troit Mich., who are spending a few weeks at Tryon Lodge will leave " for their home about Dec. 20. They are much pleased with their stay in Try on. ' -. 'v v ': ' ' ' ' . ' V NOTICE- To all witnesses, defendants and jury. There will be held a ; special term of Criminal Court in Polk coun ty, by order of the ; Governor of the State, beginning January 5th, for the purpose of trying criminal cases only. ' r ' This. rWPTnhPY- 15. 1919. F. M BURGESS, Clk to B. C. The following is a list of the jurors for the special term of cpurt as frawn from the jury box at Dec. 1st meeting, to wit: . j ; Lynn Waldrop "' f , - Calvin Phillips - J. M. HearonT" C B. Gibbs , J ! J. B. Hester '." .". J. R. Foster ' ., P. G. Morris , y G. S. Whitesides r ' J. H. Reid W. H. Deck J. 0. Dalton ... , , J. B. Arledge ' W. Y. Wilkins 0. C. Bridges ' R. M. Hall J- C. Newman . ' J. P. Horn -B F. Gibbs Clayton Constant James Philips Claude Lewis t . , . J. B. Bradley : " C W. Davis J- G. Monroe . ' J- D. Blackwell " -A. Forest ' " . ; Belton Jackson Crawford Green William M. Gaines H. Stearns Q- C. Sonner P. A. Bishop W- B. McSwain J- P. Lockhart T. W. Bradley. Ancestors of Sheep. ; All the present breeds of sheep are Wobably descended from ' th Mouf fl(J, the European wiIdbredrTh other leading wild breeds are tb Ar? gjli of central Asia, arid the ; Bighorn the Rocky mountains In America; it is doubtful If any domesticated pieties have beerr evolved frpm jhese. All th& recently opened cbun- nes have been stocked' from Europe, anl nearlv nil frnm TCnpiinh hreedi, the exception of the SpanUh me I wegiily Plews Letter BANK AT HOME. There are a number of Polk County People doing banking business out side of their home county. There is no excuse for this as 'Polk now " has five banks to serve it. Line up forr your home county and do business with the home institution. If you do not care to do your banking with this bank then open an account with some otner bank m the county. ' ' ; o WHO PAYS THE TAX? When you send money out of vour county to outside 1 banks" you im poverish your home county just that mucn. lhe banks in your county pay taxes, and that HELPS YOU. The money you send away helps build the other man's county, for your money is used in the extension of business where it does no good. Bank at home. TO YOUR ADVANTAGE It is to your advantage to your "account with this bank. have Our Peorjles J P) . UJ :1k ij J 0 , . - - ; : x ., . , , . v: . : t ; . ; ;-1 , 1 Gan Make KmeHiate vD5yKi:;'FS Make Glli AS. J. LYNGIH!i F. Wv BL ANTON, Report of the Condition of the BANK OF SALUDA at Saluda, in the State of North Carolina, , at the close ol ousmess, November 17, lyiy. : . RESOURCES. nnA Loans and discounts. ...... . "94S'? Overdrafts ..... . ..... United States bonds and Liberty bonds. . . . i . . Banking house $3729.77, fur Banking lionise $3720.77, fur niture and fixtures 2F;oo.-............ 619.32 6,600.00 6,220.77 750.CO - . 18,382.02 632.27 ! All other real estate owned i ' .-1 i- Aim -f T-nm uasn m vauit uuc av.... banks, bankers and trust companies. .. Cash items. : held over 24 hours . Total....'. S82,565.62 , LIAIBLITIES Capital stock paid-in $10,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur-- rent expenses and tax- -es paid. 7oi.zu Deposits subject to check... 39,989.49 Time certificates of deposit 16,984.60 Savings deposits ... . .v ... 14,537.88 Cashier's checks - dutstand- . standing.. . ... . ... . Total.!.. ...:.......2;563.62 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA County of Polk - Dec. 1, 191p I P. H. Bailey, Cashier of the Wa named bank do solemnly swear flint.-the above statement is true v to the bes of my knowledge and be-. Ur,: - p. H. BAILEY, Cashier. Correct Attest: . r ' : Henry P Corwith. . ''" " John B. Cannon, D. Mk Praser - v , v-'-X ; .Directors. Subscribes , and "oo berC m6' this '4th day'.of Dec. 1919.- -TH.-Lane, Notary tubhc, . A PLEA TO THE POLK ; - SCHOOLS COUNTY ; It has ' been my privilege . during the past month to visit quite a goodly number of the public schools , in our tounty, and in conntctiou . with tnt ' EOLfe COUNTS lWS.TRYdlTIfTffi OITA r i,-,?i?-wW from Peoples Banu Constant' aim and ambitiori is :ihow to better ' C serve you. We ' hayev all. modern facilities and keep in touch with the largest banks in or4er to imnrove banking conditions in Polk County. V-Thissbank was founded with a view, of serving rather than ;money grabbing. Its history has proved that it has lived up .to 'its opportun ities.' f We imate you to and share in the prosperity- of this bank's customers. . -SAFETY BOXES We have left a few . Safe .Deposit Boxes at $2.00 per year. Better rent cne and - keep your valuables protect ed, against fire and sneak itheives. Do rrot let valuable papers remain around home. The cost is soIowor the protection that you can ni atTord to be without. We have gooS facil ities for the storage of silver- and light house-hold effects. CERTIFICATES We issue Certificates of Deposit Bank & Kust Co. -2 TRYON, Ni .C.S : G. H. Holmes, Presl T J. TIValdrop, " Walter Jones, Vice Pres. . W. F. Little, Cashier A V. A. Bland, Sub Dealer, Colfimbus, N. C. other duties of my office as l;County Superintendent of schools, I have been presenting to the teacher's and students the great responsibjility that rests upon us as ; Liberty loving Americans to perpetuate the, memory of the horodc deeds, ..the-magnanimous spirit, the valliant service .and the supreme sacrifice exemplified by the Polk County Heroes in the world war. Mv nlea is that everv school " in": Polk I i w . County be one hundred percent strong in their : support of the , Soldiers MomumentT Association. It has, in deed, been gratifying to see the fine, patriotic spirit of support y ana co operation which has greeted ? me in everv school that I haves visited. Without, a single exception, every school has pledged me their, full sup port for the soldiers monument. . It will be practically impossible for rfttTto visit in person every schbol in the county, betwen now and. ih first of January, when the report of "the work done by eacK school is to be made to Sec. W. A. Cannon, Lynn, N. C, and for that reason I want you to know that we confindently exoect every school in the county to ue one hundred percent strong in membership to the Polk County ." Soldiers' Monument As sociation. -The membership fee is 10c each for children and 25c each for adults. I want every teacher, to feel that it is his duty to make is school and district "Go over die top" to the monumeiit fund, as our bovs helped to make It "possible for iisotid our allies' to gobver- the top against "' German autocracyz-onwession andvmilitarism, and .'Make 'the world safe fpr DEMO CRACY.,.:; ' r - ,E. W, S, COBB.J ' Co. Supt. .news:ads.cet results ,0 10 SrHJfi. 1 paying a - good rate of interest for as short a time as two months. Invest in one of : these Certificates arid let us pay yoij interest. We 'issue them from $50.00 and upwards. Should you need money, before a Certicate matures you may cash it. : ' ' 'r v, o ' , - - SAVING ACCOUNT , : This bank .takes a greatiride in its Saving's Department.; Here i we have the thrifty people of Polk County, men, women and children. You may start an account in this department with One Dollar arid after you have as much as $5.00 we pay interest at the rate of-4 per cent, compounded quart erly. Now is the time to open an ac count and put away a part of your income for the inevitable rainy day. The successful 'people anywhere are the savers. Savers are thrifty and thrift meansrosperity. We oner every inducement' to get you to save. Bring or send , us a dollar to open an account today. " , . f Thanks. Vice Pres. Asst. Cash ; .-v- NOTICE. " : By 'petition of Polk County Board of Education, The County Commis soners has ordered an election to be held in Saluda m Janurary 43th 1920 to- ascertain whether or not the -Town will issue bonds ' to the amount . of $20,000.00 -to supplement ' the county fund to build a , new school house, furnish same in town of Saluda. JOHN C. METCALF Register and H. P. CORWITH and R. M. HALL as judges. . ' . isj ; : . This December 1st 1919. . : F. M. BURGESS Clerk to B. C. By petition of Polk County Board of Education The County Commis-, sionets has ordered" an election at Shields voting place in Greens Creek Township on Jan. 13th 1920 to vote bonds necessary to build "an agricul tural school building -according to petition filed this date bonds to be issued at not less than 10 years and for not more than 5 per cent annually GROVER FEAGANS Registrator and J. T. GREEN WAY and ROBERT McENTIRE, judges. , .. ' . This December 1st 1919 F. M. BURGESS Clerk to B. C. C. NOTICE OF ' APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF BOGE PONDER. AppUcation will be made to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon bf Boge Ponder convicted at the Spring term 19,19 rof the Superior Court ,of Polk County for the crimes of an assault' with a vdeadly. weapon, upon Annie Booker, and an . assault with a deadly weapon upon .Otis. Wal drop, and sentenced to a total term of 27 months on the public roads of Hen derson County. All persons who op pose the-granting of this pardon are invited: to forward Jtheiri , .protest tdid ha GovemoTewithout delajfo ' This 6thl"dayof : December. 1919-. . . ' Consider thflnrirf OT?t-?4 " It Is a mltaketosnppvfie, that all centipedes have a hundred , legs. . The namels misleading. -The most common Tarlety usually have 84 but there-ire other species with at many ftr:lQ0'of ?.si. LI . r M V L - V V AC to be in our new fireproof store building soon,, where we will .'carry a complete line of general merchan dise. In the meantime come to us for your needs in all lines, as we now have a full line of groceries, dry goods, furnishings, ready - to - wear, etc, at live and let live prices. Wi Id BUS Tryon, t IS ie average man it he is Wha Good grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice-Open liv ings account with US Tody.; Motfo; Save that's what counts. iGA)RQCiNA STATE BAINK. DAVID ,C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNER Prtitdint , ,t v---i cococ o o o () COURTESY! Q One Chance in Five () . . Out of every 25 young men O O are saving any money. : . r i This is something for C J 1 wcntv yea" worn now, these four V - . lHC wc,"lo"ao men - or me community. I ne others will be .plugg-: ( y Qf VW ong in he iamej old.hd-t way. , One chance" in fire ; ( O yo .WUl ,you accepts at our bank to-day and get in. line, 8 :av. 8 IBANK 00" TRYON W. T. LINDSEY Pres CpCOCOSCOCOCOCOCOCOCOC: COLUMBUS I Columbus, N. C. Farm Lands Timber Lands, Town Property. Bought Sold, and Exchanged. .' Tract No. I. 160 acres 2 1-2 miles from Salud. small or- chard, good water. 4 room house, good pasture, well timbered. Price $15.00 per aae. v ' Tract No. 2.-44 1-JO acres 1 1-2 miles of Columdus, on public highway to LandrUm, 13 acres cleared. t Price $35.00 per acre. " For f annm Daods or1 town property, see - : vy u ul.ui NiLou. u 9 u u y ujiu Ue A r ; Qur meaU are kept in a sanitary ice box, which we keep as clera: f s,Ycaji,oi experience na paiatuKing laDor can Keep u. We buy only ' -the best. meats on the market, both native and Western:: . r n-j v-t-.o I our sausage arid feel satisned that wfybuv want jdean, sweer meats' thay' 2 lilies1-iiwn1etru$;jerre;you.t; ? - r v 71 I jietpi for Cattle, Hos, and Chickens. -; - - -rfbstsx r, -i t i: r i".t . r - 5 -J,'? r . N. C. not savina? It will enah e von to H. B. LANE Catbier VVxPrMiitaU cococo SERVICE o () you know, less than five of them : ( ) you to think about, ; young man. . f or five savers out of the 25, will ( 1 it.? en ; start a savings account1 rr We will help you. r " ? Y J. B. HESTER Cashier. ESTATE X 1 T IVI ... ' - - . . i. . t . & Co. Opportunity I . mm t ''X it t 8?'

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