si i 1 w : 5, i. s i i t't 'II ;j j f. t 1 ; 1 t - 'i ; :1 t i it i i'V i ! 1 P. 1 j 3 hi 3 i j- ! t '0 ' 1 'I (If !f'l -Tlij ; i ' 1 ft 1 Jiir II h poij: ooxnnnr imwo, roybn. oapoliita : ...... - 1 a i , . .... - iu. iuui uuuiii i iiliiu uiw iiiiuii uia. firmament. This ia particularly trW Consolidated Nov.-, 191$ , . 1' 11 an ir..Ji f pi me neniucKiaa, 4 v irgimw Attsa'! husettsian and South ' Carolinian g Qn Monday :;aiternoon,4Mrs. nomeii 'ave an Old Kentucky Home tea 5 to meet retired Admiral Mead (Ky.). The invited iruests were : Mr. and Mvts. Lndsey (Ky.) Mr. and Mrs. Speed, (Ky.); Major Sharp, (Tenn); Mrs. Sharp, (N. Y.); Miss Putnam and Miss- Chapman, (Mass.); Mrs. Hester." (S. C). In evidence of Kentucky's supremacy, Admiral Mead told the story of the Kentuckian who on his arrival at Heaven's gate, was told by St. Peter, on learning what state he hailed from, to "come right OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, in." On coming upon a lot of in otationt of Respect, Church or Lodsre Notici habitants of the golden streets, se whn an admission fee is charged, or f or financia I curely chained St. Peter explained Kmia. wmuu . " a.i 1 l. J i. U i.- 4. 4-VJ flr c.nti Dr line. 1 maw wicy nu w uc w yicvcu, -ucu the American press association. escaping and getting back to Ken- S85 West 19th Street. New York City, is our sole I tucky. xna exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. J TR YO'M. . NORTH (CAROLINA Office phone 99 Residence 45. Katered as seeond-class matter April 28. 191 at tbe post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un 4cr sli act of March S. 1879 C. BUSH, Editor and Publisher Subscription $2 .00 per V ear A POSSUM SUPPER. "Long May It Wave." Mr. William Stearns wishing to test the advisability of having a large ''Persimmon Fed Possum Supper" at the Library, gave a small supper out at the Mimosa on Monday. There are no doubts left in the minds of those present, as the guests will sirfack their lips over the past until the future becomes the present. The great question now is who is the best 'Possum cook in Tryon. At this writing there are four fat fellows feeding on the top of the land with all the hunters on the lookout for more. : . 0 : . ' THE PUBLIC SCHOOL. wholesome looking children busy with their work, and of busy teach ers, with but one thought, that of making this what a school ought to be.-. The fountain which is a recent im provement was the gift of Mr. B. L. Ballenger, and it is safe to say that nothing could give more satisfaction to the children of the school. ' 0 - ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. This is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of Mrs. S. S. Pack, to exhibit them to the un dersigned on. or before the loth day of February, 1920, or this notitce will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will Dlease make immediate payment. This the 15th day of December, 1919. J. W. JACK, Administrator. We Thank You If there is such a thng as a pessi mist in Tryon, let him hie himself down the macadam road some of Before another issue these sunny days as far the f I . 1VTir 0 1 uxaucu otiiwi iivuoc. Or, ine llLyYO reacnesi He will notice, to be sure, that the you Christmas will have ilsts Mch ere pllff !" J faith have been bent over, but with COIXie and COlie. We this" exception he will see nothinr of the shabby, broken-down look which used to be. 1 v On entring th hall he will notice a modern drinking fountain and usual ly a "dry" crowd drinking from its clear bubble. As he goes from room to room he will find them full .. of take this time and man rier to wish our readers. cjoiTesppndents, adver tisers, job ; .patrons, and friends a Merry Christ mas and Happy and Good Health Proper ous New Year. We thank you all for the loyal support given us, and assure you we will do all that lies with- - in our power to merit your confidence and es- :teem May the New ?lYear bring to each and ;every One Or yOU Iieaitn, There is really no reason why men fxiappmess, ana r ros- " . Tr:rx' 1 ruiifiiiKrir. itnnr np in snmi n t-mttiiiiti "jPerity 'lS the Sincere Wish " that unfortunate condition. Thin, of the NEWS family. Within Easy Reach - VIGOROUS HEALTH ONLY AS FAR AWAY AS THE USE OF PEPTO-MANGAN CREATES RICH, RED BLOOD PEPTO- MANGAN OBTAINABLE IN LIQUID OR TABLETS INSIST ON "GUDE'S" THE GENUINE Additional Tryon News. nervous, run:down, tired people never get much happiness out of life. Men and women with the blood of health in their cheeks, a cheerful. sunny dispotion and an attractive A Tryonite remarked that a bee- persbnality are the folks who get hive was often the symbol of a sav- most 01 life's enjoyment, pleasure, ings bank, but a Rornet's nest in the and success. window of the Peoples Bank & Trust .. tilde s Pepto-Mangan furnishes Co, was the first time he had ever thin. watery blood with the necessary known of it beng adopted for that J nourishment to enrich it, enabling it miroose. Two were brousrht into 10 supply energy, vitality, and town by an outsider and sold on the strength to every part of the body, street to a lady who failed to give Physicians reccommend Gude's her name and address. The bank! Pepto-Mangan to patients suffering promised to dispose of them for him, I from anemia because its beneficial if possible. ' and lasting qualities are well known Miss Evans, of the Red Cross dined to the medical profession.. with Mrs. Holmes on Tuesday. She . ""eB po-mangan is oDxainaDie was attendng a distressino- case of a lir eitner 11(l or laDlet torm' aolh TYintiPT. witVi cmrPn nViiiHvon v,Q nA forms contain exactly the same VMWA WV W VU VAAf V11V - est but thirteen, the youngest but sn"en&tft and medicinal properties. 1pvpti tnnntiiQ whn hsivn riw Duv .Fepto-Manean of ed of their natural protector by the your -drufirgist,-; be sure the name - j - I r!iili'.l i 1.1- 1 iTTTiJ.1 A law whiPh malcps it unlawful t aim. UUUCB wxi wie uitcttage. JWitnoui ply the public with moonshine. There Gucle s xt 18 not Pepto-Mangan. : is an effort to have' the husoand and " Aavesement. father paroled from the penitentiary so that his family may suffer less with the rigors, of the winter. ine nome xsursing uiass neld re- cently, at Saluda, In a letter receivd by the chairman of Saluda branch A T S 1.1. t . mm . xv. v. me pieasmg, miormation was given by Miss Mary : Thomas, that while of ' course, some obtained better marks than others, every member of the . class passed in her . examination. This will be particulirly gratifying to the Junior branch, as it contributed nine dollars and a quarter, though the course of lessons was offered to pu pils free. Under the supervision of Mesdames Stevens and Loveland, of baluda Seminary, the Juniors are be coming known by their - good work and .helpfulness to . others. While the; certificates- are . delaved. 4thev will f be forwarded recipients as soon as possible, throup-h Miss- Thomas, a Red vross instructor. it is a well; known. fact that almost any time in Tryon one or more repre sentatives of 20 or 30 states in th union can be cot tnvpfo 1 .. . , C3 "6viv BllUUSb a; nbmeht'a nnfinA r , vw. vx vuurae eucn one of them thinks his or her Stat IKFiUENZA starts wlh a Cold Kill the Cold. At the1 ifir CASCARA i Standard cold remedy tot 20 yeari , ia tablet lorro caxe, murw, no opiates breaks up a com in rt reuevea n nnev back if it fan. The genuine box baa Rf.f picture. -. At All Drug Stmr OUININt X X V'UUV "V "V Clasiifisd - Advertisement oRtirorwiiT .7- JT nished. t.A v to James Leonard, Real Estate, Tryon. N. C. k " for Sale New i ft. 6 in. porcelain bath tubrith fittings; also 30 gal. hot water tank, second hand. Prices rea sonable.; Apply to P. O. Box 153. or Phone - ' 2w:pd A BARGAIN A White "King cor net, usedfor one year; fine leather case, plush-lined, $60. Address, E. B. r . TT ill CI ' Lancaster, ? mgervine, a. v. NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS Notift , is - hereby givnc ;par tiesnamdjbelo, and laU; pthei mortgagees, that the undersigned urchased at a sale) of property of de payert, in Uolumbus, N. nauent tax DaIV Pjiimtv XT P nn Kf K lav A4 t Vl wwwtvj. l w.w vu vw4 vi May, 1919, land listed and described as follows: i 1 town lot in Tryon, N. C, on Ma ple street, listed in the name of J. C.:Fifher, for the yars 1917 and 1918. One town lot and store room on Trade street, listed in the name of Geo. A. Gash, for the years 1917 - and 1918. GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE -AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable pnoes. , We will pay a straight salary of one lot . anaaweumg on Trad etreet $35.00 per- week and expenses to man listed in the name of Go. A. Gash for nr womW with rip- to introduce EU-the years 1917 and 1918. One house v " 1 " w . , J 1 -11 . . REKA EGG PKOUUUJSKw JiureKa Mfg. Co. East St. Louis, 111. Honey Not Alt Gutenberc'e. Prlntingj ja said to have been Intro duced t6. the world Aug. 14, 1437. John Gutenberg . stands at the head of the early typographers, supported by the genius of ' Scnoeffer and the: generous patronage of Faust. Gutenberg used only blocks, and to. Schoeffer U due the moVmble type cast from matrices. Caxton, yfyp introduced the art into England tqpn life as a trader, v but learned printing at Cologne. The first printed book on record Is "The Psal ter," which John Fauft and Schoeffer published At Metx in 1437. Knisrhts or rvthias Casde Hall in Missildine Building Meets Thursday Evening at 8:30 VISITORS WELCOME Havinflf Qualified as administrator of Mrs. R A. Watson deceased late of-Polk v?ounty North Carolina this is toJnotif y; tU persons, having claims against ,the estate of said deceased, to exhibit them , to the undersigned on or Mfjore thefirst 6ty of Feburary :1920. Dr.J-njs nouce wiu uc pieau in oatr ui ineir revcry. aii persons inucuwu to said estate will please make imme diate payment. This tie 1st. day of December Adminstrator. W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. " T Mack P. Spears Attorney at Law : Coliimbua N.C. JOYNER KELLEY Plumbing Sewerage Heating Phone 42 Tryon, N. C. onocinv once 4thut qimtfontf Hunt' SU fails in thctrmUuentefScscn. Tetter. Ktocvora, Itch, etc. DnI Womc tJiacoorated be cause ether treatzpents failed. Hunt's Sal vaMt relieyed bun. dreda of eorh cases. You can't ! on owf' M nmy Bmrh Cmmrmnt. Try it at our ritk TODAY. Prica 75c at MISSItlDINE'S PHARMACY ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. and lot on Valhalla road, listed in the name of Hillard Metcalf , for . the years 1917 and 1918. One lot on Trade street, listed in the name of Rhoda . Neal, for the years 1917 and 1918. COLORED ; On house and lot, listed in the aam f Tm Jackson, for tka Ttmrs 1917 and 1918. One house and lot, listed in tha name of G. D. Jackson, for the years 1917 and 1918 One house and lot, , listed in the name of Mattie Mooney, for the years 1917 and 1918. All of the above in the town of Tryon, Polk County. N. C. , Notice is hereby further given that application will be made to the sheriff of Polk County, N. C, by the under sijrned fordeeds to said property af ter tha 5th day of May, 1920. This Dec. : 12th, 1919. J. P. LOCKHART, Purchaser. o- : NEWS ads cet resulu. NOTICE nTxr. lies & fe iven to persons whh J ' to nn .wn mortgagees" tha 1 unquent tax sale of d ii i tax Paver ,crty0fr Polk County nT ' m ColnSA One town lot in 01' one foot on back liSS ?f saluda i Pauline Mt?25l 1'sted w the hS iyi8. 44 acres of io' i0r the T01 township, SS in tefe Redmond, for the v.! name of vS lots in the town o?? ,19i8- 4 ft feet on back of each lSlu?a' Ci name of Joe A lS? ot' listed in J 1Q1R c A-Johnson fii1 118. 5 acrs of land 7 leI "Sld m thp U1U "vr AU1 me year 19 10 7 wa lot m Iryon townshin I ' 1 C on back, listed in the88 one of land m Tryon townshin v4 ac5 the name of Arthur L w;,llstedT year 1918. U Smith, f0r tJ Notice is hereby fUH,0 plication will b??ade tor'--of Polk County N. C. by tSe signed for deeds to saSi he ter the. 5th day of S PpeVS Nov. 3rd, 1919. May' 1920. Your orders for FloorL n Finish, Moulding A, We manufacture this and ?Dn you money. See us for laT! doors and sash. H J. T. GREEN LUMBER Colu; ADMINSTRATION NOTICE. Having, qualified as adminstrator of Walter Green deceased, -'kite of Polk County, North Carolina.This is to notif y,all persons having claims against ; the. estate of said . deceased, to exhibit them to the undersigned on or beforsSthe first day of Feburary, 1920. Or this notice will be plead in Bar of their ' recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This tha 1st. day of December 1919 G. P. GREEN, Adminsrator. O , J'i . ' ijMff.rjf'' NOTICE DBWNuUENT TAX . PAYERS We Have the Right Prices - AND ,. Kind of Materialo 0 do your building. Full stoc k Doors, Windows, Siding,f(oorlng Ceilinff, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Moulding, Rough and Dressd Lumber. Carry complete STOCK Or FEEDS HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA. N. C Notice is. hereby given to the par ties named below, and to all other persons Who may be concerned as mortgagees, that the undersigned fmrchased at. a sale of property of de inquent tax payers, in Columbus. Polk County, N. C.n the 5th day of May, 1919 land listed and described as follows:;' 40 acres ' of land inColumbus town ship, listed in the name of Zeb Rog ers for tha year 1918. 2 town lots in Town of Saluda, listed in the name of Wm. Plnkney Cox, for the year .1918 Notice .is, hereby further given that applicati? Kirill be made to the sherifl of Polk County, N. C, by ths under signed for deeds to said property af ter the 6th day of May, 1920. This Dec. 12th. 1919. J E. Shore, Purchaser. . It is with a great deal of pride that we show nearly three fourth of a hundred thousand dollars resources at the age of ono month; and for this con tinued grrowth we feel greatly indebted to our friends and customers.; . : If you contemplate any change in your bank account or need additional banking facilities, we cordially invite you to try us, and be convinced that our service will meet with ' your I requirments and will be handled in such a manner that will be to your entire satisfaction. I ' Special attention given to deposits lent bv mail ' POLK COUNTY BANK & TRUST CO. The Peoples Friendly Bank. ; 1 ?: COLUMBUS, N. C. : E. W. S. COBB; President ! ' FRANK JACKSON Vice Prei FRED W.LANTON. Ca,h! W. E. WAL Vice Pre7 DIRECTORS fl . . frr r.. i't 1 . . 'k - W. 1 . riAMIVll 1 H. iilRRs . r V CUADt: j. i. oMvia tr. u. w 11 -i 1 ams w p WAl kFR FRANK, JACKSON E. W. sTcOBB FRED W JBLANTON -C- -T- ! There An Electric Flat Iron In Your Homo Price $ 5.50 Guaranteed for 10 Years 1RY0N ELECTRIC SERVICt ;r COMPANY Nctic of Land Sale. Acting at agent for the Heirs f the late J. J. BfCf I wfll os the 20th day f Dtceccr, 1919. about 12 o'clock II., at tht former home of J. J. Byert on Pcaridge, efftr Cer ial te the highest hidder for cash, or aHerrai--df iredit; about thirty-fiTs acres of Isnd knows at the J. J. Byert homettcad. Thit land U is a godjUte of cultivaioa and hat ayery defable;loicaM.V very good dwelling and bars and ths laid it well tutsd to ths grswth sf eta ctept.' MR3. J. R. SMITH. NEWS ADS. GET RESULTS THE UNIVERSAL CAR Insist on Genuine Ford parts Imitation "Ford" parts are being sold by many mail-order houses, down-town stores and garages to unsuspecting Ford owners as "Ford" parts. Bujt they are not Genuine Ford parts. They are made by concerns who have no conection whatsoever with the Ford Motor Company. , Test have shown them to break when the genuine Ford parts didn't even bend. The Authorized Ford Dealers are your pro tection. As such, we handle nothing but the Gen uine Ford parts. They are made from the famous Ford Vanadium Steel, and each part according to its uses is heat-treated in the way that will give the longest wearing qualities. i -Our Ford garage and Ford mechanics are at "your service at all times.!, .'Drive in when replace ments or repairs for your Ford car may be necessary Save your car also your money. Touring $525 Chassis Runabout $500 . Truck Couplet $650 Sedan Freight on any above $38.36 Govw; tax on each $475 $550 775 Ballenger-Morris Motor Car Company Tryon, North Carolina ac Gifts! We offer the following as Xmas sug gestions and have arranged for your con vient inspection and will take pleasure in showing you. The earlier you shop the better service we will be able to give you. Mechanical toys, Autos, Flivers, Scooters, Trains, Wagons, Dolls, Doll furniture, Trunks, ; Tables etc., Books and small toys, Fobs, Perfumes, Clocks, Purses, Pocket Books, Handkerchiefs, Suspenders, Watches, Cuff Buttons. Pins. Clasps, Games; etc. For Grown Ups Rocking chairs, Rugs, Books, Gloves, Sweaters, Ties, Shirts, ; " . Umbrellas, v Hosiery, r-K. Smoking Sets, Chains. Combination Sets, Manicure Sets, Letter Openers, Knives with chain, Knives in cases, Bracelets, Lavalliers, Lockets, Necklaces, Silk Fobs, Charms, . . i :Hingi of all kinds Tryon, FOR EVERYTHING , North Carols