he only Pap Published in Polk County Alive, (kn Ilewsp2p3f: for the Home -. . 1 . ". : : - . . : 0L- XXV NO. 36 TRYON, N. CFIUDAY, JANUARY; 9, 1920. . i : : ' F ROM OUR FRIENDS OVER THE COOtlTf Soma Item o General Interest Gathered By Our Correspondent From V Sections of Polk County iiill spQiif a arious LANDRUM ROUTE 3 FISHTOP. rr . - ' . v- . -nr,v took advantage of iwmuar voice of Kev. J. M. A great ' , - , . n,. Barber was heard at Bethlehem Sun. A pleasant Christmas in evey way was' last. ' - ' -: ' W. C. "face conveyed his sister, Miss Miyrtle Pace, to Cooley Grove Stfnda where she is teaching school, i" V Luther Pace spent Sunday here on a visit. ! . . , ' -7 and Linwood T Pattertatu Bessie Son- ner, Lois Pace, MinJiie and Hazel Cullipher, Mr and M k Fred Robert- son,Messrs John T. jJoates, Jr.fFred Bailey, - Roy - Wardi! Mills ..- Nabors. Doran Fisher' and LCJceWarL After the guests' paid them compliments to the hostess they wenftto. the churches where they rang thep Mr. and Mrs. P.; $2.00 A YEAH POLK COUHTY MB MID HOHE BEPMIEIIF Edited by J. R. Sami, County Agent bells to cele- 1 -t ! j. I Sermon and linnmmmicNr xirannA Viwi . : .-1 M vVolie ana emiaren are 1 . 1 -umc uuioi ma wmci is ucumg sujiic.- few days with her par- I "e1" ' We were in iSaluda Friday JRnd sawJ tamed at a dinner -iarty given at Bailey enter- u Tifnl weather during Christ-ai uer was neard at JBethlehem Sun- We saw Wm. Morgan a few days brate the going of ttk old, and com- .a: 1 'uuuv ciijuyea ms smenaia-i aco and tu seems tn rA m hup sninta nir-flf the 'Nw -vo- ! . A V1S1UUK. I . . 1 " " .: Mrs. T. mrr R levy - - l TT i , I - ff.;v f" 5 other relatives at Inman. ve nave aa splendid weather for lofficers dit up a fine copper itUl. . their home, Thurs. - A splendid nts ana , i Christmas, and evervhnHv appmpH tn I w j "RmjIW wao Q KicmaDcV,noun ,a ji:nitiii.. . j Soring section last hav! a merry time but nw we must itor in TryonJ Saturday. t highly enjoyed by ttfV guests. Those f" : . auout tne new year ana resoive r Mont Jones, postmaster at Serconia, present were: Mr. aftd Mrs. J. B. eeK. ... m I to do hettpr tVinn pvpt- . Wnrp Wp Itios a tramr ci'nV I -..n:T . 1 j . . 1 Wilma Livingsfcon, oi irypn, ...uu.o c tnuu. . , . 1 vtunpiicr auu uaugu jers, minme ana e: I I Miss sDent CI It m,-q Ruth Sharpe, and familv. of I I t. last Thursday at W. Several from here atttended xanaruH., j Christmas tree at Red Mountain last ( Mae . . 1 si . 1 n w n m n m n v.k i i iv i - a. 1 - r - I w l - i v . . I 1. nvv;cfrmas day here, the guest A14 14CW I1U nave A. neiiucrwn is taxing ercise reg- nazei -e,unipner. Mriiss L.ila spent I more to be thankful for than ever be- lularlv. vrmtr harlr nrA -fn-riyt t bpo nia I rimVo Mnc TaVI(P;-.p.. t- 1 i .. I J-T. w.f lore. I vouncr -wife, who refuses tn JfvA with I Wno-Vi Worrl QrA V-rtdA T O -- I HilU 1(11 UOUCJI, the I him. : - I Amoner the nartii civen Hnrino- !-. I - m -vr - o" o j ,,, i " v.x. ,v luvuuwuu iiv . mc uwuu iiioai pxrxtc jiicai, a xc w i me noiiaays. was a ueusrntiui one O. ou . . . .i v I WetlneSflaV. .All PtlinVPH tho . nlavs. Hatre o crrv oi-rl nwinfnj Intnm iitV.it I I : 1,J i - -r' n Tnpav afternoon 01 tne z-ra.. i . " J w J i " . i given a umuay. evening Dy iviisses iW nnils of Morgan school were ae- I J piw.w bu mgxi. ne swu uwt. jyunnie ana nazes u vuiiipner.-- me r-r i line DeaUUIUl tre wnirh .was niUIPYl thPro harf hPPn mnva hnm IHITaH in I ij'il..- iL. j r.Vitfiillv or should we say pamxui- I -w gucaw were Kwtiy, me iwo yuung ignuuu, down With Dresents for all the school I PnlV ti-nA TTenHersoTi than ViaH Wn hnj;An nj -j.,-!:. (considering tne Diancneu ia.ces ox .... -i uico auu- whuuu w uic nuuk ' . . ...r I LilllUlCU. number of the little ones) surpris fd when Santa, unexpectedly, entered ft cU rooni with a pack on his January 5. Our school reopend after the holi jfor 15 years and there was no reason ro0m where all . jp)ied in plaving i- I for such high pries. - .iV,." 1 frames and mnsir. : uThe omesu were FOR POLK CONTY FARMERS. Miss Leona Egerton, of Asheville TRYON R, 1. ent claimed a goodptime. Mr.. J. T. Coates, Jr., was toaf master, and ap propriate toasts : weje given by sev eral of the youn t ten. : The guests high pries. . I eames and music. VfcThe sruests were Mice H lftrfl Krari pv , vicit-Arl Ilr I j t . , e i v,o chrol room Wltn a paCK on ms - " I j ... serveu &eveu cuujcb i reirvaa Iv ;,. nrv nroved to to be candy mT- ana mrs- - U1CS 01 ual" ndsey, ot ingerviiie, s. on pro- ments during the" ening. All pres- V ' .viph were distributed lney i-" spent, a few days with her fessional business. ana omn, -imMur M T. n r.,.Ku0 tv,e "miDils and a few chance r . ?x i.U. Vonnened in lust after visitor, nuv - school, and brother James, of Mars ,, t w Ario-e snent Msndav i ""v "i wic "jfo xnc wwjiuuuicwci Cgi0ljcu vww were seatea m tne ?yoiiowing oraer: iUrb. J. I their Tiarenta Mr and Mrc W fi T!or. I rtarrwmo KpIaw nrn tViies mArni'nrr Ktn I -. m " , iHJ . n. There seems to be several families " . ... T - i i Ponner mr iiisDors : ana miss . D.H. t Mr. and Mrs. Lionl Bnsco, of Ruth, - Mrs. Jessie Rice is in Canton clerk- Marvin Patterson ilr . Rov Ward and moving, some leaving im. w uiutbUt 'i 4. i j. i -xi. i - r 1. i. i ir tt! vi I into Spartanburg county, while oth- "v. nu .wv. , AV uwn, j xaiss ijiia mae uuice iyir. nugn vvara iers from Spartanburg take the places I just vacated in Polk, J. A. Arledge was in -Columbus, Tuesday on business. MT. LEBANON. and Miss. Minnie; Cullipher, Mr. Fred Mr. J R: Foster's house is going up Mr. F. B. Nance is in Spartanburg Bailey and Miss Hal fel Cullipher, Mr. very rapidly, une more house added I this week helping to get his .deceased Loice Ward and Mits Lois Pace, Mr. to our little village. iWatch us grow! father's business arranged, I Doran Fisher anct lVnss'Linwood Pat- Some timejn the near future we will! Miss Bessie Hamilton -ha$ returned J terson. Mrs. J. B. tCullipher. -chap- have a Masonic hall and still other I to her school work at Hickory Grove. crone hc aftemoat was delightful- improvements. Se if we don't come p 'Miss Clara Feagan spent last Sat- hv massed nlavine' gxiines with cards. to the fronts lurday night with Miss S.allie Carpen- I a verv elaborate Minner Tiartv was Rev. J. M. Barber and wife, of iter, enroute to her school- at Bunny riven by Mr. John C. Coates, Jr.. at Wilkesboro, Miss Jetha, Barber and j view, . miss bailie gave hr a party iia home on . Fridayi aftrnoon. Plates We have had some fine weather for Xmas It's not common for it to be so nic Hnrintr Xmas times. The boys have been bbit'htmtingj.1'f-th their n ht tho n fnr- tno laat weeV.' iatner j . lvi. oarDer. rother :dward, - Westminster whicixali yTJD H?tV : Lwere placed forfifJteen tersons. The Misses .earl .bdwards and Letha .ards used finished lots' of An Outline of What To Do This Sear. 1st The soil is fundamental and no matter how, fertile we get it, the first crop removed from it leaves it poorer, hence soil building will be an everlasting necessity; and the cheap est and best mode is to grow legume crops, such as cow peas, soy beans, velvet beans, etc., . and the vetches and clovers., alfalfa, etc. 2nd. We must, after building up our soil, learn a crop rotation that will keep the soil up when once built up. ' , 3rd. Permanent pastures is just as essential to good farming as good corn fields and cotton fields. 4th. When good pastures are es tablished-then comes good live stock. cattle, sheep, hogs and poultry to consume these good pastures. 5th. Last yearrwe undertook pure bred poultry project, by which we desire to free Polk county from scrub chickens. This we want to push with all our might this year." 6th. We have undertaken the im provement of swine growing, and s Hampshire Swine Breeders Associa tion has been organized, and we want as many farmers as possible to join this movement and by so doinsr standardize the hogs of Polk, county. 7th. We want to do more commun ity organization - work. A farmers club at every school 'house in the county would be a good thing and is perfectly practical. 8th. We want to do the best Fair work of any county in N. C, by hav ing a Community; Faiir in every town- Messrs. Hoyt and Regan Thompson Mf- G E; Wilsonand family jpent b X- o J ... J w T TT P:i,k who have a position in Virginia, with ".wuu thp Western Tinr, Tpipnh Messrs. Bee and Otho Lewis, of have returned home to spend Xmas Greenville, spent a few days with tneir Darents. ivir. ana ivirH. i. in. Lewis. Miss Edith Gibbs, of Atlanta, Ga., moved to Spindale,-N.C. is snendine a , few days with her mother, Mrs. L. C. Gibbs. Mr. Will iWalker, of Lumpkin, Ga., is here for a few days. with home folks. jir-. j. a. inompson called to see aunt Emily Constant Sunday after noon, who is very feeble at present. Miss Virginia Sherfey spent Xmas with home folks. - anta Claus gave all the school children a good scare Wednesday af ternoon. Rev. E. J. Jones filled his aDDoint- All the young people enjoyed a ment at the Baptist church Sunday. singing and lots of fun on Xmas day His very interesting sermon was en- at the home of Rev" Joel Sherf ev. joyed by every one present. Some of Misses Mamie and Etta Thompson the members treated him with dif- were the guests of Miss Orpha New-ferent useful articles for his table. man bunday af trnoon. " We regret all the members did not Messrs Hoyt, Raean. and Harman learn of the plans, but probably Mr. Thompson, spent Sundav with Mr. Jones understands our "purpose is VT 1 . vance lhompson. good. Mr., and .Mrs. U. O.. Jones and Miss Leona Ecrerton and Mr. James children of i Saluda visited at the have returned to their respective home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Constant schools last week. Sunday. Miss Esther Gibbs returned to her Mr. and Mrs. - Whitney Williams school at Red Mountain Sunday. vianea relatives at Sa1iufo .Qahmiav School opened here Monday morn ing. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Barber, re turned to their home last week. Miss Leatha Barber and Mr. Edward re turned to their school at Westmin ister. Bane returned to Brevard school. Miss Bane spent a happy Christ mas on the route where she gained many friends.. - " Miss Gftara Edwards returned to her school in Charlotte, this-week. Mr. Otis Ruppe and Family have amusement for the Jruests, in finding their places at the fable. After they were seated the fallowing courses were served: , Tomajo Soup Asparagus &n Toast -Broiled Chickwi on Toast" Creamed Potato, Green Peas Rice andftiravy Creamed Brains ont?Toast " ' pineapple Fritters Chicken Salad, OljVes and Saltines Peaches aifd Cake. ' Mr. A. R. ParloifJ has recently ad ded a large cook itfbm on : the first floor of Ingleside, Ridding to the con e is visiting and Sunday. Messrs John and Frank Price spent Christmas with home folV . I1- and Mrs- Fred Arledge and 7w SKed the lattrs parents Mr. ivirs. ureen Sunda -Mr.. Spurgisee Arleds?, home folks- tt Despise No One. noiDert and RirH Constant Tr.'HrinT nmntur mon nne must not epent Sunday afternoon at the home despise any personalities, no matter Je lhompson. how really debased, miserable or ludi- Mr t. W. Bradley will sing again -uanon hrst Sunday in January. ---" iioibert was in Saluda -"turoay shopping. Messrs. Po, , tto, n ""6mi ana noit Thompson T! CaJIf " at e home of Mr. W. B. -uS5 last week. Mr. Jesse McGraw. and family have moved near Jackson's Grove, S. C. Mrs. Will Egerton and baby, little Wdllie, and Miss Leona spent New Year's day afternoon atew Walnut Grove. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Edwards arei-e joicine over their new girlie, Santa We areVorry to report thj death of venience of the nicefarge house. The the 'color! preacher's girl, Gorgie original cook roomjin the basement Mills, who died on New Year's night: can oe useo . n -uewre. i Hope we are not too late to wish the DU111 some cmna cis m u uy NEWS the ; most" prosperous New room and expects fc make some ad- Year ever, joiuun to ouui.v ur. csmitn is piaiwimg to ounu lartr frame, or oosliblv brick, house SALUDA in connection with is baby hospital, - . i .i ... I as his business ha& completely out- mi t 1 1 I .... ine yung ioiks nave Deen ""y lo-rown his accommodations, he is during the holdays. Wednesday 1 rapidly increasing .ie value of ad ternoon Mrs. y. u bonner entertam- j0inmff property . ed a few girls from 4:15 to 5:JU. Mr A R parl0r ny build a bunga Delicious refreshments were t served. low on his vacant tei adjoining Ingle Dancing and convrsation made theLide jt is a nice s5dy lot, and a de- i i. , rm.... i ... . aiternoon complete, liio&e prescui. i sirable location. were Mrs. Mrs. h,. B. iLrUice and j. Leland has p0 a few more ap- daughter, Miss L,ila Mae uice. miss- i pje trees on the lovf?r side of his lot, es Lois Pace, Minnie and Hazel Cul Mr. P. H. Bailey, eur hustling bank- j l i crous. Schopenhauer. lipher and Miss Bessie Sonner, the charming daughter of the hostess. Miss Lfla Mae Guice was hostess Wednesday evening at a New Year watch party, given at her home. The evening wasr spent in playing cards, dancing and singing nifty songs, which always' suit a jolly crowd of young folks. During the Real Conquest. The man who, being insulted, can i i.i i l 't ri nnTTinnsnrp nnd :ZL "u r -55 evening, delightful punch.: and cake .t rnnnuest In ufe. were served. Among those , present Genevio-Lan. Misses Annie Marvin serVed. er and business man, .has made ex tensive improvemen;S on the house and grounds of th Bolich property that he recently ptjj-chased, and has moved into" his new!;home . Mrs. Frank B Stevens and Mrs. Ethel W. Loveland ltertained friends over at Rvder HallJ-on last Friday evening. Quite a niunber of young people . being prfsent, ana - xne evening was eniovtd bv all. The games were carriedj out successfully, Two courses of refreshments were hip in the county. j - v 9th. We want to -do the best year. of Boys' corn and other club work we have ever done in the county. 10th. We want to do the best ROUSEMENT work ever done in Polk county. Now some, may not know just what kind of work this is. Well, if you don't, .just think of something that ought to be done to help make Polk the best county in North Carolina and lay hold and do the thing with all your might and you will be doing your part of the ROUSEMENT. Now ali these things enumerated especially we want to push, - and . a thousand other things not named. Of, these things mentioned, the two most important are Soil Building and Con servation and Permanent ' Pastures. When the soil is made rich and lota of good pastures built up, then old Polk will cease to be Poke, and will - go at a lively pace. . We must quit making a -joke of ourselves and act in a way that outside people will quit also. The good law-abiding people ; of Polk county plead with all who are engagd in blockading and all other forms of lawlessness to quit and join with us in constructive farming and other legitimate work which will make Polk county famous for its good crops its fine soil and her fine people which is the best of all crops. -God did not make man to be a lawless man. He made him in His own image, and He Expects him to stay in His image and act to some extent like unto Him. So in this blessed 1920 do our best to make Polk the -cleanest and best place on earth to live. J. R. SAMS. County Agent CAPT. JOHN W. WILCOX. A long; familiar, figure passed out from among us here at Saluda, when Captain John W. Wilcox answered the sudden summons of death on New Year's night. He had passed a happy evening with the members of his family, and retired early as was his custom, waving a smiling good night to his sons (who have been spending the holidays with their sis ter, Mrs. Clifford Wilcox) and and a few minutes later had passed into the great beyond. John Wesley Wilcox was born in New Orleans, August 4th, 1840. He served in -the war between the states as a member of the Washing ton Artillery, a famous New Orleans organization. He was ; married after the war to Miss Anna Holmes, of Charleston, S. ,C. He is survived by his widow and eight children; Mrs. Louis J. Anderson, of Milledgeville Ga Miss L. Clifford Wilcox, of Sa lulda; Arthur D. Wilcox, of Ensley, Ala.; Commander John W. Wilcox, of the U. S. Navy, Mrs. Arthur Tufts, of Atlanta, Ga.; and Louis D. Wilcox of Baltimore. - Captain Wilcox followed the pro fession of engineering for a greater part of his life, (having been for years city engineer of Macon, Ga. For a short time in his young manhood he iperated a locomotive, and in his de clining years the 7 great engines that thunder up the grade into Saluda had a peculiar fascination for him, many a summer resident of Saluda having witnessed the sight of a white-haired old gentleman standing near the track at the top of the grade, waving his hat to the man at the throttle "of the straining monster as it passed up the road, a symbol of the thought that he has made the grade and passed on' to better things. MOUNTAIN" VTEWr Cold wejaher still prevails, with plenty of hard wind and a little snow. Glad to note that our school opens today with Miss Hettie Harris teacher. Mr. Fred Corn and Miss Roxie Walker were happily married last Tuesday December 30th. - We wish for them a long and happy life. Arthur Jackson was the play visitor of Braudus McCrain Sunday P. M. Mr. Willie Gilbert and mother spent last Monday with the tatter's daugher Mrs, H. H. McCrain. Mr. L. B. McGraw moved to Spart anburg, last week. . . Barnett MtCrain is visiting hia grandparents Mr. and Mrs. R. L. D. Gilbert. Self-Control. If, taxed by obnoxious affairs, you feel like giving away to anger or re volt, then hasten to get away from your own . self and do not yield to impressions that are liable to rob you of your self-possession. The more we exercise our will in maintaining our mental equipoise, the' easier this control becomes for us. Marcus Au relius. I Insidious Malice. Malice, in its false witness, pro motes its tale with so cunning a con fusion, so mingles truths with false hoods, surmises - with certainties, causes of no moment with matters capital, that the accused can absolute ly neither grant nor deny, plead nor confess guilt. Sir Philip Sidney. . i - ..- -t .- ; ) Where Time does Fast. Do you want the' 'time -to slip by real fast? Put your name down on two or three short time promissory notes. IE3S KID, To Fat to Fifiht! ftCY L. CROODYl 1 P cT3r, 1 I r o 1 1 1 &if t JX f Sur&I what? A I I OhKifPA t : aJ I