. i ! 1 TRYON All Mr. C. J . Lywh went to linpb J n Tuesdays f" fr B L. Ballenger was a business VU3itor in Asheville Tuesday r vVanted: A small farm with big i,,rp It must be cheap. Address, HomeeseKer, care Polk County News. Mrs Chas Grover, of Lynn? Mass.., cnendine i some time with - her Jfaughter, Mrs E. E. Missiidine. . Miss Virginia Butler, after spend . holidays with relatives here, returned to her horn in Atlanta, Ga. Messrs. Robert A. Carruth and Vrank Page, of Landrum. S C, were Quests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Leon ard. Sunday. Miss Mossie Edwards, returned. cnHav from a week's visit with her parents', Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Edwards of Mill Spring. Wanted: A cheap farm with big house in exchange for desirable JlroDerty in a lare town- Address Sange, care Polk County . News. , have moved their 10 money depo V SI ted in bur Savi merit and draw com up to interest as quar incl uding V' of pound January Janu art- 4 ary luth will 1st at 4 per cent sots inmav fa2 inroadle o1F:S 11 .OO arndl muni. wards amid mr-ay, Ibe WStlhdtrawini .alt amy ILUU U UQs .:.A: -. " 'm - terly -i U'illrins & CO tock of goods from their temporary location to their new fire-proof build ine? where they are now. ready to care for the wants .of their many friends and customers. ' . . Miss Amelia M. Watson will show her water colors of Southern1 and Northern scenery at the Ferris House I to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m., other times by appointment. Phone 55-3. The. studio at Lynncote, was bumet I Vestertay morning about eight ' o'clock vhen the fire was discover ed it had gained such, headway that it was impossible to save anything, the building and contents were a IOUU Jvoo. Dr M. C. Palmr announces that he . has associated with him Dr. Allen James Jervey, formerly of Charleston, S C for the practice ,xt medicine ' and 'surgO'- Dr- Jervey has leased the Bushnell -cottage , on Godshaw Hill. Ko doubt but that the Clerk of the Superior Court for "Polk county has been for the past few weeks laboring on one of the largest documents of its kind that has ever gone on the rec :r rds of Polk county. The document I Cin question is the last will and testa- ment of the late Mrs. Katherine C. 1 Ferris, of Tryon. .This, document 1 consists of 70 typewritten pagesv and '. Conveys a large estate.' 1 S t i. . . - -. ' . - - - ; i ;! ' The-Trj'on Casino Cluo was or- ! 2tanized at a meeting held at Oak ' Hall on lagt Friday night. The club 7 will repairjand open the old Casino at Mimosa as a place of amusement for our people and visitors. Billiard and pool tables, bowling alleys dancing floor andsuch other things will be in stalled.; As the program committee , perfects their plans for entainment they will be announced through the " NEWS. . , ia- A New Years Service will be held --un cunuay inuring at vne VAngrega- tional church. The pastor will speak on "It is your life." Holy Communion will be administered after the address Dr. Daniels officiating. New mem bers will be received The; -special music will be. Organ Voluntary, Sere nade, Schubert; Offertory, Hyirin' of 1 Nuns-Lefebure-Wely March,; post- btrangers cordially welcome W. A. 3lack, Minister. ! J I The Christmas tree, held - in the ! Town Hall for the Mountain children as.-aa- ttsual, a big succesSr about j .one' hundred and forty - beings cared -for, each receiving an orange, a ba.fr Qi .canajraiic, a .toy. of, some kind. J' Mlss Beatson wishes to thank thdse i who make it possible to : have f.his gathering each year by their unsolic ited donations, also the girls of the Rainbow Club who ablv ftssistAH. The Helping Hand Society, under the supervision of Mrs. John Orr served coffee and cakes. n There has been a suit filed in the uperior Court of Polk county against Mrs. Mary D. Osbrone, 'executrix of ! w! the IateMrs. J. F. Ricks, oy J. c, Raines and others for the purpose; of having the will properly HTSeL the. court- .The plain- f auce mat they are beneficiaries under certain clauses of the and the executnx has denied them of Sighs under" such clauses, 'ihe Plaintiffs have employed Mr. Mack pear!; of Columbus as their coun sel and the defendant is represented y Air. Jno. M. Robinson of Charlotte. DR. AND MRS. CONRAD LOCATED IN INDIANA. T Jkhe following clipping from "The nSiSJ J South Bend Indiana, of jcent dae, will be of great interest P many friends o Dr. Henry B. , C0W of this city. in tf0Da?'y no young man ever raised depnu CH has more friends, who are . hat n lntrested in his welfare than ehar Cnrad, combined with a ra?P or.of sterling worth and with re ability m his chosen profession. sonnS? a, inning -and delightful per S5y5 such charm that he gatners ound him worth while friends wher Vts his lot, and it is safe wirtf that he and his charming in , ,soon be perfectly at home "n lrtrChosen western abode. eH fr;uHenry B- Conrad has been add SDeoU sta.ff of the CUnic as a child uaS n- Johns Hopkins grad-. staff Vr- Conrad was on the house disJ;o the dePartmnt of childrn's and tl Johns Hopkins hospital fo! :,Thom Wilson sanitarium ---tc" as A saving 8 account is a good anchor in case of a financial storm. vuuic m or write, Peppl es Bank & Trust Co. c TRYON, N. ,C. G. H. Holmes, PresT J. T. Waldrop, Vice Prei Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F. Little, Cashier V. A. Bland, Asit Cash SJ) i If Tine c 1 920 iffTDodlell, IK 45 f . fs C'? V-f v J MoiuiinifeiiiniSo V. Immediate Delivery 1 Can Make CHAS. J. LYNClHl 9 Trypini, N. C F. W. BLANtON, Sub Dealer, Columbus, N. C. years. a m .1 i; i j - j. national ,ttlBU ucenuaie , 01 . vne: Bot, aro f niedical examiners1 in iu. ..an(1 Mrs. Conrad are nov? Y City." , . . - . . ; !lSiL?5le ? Rent: 9 room house on 4 Uf,f A . heat Vj Ayenue. 2 baths, i coaL- Adpnvilee rf buying wj aL Addr$s Box 136,;Tryon - ue. 2 baths. ; steam wjntera Alarm ri.i. . ti' I.nVl , v. i wins. nisrht v. " . arearaeq inst was moi o. The alarm Writ a .... . - ly)'t IT xseneaict (more caa- Wnti Bt 'night that I Vas was. Wok ma.HBiilI&lo OUR GROWTH f still continues, and we are now nearing the $100,000 mark in resources, and if you are contemplating any change in your banking connections we ould be pleased to have you bank with ns. ,.5" v : Special attention given to deposits sent by mail - --: -::'y " :-v-: ' . '"v- POLK COUNTY BANk tTRUST CO. The Peonies Friendly. Birik. COLUMBUS, N. C v E. W. S. COBR President . FRED W. BLANTON, Cash. FRANK JACKSON. Vice Pres. W. E. LCER, Vice Pres. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. This is to notify, all persons having claims againsfthe- estate of Mrs. S. S.: Pack, to exhibit them to the un dersigned on or before the 15th day of February, 1920, or this nstitce will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 15th day of December, 1919. : J. W. JACK, Administrator. NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS For The Go To Best InfOrocefies TiTon K : , be .-. 4 40 - Jf ' . . -t t II a (.'.Erchant ajpreciales-yoflr biisinBSS ffsTill adYsrtisj for it. " Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below, and to all other persons who may be concerned as mortgagees, that the undersigned urchased at a sale ex property or ae- m uoii lumbus, P lmauent tax payers, Polk County, N. C.,on the Ith day of May, 1919. land lilted and deecribed as follows: ' - - 40 acres of land inColumbu town ship, listed in1 the name of Zsb Rog ers for the year ltlt. t town lots in Town of Saluda, listed in the name of Wm. Pinkney Cox, for the year .1911 Notice Is hereby further given that application will be made te the sheriff oi roue uounty, jn. u., y tne unaer signed for deeds to said property af ter the Ith day ef Uay, ltw. This C. B. Shore, Purchaser. : ; ,, . o r ' NOTICE. By petition of Polk County Board of Education The County Commis sioners has ordered an election at Shields voting place m Greens Creek Township on Jan. 13th 1920 to rote bonds necessary to Vuild an agrfcul tuiai school building according! to petition filed this date bonds . to be isstied at not leas than 10 years and for not more than E per cent annually GROVER FEAGA1JS ' Otliistrator anJ. T. GREEN WAT and ROBERT MeEjmRK-jnd-ti i This December 1st 1919 -F. JX, BURGESS Clerk te B. C C. 5i : . vc. nmte to come and see us in our new fire-proof store biulding, just completed, where we nave on display a new, clean stock of ceries, Furnishiiigs, Shoe Ladie: and i Ready-to-Wear and all of which is sold at rock bottom fig ures, We are ready and anxious to supply your wants in anything in our line, and we welcome a comparison of our prices with those of our competitors. See us for Feed of all kind. Tryon9 N. C. What Good is Opportunity To the average man if he is not saving? It will enable yb to grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice Open a sav ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. C O o o o 8 o CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON. Q. C. SONNBR II. B.XAKE COURTESY! SERVICE! "Over The Top" That call meant life or death to many of our brave boys over ia France, It was the call for action m the greatest adventure the world " has ever known . . And even in peace times, there still comes the call of ."Over the Top," a challenge to get out into action in the neat affairs of lif " ' A ( V wvin8 account at our bank will prove a areat heb to vou when the O lattet call comes. You desire to succeedto be, in the front ranks, to o o o o o o o COCOC08COCOCOCOCOCOCOCCCOCO win n.mo - C--l.-- f..- I I. ' "11 I I t " " imv auu a iuiiuuc. wur uauK- wm neip DOOSl you Enlist with us and we will go over the top together. BAN K OF TRYON W. T. LINDSEY Prea J. B. HESTER Caahier. COLUMBUS REA L ESTATE 8 INS. CO ) : "y . Columbus, N. C ; Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Town Property. Bought Sold, and Exchanged. . Tract No. I. 160 acres 2 1-2 miles from Salud, small or chard, good water. 4 room house, good pasture, ell timbered. Price $15.00 per acre. Tract No. 2.-44 1-10 acres 1 1-2 miles of Columdus, on public highway to Landrum, 1 3 acres cleared. Price $35.00 per acre. For IFairinrD, Oaods oir Itowm piroperlty W. T. LD NOSEY, Tiryoo. - Our meats are kept in a sanitary ice box, which we keep as dean as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy oaly ; the best meats on the market, both native and Western. We grind - a! our sausage and feel satisfied that if you want' dean sweet meats tha tvyou can do no bettes than let'us serve you. . . r Market prices paid for Cattle Hogs, and Chickens. .rr Jt A. H; WILLIAMS. hm'mm - i. o o 11 ) ) ) () o i 8 (i

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