OLK COUNTY NC70 THYON. rfna, OAlOLIITA sTifl mrmm TEE f QLK COUHTY HEWS itt T" -: HDonotidld"N6Vr i9!5 - Published CTery Friday t TRYONi NORTH CAROLJNA Creek' township are ready . . - til jtu fully participate in the bij U t Offirff nhone Kesiaence t-. - A M 1)9 fl atrd as second-class .matter Apru t T post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un ,lr Sb act of March 3. 1879 C BUSH, Editor and Publisher i - Subscription $2.00 per Year States, and I cannot, afford Sgghjft pfecial .portaiiity-lorTieiping: my home township when I am called on to pay so little myself and get so much f rpm pother sources. This isi a day . of big things and I am sure that the people i of Greens iy to neip- lly participate in the biggest ior- ward educational undertaking which you have ever called upon to take an active part. 1 VeryN. hopefully yours E. W. S. COBB, County Supt. o "AYCOCK IMPROVEMENT DAY" ... 3?.' t. Every School Which Has Not Al served The Day Is Asked To Do So As Soon As Possible. The State Superintendent of Public Instruction reports a notable record of achievement by North Carolina schools.- both town and country, on naiTHAKlES. CARDS OF THANKS, ...jntion.ofRespect.Churchor Lodge Notices "Aycock School Improvement , Day," where an admission fee is charged, or for financia vain, will be charged regular advertising rates cf J Be cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. ' M5 West S9th Street. New York City, is .our sole 4d exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. Stt Pure Food Commis ' sioner Against "Lazy Woman's 'Flour" - - "Long May It Wave." GREENS CREEK ELECTION. Necessity for Establishing, by Bond Issue, a Township Industrial and Home Economics j School at Greens Creek. - ' Fifty years ago there was no coun try school . problem. The country school and the city school were much alike. Each had small, ' cheap build ings, poof ' equipment, and practically no teaching apparatus, .bacn. arew its teachers from the same source and paid them about the same salaries. Trained teachers, skilled supervision, 1 !teachiner equipment, special instruc- V i iaoh, an enriched curriculum, C these and t other things with which we; are ;v.Xrqw saf amiEax .were practically un known in city and," country. But fif ty years have seen great changes in ' American education, and in these changes the country school has oeen left far behind. The concentration of wealth has made it necessary, that the ciites should develop a class of schools capable of meeting the chang , y". ed conditions of our life. They have ; provided more liberally, .f or u their f schools, have drawn -the best teach ers to them, have developed high schools and supervision, have provid ' . ea laboratory and Much good work was also done by some schools in this county. Unfor tunately, however, the blizzardy weather prevented many districts from having any successful obser vance of the occasion. In such districts the teacher is ur ged to set apart another day for gen eral observance by the patrons just as soon as possible after school reopens. If a general public occasion is not thought advisable, the teacher should at least send word to all parents to attend a "parents' meeting"- to be held on the first available Friday af ternoon. And no matter whether a public celebration is held or only a parents' meeting, the teacher ana patrons should seek first of all to get definite action on such of the follow ing fourteen improvements as are most needed by the local school. 1. Lengthing the term. ' 2. Getting additional teachers. 3. Getting better school buildings. 4. Painting the building. 5. Improving 'school grounds. 6. Getting a school library! 7. Getting a traveling library. 8. Getting sanitary drinking foun tains or individual drinking cups. 9. Getting pictures for the school. 10. Arranging for a school farm in 1920. 11. Arranging for a .school fair. 12. Arranging for a course of lec tures, music, etc., . for the entire community ; 13. Teaching illiterates in the com munity to read and write. 14, Getting boys and girls into club work. In the second place, every :: school should complete on this day its con tnbution for the Aycock Monument soon to be erectd in Raleirh. In ev ery case these pupils who were a-sent pn December 19 should now be criven an opportunity to make their gifts to this beautiful memorial to their great friend, as should the parents, also when they meet. Everv school should feel it a privilege to reach or pass the small quota suggested "an average of a nickel" apiece for each pupil." E. W. S; COBB, Co. Supt. o MOUNTAIN VIEW. QUININE rr.1 if equipment, have added manual tram ing, cooking, sewing, music and na ture study, and have done many other things which have made the city schools attractive to parents who are solicitous for the education of their 'children. Even the small vil We are having some cold weather at present and it seems that snow,, is not very far off. '- Wo have just enjoyed a very nice, quiet Amas. Some huntinov flnH some shootinp; but everv thin tr staved in, iiaic uiviiu' l . . . . r o y - other teaching vef ulJxl ana peaceable so tar. Mr. r reeman Jackson nnRnpH through this section one day last wee. Wilbur P. Cannon; Colorado' a pure food and drug commissioner, has prepared the following article for reproduction in several eastern magazines: ' - uIt seems that it la the consen sus of opinion now among authori ties that pellagra, which has been so prevalent in the southern states, U caused by some error ,of diet. Some food is eaten in excess,' that lacks the necessary - constituents to promote good health, or els some food is eaten which has hac the desired elements extracted "or destroyed. Scientists are groping vbllndly in the dark with as yet only a measure or success in nna ing what the troubled "They have about concluded that it is caused by the lack of an element called vitamlnes. THEY ARE A MYSTERY. f Nobody knows exactly what Titamines is. No one has been able yet to catch one. None are on exhibit in the national muse ums. But. still, it is known that they exist. "It is -DrettT definitely under stood that vitamines do exist and that the lack of them produces pellagra. In endearoring to as certain what particular food is lacking peculiar substance we ar rive at conclusions by eliminating one food alter another, ana then taking up another for considera tion. . -" , - : 11 At the Dresent time, selfxisintr flour is under consideration. This flour is considerable, of a fake. Its frice is out of all proportion to its ntrinsio value, it's a lazy -wom an's delitrht. . Any woman who is fool enough to pay the flour trust 10 to 20 per cent, more lor a Dag of flour because she is too laty to Sut a teaspoonful of ; baking pow er in a quart of , flour ought to nave we peuagra. in ol sne ought never to De on spesxing tsrms with .ntamlnes. , u ORDINARY FUQUXr .fV, ? Selfrising flour, W uitnilf of df- nary nour containing a certain per cent, of phosphate of lime, or burnt alum, or both, and bicar bonate of soda. These are just the ingredients that are used in taking powder. The only differ ence is that in baking powder the water is dried out of all of its in- gedients and they are kept dry a tin can. uWhen.they are put in the self rising . flour, however, the flour contains a great deal of moisture, and in a warm climate like in the southern states, when brought into contact with -certain elements re sembling nitrus acid in the flour, caused by bleaching, the phos phate of lime; or burnt alum, be ing dampened and- warmed by moisture in the flour, and in the climate, attacks the; bicarbonate i CASCARA 1 &&TmUBC& cold remcdr for a yar tn - UDiCt lorm wie, lure, nv bpictet breaks up a cold' in 24 V baursrelleTM trip la .i days. X Mncy back if It laila. ,Tho has Red UrCi HUl'a X s n:tt'K?v x o . ' ' y - ' 9 ' PATEQS ? Notieelis hartbT-'HTfea ea :;nita4 below; tadt to all other to the! par-. lenuina box p nun picture. At Alt Drug Stmrt Clattif icd JdyertitcrncnU. : 85 t acres, srood , hbtts? and barn. Convenisntly located near town. Fine place to keep boarders. House partly fur nished. Apply to James Leonard, Real Estate Tryon, N. C. " A BARGAIN A .White "ing cor net, used VjJot one year; fine-leather case, plush lined, $50. : Address, E. B. Lancasteriiigerville, S. C. WANTEt Cow peas, -it you have any to: sell, we want rt6 buy them. HOMES SEED STORE, Spartanburjrf S. C. 162 E. Main St. . i0St OR STOLEN . Some where between Columbus, N. C, and ,ldrum, S. C, one auto mobile casing, Carlisle, cord, No. 9416 32X3 1-2 and one tube 32X3 1-2 and demountable rim and oil cloth cover, black and whit striped, f or Dodge. car. - " ; : . 'J:; ' "'' ' Anyone iflnding it please notify or return toiO F. TONEY ar.d . receive reward F. TONEY, Tryon: N. C. mtMobd who mar be Wacerned mortgagees, that the undersigned Eurchased at a sale of property of de nquent ; tax payers, in Columbus, Polk County, N. C.,on the 6th day of May, lilt, land listed and described as follows: -v 1 town let in TryoH, M. C., en Ma ple street, listed in the name of J. C. Fisher, for the yars It 17 end lUf. One town lot and store room on Trade street, listed in the name of Geo. A. Gash, for the years ltl7 and ltlt. One lot and dwelling on Trade street listed in the name of Go. A. Gash for the yeart 1817 and ltlt. : One house and lot on Valhalla road, listed im the name of Hillard Metcalf, for the years 1917 and ;tlt. One let en Trade street, listed in the name ; of Rhode E. Neal, for the years It IT aad ltlt. COLORED On house and let, listed in'the ef Tern J ackwra, fer the year ltl? and 1918.. One' house and lot, listed in the name of G. D. Jackson, for the years 1917 and 1918 One house and lot, listed in - the name of - Mattie Mooney, for the years 1917 and 1918. All of the above in the town ef Tryonr Polk County. N. C. Notice is hereby further given that application will be made to the sheriff of Polk-County, N. C, by the under signed f oudeeds to said property af ter the 5th day of May, 1920. This Uee. 12th, 1919. J. P. LOCKHART, Purchaser. , o NEWS ads get results. ononnv bnee: without queeCfastifHuiit'a Sl fails ia tbc trcatneot ef Ecacma. Tetter. Riogwerm, Itch, etc. -Doat Dcceea eTiaceuraced be cause ether tfeatcaenta failed. Hunt's Salv his rdiercd hua vVeds mt such caisea. You caa't -lose ar Sfonmy Bmk Cmmrmn f -ry It at ur rWk TODAY. Prk 75ca MISSILDlNiE'SPHARMACY We Have the Right Pricci , AND r Mr. Willie Gilbert spent Sunday of soda, decomposition takes place night with his sister Mrs. H.H. Crain. Miss Lenora Jackson anrf Mr Wo lage has a graded scnool and a high PaJ?, Jackson are spending the Xmas scbool, good teachers, teaching equip- I ""me ioiits. ment. a course'of studv which in- k mr- McGraw is gone to eludes some of the sDecial branches J andrum aid Spartanburg on ;busi- and a social sDirit nervadine the ne,ss: ' i . school which is of fine quality and of .Ji33 mma McCrainwas a caller the first importance in the education at F' H-H McCrain's one day r last of riiiH-wiTi weelc. The country school on the contrary Miss Alice McCrain went to Ruth- Express Nov. 10,1919. has made little progress beyond where noraton one day this week to have ii was a generation ago. The schools - -w vw-w.. . j. ..uv., uiuxviiii ' www wvxk i n'C1 A Dinin and course of studv introduced, butt fiiAKlUUE. these Viave nsnnllv nAAcA f n fVio Viitt. dens of the teacher, instead of help- ,1Vi" .up3 ana lamiiy Mc-1 and the carbonic acid gas escapes through the flour. Y-..; '.': '-. lIt is thought that -peffiaM is"-: slowprocess of decomposition, of sweating, might result in robbing the flour of its Titamines and thus producing and spreading pellagra Until this is satisfactorily deter mined, we should take no chances unless we desire to Bwell the colV f ers of the flour trust" Denver Kind of Materials o do youri buildinjr. Pull stock Doors, ttws, Siding,fIoorln Ceilinjrhlngles, Loths; Interior Finish end Moulding Bough and Dressd iiiisber CatrV complete STOCfi QP FEEDS HCAnON LUMDBR CO. vQJtLtfDA. M. a JOYNER KELLEY Plumbing Sewerage Heating family have ftio-v.i'Tvi cnUra. raai n-p . c a spent bundav mrrht on PeanHw he confronts them. In shjrt: the J?13 father Bame of Brevard In country school is poor, often miser- lStute,Epn Monday with Miss Ellen ably poor, compared with a good town dwas before returning to Brevard school, and tMs is true in spite of the AuS(lay. . fact that the country disricts are ..Mr n?,Ml?; Albert Moors are vis equally as able to provide good ltmTat -'N. DJMoores. schools as the towns are. The rea- JSssea M01 A Dalton and Ruth sons for this condition of affairs are, reen returned to Brevard Institute numerous classes, overburdened pro- iPr X ' s grams, LACK OF EQUIPMENT, 4.vMr- am Gosnell and family were and, abov all, to its . isolation and Te Sest B at M. C. Gosnell's Thurs Jack of that stimulus that comes only .mgnt. from numbers. The attendance is Miss Jane Voorhies called to see small, the children come from same ;11SS aeas Thompson Sunday after locality and have the same, interests , ,T - ' and a majoritiy are from related fam- Qgfr r-and Mrs. J. R. Philips spent . ilies. They bring no new interests aturday with Mr. and Mrs. E. G. to the school, there is little impulse Un1Smp4?n- ,r to activity, and the school suffers eJWm-- G- Voorhies of Hender from this lack, of new ideas and im- 05!?1Ie J"?- the B. P. Gibbs pulse to action. Under existing con- taVp nJar Mill . Spring. : SPEC (Utions the , Greens Creek High School Holbert reahzes but a small per centage of its spent n(iay night possibilities for efficiency to Greens' Creek Township. - Before you cast your vote on the 6th day of January ask yourself . ' whether or not the children of 'your township, as a whole, are given the opportunity of that type of education that will help them most in the life of-which they will always be a part. Ask yourself further, if Greens Creek is not the logical center iov the es tablishing of that kind of school . which will' give to every child : in Greens Creek Township an equal op portunity for ' preparation rf or an ef ficient life at home. And again, ask ydurself the question whether there ever was anything that was really worth while that, from every stand ;point, was equally meet d out to ev eryone who - participates. And above all, asV yourself if there is anything that is too good for your boy and girl, and at the same time realize that every parent should feel the fwef?ayuthis,by and girl, and that, the kind of school to .b estab lished by this bond issue is that kind of school that will touch for good the lives of more boys and eirls in d o 5011001 that can be estab lished and supported, f And i last, but ?n,UtaStaIht0 ySelf - that three ;2? H ff t?e salary of the specially tS!TllwchIIsjn m sch001 will be ,-Pd by the State and ths United SiL1101 of Hendersonvillc Philips. ;-... : Mr. Tom Byr&e and moved to S. C. Miss Nettie Davis was the jruest of Miss Mae Philips Wednesday night. Miss Alhe Conner is spendinsr sev eral weeks with relatives in .Tuxedo. Miss Mossie Edwards . returned to Tryon Sunday afternoon. Wishing all the readers a happy New Year. Phorie- 42 Tryon, N. C. P. Spears . Attorney at Law, Columbus - N. C. i at Mr. J. R. Although a former Tryon woman, wife of a Methodist official has for years had the right and privilege of getting dinner for scores of subordi nate officers, not until this vear has she been permitted to vote in confer ence on church mattters, which liter ally came home to her. as in this case. And every score or more of them sit- tig down at her table after days of work getting ready for them would have a score or more votes, to regu late her comines. firoincs and doinirs The scales of justice have lone been loaded in this fashion. It was high mue wo inspect aa set them right. Ml There An Electric ; . Flat Iron ;7 In Your Home AL Sll Timothy Hay, per 100 lbs ' w An White Oats, per 5 bu " " ' ' ' ' " " 1 White Corn; ?er b . ' ' " ' v ' S ' ; ' :f cotoXS -I-& :io6'ibS: : : : :x ; : : .IM Otton beed Hulls, per 100 lbs i ok Dairy Feed, per 100 lbs " " ' ' : ' " " " "in Wheat Shoots, per 100 Vbs ! " r " ' ' " "Hn Wheat Shorts,5 lbs 3' Wheat Bran, pe? 100 & " ' v -"11 Rye Shorts, per 100 lbs. . .. .... ............ ...3.40 CHICKEN FEED. Meat Scraps, per 100 lbs. . -' i' Cocked Cofi per 10D Ib.;":; 1 ' ' v ' ' $425 Alial!aeal;er 100 lbs ? DUK1MS f Price $ 550 Gnaranteed for i 10 Year llWOiriiKTRICifRVICt C0UPAF1Y Notice of Land Sale. Actintt tf ent for IKe Ksiri sf th lats J. jlyers I will on the 2 0th day i Dscem(K 1 9 1 9, about 1 2 Vdock II., at iheisrmtr homeef J. J. Brers on PsarkJge. offer for sale U the highest bidder for essh. or & terms of aA "wi7Uf oud oi 'MLBQ KB Own SS the J. J. Bs holaJi TmfjanJ it in t-geod state of cultivation 'and has vciy acsu-apic locsnon. -;r i here ts a very good dwelling tnd h rra and . th, Und is weS stited to the rrowtK J GECK A. GASH JUSTICE OF! THE FEAfp AND-. NOTARY PUBLlr Collections a specialty, De. I Contracts written at reason, prioes. TRYON. N, C. Tryon e No. 118 iVnigni n i :s or r ytnias Castle Hall in Missildine Building Meeti'TTiursday Evening at 8:30 VISITORS WELCOME W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC j Tryon, N. C. . WE SOLlCn' Your orders for Flooring1, Ceiling Siding, ' Finish, Mouldings, Framinj, We manufacture this and can s&ve you money. See us for lath, brick, doors and sash, J. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPAKT. NEWS ADS. GET RESULT RSAL THE UNIVE CAB Have Ford Mechanics Repair Your Car. , i , j The mechanics in our. shop, who will abjustorio: repair your Ford car or truck are men wh'oxutider stand the; Ford, mechanism and because of their f a miliarity with Ford cars cau' do xour Wotjk noxe- in- 'u telhgently and more quickkly than can . other skilled mecnanics wno lace r ora expenencc. , b'jisus The work on your car will be done m a shop completely equipped with time-saving Ford tools and equipment. If your car needs an adjustment or a thorough overhauling, we can give you careful and. prompt service. And nothing but the Genuine Ford-made parts for replacements will be used. When the work is finished, the charge will repre sent reasonable standard Ford prices. We are authorized Ford dealers and not only repair Fords but also sell, them.. . Drive inor pKbne ."K: our garage. Be fair to ypur car ' and your "pocket-' book.- . ?Vv , ,: -? : ! ' ' ' Touring Runabout Couplet $525 Chassis $475 $500 Truck $550 $650 Sedan 775 Freight on any above $38.36 Gov. tax on each Ballenyer-Morris Motor Car Company Tryon, North Car olina.1 ac 3C We wish you a Happy New Year and desire to express, in a measure, our thanks for favors, both past and to come, and to declare our belief in the truth; "Good goods make good business 'hum'." And to wish you good things galore for the years yet to come. pV ' HTTI- 7TF TIT! iry on, U : ' " - FOR EVERYTHING North Carolina v V :V':

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