a or POLK COUHTY NEWS,;TYOH,,Hra.OAROLINA Faith is an invincible and invisible magnet, and attracts to Itself what ever it fervently desires and calmly and persistently eacpects. Trine. . Vi 1 J AY Conduct by. XwuomU Council of the - . : fi ' V I w" " At Boy Scouts of America.) ; 0 L XI If REMARKABLE RACE BY HORSE Castor, Morgan Gelding, Finishes Long Endurance Contest With Clean . , Speed Record. - 'v (Prepared y the UnitedStates Depart ment of Agriculture.) s ... In a 300-mile endurance contest wifa horses of the purest" Arabian breeding, "Castor," a Morgan gelding ored by the Unied States department of agriculture at it? Middlebury, Vt, Morgan horse farm, was the only through their country and then at horse with a clean, speed record at tacked them."1 the oml of the fourth day of the How different n re the method thnt grueling contest. "Castor" won third, place for speed ;at the end of the con- test, notwithstanding the fact that he fell in the deep sand on a bad bit of road, injured his nose, and made the last five miles In a walk. This achievement is an indication of what has been accomplished by the depart ment of agriculture In the rehabilita tion of the Morgan breed during the few years since the work was under taken. . ' ' ' . The race was from Fort Ethan Al len, Vt., to Camp Devens, Mass., large? ly over unimproved roads. The pur pose was to stimulate Interest In the breeding of cavalry mounts through out the United States. A majority of the horses entered were Arabians. One was crossbreed that had seen overseas service and was the first horse to pass successfully through quarantine at Newport News. Two were Morgans, bred at the depart ment's farm. The veteran of overseas service, "Bob," owned and ridden by Colonel George, led the field at the beginning of the race, but was taken out before the finish. The two Arab- Castor, the United States Department of Agriculture Morgan Gelding Which Recently Made Such a Re markable Record In a Long Dis tance Race. ians.ro finish ahead of the Morgan af ter his accident were Bustem Bey and Itamla. Maj. C. A. Benton (retired) was one of the judges, acting as the represen tative of the bureau of animal indus try. COST OF HORSE BLEMISHES Defects Cannot Always Be Prevented out One Bad Spot Will Prove Expensive. r ; A; horse market report f ronTone of the Western selling points says: "When present, blemishes take off up to $50 or even more from the price of first-rate animals of thp sumo tvna Blemishes 'can't always. be prevented, hut it Is good business' to try to pre vent them, for, as can readily be seen, one bad spot in the makeup "of a horse may mean the difference be tween profit and loss on him. Outside of precautions to prevent injury the -only safeguard against blemishes Is to breed only sound mares to sound stallions. Sometimes a colt will be curby or otherwise defective, in spite of alJ that can be done to avoid such weaknesses, but that is no argument gainst trying to produce only tb Rood ones. ADDITIONAL FEED FOR PIGS Scalded Middlings, With Milk Added, Placed in Shallow 'Trough Is Fine for Porkers. When the pigs are about three eeks old they will want to eat more than the milk they can get from their pother. a small shallow trough Miou'fj he placed where the sow can Dt get; to It. Scald some middlings, stlr "rid pour in some milk. Put Into feed about a tablespoonful of ""losses. Drive the little pigs care fully over to the trough. They svill the odor from the molasses, put their noses to the feed, lap It and Win to eat. - ' x PROPER QUARTERS FOR PIGS Animals Should Be Kept In Dry Pern and Fed in Clean Troughs- Prevent Chilling. P'es shonld fllwn VS hf Iron fr rf t-it clean quarters and fed in clean JwuRhs. They should not be allowed : run out in cold rain or allowed tc become eliillp tn c riir. v. ... uiij nay. ov w o 4 uu through filth nnrl than helns led will oftm SCOUTS EMBODY BEST IDEALS i "During my four"years in Germany' says James W. Gerard, former Ameri can ambassador, "I saw much of the child life of - that country. The chil dren were paraded through the streets singing their songs of hate. In the schools they were taught a deliberate perversion of history. For instance: The Fatherland did not wish to injure the Belgians, but the winked Relirinns promised to allow our troons to ns are used to bring out the best "In the childhood of this, our own "country! While the Germans had organizations which were intended to develop hatred and yke passions in the hearts of the young, we have the Bo; Scouts of America. This splendid organization well Illustrates the difference in ideals between the two countries. In the Boy Scouts the' boy subscribes to an oath to be true to himself and his country arid to keep himself morally and physically fit at all times. He also pledges Mniself to "do a good turn daily." ' .The boy is taught woodcraft and many other useful things. He partici pates In big public functions and civic ceremonials. From the very first he is led into the higher citizenship. PRISONERS AID SCOUT PLAN. ' Through the. gray of, the granite walls that shut away the inmates of the Minnesota state prison from the rest of the world came this little story which shows that "stone walls' do not a prison make nor Iron bars a cage." In the office of George D. Pratt, treasurer of the National Council. Boy Scouts -of America. New York.-a letter arrived from Stillwater a let ter containing $28.50, "in payment of the following applications for associ ate membership irt the National Coun cil of the Boy Scout,? of America." Daniel Blue, Frank Meyers, Joseph Kelly, Charles Kramer, J. W. Schwartz George Olson, Jacob Red Bird, N. A. Burke, August Ruther-r-all prisoners. Far removed from the blue skies and running streams and long, winding roads' that perhaps they themselves had trod in their boyhood, they looked back through ,the years, at the what- mlght-have-been, at the different lives they might have led had they been shown differently, and "came across' that other boys might have a fighting chance. SCOUTS URGE AMERICANIZATION. . The executive board of the Boy Scouts of America has decided to strengthen its program for citizenship training in order that even a greater emphasis than before would be placed upon developing patriotism and Ameri canization. It was also agreed that special ef fort would be made to develop a pro- gram for older boys, affording them nn onnortunitv to "learn by dome:. ra preparing for citizenship respon r m- " - ' sibilities. The executive- board meeting was at tended by Messrs. Walter W. Head, of Omaha; John M. Phillips, of Pitts- hnrcrh: Georee D. Porter, of Phila delphia ; Alfred W. Dater, of Stam ford: Hon. James J. Storrow, of Bos ton Charles P. Neill and Colin H. Livingstone, of Washington. D. G Mr. Daniel Carter Beard, of .Flushing; John Sherman Hoyt, George TX Pratt, Lieut. Col. Theodore Roosevelt, Jere- mlah W. Jenks and James E. West, of New York City. Mortimer L. Schift was selected as the representative of the Boy Scouts ofr America on the International Scout committee. SPOKANE SCOUTS AS FIREMEN. ' At a meeting of the fire prevention and fire insurance committee of the chamber of commerce in Spokane. Wash., it was decided to perfect a per manent organization to be known as the Spokane Scout Firemen. The organization will consist of Boy Scouts who have passed certain ex aminations on fire prevention. Fire Chief A. L. Weeks will be ex-officio chief of the organization. Deputy State Fire Marshal Groce stated at the meeting that he cited the boy scout fire organization as an ex ample and Incentive on his visit to other states and towns In the state. He had slides made of the Spokane scout fire exercises to Induce other cities to follow Spokane's lead. ; , , SCOUTS TO HAVE MOTOR CORPS. ' The council o, the Boy Scouts of America In Westchester county. New York. is. making extensive plans for the development of an efflcient county, boy scouts motor' corps. ' . . -" v Applications are elng received at county ; headquarters from older boy scouts who have autos which can be of service for emergency calls. - As soon as : the corps Is -efflcjenty organized, Its services will be -at the disposal of all legltlmate organization and other good causes. ; v i- . v ' ' cniiu me or-that country. The rhil- ! H iMSiimW:. : ..r-mU'. vnaieau ae B' EFORB daylight on the morning of September 6, 1918, there was an unusual amount of bustle and stir in the little town of Aubierej a suburb of Clermont-Ferrand, the .capital of the department of Puy-de- Dome, in one of the1 most historic re gions of France the ancient province of Auvergne, says the Christian Sci ence Monitor. What ! was the occasion which produced all this early morning excitement? Surely no call to battle or no signal to go over , the top, be cause the actual horrors of the worffi war never extended j into this sleepy corner of , south-central France; and the American regiment quartered here abouts was merely passing through the last stages of Its preliminary training prior to Itsj triumphant mo ment of action upon the heights of the Meuse, which occurred during the last days of the war. It was the one hundred and sixth anniversary of the birth of the great Lafayette, and the regimental band of Col. Arthur S. Conklin's Three Hun dred and Third heavy field artillery regiment had been Invited to share with a few American army officers the honor of representing the Amer ican expeditionary forces yes the United States of America at the birthplace and the early home, of the great hero who aided so much in the work of winning Its Independence as a nation. The last bandsman had re turned from the early breakfast served in the village square of Aubiere, and with his Instrument had joined the crowd already climbing Into the, huge army motor trucks drawn up before the band's billet As the first rays of the dawn ap peared, and the procession of Aubiere's peasants commenced from the crooked alleyways of the town to the surround ing fields and vineyards, the trucks moved out of the village and over the hill toward Clermont After the brief ride through the thoroughfares of the city of Clermont Ferrand, which was just awakening to the day's activities, the bandsmen arrived at the commodious railway station where specially reserved cars on the morning train south awaited them. After the sun was up the train ambled out of Clermont and was soon making Its way leisurely through the colorful Auvergne country. The Setting Supreme. The day proved to be perfect, warm, and clear; the views from the car windows were entrancing, and the "mademoiselles" tending the gates at each crossing waved their greetings to the groups- of young Yankee sol diers which filled the windows of each compartment In the train. The land scape was dotted here and there with the picturesque red-roofed villages, from the center of which rose the gray stone church towers; the coun tryside seemed to be an immense vine yard filled with endless acres of grapevines; and the mountain peaks, now extinct volcanoes, stood out In bold relief against the clear blue s'ky like sentinels. Occasionally an old castle ruin frowned upon the travelers from some overhanging cliff or neigh boring hillside. After a ride ,of three hours, the train passed Into the department of Haute Loire and made a short stop at Brionde, where many gayly-dressed country folk with their lunch baskets boarded the cars. A, few. moments later, the train reached the little vil lage of 'Paulhaguet, where the order sounded to detrain. After much hur rying and, scurrying about 'at the little way-station, many . vehicles of every sort and description were pressed into service for, the transportation . of the men to their destination. ,- Some rode In autos, some in carriages, ( and a bass tuba player with his Immense in strument was obliged to ride on the front seat of an outlandish coupe, by the side of the driven The. horse was not fleet-footed ; and the tuba . player reached the Chateau de Lafayette nearly an hour later than the other bandsmen, - who had watched the great bell of his brass horn dazzling in the stm's rays, slowly making Its way. up the mountain road, several miles be low. . j :i:r ' -" :-''' . ... Fine. Ride to Old. Castle. , And what a ride,, Jt -was l what su perb scenery and - glorious country, picturesque,, mountainous L It seemed difficult to believe that: a tantl of such averwhelming beauty In summer could vnavagnac $ 3L. In winter betransformed into a wild, bleak regionfknown as the Siberia of France. It as a great day for the young , Americans ; a most delightful diversion frn the daily routine in Aubiere, marching drills and drills in the uncomfowable gas masks, band re hearsals, parades', and 1 reviews, and : evening banef concerts In the town square. v 1: ' ; The Chatefju de Chavagnac Lafay ette stands vtpon the crest of a lofty eminence cofamanding a magnificent view of the Beautiful Auvergne coun try; miles arfjl miles of verdant fields and woods 4retched far away to a distant hbrilbn flanked with long ranges of majestic hills and moun tains. Thegrounds of the chateau are spacious-and attractive,- and the little village rf Chavagnac adjoins the estate on o side," while the other three sides fe open' to the distant view. The d castle itself, flanked on two sides Ijjvith large round towers,' presents a jtrikingly medieval ap pearance ; lofg rows of French win dows are,huf2t across the upper por tion of the ffont of - the building, and large porthohlj? are seen on each slde of the small aaln doorway. The rastlewas built in the four teenth centurh, burned in 1701 and re built, as nearly like the original as possible, before Lafayette's birth, on September 6,l757. The family rec ords date bac to the. year 1000, when "a certain m'ji by the name of Motier acquired an ffetate called Villa Faya, and thereafuj: he became known as Motier de latl Fayette," according to Martha Foot Crow in her biography of Lafayette.:' The great -ero is a direct descend ant of Ponsli Motier and the noble Alix Brun deChampetieres who were married In 10 and according to the old parish Register in Chavagnac Lafayette's fll name was Monseig neur . Marie Joseph - Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert DumoLer de Lafayette. Here, In this grlmtipld castle, the Marquis de Lafayette ligpent the first 11 years of his life; aijd in later years the he ro returned t his birthplace after his triumphant 4 career in America and lived here fo 4tTvtn tt? V Vile, f Amtltt He Instituted Various kinds of reforms on his estatertahd in the villages ad joining; and 11 of the work for the people of hii native town was for their betterment, their enlightenment, and emanclptlon. The peasantry were greatly rjittached to him. The later y?ars of Lafayette were spent at his fife's estate. La Grange, 40 miles- easts! of Paris. The latter art of the forenoon of this anniversary day in 1918 was spent in looking over the estate and neighboring village. The bandsmen were conducJ through the chateau, saw Lafayette's own room and what few relics ar to be seen. Including a peculiar looting article of furniture designated ashls bathtub. Many of the . American poys wandered through the quaint, picturesque village, visited the venerable tfarish church and pur chased beautifiil lace work made by the women .of ihe town to send home tothelr frlenjU. Crowds of Jfrench people arrived on the scene &th their lunches, mak ing the aff alrV an out-of-door picnic, as is their usval custom. At noon a sumptuous dinner was served to the bandsmen in he chateau itself, and in the afternoon the celebration took place on : the t )roadly-sweeping lawn in front v&r It was a brf-jflant scene. The band, rendered a spjndid concert, and Its leader, Arthur hepherd,' was present ed ; with a bohuet In reply - to the presentation ipeech Mr;' Shepherd thanked the dehors and expressed the honor which h'? and his men felt at being present- i such an event Many dfstinguished people, Including French and American?i army officers, were there. Later gt the day the bands men . were conveyed back to Pfaul raguet, where fiey boarded the train as the sun waif setting over the hills, and reached Mibiere late in the eve ning with the beautiful day a never-to-be-forgotten me;Jnory. - ' - '4 .. . ' , 4i -Kep5 Guessing. When . yon .jfe a man . doing, some fool stunt on tl$ street nowadays," re marked the Oierverof Events, and Things, you cln never tell,; whether he's doing It oni bet or In working for some moving-pture coacern - J - ; SEASONABLE DISHES. Put a pound of round steak through the meat grinder -with one green pep per and a slice of onion, sea son with a tea spoonful of salt and a few dashes of pepper, then flatten into a large cake. Add a pinch of nut meg and mix thoroughly with one egg and a half cupful of fine cracker crumbs. When all is combined, shape Into balls and sear In hot fat. Lower AT 1 . Mie ueai ana cook for half an hour. lurmng orten. Ten minutes before serving drain off the surplus fat, leav- ing two tablespoonfuls. Add two tablespoonfuls df flour and mix well, ueu orowned add enough mjlk to make a smooth sauce. Coat each ball with the. sauce, arranging them on a chop plate. Garnish with parsley and serve piping hot with baked po tatoes. Another nice wav to sprro ham. m burger steak is us follows: The steak I must oe tree from gristle and well sea- suuea io suit the taste. Some like a pinch of cloves with a bit of minced onion whh salt and pepper. Toast rounds of bread on one s!de and place them In a baking dish untoasted side UP, spread with butter then spread wtth the seasoned meat a half inch thick. Place in the OVPn nnrl hobo w w w . UtIU iUUV until the meat it? brown. The juice will all be held In the bread, making a very tasty and simple dish. Cranberry Tart Bake a pastry shell and fill it with the following: Wash one quart of cranberries and cook until soft with a cupful of wa ter. Put through a sieve and boil up again with a pound of sugar or less. vvneu cooi piace in the baked shell and cover with a meringue. Brown in the oen and serve fold. Any canned fruit my be served in this way. Beat It and thicken if nec essary with cornstarch, cook well, (cool and fill the baked shell. Cover with a meringue and bake until brown. Thickened fruit juices make most tasty pie filling. Gelatine or jello may also be used, topped with whipped cream, as the meringue could not be used unless cooked over hot water, as it could not be baked without melting the jelly. . Fear paralyzes healthy action, men tal " and physical. Worry corrodes, poisons and pulls down the organism. It is a perverted mental state that ex ternalizes Itself . in various physical ailments according to the peculiar tendencies or weaknesses of the one in whose organism its effects find lodgment. Trine. . WHAT TO EAT. We all enjoy new dishes; but foi real enjoyment nothing takes the place of, the old-fashioned dishes of our grandmoth ers. Bean Porridge. Soak two cup fuls of beans over night. In the morning bring to a boil, stir in a bit of soda as big as a pea, drain and cover with fresh water. Boil slowly until near ly done, add salt, a tablespoonful of butter and then allow them to sim mer until the water is nearly cooked away. Mash with a potato masher and add a quart of rich milk. Stir well, bring " to the boiling point and serve wifh crackers. Serve a few nuts and raisins for des sert occasionally; they are wholesome and less expensive of time as well as "money. , Apple John. Slice into a deep but tered pie tin four tart apples. Sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon, dot with butter. Pour over them a dumpling mixture or a rather thin baking pow der biscuit dough. Bake in a hot oven until well browned. Serve with cream and sugar or a hard sauce. One Egg Cake. Take one cupful of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of sweet fat, two-thlfds of a cupful of; thick sour milk,' one-half teaspoonful of so da, and the same of baking, powder sifted wlth one and one-half cupfuls of flour. Beat the egg and add to the sugar and fat. For an Icing one may use a half cupful of grated chocolate, cooked to a cream with one-fourth of a cupful of milk; add one cupful of brown sugar, and cook until a soft ball Is made when dropped In water.' Then add one teaspoonful of butter and one fourth pound of marshmallows and beat. This cake may be baked In muf fin pans and if served hot needs no Ic ing. If baked, in a sheet and cut In squares served hot. It makes a fine pudding with any preferred sauce. For a layer cake it may be filled with jam or marmalade and served as a dessert. vtdSL . Try It on the Donkey. When a gypsy girl wants to know how soon she will be married, she whispers into the ear of the first don key she meetiv "Shall I soon have a husband?" If the donkey moves his ear, sho will. If he stands Immovable, she wont. So If you have a little don key In yotu lorner PAINT AIDS POULTRY HOUSE Adds Greatly to Appearance and Serv ice of Buildings Whitewash , It Cheapest. Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Painting adds greatly ,to Jhe ap pearance and service of all buildings and appliances. One may buy ready- mixed paints or may purchase paste pigments and oil and mix them. All surfaces should be clean and dry be- fore they. are painted. Use a prlmlns coat made of. equal parts of paint and linseed oil and cover with one or more coats of paint, which should be thoroughly brushed into the surface. Whitewash Is the cheapest of all paints, and may be used either for ex terior or Interior surfaces. It can be made by slaking about ten pounds of quicklime In. a pail with two gallons of water, covering the pall with cloth or burlap and allowing it to slake for one hour. Water Is th.m added to bring the whitewash to a consistency which may be applied readily. A weatherproof whitewash for exterior surfaces may be made as follows: (1) Slake 1 bushel of quicklime In 12 gallons of hot water; (2) dissolve 2 pounds of common salt and 1 pound oT sulphate of zinc In 2 gallons of boil ing water; pour (2) Into (1), then add 2 gallons of skim milk and mix thor oughly. Whitewash Is spread lightly, over the surface with a broad brush. FIND PERFECTLY FRESH EGG Quality Is Largely Determined Ease With Which Yolk Moves Hints on Candling. by (Prepared by the United States Departs ment of Agriculture-) It is necessary to rotfite an egg be fore the candle if one is to obtain an -accurate knowledge of Its condition. By tilting at various angles, the loca tion and size of the air space can be feen, and very often the position of the yolk. But the quality of the. egg is very largely determined by the ease- A H9d-Made Egg Candling Outfit. with which the yolk moves and the di rection of Its motion. The operator therefore - 1. Gn.isps the pointed end of the egg with the tips of the fingers. . 2. Holding the blunt end uppermost, places the egg closely against the opening, or spout of the candle. 3. Gives the egg a quick turn to the right or left, watching the movement of the yolk. If the egg Is perfectly, fresh It may be difficult to find the yolk at first glance, but as the egg Is turned a glimpse of it will be obtained. MENU HINTS FOR HENS , (Prepared by the United States Department of Agriculture.) Use home-grown grains and their by-products supplemented with meat and fish scraps, or milk. Mix these feeds to make a properly balanced ration. Feed a scratch mixture of whole or cracked corn, twice dally. Feed a mash, either dry or wet made of ground grains and meat scrap. Make the bens exercise for their, feed. , , , . r. .. , Provide a light feed of corn In the morning, supplying only what the hens will clean up In a half-hour. Give a . full f eed In the afternoon, especially In cold weather. MAKE PROFIT FROM POULTRY No Reason Why More Farmers Cannot Make Money by Selling Breed- ' Ing Stock and Eggs. Many farmers are now breeding Binnuaru-urni iuuiiry, - trxnioiung me same, advertising, and making a good! profit from the sale of breeding stock; eggs tor natenmg,- etc. There- Is 1 no reason why other farmers cannot as welL ,' Yngf I .... vuu ' own y V" : ;'.

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