ti It, 4, POLK 00U1TTY ITBWb, TEY0I7,sBCt3II CAROLINA V " -' ' v - V - -- i-V '.1 t-'T :i i, f ... , :, - I H I 1 'W' F'' , if 1, ; i i ; if ' yy - - TCE FCUC COUHTY HEVS aniTRY0H BEE Consolidated Nov. 191 V TOefeai the Boaijd ofi?aacation o Polk co'utotv has petitioned for :-ah phir.trv Fridiv at ' election to be held-in -saraoa--inooi tdvom MfiPTU r AROI INA District No 17 in Saluda1 Township, TRYON. NORTH CAROLINA polk co which district includes Office phone 99 Residence 45. the incorporated town of Saluda, to ascertain whether the voters in said district are in favor of issuing bonds .. ... I fVio nnrnose of buildrine a new M - mittar Anni ZH. ill v x - .. . tk. oMt office at Tryon. North Carolina, un nublic school buildine in and for said Uk aet of March 3. 1879 Lvi j;cf-f in orrnrdanr'with the gvnwA uiw vav www. provisions of Chapter 55 of the Pub lic Law of 1915. as amended by the Public Laws of 1917. therefore, it is ORDERED by the Board of Commis sioners of Polk County that an OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, election bt held in Saluda bchool uis- Nation, of Re.pect.Church or "Lode Notic. trict Np.17 On the 10th day of Feb. wh,M an admission fee it charged, or for financia 1920, to asertain whether the voters ,ln. wiUb-chanred resrular adverti.in rate, of Qf said galuda School District No. 17 gr cents per line. . j pith! amtcricav press association. are m favor of -issuing bonds m the taS Wett 19th Street. New York City, is our sole sum . .... . I nd exclusive Foreign Advertising Asrent. C. BUSH, Editor and Publisher Subscription $2.00 per Year si --p-i--i- - 9c- llllllll of Twenty Thosand Dollars ($20,000.) for the purpose of build ing in and for said school district, and the repairing and furnishing the same with suitable equipment. ' The said bonds shall run for twenty years and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and the max imum tax that may be levied to pay the interest upon said bonds and provide a sinking fund for the payment- of said bonds-shall not exceed thirty cents on the, hundred dollars and ninety cents on the poll. That the ,said election shall be held in the Town Hall in the Town of Saluda, which is hereby des ignated as the Polling Place of said election, and the said election shall be held under the laws, rules and regulations as elections for members of the General Assembly are held. What are you eomg to do to make That J. C. Metcalf is hereby appoint ed Polk a better county in which to ed as Registrar of said election, and live rWrno 1Q?0 . H. P. Corwith and R. M. Hall are ' ii i a i . t i a- nereoy appomiea as juages . oi election. - ; Tryon needs a lot more houses to ac- It is futher ordered that ' at said commodate hpr vi?i'ftr Whv not art I election those favoring the -issuance - --j 1 . , ,. ,.-1 CW U-f-.?A ( .IWfl. A o.nr, AIIA. busy and build them. ' f bonds and the levying of a special t X. tax shall vote a ballot on which snan jr y 5"T' JT&Jtvi-JSU; v; MLonff May It Wave." A CHAPTER ON COOKIES. Today well lived makes yesterday tream of happiness and every tomor- ow a vision of hope. "lis not the counsel, but the speak r's worth which srives persuasion to 1 is eloquence. X small cake or cooky Is often all Unit one wishes of weet to serve with a cup of tea . or with some light dessert There are" thousands of kinds of . cookies but most of them have the same foundation. By adding' nuts, spices, fruit, chocolate and various flavors, nsing different forms for cut ting, one may have an Infinite variety with the same base. .- White Cookfes-Take two cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of shortening, oae teaspoonful of sods, two eggs unbeat en, half a teaspoonful of salt, one cupful of buttermilk, one teaspoonful of baking powder, nutmeg to . taste. Mix as soft as possible. Ginger Snaps. Take one cupful of shortening, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of molasses, one-half cupful of water, one tablespoonf ul of ' ginger; the same of cinnamon," one teaspoon ful of cloves, and one teaspoonful of soda dissolved in a tablespqonful of hot water. Mix and roll, adding flour to make a soft cooky. Nut Cookies. Take one. cupful of ground nuts, two and one-half cupfuls of sugar, one cupful of chopped raisins,, one cupful of shortening, three eggsr! one-fourth cupful of cold water, one-half teaspoonful of soda, one teaspoonful of nutmeg, one teaspoon ful of cinnamon and flour to' roll. Chocolate Cookies. Take one cup ful' of sugapDPrfcalf cunfnl. Qf ..short-: enlng,! one-iiaLf 'tupfUlo'Of sour tmljkp one and onetbslf cxrpfuls of flour, one- Slimillljbg US finoMiDt T4k4 cold remedy for 29 years' f'4abwt form aie, sure, n TJioney bsck if it fails. lie X renvine box hat a Red P W I(H nil UU m plctare. A At All Drum Stmt Cl&ssiS)ed Advertisements. good hatal and barn. Conveniently located hejir town. Fine place - to keep boarders, . House partly .fur nished. A lply . to- James Leonard, Real EstaO, .Tryon. N. C. WANTj4- Cow peas, if j you have any -t'fe. sell, we want toJbuy them. HOflES SEED STORE, Spartaiibqiiri S. C. 162 E. Main St -Vf:- 'o- - K--. tOST OR STOLEN Some-where between Columous, N. C., ldHLdrurn, S. C, one auto mobile easflg, Carlisle cord, No. 9410 32X3 1-2 d one tube 32X3 1-2 and demountable1 rim and oil cloth ' cover, black andvhit striped, for Dodge car. . ::-''rk' : ' Anyone Ending it please notify or return tO.i. F. TONEY ard receive reward -,(F, TONEY, Tryon: N. C. R 1, ')" - ' "'fx ' without ueionif Hunt's SaJv fails In th ttatsbemt of Kcsema. Tetter. Jtiistwrm, Itch, etc. Doa't become dileouraced be cause ether jreatijiciits failed. Hunt's-SeKbaa relieved hun dreds ef sue) I cases. You can't lm -9M ori ktmnmy- Bmth k TODAYS njee '5c at . MIS5INE,SPHARMACY NoSee' is nereiy tirtiS' la the pat- f ptihlho, "injt7i,be I concerned,; a mortgagee) thatMthe undersigned purchased at a salt of property of de linquent tasf. payers, in Columbus, Polk County. N. C.,on the 5th day of May, 1919, land listed and dcrifl as1 follows: 1 town lot in Tryon, N. C, en Ma ple street, listed in the name of -J. C. Fisher, for the yars 1917 and 1918. One town lot and store room on Trade street, listed in the name of Geo. A. GasJi, for the yean 1917 and 1918. One lot and dwelling on Trade etreet listed in the name of Go. A. Gash for the years 1917 and 1918. One house and lot on Valhalla road, listed in the name of Hillard Metcalf, for the years 1917 and 1918. One lot on Trade street, listed in the name of Rhoda E. Neal, for the years 1917 aad 1918. COLORED On house and lot, listed in the ume f Tern Jackson, for the years 1917 and 1918. One house and lot, listed in the name of G. D. Jackson, for the years 1917 and 1918 One house and lot, , listed in the name of Mattie Mooney, for the years 1917 and 1918. All of the above m the town of Tryon, Polk County. N. C. Notice is hereby further given that application will be made to the sheriff of Polk County, N. Cf by the under signed fordeeds to said property af ter the 5th day of May, 1920. This Lee. 12th, 1913. J. P. LOCKH ART, Purchaser. o NEWS ads get results. ' A. GASH JUSTICE OF; THE PEACE AISU PUBLIC. Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prioes. TRYON. N. C. Tryon Lodge No. 118 Knights of Py thias Castle Hall in MissHdine Building Meets Thursday Evening at 8:30 VISITORS WELCOME POLK COUNTY. be printed the w6ij ,For School R , house Bonds", and those who are op-- rtoVier uear.,,one wiioie' 'e'tiiree't Wp-111?6 mC K,8nt possed thereto shall vote a ballot ohl tabVesiooniuls 'of cream. Add the j which shall be printed the wo rds1 We believe that Polk County, is tie "Against Schoolhouse Bonds". And best place in the country to live. We it is futher ordered that ,' a copy.' of also know that it can be made mtuh better and will be much more pros perous if we will only do a few things to help along Among the th ngs that wou'd add to our prosperity are: More patMres.- ' ' " Pure bred poultry. : Pure bred hogs. Pure bred sheep and goats. this order, which shall constitute a Notice of said Election shall be posted at the Courthouse door of Polk Coun ty, at Columbus, N. C, for thirty sugar, a little at a time, ana spread on the cookies when they are nearly cold. This frosting will keep In definitely if well covered. Macaroons. Beat J two egg whltei until stiff. Add one-cupful of sugar, carefully, then stir In one cupful of days preceeding said decW that , a l. A saitV. ahflaror -witlr1 wpy wi uusv; wmii vannia. Drop on a,buttered sheet and stitute a Notice of said Election, shall tate In a moderate oven m . m I ' g oe puDiisnea in the jpoik uounty ews, a newspaper published at Tryon, N. C. in said Polk County for four succesiye weeks preceeding said election. Done Prices AND Kincfl6f M ateriats Mi Pure bied cattle, both dairy and beef, at a regular meeting of the Board of Mor intensive farming by every Commissioners of Polk County. North; ' ' farmer. More acreage planted to grapes. 'A big coTimercial peach orchard. More laud planted to apples. Better mail facilities for our rural popu latio.i. . Better schools. " Good roads. More cottages and new hotels Saluda and Tryon; More entertaiument for our visitors. Farmers cooperative markets at Try on and Salada. more modern homes. More industries to employ labor. in Carolina, on the 5th day of January lyzu, at which meeting there ; were present Charles Davenport. Chair man, and George A. Painter and G: W Thompson, Commissioners. CHAS. DAVENPORT Chairman . Commeissioner GEO. A. PAINTER G. L. THOMPSON, o- MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND SEASONABLE RECIPES. p.,, o doyouiffSbuUdin?. Full stock ..." 1 " " "V . ' " Dooiis, VAldows, Siding,HoorIng Ceiling; SMngles, Loths, Interior Finish anrt Mouldmir, Hough anq Dressd Lifinber. Carry complete HSiTflON LUMBER CO. .UDA. N. & 4p- JOY Uj. Si ITV Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned by virtue of the powers contained in a mortgage executed to him on the 25th day of January, 1318. by Miles Holbert and wife Nan- couvemences in our cy Holbert will sell at public auction tor cash at the court house door m Columbus. Polk County, North Caro lina, on Any or all of these things" would do MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2nd, 1920 Detween the hours oi 12 o'clock M. and 2 o'lock P. M., the following real much to add to the wealth of our' ty and none of them are so high coun- priced estate, to wit: A tract of land in Let us use our treasures when they 'will five us and those Tv love-pleas : ure, and wbn uslnr themwUi reallj ' . ; count. ' ..;,' ' The following is a New England dish which had much vogue in colonial times. Pork PI Line a baiting dish with pastry or biscuit dough ; -interline the paste with thin shavings of salt pork. Fill the dish with apples pared and quartered, then sliced; sprinkle with cinnamon and add a few table spoonfuls .of molasses. Cover with thin slices of pork and then with nas-! try or biscuit dough. Let bake In a ERICELLEY umbing r werage Phoite42 Tryon, N. C. W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. WE SOLICIT Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Finish, Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can sav you money. See us for lath, brick, doors and sash. L T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. NEWS ADS. GET RESULT" THE UN I VERS AL CAB Whether Cotter Pim or Complete Uverhaul ? , You can getsit in out Authorized Fojri -sales and Service Station. labour stockroom Wficfifrry . every part that goes into -a Ford cat, or jfFiqrcl, truck. They are genuine Ford parts too, each macjp,fithe same tough, durable Vanadium steel as its counter part in the Ford car. - y Our shop is equipped with specially designed tools and up-to-ths-minute raichinery so that repairs adjustments, or complete overhault for Ford cars can be handled promptly and emcientiy. Our machanics understand the Ford mechanism and know the right way to 4une it up.. . y. . .'. We are a part of the Big Ford Faniily anct not- . only , repair Fords but sell them as WetL i We have . than a passing interest in your car. Drive in when it needs repairing. For safetyVtake -have the Au thorized Ford dealer do it. - . Touring $525. Chassis $475 Runabout $500 , Truck . $550 Couplet $650 Sedan 775 Freight on any above $38.36 Gov. tax on each -Hiui 1 15 iiiului xai Luiuuaii Tryon North vCaroliiWin a 4 P. Spears ) Attorney at Law ' Colutnltus V - N. C. hn tha jKv ran k. r, A :t i rolk County adioimno' the lands of J. KIU.U1CU u we uuiy P Rorn j M Wmiams and others, Ku wnn mc ngm spun, Lay aside Beginning on a post oaK at J. Jr. moderate oven about one and one-half weeves anu go 10 worK to Qo your par a rea oaK; thence north 2 1-2 east T m making our countv the best nl.r on 88 Ples to a titmie' thence north 2 y8ter Chowders-Cut four ounces raaiung our county me best place on east 78 U2 poles to gtone in said mu ot fat galt pork into an(J Jet Uod s green earth to live. Show by hams' line; thence with said "Williams'" over a slow fife until all the fat Is ex- your example that you have faith in Polk - we ,?oles t0 tne begm" tracted; add one onion, peeled and cut 1p mure or m shreds; stir and cook slowly until I frKt sv 1m -.11. i m m wKJA 1;. J I..- l- The above sale will n m for U111UU jreuowea ana soitenea; " w., Bl.u ici iudKC ii so r.w 4.1.- m j .i . ... , , w.BAUMjr uie mortgage men- good that many others will see how good tioned above, tthere having been a it is and come and live amonest us T forfeiture of same. Deed in fee will This January 1st, 1920. L. F. STEADMAN, 36-40. Mortgagee. i i can De done, part,? Will" YOU do YOUR Lynn Boy Married NOTICE. On December 25" W. H. Cannon uuutu iw iiianidc 10 miss nnie L . u , . f '""-"j " iciouua against narDoring aune Haseitine, of Greenville, S. C. her and that I will not be responsible . My wife, Blanche McMurray, hav ing Jeft mv bed and board, this is to numy au persons against harboring the cermony was preformed at the home of the bride, by Rev. Quick, the Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Greenville. Mr. Cannon, is th for any debts she mav rontmt. This , 9th dav of Jann&rv iQ9ft 2t-pd. A. DEWEY McMURRAY. i e add two cupfuls of boiling water, and let simmer 20 minutes or longer. Add two cupfuls of sliced potatoes and cook until the potatoes are done; add three cupfuls of milk and a quart of oysters; let cook until the oysters ruffle. Sea son as needed and serve at once. Panned Chicken With Com Fritters. Joint a young chicken and set into a baking pan; pour over a cupful of broth and let cook an hour and a half, basting every ten minutes with broth or hot fat When tender remove te a hot serving dish and use the liquid In tne pan ror mating a -t sauce. Season the chicken while cooking with salt ana pepper ana it liked add a bit of onion. Skim the fat and resrv on. WANTED TO SELL The timber iourth Cdd .foXl from 300 or more o-f vinnn -e- I nf a .n f anH wmIt mh .h v . e SOn Ol r.OlL I est for l'mmola i . t I skU j , . master W. A. Cainon. of LynnN. C. varieties; mostly oak, pine, chestnut, ul of broth. Serve the chicken on out is now connect! witk ik P: k. birch, hickorv. walnut fV q a chop mate surrounded with ftttAMr ..... , : ' . V. Kiy I , . T.- - HU;S 1 - .M;.. U-. K: i as reen'Kivercove.? ivliss i Haseitine.' b - the ii tjatvt, - . ju J N't- El-J. -BRAHEEY-& SONS randMis. G; e.-Hae-:-- 'P Ucall elle, arid has been rnlhe 3; j Wiggly CaroUnaXompanv 'Greanl '?ISekt of Saluda,5 what is known boro -N ?P o ' U ii: i 'I 88 reen Kiverfcove.? ooro, - in. v i Miss i Haseltiner' b 5 the j i WbAT? daughter of Mr imc, or oreenvel employ of Swift & Co. for the past two years, and is held in the highest esteen by. the employees. "-ifu join ivir. cannons many tnends m wishing he and his bride i all ot the good things of this life. IF yOU HAVE UNO TO SELL List it with me, I can sell it for you. : W. A. Toddt Reai btate Landrum, S. C Corn Fritters Beat two egg -yolks. add one cupful of chopped canned corn, half a teaspoonful of salt, one rourth teaspoonful of pepper, one and one-half teaspoonfuls of baking pow der ana one cupful of flour. Fold In the whites of thjj eggs beatenry . stiff, TaVe up "the mfctur in a tablespoon and with a second spoon moid It into a compact ball, then drop Into hot fat Turn while frying; drain on soft pa per. - , v--4. ;": .j . .. u. ; . There An Electric hFlat Iron lit Youir Home v Price $ 5.50 Guiranteed for I 10 Year SBlYICt lllYOIlflEaRIC SCOMPAIiY I, Notde of Land Sale. Adang aslfagent -for the heirs of the late J. J3hxfs I wil bn the20th ! day d 391 abbut 2cIock U., at the ftmtr:iQiVJ.'J.::Eiren on Pearidgeffer li iaje' theJgKesV bidder for ca;, or insitebm (o crediL- Aout toy-e aab bl: Utid kntWfii me j. j..4)ye homestead. - rhis land is in a godd ike of cultivation and ' hit a very desirJ!e location. There u j very good, duelling and barn and th, land is well Jfiked to the growth of gen- .Famcy GFoceiries We wish to call your attention to a few of our Fancy Groceries. . Best Prunes per lb. . . .. ..... . . ... .30 and ,35 Best California Peaches per lb. . . ... ... . . ..35 The Famous Brand of W. H: Coffee. . Hunts Brand canned fruit, Pears,. Peaches, Apricots Green gage Plum, and the most complete line of preserves 'and jellies we have ever carried, j WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR ' GRAHAM FLOUR SWANDOWN CAKE FLOUR WICHITA FLOUR PILLSBURY FLOUR We make a specialty of any of these item in quanities9 you will be suprised at the sav ing there is buying canned goods by the dozen. : ' r - ' ffj ihrsi" .fjroD . -fit -i it - t. Tryon, FOR EVERYTHING - North Carolina eralcrr MRS.J. R. SMITH. - - Si'. t - 1-