POLIDIOUHTYvNEWS, IBYOU, 4T0RTH CABOUNA - m . .- 1 i-Ai' SvT Earl Grady spent (rhuaycin Spartanburg. Butler visited in Spar- tanburg. - f clarence Bush, and wife were . andrum Monday. . mv, Georgia-LeCount spent Wed- in Spartanburg. - . Mr C. W. Ballenger spent Sunday . Asheville with his family. ; "vrs Constance Wilson spent Wed- -cday 111 &7 ,,r5 Sallie Watson 4 .? this week her son and family gin " trom Mfs. Elizaetn Jones, is having her put in- ' , ' Misses Mary Lindsey and Violet BrW visited in Spartanburg Wed nesday. ' . ; , ' j M, Hearon, of Saluda, was in Xryon a few hours Wednesday, on business. ; v,' ' -' - - : Misses Mossie Edwards and Alice MjcBrayer spent Saturday in . Hen dersonville. ' , " Mr. Harry A. Wilkie of ' Chicago arrived in Try on Saturday, for the winter season. ' Mr. and Mrs. S. B.'Wilkins of Cow pens, S. C. were guests of their son Y. Wilkins this:weelc. : r -: :V Mr. Crawford Walker, of. Mill Spring was in Try on Tuesday, and called at the NEWS office., ; Mrs. Theodosia J, Kennedy will leave today for Marion, S. C, where she will spend the , holidays. . Miss LaRoche, who has been at the hospital at Spartanburg, was expect ed home on Friday or4 Saturday. Mr. Ray Warner and Miss Madge Snyder, of Asheville were guests over Sunday, of Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Whit- iirs. W. W. ' Jimison; of : Asheville; fepending a." few days with her -par-k Mr. and Mrs. Bi Livihgston,: rfpyon. ... t . ; r ' turkeys at' piye oifars apiece - were abt exactly run after," oh" Wednesday. One man even talked of taking, back those he had bought. The Christmas , Festival of the Episcopal Sunday School will be Held Friday, December 26th, : at 4:30 o'clock in the afternoon, i i FOR SALE: Extra good,- Wacjk; 'saddle horse plenty -o'f style hand easily controlled. - $200.00 cash. '. J: M: HEARON, Saluda, N. C. Mr. James Leonard , and little daughter, Helerii went ; to Spar tanburg Monday to see his wife, who is in a hospital at that place. i phristmas Music and Christmas Sermon December 21st 11 a. : m. at k Congregatipna Church. A. cor- welcome. ,w. a. ni&cK, mm FACILITIES FOR; TOURISTS; ti0Sf wish5s to call the atten- modern facilitiefor the lecomoda ton of guests and will take 'a?deheht in serving them for any bankng re quirements. We are; members of The rSS Ba?ers Association, sefl! ing and cashing their traveller's checks. We alsa rw it m .reT s has as her .nSu, W? .Money change. , Wi haye an account Tth The National Park Bank, New York, and will transmit or pay money bv 5?Sf" KIf ,youU send yur guests to this bank they . will enjoy every modern facility to help ' make V the stay in Tryon pleasant We will ap preciate very much any tourist busi ness sent to us. . mmay oe We -invite FOR THE PUBLIC GOOD We havea well equipped -room in this bank for the convenience of our mends. Writing material:. " t.VTiP. writing machine, telephone, adding luaLnmc oraustreei commercial Ke ports, Bank Director of Bonded At torneys etc. are at' hand an used without obheation. tourists arid home ' folks to make futher.use of this room. Make your Tryon appointments here- and remem ber that if we can serve you i in any way it will.be our pleasure. '.Banking hours are from 9 to 4 and from y to 5 on Saturdays. ' : ' " INSPIRED EDITORIAL.; We've all heard ajout the'4 little acorns that grow into - oaks also about the acorns that the hogs ate. Shall we plant it or give ityto 'the hogs? If we take a live-dollar gold piece, for; instance and spend it for a spade or a book tool of some sort t We are plantin-.it where . if will grow and multiply. . We usq ;the tool or training to produce more"f?oods or money or both. It is true thrift. . If, however we spend that "five dollar ' gold piece for bon oons or -theater tickets or something wejuse up without getting anything productive in return, we are throwing the seed away- - . . : 4 Five dollars spent for topis . may easily bring a return of $500 with great and Tasting satisfaction, or do ing good.; work with' tools. Five 'dol lars spent for rich foods will? bring ingestion, inefficiency porhaps, the doctor. - - ; - .. .Thrift is not a matter of pinching pennies, cutting corners and going without the joys .of life. It , is not even a matter , of skimping orv saving. Thrift is - spending sensibly get ting a dollar's worth for your dollar. It is buying the " things you really need food and shelter and insurance without extravagence. It is" taking the surplus- that- is left and planting it as a seed is planted where it will grow and multiply. It is looking at a dollar and re memberng how the acorn will be come the great oak if we'll plant it and give it chnnce. - . : The above editorial from the Ashe ville Citizen "hit the nail on the head". This bank will encourge you in every way to be thrifty. It will back you morally and financially. It will give you the experience of its officers, who study conditions and are alert to the needs of its customers. Open an account with this liberal bank, thereby planting your seed in a soil that will bring you the best re sults, - -. -. ; Many thanks. 0" Peopl es Bank & iTrust Go. TRYON, N. C - ' G. H. Holmes, Pres Jf. Waldrop, Vice Pres. T Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F. Little, Cashier ; . V. A. Bland, Asst. Cash to be in our new fireproof store building soon, where we will carry a complete line of general merchan dise. In the meantime t come to us for your needs in all lines, as we now have a full line of groceries, dry goods, furnishings, deadly - to - wear, etc, at live and let live prices. r. V- f f . . of Lauder . .. ... ; . - wo ... s .. v;voi. t TT. TV i 4 i 1 . . Mi ... . .. . l ft. . ... i m - mm mtm-mm -if:' m- , Wilki Try ins on, N. C. Co .1- 1 92 O .Yrt'orttJc-K-- 45 r : ?V 11 I ilfssT Kathleen IMorris, aeSe enwp home Friday, to spend the hollldays with her parents, Mr. . and Mrs.-P. G. Morris. ' '. ',. ' Mrs. S. E. Watson - is enter aining at a house party Mr. , John "Watson and wife, of New Orleans, Mr. Vance Watson and Miss Ruby Watson, of Georgetown, S. C. Mr. J. N. Jackson and family ex pect to leave the 22, to spend Christ mas with their son-in-law -aid daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Walker of Terre Haute fndinia. Coopers Gap showed up with a load of fine chairs the other day. Appar ently the Gap has auite recovered from the awful flood which did so much damage a few years ago. Miss Bessie Thompson of Mill Spring, visited her friend Miss Mos sie Edwards Monday and Tuesday. W. H. Hawkins, of Hendersonville, Spent Sunday with . R. T. McFee and family. ' ' " ; : On Friday December 26 at 7 o'clock at the Methodist Church,' there "will be a Christmas program and tree for the children also a contribution made for the Armenion relief. Everybody cordially invited. V Mr. F. S. Hadley of Greenville, S. C who has accepted -a position as book-keeper at the Ballenger Co., was joined by his family this week "and they are comfortable located in the Kennedy apartments. . Admiral Mead, of the U. S. Navy, 13 a guest at Oak Hall. He wajp a classmate of Admiral Berry and the M friends will soon meet if Admiral Berry's plans of coming to Tryon next rnonth are carried out. The sale - of fancy and useful articles-and the Tea, given by the .' -j,, ' ' ' .. J. ...... T ' it! if: -1.:- sz-sx-'ZwZi ' i Make Immediate DIiviry " MY COCOC! g SAFETY! 8: O O o COURTESY! One Chance , in . Five Can emi as. j. LVNCfl-fl, Tryoo, N. G. 'COCOC'O SERVICE! O Out of every 25 young-' men you know, less than five of them ( ) are saving any money; O This is something for you to think about, voun Ann.. Q Twenty years from now, these four or five savers out of the 25, wil ( ) O !e the well-to-do men of the community. The' others will be dIucs- ( O ln ..."on? m tnc same W hand-to-mouth way. One chance in-fiVeOV Q for you to-day. Will you accept it.? Then start a savings account Vf O at our bank to-day and get m line. We will help you. ? o o o o o F. W. BLANTON, Sub Dealer, Columbus, N. G. Miss Clara Bell arrived in lryon on Tuesday. She will spend two weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Gites, at Oak Hall, then goinjr. to her own cot tage where her sister, ,;. Mrs. Wade, with her son, will join her " for two weeks' visit in their old home. ' One day last week the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy P. -Whitlock, of Landrum was playing in the hair of his home and in some manner got his tongue split open for about an inch with an ugly cross cut. He was taken to Spartanburg where it was found necessary to take 12 stiches in his tongue. The Congregational Church and Sunday School will celebrate Christ mas with a social at the Sunday School room Friday December, 26th, at 3 p. m. Free will offering will oe fnr th behalf of the starv- X V'V'A V VV - Armenian orphans. A cordial in vation is extended to all. Come pre pared to give generouslly for Ar menian relief. The every- member canvass of the Episcopal church on . December Wo Wed men of Holy Cross. .Church, on Wednesday,;? December 10th, was VerV Successfuy-an30thfpts ; counted to about $170.00. Monday" noon a fire,broke out Paco i let Valley way, beyond th? iRanto Place, that threatenVd'aVtsrVerfdus ss- The forestry fire , squad; under r Lindsey's direction, fought 'I and Mued by..l. P. -Ml. - About "5o acrei ere burned over, , 7th, in connection with the Nation Wide Campaign, resulted in taking of subscriptions for the missionary works of the church to thik amount of $846.59 for 1)20. There are a . few to.be heard from yet; and.it is hoped that the final am6unt will reach $900. The quota for the parish is $816.00," for purposes outside the parish. The fatal ": Wednesday.?; 17th ,in which a handful of planeu happened to be -in line, the other side of the sun, were to bust all creation, was one of the beautiful days so often ' handed out to Tryon. The night, when ac cording to a dark-skinned . local pro phetess the stars were to r "fall from their sockets," rivaled the day. There are still lots of folks . wh..o are frightend Dy what they don't 'know. CHRISTMAS SERVICES At the Episcopal Church of The Holy Cross on Christmas morniug there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at 7:30 o'clock, and at 11 o'clock, another celebration of the Holy Communion and , sermon Good music; Everybody welcome. You will find good things for the Christmas dinner V a im FIJI J mJ:. . raB VITA blSGf, lid V, vlV C x -,v r -it , hay 1 .Wt Wi . 1 ! 1 1 I t j- ' v Phon Nbl4 NOTICE. By-petition of Polk County Board of Education, The County Commis sohers has ordered an election to be held in Saluda on Janurary 13th 1920 to ascertain whether or not the Town will issue bonds to the amount of $20,000.00 to supplement the county fund to build a new school house, furnish same m town of Saluda. JOHN C. METCALF Registor and H. P. CORWITH and R. M. HALL as judges. . This December 1st 1919. F. M; BURGESS Clerk to B. C. ' ; " -4 o By petition of Polk County Board of -Education The County Commis sioners has ordered an election at Shields voting place in Greene Creek Township on Jan. 13th 1920 to vote bonds necessary to build an agricul tural school . building according to petition filed this date bonds to be issued at not less than 10 years and for not more than 5 per cent annually GROVER FEAGANS Reristrator and J. T. GREEN WAY and ROBERT McENTIRE, judges. This December 1st 1919 F. M. BURGESS Clerk to B. C. C. o NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF BOGE POJJDER. : Application will be made ; to the Governor of North Carolina for the pardon of Boge "Ponder convicted at the Spring term 1919 of the Superior Court of Polk County for the crimes of an assault with a deadly weapon upon Annie Booker, and an assault with a deadly weapon upon Otia Wal drop, and sentenced to a total term of 27 months on . the public roads of Hen derson County. ' All persons who op pose the granting of this pardon are invited to forward their ". protest ; to the Orovernor without delay ThU 6tK day of December. JOHN PONDER. Hooseve'lt'sf l-6hg Ride. In February, 1909, the late;forB$t: tresiaent -jj ooseveit. roae y T miles on horseback In the seventeen hburk-t tween daylight and dark. The trip was from Washington to . Warrenton ' and i return. Three horses, were used. What Good is Opportunity To the average man if he is not saving? It will enable you to grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice-Opn a sav ings account with US Today. Motto; Save-r that's what counts. 'Mi A CAROLINA STATE BAN K H. B. LANE DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNER Prdnt Vim PrciiieBta (BAN IK OF TRY ON;f3 1 W. T. LINDSEY Pres J. B. HESTER Cashier. o o COCOC08COCOCOOOCOCOCOCOCOCO COLUMBUS HIS CO I FXTATF 1 Columbus, N. C. Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Town Property. Bought Sold, and Exchanged. Tract No. I. 160 acres 2 1-2 miles from Salud, small or- chard, good water. 4 room house, good pasture, well timbered. Price $15.00 per acre. ; Tract No. 2.-44 1-10 acres I 1-2 miles of Columdus, on public highway to Landrum, 13 acres cleared. "Price $35.00 per acre. - i o 1 For farrra laods or (towini 11 g property sec . I W. nr. LD NOSEY, Tryom. .11 0 A SANITARY MEAT ,Our meats are kept in a sanitary ice box, which we keep as dean' as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only the best meats on the market, both native and Western. Wei grind ; ah V Wuf and feci absSed thae f :! you -want: dean, sweet - meatt thi ybif -cari do no bettes than, let lis lrve youi f 1 . - -t i-tMarkeVpricei paidjfor attfc,tHdgs; anhickens. :iloq A t- n reat Yon i