A Live,: G&r For tfcs .Ifcza ANOyJTME TRYONBEEl XXV NO.33. TRYON, N; C FRIDAY, DECEMBERJl 9,1191 9. $2.00. A YEAE1 VOL- FROM- OUR FPIEiJDS Sectuinm of PML- r.. SPRING ROUTE 2. 1 , .. crowu attended . Sunday I 7atCfrs Gap Sunday ; - t i KiT.tS- unci i nns. Messrs j. " ' : i have been at worK at Wtanburg visi-u wuc urday ana . . , anther fnua : Messrs ui" -v-, Helton were u e, ur Brown sunu. oftHpd at W. D. Heltons. iose j,. - Friday night ; .;V , TpacherS 01 oumiy view uw bcv- -d others 'fee visitors at N. E. 4'ilUams' Sunday aiieniu 0. Wilson, oi voxumoia, o. C,is nrJcitincr her motner, Mrs. . . J. ,1 M -r- WW" o tuton. this w eek. m. Rill . acKSon was a welcome pest at JVir. w. i. uciwu D, ouuuo; Messrs. Kaipn ana um jacwun a business trip to oiumous, Saturday, ; , . ' The teachers and scnool oi fcunny yiew were made glad by a pleasant sarprise, Thursday morning, when, unaware, Professor Cobb knocked mi the door. After observing the stations ixreach room the primary , . - w disassembled in the grammar rade room and all 'listened to a iost interesting talk by Prof. Cobb. The main topic of his talk being, To Think at the Proper Time. Come jgain, rroiessur. Messrs Reuben Wilson and Willie Maple Hills were dinner guests m Grove Sunday. ... LYNN. Dr. Pratt was in Lynn last Sun day night to fill his regular appoint ment but the weather changed very suddenly, a hard, cold . wind began blowing, bell failed to ring, the con gregation failed to congregate, re sultno service. No fault of the preacher. . Mrs. J. B. Panther is very indis posed, being confined to her room for several days past. Mrs. W. B. Parker is on the. sick list and staying at her mother's, Mrs. Mills, for the past several days. Last Thursday was hog killng day in Lynn and vicinity. Many went the sore throat route. Julian Hester, going home from Hs work last Friday night in his lit tle strip downr collided with the Mr. Murray, the Mail man. In some mysterious way no one was hurt but tie mail buggy a little wrecked. Miss Alice McBrayer was in Hen dersonville last Saturday to do some shopping. . The school will close its fall term next Friday. Will begin its spring tern January 4th. Mr. A. N. Kunkel run down Stateville last Saturday night, turning Monday. He went to . to father, who is quite ill at home. to his By authority of th charter issued the Secretary of State, -J. Bryan Grimes", inrnmnrntinor T.vnn ' Local , x e . rf Aax School District as an mcorporat e1 community, there was a meeting of the voters on Saturday, Dec.-13th, J which W. T. Hammett, chairman; J-P. Swann, secretary; W. W, Bal d were elected as the three Members' of the Board of Directors. A1so P. N. Hood and T. C. Mills, gistrates residing in the district, endorsed by the board to handle ""f business that might arise by rea m of this act. - : e following rursl policemen were Pointed by the board of directors: John T. Painter, Clayton Constant anjDavid Pate. ' ; The first annual meeting will be - d next January 3rd, at 1:30 p. m. voters of the district should be fesent at this meeting as the charter jves us the authority to act in all Jitters as We see fit regarding the Rowing subjects: The public roads I nA . ,c Public schools, regulations for me Public health . nol W protection. abatement of nuisances, and other things vital to the wel . e f the community. - , F SWANN, .Secretary, Lnn Incorporated Community. T x v x ' OVER THE GOUUTY of Gsaaral Iaterest Gathered Br Oar Corr..nn..w p- a.-I FOX MOUNTAIN A large crowd ' attended the nartv at the home of Mr. W. B. Edwards. all report a nice time, . If you want to forget your .troubles and drive away the blues just come to F ox Mountain school Tuesday night . December 23, -There will be a play "Christmas at the i ' roaas given by the members of the school also other songs and recita tions alter this there will be a box supper , proceeds will go to the sol- aiers monument fund. Everybody come. Girls bring boxes, boys bring money. FI gHTOP. 1 he weather has changed at last and we all'can'realize it. borne are not-done gathering yet, not because they, had so much to gather but that there is so much to do and no help obtainable". - C. C. Jones hauled a load of pota toes to Saluda, Saturday. Ernest Laughter, Clint Case and Thomas Price attended preaching at Silver Creek, Sunday. E. J. Bradley went over the Cove mountain on business, Monday.' T. W Bradly and E. J. Bradley went 4o Saluda, today, on business. Some excitement ' prevailed here when it was discovered that I. Hen derson had rode the river Sunday, the waters were high and he was old and feeble. But his safe return was announced. . . , . The boys are catching coons occas ionally and having some fun these long . nights. , Z , . C. C. Jones is hauling his lumber this week to build on his nlace near Hendersonville. WARRIOR MOUNTAIN. Mr. Anderson, of Madison county, has recently moved here. Mrs. Minnie Glover and Miss Ger trade Metcalf , of Tryon, were the eusts of Miss Orphia Fisher, last week-end. Mr. Lewis Hipp had a corn shuck ing Friday night. Mh. Wash Fisher has returned 'from a two week's visit at Lake Tox away. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Arledge shop ped in Landrum, Tuesday. Mr. Anderson and family visited relatives near Mill Spring . last week. -o ' ' v' SILYER CREEK. W are having some real cold weather. Only six more days till Christmas. Guess old Santa is very 'busy these days. . ' There will be a Christmas tree at the school house Dec. 24th, at two o' clock p. m Everybody come and bring lots of presents. The pupils of our school, with; the aid of their teacher, Mrs. Walter Green, have organized a literary so ciety, which is progressing nicely. Mr. Ragan Bradley, who holds a position in Tryon, spent the week-end at home. . - . i Miss Grace Arledge is .spending some time with her sistr, Mrs. Jesse Splawn, in Cherokee, S. C. Mr. N. B, Arldge was a business visitor to Columbus, Saturday. Rev. John Arledge filled his ap pointment here, Saturday and Sun day. ' : ";' Messrs. Roy Jones and Will Green spent Monday night at W. J . Green's. Bynum Hill was a caller at W. J. Green's, Sunday. V - -.. ,. . French Peasants Good Pay. The French peasant, steady going, thrlf tv and frugal, and far more in niinoH tr do without than to buy be- - ,iiuvv w - vond his means, almost without ex- Anfinn Tifiva his debts "reliably, and nromptly. High collection, costs form -7 -X no part of a dealers worries in - rducc . T' Our Bounden Puty. Man's' bounden duty is everywhere and in all things to forward the-progress of humanity. The supreme virtue is sacrifice to think, work, fight, suf fer where our lot "lies not for our selves but 'others, for the victory of good over evil. Mazzinl. -r 1 RED MOUNTAIN. We were glad to see a large crowd at Sunday school $unday..SI!?wV Enock Ruif, who has been tin ser- vice " ror. quite a -while, returned home Sunday." This is the last of the Doys. we are tnaniaui xr: Know that so many have returned.: ; Miss Mamie Wilson spent tie week end with: her parents on route f 1. Misses Lona and , Ola Iiawter, v of Whitney, are , home for a few weeks. oviue VA. . irittsuns auMuuueu j a i meeting at Mill Spring, last Friday. Miss Gladys Wlsoii "spent Satvrday with "Grandma Wilson' 1 oiroute 1. . Clarence Run, of Whitne: S. C, is at home.- . - '. ' ' , Are you coming to the C&ristmas tree at- Red Mountain? ;u: can't realize what you will miss ij 'ypu stay awayr There ? will be a short i exer cise, prepared by the childreu, Xome, and help fill up the tree.: Jhe time clock. Everybody invitedVIT, ' Pink Brown, of Morristewh, VTen- nessee, is spending a fewdays with friends and relatives. : - Honor roll for Red Mountain school for fifth week; . Grammar . . grade. Sue Jones, Lizzie Lee Wilson; "Martha Jackson, Ura WhitesideB Gladys Wilson, Esther Wilson. .Vilson, -; COLUMBUS. Mrs. Pendergast " was inCryo one day last week. V ; v f Sargeant Claude ' S. Mlls, ; one of the first division boys, ishome on a thirty days' furlough - . ' Mr. John "Burgess, whhas been attending Wake Forest College, is at home i spend the holidays; Mr. R. F. McFarland was in Ashe- ville last , week on business;-r Miss Delia - Rhodes,; of . Tryon, "vis ited the Misses McGuinn last week. Mr. C; S..Mins and r sister, miss OHessai visited. -relative's -m Snartan- 1 burg, last, week-end.. . : Mr: ' J,' R. Phillips daugter last week. - visited his Mr. J. A. Newman visited his sis ter, Mrs.; Daniels, in Landtum, Sun day. ' ' Mrs. John Carnegie was shopping in Tryon, Saturday. V Miss Emma McNynch ii , planning tn snp.nd her Christmas holidays with her home folks . at Hodges'. S. C. Messrs. R. F. McFarland C. C. El liott, made- a business trip to Ruth erfordton? one day last week. . ' The High school chorus will give a musical entertainment .Friday even ing, Dec. 19th. Admission L 10 cents. o ABOLENE. M v ' v - 1 ' I': It was hog killing time in Abolene last' week and the weather-is favora ble for the meat to be in -good con dition Xmas. ; - ? " Rev. W. M. Gold preacheoVs fare- j well sermon to the people': of Green River church. . Sunday. He was a pleasant visitor, a good talker and an able preacher and the peopie oi Green River church reereljhis having to resign. . , ; Mr. C. W. Davis and Mr. W. H." Deck have purchased a tractor and the whole outfit that goes: with it to make plowing in general"easy. Mr. J. E. Ridings was. a pleasant caller at Mr. J. C. Davis' Sunday af ternoon. . I -. V? -.. Misses Leona and Maye ' Burnett visited Misses Grace! and Lota Gibbs, last Sunday afternoon. fjtv Mr. Tolbert. Odell wasTa caller' at Mr. M. N.; Burnett, Sundayi Miss Oma Gibbs spent Saturday night with Mrs. Lynch. . Miss Thurcey Burnett - spent a few hours with Miss Grace Gibbs, Satur day. : -v Mrs. M. N. Burnett spent Saturday night with her mother, Mrs. Whit Wilson. : ; ' .,. "-" ' Mr. and Mrs. Will Tessener and children visited . at the home of Mr. U, S. Gibbs, Sunday evenfng. Mrs. C. B. Gibbs visited Mr. U. S. Gibbs, last Saturday, morning. Miss Eva. Spicer returned home last Monday - "i:':'; . '' Tli- schowl closed lasfr Friday at Cane Creek. ' - -' ' 1 . Mr. -M'v N.- Burnett made; a ' trip to Spartanburg. .Saturday. , . r-'. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haynes has moved in : JrButler Jackson's' house. Speaklhghe Truth. : r: When a man speaks the truth in th tpirit ot trutJi his. eye is as clear 7as the heftverwf.-Emerson. . - CROSS KEYS. We are having some cold and windy weather at (present. Mr. and:Mrs. W. A. - Willard . nd Miss Gladys Flynn spent, , Saturday. night at the home, of Mr. John.Har- tmon.. at mman, s. u.. and report a most enjoyable time.-:.. ':-v-' ' - ; Mr: andMrs. L; DBridgspentl Sunday nightwith and Mrs. D.-P. weiDorn. . jvirs. w.eiborn v and - - son, Roy, returned home with her daugh- te:, jura j.nyixeifue onqgs, ..jMynaay,;-i ,wuie m tnis , secuun. Mr. n. ,Ui JfTlynn' killed tWOi Tuesday. mr. tif;x.i?iynn-made a tnpito Spartanburg :business,lTuesday wr. ja; lynnwent to: JLandrum Monday, bn;bushess. ; ; ; The people from around . here that have been eomg to the meetinsr at son's brother -and . wife-' spent ' last I Week With him. and ' returned -. home I Saturday; last. !y:';iy-;-Hri' -v-1 PEARIDGE, :V . Mrs. Willie Turner is 'visiting her I this mother Mrs. " Terral Williams I week. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Carswell were the guest of MrajidiJktreJamei Jamess I Philips Saturday night.; - Miss Bessie Thompson was. the pleasant guest f of .Miss Iva Gosnell SundayV4.iy-V.: ; Born to Mry and. Mrs. Ralph Moore Saturday-a . ? Mr. jiii u ihompson is nursing a very sore;:'fopt,..!;-;? . ; Miss Lizzie Dalton . was a guest at Mr. M. Q.T Gell's'Saturday night. Mr. JoPagepfandrum vSA; C. cMled to see.Miss " Iva .Gosnell 'Sun- Born l to Mr. 1 andMrsv James Philips I Sunday, last; a girL . -5 c -i- Mrs. : vyin-.fcrray : '.and tw.o' :t ' sons Arthur and Willie -: Lee were the --lest nf Mr: "NT rt (Mrtn Siav . --'ttiti&t&jX;: near 'Tryon visiting relatives. , - W A ; : Mr. Charlie Russell and family have moved from Tennesssee to Mr. Wm. Russells ' place on Pearidge. Mr. Robert Comer made a business trip to Rutherfordton Saturday. ' Dr. Chamers of Landrum, S. C. was on Pearidge Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. G Thompson made a shopping trip to Landrum Wednes day last. Miss. Mamie - Wilson spent the week tain, Sunday. Arthur Gray, who is attending school at Round Hill spent the week end at home. Thurmond Taylor ' spent Sunday with his sister 'Mrs. Ralph Moore. Mr. and Mrs. "Forest Glass is visit ing relatives on Pearidge before go ing to Union, S. C. Mr. i. b. niDbe.is is spendng sev - wa - eral weeks at Mr. P. G. Brisco's. Rev. McCarson of Henderson Co., spent Saturday and Sunday at W. R. Turners. Yt Tko.i.liil... ...' uv- i uvuyuucas nniiwcr, - t A certain Kansas City physician will never know just how near death he was the other day when, after a thorough examination of probably the brijghtest, sweetest and altogether su preme nine-months-old baby in the world, the mother asked, "Well, what ao you think of my baby?" and he said, "Oh, it's a normal child." Keep Out the Moisture. A very effective agent for moisture proofing wood has been found in an aluminum leaf coating. This coating practically insulates the wood against any change in atmospheric conditions, and is particularly valuable for use where accurate form and balance must be maintained, as would be necessary in an airplane propeller. . - Great Care Taken of Silk. Silk is the most costly of all fibers, and in the raw state represents a value so great as to be guarded in its 'transportation like a shipment of bul lion. It is shipped from coast to coast in special, solid express trains, under strong guard, the shipments ranging n vniii- frn- no(w n t9rnoonnft Not Flattering. "You must have said something dreadful to Mr. Bestseller." "I merely f" suggested that he hire- the fellow who got up his advertisements to write his books for him." -X I ; " How to Tel! Sapphires, i .A really good sapphire should appear blue by, artificial light as well as day light ; some stones have a tracer of black, &nd some red, the latter making them resemble amethyst, especially by lamplight, or gaslight P000iraiini!D:iIIE:DEPI!RI51I Editedlby J. R. Sam, County A s in addition' to the. usual -work plan- tied lot the farm,- there are several things which we want as- many far mere asi possible to undertake during the incoming year. First We. f under- took lastyear the task : of drivin? scrub poultry out of Polk county;-and the - resu.lt ris, that there ;. are many larmers now in the county who have nnrA hrpd noultrv hf HiffPi-fmt hrwda So it will bean easy matter: to . sret started in this . line of ; work. i and I urge veryfarmerwho has not done so, to urucur some eggs ana sutru next spring. Second, The next step is to bejji to grow hogs ly ihe.moft improved mettiods, and that . is to procure pure bred stock and trrsfrAnv1 rrona for tWn. A mitnhfcr of faiTners have organized themselves into a' Hampshire 5wine ' Breeders Association for this purpose, and to standardize the i growing of . hogs in the - county. Third, we want :. to press thelowing: of I pei manent ? pastures harder : than ever; tecause : the boll wevil is 'ch his wav ancl liable to be in Polk! countv even " next : vear. and I pastures, crop rotation and live stock is the only solution -yet discovered 1 besides, thi,t isthe only : logical ' Way i to farnt anywayCFourthVvwe waflt to try hardr. than ever, to learn v to co operate . in. many : ways more thor- oughly.than in fyears ; gone by--we want to organize some real commun ity If arm clubs and do - some i active community! work that will make the commumtya l)eterplace to live; such as jpeiter roads, better '. schools, bet ter pastures; and. live stock and then I ' Jt2x-l "' V mi .' 'V' by ,'alV-" means we . want the ; soil of Polk county Tanns- left at , the close of nexr year, .in better-condition than at Uv,?i ;,-w.-. h i-' rn-i ? ' , , L , : r-L r xw. w -w-k 'J 11 'J. ni 'T'Ji and shallow cultivation or any other kind of cultivation alone ; when the crops are removed and nothing re turned to compersate for the loss "of plant food that went into the crop, the land is left poorer. We must learn once for all that we . . cannot make something out of nothing. So when we grow a crop of corn, wheat, cotton, hay or any other crop, the soil gives up part of its fertility to produce the vcrop, and it is our place to learn and practice such a system of farming as will replace these lost elements! of plant food. .. This can be done by growing and turning under TRYON WALKABOUTS AND TALKABOTS. A cynic , says that whether a wo man's will is stronger than God's der pends upon who starts in first. The down east contestants of a late lady's will found that it was stronger than j theirs anyway, and learned that I "They are but fools who think by force or skill To turn the current of a woman's will." o The two following ' incidents vshow I that Tryon people, if not leading a cat-and-dog life themselves, are tak ing a good deal of interest in it. While devouring a tender fried pul let, a Tryon woman with the vigor possessed only by the Tryonese,- de nounced a neighbor's cat for devour- ing humming-Diros. jne was re minded that the famous old Roman epicure who made a feast of nightin gales' tongues, was not a cat, but a human being who ate pullets as well as hightgale?. However a; cat that will eat humming-birds, instead of English sparrows, has not been well brought up. It needs training. Among Tryon talk-abouts is sheep raising, it's reaiiy a question oi aog raising; whether the people of Polk county would rather raise sheep or hunt rabbits. A vagabond dog re- centlty became the mother of a litter of six, near a Tryon residncee and the women of the household when they heard of it rushed to the spot to have the whole batch, drowned of course? Not on your life! feed and care for six future sheep. butchers, capable of making way with a score or more in a single night. Yet probably the . tchances ' are that these i tender-hearted women went back to their . growling oyer the high price of muttton and winter clothing. egume crops, ana growing - cattle sheep, hogs 'and -poultry pnthef farm C and feeding1 our. crops and returning " he manure to the land supplement- . ing these with' acid phosphateirftrate , of soda, etc. During these lonz win- - ter nights" is" the time to plan for all x ; this 5 work which, tmu3t be done next spring and summer- so there is 'lots ' for Polk county farmers " to think about this winter ; and ' while we are . thinkng about v- our' Vfarm improve- ; ments for ; our own sake and the sake of those dependent upon us, let us- think- in broad ." terms - that will take in the interest df our' neighbors, and let .us not . confine our neighbor --to the man that: lives nearest our dodr: because that modem, appliances have brought the whole world Into a neigh-' . borhood, V - -x Look well ..to the family health. Better, keep well ' than expose -your self in bad weather and have to: hire a doctor at a high price to cure you. ; Any way, Jsn't : the Chinese way of hiring a doctor .' to keep you well more ' sensible . and bettter than to go on carelessly aiu get jsick and then hire him to cure. you. When:weH"a little ' advice-rfrom 4 an honest ; doctor, taken, might' save a big doctor's bilk By the way nine f tenths of, our ills, and perhaps ninetynine . hundredths, come from our own carelessness and fault. ' . . - ,i Now listen, Polk county farmers " , we love .all our neighbors , 0 ; yes- ' certainly we do, but t you see we are . trying to keep liouse in Polk county and not many of our neighbors send , any . business - over our - -way so my ' advice, is ; that we s had-better " attetnd . aurfovrn. knitting , and 'keeV -onr-' yarn where, we "can put our hands on . it when knitting is to be done Do you see the point ? When you sell cotton or anything else ; and deposit your money in a bank out of the county, you are helping that county to grow rich at the expense of your own. And helping to educate some -, body else's children and let your own remain in ignorance. So let us all get . together and support our home institutions and get somewhere. I believe in PULLING for POLK COUNTY or PULL OUT, and give room for some one who will PULL. Somebody once said that God could have made something better than a peach or strawberry, but doubtless God never did. The same of Tryon's Thanksgiving weather. There some time may have been a finer Thanks giving day, but even the "oldest in habitant" couldn't have remembered any. It was a sublime cocktail " .of weather; just the right amount of January and February temperature mixed with the exact quantity of Au gust and July, the most . glorious of blue sky above, the most splendid of gorgeous tree coloring on the earth beneath. The Blue Ridge lived up to its name. . Old Tryon never looked higher, serener or more dignified. Anyone not thankful for such a day on the edge of December, should bei deported to the North pole in Decem ber and the Equator in July. ADAM JAY WALKER. ! J Foundation of True Beauty. The truest beauty arises from a nobtii character. A soul which Is radiant with -love and ..truth lights even th homeliest face Jnto beauty which Is not transient, but which grows ever deeper; and more abiding as the years pass on, .. . - - .. ... ..... Gold's Great Power; : One of the funny things about hn . man nature is the tender affection we all have for money, the way, we work to get1 it, and then, the" way we talk , about everyone who has" succeeded in getting a lot of it. r v ; . Disease Caused by Tree Tapping. '' v A Dutch scientist has found that tht : disastrous brown bart disease of the ; tubbeftree is caused by the present Butniethod of tapping, and not by a mold uuecuon, as uas previously .s Deeq - thought. " V , atvi Tip for Employers. . T There . are no strikes ; In the plant where the old man calls his employees' Dick and BUI omd ' asks about thsj baby's new teeth. Wichita Beacca V -"-y

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