it 1 I POLK COUNTY roYOITlIOiSgg OAnOIHYA' m ; fit Its il t j; if J ! ti!. mi 1 - ill it $ Tf-E FQLKCOUHTY KEWS anrtTRYOH BEEl Consolidated Nov. ,, 1915 Published every Friday at TRYON. NORTH CAROLINA Office phone 99 Residence 45. NOTICE OF ELECTION - InUrii tecond-class matter April 28. 191 At tka poat office at Tryon, North Carolina, un 2r act of March 3r 1S79 C. BUSH, Editor and Publisher Subscription $2.00 per "Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, 0 tolatlona of Respect, Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or tor financia tain, will be charged regular advertising rates of It centi per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. tX West 19th Street. New York City, is our sole and exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." Whereas the Board of Education of Polk county has petitioned for an election to be held in Saluda SSiool District No 17 in Saluda Township, Polk county, which district includes the; incorporated town of Saluda, to ascertain whether the voters in said district are in favor of issuing bonds for the purpose of buildring a new pubiic school building in and. for said school district, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 55 of the Pub lic Law of 1915, as amended by the Public Laws of 1917. therefore, it is ORDERED by the Board of Commis sioners of Polk County that an election bt held in Saluda School Dis trict No. 17 on the 10th day of Feb. 1920, to asertain whether the voters of said Saluda School District No. 17 are in favor of issuing bonds in the sum of Twenty Thosand Dollars ($20,000.) for the purpose of build ing in and for said school district, and the repairing and furnishing the same with suitable equipment. The said bonds shall run for twenty years and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6 per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and the max imum tax that may b levied to pay the interest upon said bonds and provide a linking fund for the payment of said bonds shall not exceed thirty cents on the hundred dollars and ninety cents on the poll. That the said election shall be held in the Town Hall in the Town of Saluda, which is hereby des ignated as the Polling Place of said election, and the said election shall be held under the laws, rules and regulations as elections for members of the General Assembly are held. That J. C.Mietcalf is hereby appoint ed as Registrar of said election, and H. P. Corwith and R. M. Hall are hereby appointed as Judge of " said election. It is futher ordered that at said election those favoring the issuance of bonds and the levying of a special tax shall vote a ballot on which shall be printed the words For School- house Bonds", and those who are op ., ' -Ave raae Information.- The -average man couldn't tell you whether "cleanliness Is next to godli ness" is to be found in the Bible or In Webster's . old blueback speller. Ma con News. - f- . -. f Chinese Theaters. Many Chinese theaters chargo no admission, but depend entirely on the profits from the sale of drinks and food products. These playhouses : are on the order of cafes, tables being pro dded and tea' and native delicacies served. . : Do Sit Down. In England when the chair was first used, even wealthy men only owned one or two, it was the seat of honor given to a guest as a special mark of favor. The American colonists fol lowed this custom during the first part of the seventeenth century, - Urn Many Centuries Old. ; Among 'the relics of 'pre-Inca civ illzatlon, found on the western . slope of the Andes and now in the United States, is an ornamental urn, three feet high, and supposedly more than 2,000 years old. Strange to say, with many other valuable finds, In pottery, gold, stone and platinum, this urn was found among the ruin? of -dwellings built of wood. It seems to be rather fortunate than otherwise that fire proof vaults were unknown to the pre Incas. . o Pale, Anemic Girls Need a Blood Tonic Artutentmt for Soldiers. : v ' Soldier ftt't front In Francs en joyed perfirices of a: tratellhg the ater company, nanced by a group of philanthropic tftench people; The en tire paraphernifa necessary - for; these performance ws packed in three big wagons which Raveled 'from point to point along :thelnes in France.,.1 ... - Old Indaittg of Holland Town. Alasmeer, Holland, . Is noted for Itt strawberries aSd" clipped box trees. This local industry, which has beer brought to - af perfection unknowz. elsewherer his 4jeen carried on for if least 200 year$ as the village ret ords show.: ' '. .Vv - ' notice. A County..Covyention of the !Re pubicans of Polxf County is hereby called to met at the Court House - in Columbus, N. C on Saturday the 31st day of .'Janiuy 1920 at 2 o'clock p. m. for tli! purpose of electing dele gates to the Congressional conven tion to be held Asheville, N,,C., on Saturday QtrfW day of February 1920. Th$rriis Township Chair mans are reqbed to call and hold their township" inventions on Satur day the 24th of January 1920, and elect delegates to said County Conventions.; JanuaryW $20. 1 W.;$. ROBERTSON, CUairman Co Ex. Com. Advertisement t X All I I II I If COLDS V i QUININE PEPTO-MANGAN ENRICHES AND BUILDS UP THE BLOOD PALLOR, HEADACHES AND SHORTNESS OF BREATH DISAPPEAR PEPTO-MANGAN SOLD IN LIQUID AND TABLET FORM SOME BREEDING DEFINITIONS Terms Applied to Various Animals as Adopted by the Department of Agriculture. Why should any girl or young wo man continue to have a pale, sallow possed thereto shall vote a ballot on complexion and a listless, t run-down which shall be printed the words system devoid of energy and vitality? "Against Schoolhouse Bonds". And Such young folks are continually it is futher ordered that a copy of unhappy and dejected simply because this order, which shall constitute a they accept such a condition as their Notice of said Election shall be posted misfortune, and envy their ' friends at the Courthouse door of Polk Coun- who are in the bloom of health and ty. at Columbus, N. C, for thirty enjoying all the good things of life, days preceeding said election that a If such young women would realize copy of this order, which shall on-1 that their anemic condition js pro stitute a Notice of said Election, shall bably due to thin, impoverished be published in the Polk County News, blood, which could easily be enriched o m r n n rten i a r m m w mm mm f mm m . without qucstiosjir Hunt's Sal fans In the treatment 3 jEcrefna. Tetter. Ringworm. -Iteh. etc. Don't became tlroui aged be cause other trettpe faile4. Hunt's SaWabae relit Ved baa. tfrede of aucb eoses. -riou ean't lost on ou AfOrtf Mmtk Goaranfee.Trylto four risk TODAY. PHeo7S a MISSILt)tNasPHARMACY We Haye, If Right Prices (Prapsred by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) ; The following definitions hate been nAnrvfori hv tho TTnitort Stnto Honjirt- ment of agriculture for use in the a newspaper published at Tryon, N. C. by Gude's Pepto-Mangan, how much TJetter BireS -Uetter SfOCk Cam- 111 ailu jtvi. vouuty xur iour succesivo uayyivr auu auracuve mey wuum uc. psign: weeks preceeding said election. Done Gude's Pepto-Mangan is a safe, Purebred A purebred animal is one at a regular meeting of the Board of beneficial and pleasant tonic f or any- 01 pure breeding, representing a defi- Commissioners of Polk County. North one suffering from any ailment caus- Carolina, on the 5th day of Jsthuary ed by poor blood. "If taken regulary 1920, at which meeting there were for a few weeks it will enrich the present Charles Davenport. Chair- blood with thousands of the healthy man, and George A. Painter and G. red-blood cells that are needed to car- L. Thompson, Commissioners. ry nourishment to every part of the CHAS. DAVENPORT body. - Chairman Pepto-Mangan is sold in both liquid Commeissioner j 4. ri. v GEO. A. PAINTER . "..' G. L. THOMPSON same meqicinai mgreaienis. Buy Pepto-Mangan at your drug- MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND gist's- Be sure the name "Gude's" is on the package. Without "Gude's it Kind of Materials o do youf . builSintr. Full itock Doors, Siding, Flooring CeilinK, Shinglfs, Loths, Interior r misn ana mou lainpr, nougn ana Dressd Lumber. Carry complete STOGML P FEEDS HEAttON fUMBER CO. .''iiaiiIw w. a . nite, recognized breed .and both of prbose parents were purebred animals jbf the same breed. To be considered purebred, live stock must be either registered, eligible to registration, or (On the absence of public registry for that class) have such lineage that its are breeding can be definitely proved. jo be of good type and quality the ani tnal must be healthy, vigorous and a Creditable specimen of its breed. ' Thoroughbred The term "thorough .tired applies accurately only to ths breed of running horses eligible to reg istration In the "General Stud Book" 'of England, the "American Stud Book" 'jr affiliated stud books for thorough bred horses in other countries. Standardbred Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned by virture of the powers A Z 1 i - a contamea m a mortgage executed to him on the 24th dav of November, JOYNERIKELLEY PlumHing oewerage . Heating Phone 87 fryon, N. C. 1 Notice is herebv iriven that thii tin. is not Pepto-Mangan dersigned by virtue of the powers Advertisement containea in a mortgage executed to him on the 25th day of January. 1918, by Miles Holbert and wifa Nan- MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND Appnea to horses, cy Holbert will sell at oubHe auction inis term refers to a distinct breed of for cash at the court house door in American light horses, which includes Columbus. Polk County, North Caro . both trotters and pacers which are ell- fe' Tn Bible to registration In the "American MONDAY FEBRUARY 2nd, .1920 irottlng Register." Applied to poul- r:Toc"n"T. S'14,? S.,SfS" "t; 1916, by Grant Walker and wife. Tina (!try, the term Includes all birds brrtlZ Vf. will sell at public aucti6n for ! to conform to the standards of form. PolTr 1 1 ?ash at the Court house door in Co-1 color, markings, weight, etc., for the P. Horn, rrMTrVimams andtiiers; I'olk County, North Carohna, Tarlous breeds under the standard of beginning on a post oak at J. P. MONDAY fprrttawq ioor, - perfection of the American Poultry as- Horn's corner in said W&lliams' Une; Jitl Jr,7a h 22?V odatlon. thence with Horn's Une south 78 poles o vwt p i? ?J 1? cl?ck 1' Scrub-Aiscrub Is an animal of fdoakJ thence n0rth 21-2 east Scribed eal estet f ollowinS de" Hxed or unknown breeding without eiSfdTO? Eliza JacksonV line definite type or markings. Such terms ZSJSf 5 v"? ln as native, mongrel, razorback, dung- Una west 92 1-2 poles. to the begin- lght line to a black oak; thence hllL piney woods, cayuse, broncho and ning, containing 44 acres, more or T gf; v a oak; thence mustang are somewhat synonymous less. a straight line to a white oak thence with "scrub," although many of the The above ale will be made for Lri1 10 a deai.locust full of - animals described by these terms have cash to satisfy .the mortgage men- ?nv' ,rtf10nai U5 fixity of type even thoueh onea aDove, nnere having been a Tio-V 7 aa v. a. nt no evidence o7stematte loreit of se. Deed in fee will Kj; to m no eviuence 01 systemauc v e.0,0 nvn. V. Ihompson s stonp cornpr tiPTio This January 1st, 1920. vur ' 10 Ep3 to a stake in a L. F. STEADMAN, 2S& ?i'?ei thenc? MortK ee. II:'"." y.1C3 w ro. ax w " I uie roaa 48,000 Drugstores Sell It Five million people use it to KILL (IlLL'S CASCARAp Sundard cold remedy for 20 yean 1a tablet lorm sie, tare, no opiates breaks up a cold in 24 hours relieves crip tn 3 dare. Money back if it fails. The genuine box bat a Red w . mim mtmt .a top wita h&. tiura picture. At All Drug Stw ia iiniinn Classified Advertisements. FWflSAlCErbR RENT:-45icres; good house find barn. Conveniently located near town. Fine place to keep boarders. House partly fur nished. Apply to James Leonard, Real Estate, Tryon. N. C. WANTED Cow peas, if you have any to sell, we want to buy them. HOMES SEED STORE, Spartanburg. S. C. 162 E. Main St. WANTED By middle-aged North ern woman of good character, position as head housekeeper, or any honor able work Address, MRS. GEO. RINEAR, 1008 W. Market St. Bluff ton, Indiana. -o NEWS ads s;et results. GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND NOTARY PUBLIC. - Collections a specialty. Deeds and Mortgages prepared, and Contracts written at reasonable prices. TRYON. N. C. Tryon Lodge No. 11 8 Knights of Pythias Castle Hall in MissHdine Building Meets Thursday Evening at 8:30 VISITORS WELCOME Mack If Spears Attorns at Law " ' V,: ' Columbua t . N. C. t mm 16-40. .-' Bm NOTICE. in the Eliza JarV inn Iitia. thence with said line to the begin ning, containing 40 acres, more or less. The above sale will v miA Miy wife, Blanche McMurrav. nv- fP11 satisfy' the mortgage men- ing left mv bed and board, this is to S22J. abovl' the having been "a SfLalLP!, harboring t$ xicx, iiU uiat 1 wiu not oe responsible o i "wii ana wim, for any debts she mav contract. Mortgagees. Ams tn aay of January, 1920. zt-pd. A. DEWEY McMURRAY. 0-" NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS WANTED TO SELL The tirnher from 300 or more acres of viro-fr, cbt, ior. immeoiate removal. XUnk nereoy given to the nar- w ri"wlow to all other Fauua wno may De concerned varieties, mostly oak, pine, chestnut. Purebred Herefords. ' 1 birch hickory, walnut, etc 8 milei Hg that the&ed northeast of Saluda, in what is Vnown Pttehased at sale of oroperty of de different breeds but of the eame spe- ! des; ' -i ( j (- Grade A grade i the offspring re sulting from mating a purebred with a scrub, xjr from mating animals not purebred but having close purebred 5 ancestors. The offspring of a pure bred and a grade is also a grade, but .through progressive Improvement be omes a high grade. as Green River cove. E. J: BRADLEY & SONS. "' Saluda, N. C. IF YOU HAVE I ANI1 Tft SFIl- r List it with me, I . can sell it for vou. I W. A. Todd, Real Estate Landrum. S. id roue ounty, N. C, on the 5th day of May, 1919, land listed and decried as follows: i 2 Iots the Town of Tryon. less 20 feet on back f M.i, iif Sh S0 W..O. MiUer, for .the hereby given that appli .1 i the sheriff t JZa!1117; by the under- f?5vd!eds of Pwperty af DmlQ?? 01 Ma 120. This is There Eleltnc I Flatjfron In You Home I.- Price I 5.50 Gtxarantiftd for i- 10 Vears iryoH elktRic service COMPANY HP Notiskof Iaud Sal T-' ; If-';' - . Actms at iteat fir the Heirs tVe lata T I ..niii- .1. t of DecemWe 1 9 1 oJK 1 1 1 l M., at the termer Kas of J, J. Bycrs on Pearidf e. of er ferle te the hijhetl bidder fer tash, or oii' tsnss '-f edit. about tkirty-fivt aeref , land known as t J. J, Bytff koinei; ed. Tlis land teodste of envautnsnd has very desirable lc4fioa. jTkete a ery good dwoQiag iict ban and - the Und is we!! ;ud to U erow d csn- W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. WE SOLICIT Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling, Siding, Finish, Mouldings, Framing. We manufacture this and can save you money. See us for lath,, brick, doors and sash. J. T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. NEWS ADS. GET RESULT Zi THE UNIVERSAL CAB LetThere Be No Discords If your Ford car is out of tune, there is un doubtedly a good reason for it. And the best way to find that reason and have il remedied, is to drive to our authorized Service station where one of our mechanics, who knows the Ford way to adjust and repair Ford cars, can tune it up in a shop that is properly equipped to give Ford service. Then too, we use only Genuine Ford-made parts. They weir from thirty-five to one hundred per cent longer than the counterfeit parts. - We are a part of the gigantic Ford service or ganization; we have more than a passing interest in your car. Prompt service is given on all work. Drive in and see for yourself, there is too much money invested in your Ford car to miss connection with the authorized Ford dealers. Touring $525 Chassis $475 Runabout $500 Truck $550 Couplet $650 Sedan 775 Freight on any above $38.36 Gov. tax on each Baf lenger-Morris Motor Car Company Tryon, North Carolina Fancy, Groceries We wish to call your a ttention to a few of our Fancy Groceries. Best Prunes per lb... .30 and .35 Best California Peaches per lb . . . . . . . ..... .35 The Famous Brand of W. H. Coffee, Hunts Brand canned fruit, Pears, Peaches, Apricots Green gage Plum, and the most complete line of preserves and jellies we have ever carried. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR GRAHAM FLOUR SWANDOWN CAKE FLOUR l WICHITA FLOUR PILLSBURY FLOUR r We make a specialty of any of these items in quanities, ypu will be suprised at the sav ing there is buying canned goods by the dozen v ? . Tin e Tryon, Eallenger Co for' EVERYTHING - ' North Carolina JUUW P. UOCkTT A HT . 'ttn.!.'

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