POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYOIT, ITOBTH CAROLINA pi - M V I J TeUin the $tory of His Life :egorv 1 ir bports C! CBy REV. P.. B. FITZWATER. D. V., Teacher of English Bible In the Mooay Bible Institute of Chicago:) . , . (Copyright. 1919. Weatern Newspaper Union) LESSON FOR DECEMBER 21 ' ill U '3 i n ' 3 5 t 4 i : Ml It 1 i 1 j: Hi 1 -i t in 5 M i n 1 , (St,' f J 'i 1 V V- ! I! t Hi in ru Hi fl4 If 1i 1 1 5 , -n J1 1 : h tali 1 il ( .5's"" c Is There a Santa Clans? Classic Answer of a New York Journalist Affirming a Little Girl's Belief JE of the finest things ever written about Christmas was the editorial printed 20 years ago try the New York Sun In answer to the earnest appeal of a little New York girl to be told whether Santa Claus really exists. Its author, Frank P. Church, was an accomplished Journalist and wrote much on many subjects, but his fame will rest chiefly on this beautiful setting forth of an -eternal truth. With Dr. Clement Clarke .Moore's "A Visit From St. Nicholas," It Isone of the great classics of the - Christmas season. The answer to the eternal question i -.as printed in the Sun follows : We take pleasure in answering at -once, and thus prominently, the com , municatJon below, expressing at the fame' time our great gratification that its faithful author is numbered among . the friends of the Sun: "Dear Editor I am eight years old. :8ome of my little friends say there is no ganta Claus. Papa says: If you ee it in the Sun it's so. Please tell jme the truth; is there a Santa Claus? " 'VIRGINIA O'HANLON, "116 West Ninety-flrst Street.' ' . s -"Virginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected by the skepticism of a skeptical age. They da not believe except they see. They think that nothing can be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Virginia, whether they be men's or children's, are little. In this .great universe of ours man is a mere Insect, an ant, in his intellect, as com pared with the boundless world about 'flilm, as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole truth .and knowledge. "Yes, Virginia, there Is a Santa -Claus. He exists as certainly as love rand generosity and devotion exist, and jf on know that they abound and give to your life Its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world it there were no Santa Claus ! It would Je as dreary as If there were no Vlr ginlas. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, "no romance, to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment except in aense and sight. The eternal light with 'which childhood fills the world would 2be extinguished. -Not believe In Santa Claus! You msht as well not hoiiavA in fairiaat - Tou might get your papa to hire men is to watch in all the chimneys on Christ mas eve to catch Santa Claus, but even if they did not see Santa Claus com ing down, what would that prove? No body sees Santa Claus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Claus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not: but that's no proof that they are not there. Nobody can conceive or, imagine all the won ders that are unseen and unseeable in the world. "You may tear apart the baby's rat tle and see what makes the noise in side, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest inen that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, In all this world there , Is nothing else real and abiding. , t - ; . . "No Santa . Clans 1 . Thank ?od, he uvea ana he lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia, nay 10 times 10,000 years from now, he will con tinue to make glad the heart of child hood.' Christ Is Bom by . Louise F. Elmendorf The world, late rathed with pain through bloody years, Has climbed its weary long-pathed Calvary, Where millions died, as Christ, ' that they might free Others from wrong, and black op pression's tears. Once more now through the world comes to our ears The song of all the ages, "Christ is born." Mute tongued to notes of joy have been the bells, And only childhood and old age dared try To sing, so near the threatening battle sky, The song that told, though dulled by shrieking shells Whose bursting turned a thousand homes to hells, The wonder of the ages, "Christ is born." Our faith in God has brought to us the goal; War-weary lands have peace on earth again; And in the scarred and fire purged hearts of men, Made sweet and strong by suffering of the soul, Through travail of a world once more made whole, Anew in human hearts the Christ is born. Dear God, the Christmas songs ate fraught with prayer . That Thou wilt be with those whose tears still pay That we may have the glory of this day; -That men may live their thanks; that lives may bear Eternal witness for Thee, every-:,-v7: where k--"'. : Proclaiming that in us the Christ is born. Changed His Mind. ' Doris I thought you and George were going skating? Marjorle So we were, but when he saw I had my hat trimmed with mis tletoe he asked me to go for a walk. THE KINGDOM OF THE PRINCE ' OF PEACE. : . , , -'t LESSON TEXT Isaiah U. ; GOLDEN TEXT Thou shalt call ; his name Jesus; for he shall save his people from their sins. Mat. 1:21. ' PRIMARY TOPIC The Wise Men Visit the Baby Jesus. i : JUNIOR TOPIC Bringing '"Gifts to" Je sus. " "'.-' ' " '' V;m:v-. ; INTERMEDIATE TOPIC The Reign of the Prince of Peace. . , SENIOR AND ADULT TOPIC Perma nent World Peace When the Prince of Peace Shall Reign. ; . ' . On this Christmas occasion let us take a forward look into the golden age which is ahead of us. It is the .time of which the . wise of all ages have spoken and the poets .have sung. It will not ' be brought about through improved social . conditions or - even a League of Nations! but by the per sonal coming and reign of the Prince of Peace, the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the kingdom which Daniel said the God of heaven should set up (Dan. 2:44. 45; 7:13. 14). I. The Lineage of the King (v. 1). He Is of royal v stock, the seed of David. His birth took place nearly 2,000 years ago. This Christmas sea son is a memorial of it. II. The Gifts and Power of the King (v. 2). These result from the resting upon him of the Spirit, of the Lord. Because of this endowment he Is equipped to administer the affairs of the kingdom. A sixfold characterization of the Spir it's gifts shows the completeness of the equipment. 1. The Spirit of the Lord. This title shows that he Is to be qualified for his work by divine Inspiration. 2. The spirit of wisdom. He Is om niscient. Only a king of such wisdom can rule over the whole earth. 3. The spirit of understanding. This understanding, coupled with wisdom, gives discernment and discrimination. 4. The spirit of counsel. This means, doubtless, the gift. of making decisions. 5. The spirit of might. This means the ability to execute his decisions. De cisions would be of little value with out the ability to execute them. 6. The spirit of knowledge. This refers to his reverent attitude toward God. III. The Nature or Character of the King's Rule (vv 3-5). ' i 1. A quick understanding In the fear of the Lord. He will have ability quickly to discern Godly fear In the human heart. - 2. An unerring Judgment. He will not Judge after appearances. 3. Ability to render decisions ac cording to the merits of the case. Hl9 decisions will not be based on hearsay, nor on plausibility, but on first-hand knowledge. . 4. Impartial Judgment of the poor. The time is coming when the poor will get Justice. 5. Reproof with equity for the meek. Jesus said that the meek shall Inher it the earth. 6. He shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth. When he comes the earth will be utterly wicked. Apos tasy will be manifest on every hand. His blessed feign will be ushered In by the judgment of the nations (Matt. 25:31-40). IV. The Harmony and Peace of the Kingdom (vv. 6-9). This harmony will prevail In the relationship of tmen and will be ex tended to the animal kingdom. War will be no more. The cow and the bear will feed together; the lion will eat straw, not flesh. The sucking child will sport with the most deadly ser pent. Paradise will Indeed be restored. This wlH be made possible through the personal reign of the Messiah In Jerusalem, (v. 9). . V. How the Kingdom Will Be Set Up (w. 10-13). 1. The elevation of the King (v. 10). His f leyatlon will be a sign to the na tions; to this sign they will respond. The only way to bring unity among the nations Is to exalt Jesus Christ. ' 2. The regatherlng of Israel (w. 11, 12). Out from the nations of the fcarth Israel will be gathered. Israel and Judah will unite under the one king in the city of Jerusalem. 3. Envy will disappear from"Ephralm and Judah (v. 13). When they see him and are joined to him the tribal . an tipathy will disappear. 4. There will be physical changes which will alter the surface of the earth (w. 15, 16). When redemption will have been completed not only the spirits of men will be In accord, but there will be harmony In the animal world, and changes will be brought about in the earth Itself which will make it fit for the conditions under which men will then live, v Blessings. y. ". No' man can get a blessing and keep It all to himself without having it like stagnant water In his soul ; but If it overflows to others It shall become a perennial spring to , himself and to the world. Wilton Merle Smith.; - Opportunities. Opportunities, approach- only those who use them. -Emerson. : The Broad . Hat. , . A broad ' hat does not always covet a venerable head.' 1 Two sweaters as tar separated j'rom one another in style as the North is from the South are presented fbr the consideration of the sportswoman in the picture above. Each Is represent ative of a type; the first, at the right of the two.being an example of styles used where the sweater is called up on to give actual warmth and free dom of movement. It is a close-knit, snug-fitting garment of wool, machine made, with cap to match, andl is one of several varieties that the outdoor girl and the sportswoman find indis pensable. This model Is in one color, has patch pockets and a wide turn over collar with knitted band to hold It close up about the neck. This is its novel feature and speaks for itself, for it assures comfort in the face of Icy winds. The cap is in two colors. Sweater coats of brushed wool are much like this model except that they are loose and belted. Usually collar, j cuffs and pockets are bordered with a j band in contrasting color. Vivid and ! high colors are -well represented, but do not predominate in the new sweat ers ; turquoise, rose and purple with orange appear among them. The brushed wool sweater coats are very warm looking. " A rival of the sweater has arrived in the very wide scarfs, usually in two color combinations, having pockets in the fringed ends and belts to match. There is as great a variety in these as In sweaters, suited to as many pur- Hats That Match Merry Eyes Life Is made up of a number of pleasant things. Including pretty hats, for little misses like those who look ! out at us from the picture above. No one with existence , overshadowed by j an unsatisfactory hat, could look so gay and carefree as this trio. Per haps it Is because this millinery, with !' bobbing tassel, pert bow or flying r ends, Is less plain than the majority of - hats made for girls. It has velvet and ribbon and tucks and everything to make! It a Joy to pretty wearers, and we must concede that It matches up well with dancing curls and merry eyes.' Sv:-V"' .:: -' '- : .''rr. We just cannot get away from long napped furry beaver in children's hats, but It has not a monopoly In the smart sailor with upward-rolling brim at .the top of . the picture. Here a soft beehive crown made of row after row of narrow grosgrain ribbon, Is set off by the beaver brim of a con trasting color. A collar," with a knot and two outstanding ends of ribbon at the back puts a. sprightly finishing touch to - a successful hat. (' Beaver is again among those present t ..v. vw.t, a;, Ule CQ , which they are destined to feff or at Ipnet tn ..vst .-mule iuwrs with The pretty garment and cap at tu left, by contrast with its sturdy coo. panion, is only acting a part it is sleeveless affair of knitted silUaviw a cross-bar in a contrasting color, TiJ sumn lasseis suspended on silk i of the same color, about the bo It Is made in the slip-on tfo opens a little way down the where a single button and twowrfj ending in tassels, provide fast anu iunsn. iot mucii is require it in the way of warmth and it ml therefore, affnr j tc- be sleeveless. tin ciotn, ram, worn with it, is runwili1 stitclies like the cross-bar in ife sweater in color and a narrow girdle u the sjilk is knotted loosely about tie I waist. This is an interpretation of iht sweater for tourists to lands of the I sun. Its mission is less practical than ! that of its companion which must face the snow, but they both belong tn the category of sports clothes. Among the very handsome garments of the same character for Southern ! tourists' wear are the sweaters with fitted body and ripp.ed skirts, crochet ed of heavy silk yarn. They have el bow sleeves ending in a wide ripple,! and, without pretense to any useful- ness; other than that of looking lovely, ; they are the most dignified of all the offerings for sports wear. The crochet work is very open, amounting to 1 heavy square mesh, for which the blouse worn provides a backgronni when the materials used In the hat the- right are inventd;t is draP covers & crown over wnicn u The brim is quite spl nd shirred velvet as a rich r t aDJ crown in a lighter ! ,p beaver tell the story of in n- aa n hannv ending a uu , "Li. "finis Ir 11 . I sel of yarn writes finis i joins the company of many i Time has added years en( MStory of the girl atth uch l , low her a hat tna hflg a $w neo tam iruwu -- tDe velvet inserted about it. v a loop and. end of velvet are stand out at a saucy ' angle. young person has arri nity of a fur neckpiece ana of hair over her ears, w flaPf fore all the earmarks who Is nearing sixteen. " - . 0