- u ' - a . .... ... ..'" ,.- . . ' . . . -.-j' -. -"-f ...---.-,..V... . J... -: - w ... ' 1Tv. , ...... . - - -i -, . , ... .- . i . . - l v ' 1 - . .f.' - -r ; - v, .. r . -, . . - . r-. - - , , , TTtrw. TitNTT-TTrTTrT rTrr"? f ; : ' S ' " mm- ' - - "'" -' - - - .77; 777r7V. M r, J ItVhojtwKaf: tho hor3Q cats it s what he cu gesto that makes him tropj. Oats is a good feed feut;upj to-20 pfkwet ihrongn'the ejrstem whoia The oats in Purina ed and then sprayed with hotmo!a88es,nonowa8teL The com also is cracked. Purina 0AToteno Feed, the heavy .crushed graia ration, contains all the ele menu to! give a horse energynd to produce bus da blood hair and hide in proper proportion : Purina rVGIIv JS StXoui3,Mo. K07JC2 vOP ;. 7 smrnTnTrri 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r m 1 f f 7 1 if 1 - e j I T! 1 1 1 i 11 1 r T" l.v?. A BDixr; AND Whereajy in . accordance with pro visions of iChap. 532 of : the JtMblic- Local Eav a of 1919, a petition; has been presited : to . the Board of Coiin- ty Comrn Isionera ..r of Polk : County, signed, byi xwenty-flye per cent, pt:ine iniaHfied iptersif Ktfe cpuntyv; -f ?r order 01 TH execnon jw jsi5cpruii i'' ww will of thlf voters-as to whether bonds of the coifMy snail be issued ana sow for the pifypose of building And equip- BJTRANCE ROADS FOR FARMS !nf a fei1 ' fllneert'olLBureau of : Public Rcaii by the Bdftrd of Cunt; Commiss- Glve Advice on Application ct wners 01 wqik ounvy,vnaw uh cicu- CItumInoua Material. : tipn be hud in said county . at . the ..r .vv Y j various ell jctwn precincts on inesaay, CPrepared by-tba. United" Btate:Depar the 20th of Anril. 1920, under the OwnerV of: large farms and rural se rulerf and , regulaUons, and n Astnten -seeking a more satlsTactory me Bamef iiuuncir. w ,- type of entrance road - have applied members sk the- General Assembly, vat to the bureau of public roads of the 1 which tinp the question, jot - issumg United States .department pf agrlcul- and sellink bonds in the. amount of ture for advice, regarding the appllca- $15 000 fKthe purpose stated above lion w oiiuuuawua uiaiwiw vu 1 fu uw flf a tar sufficent to nay farm I . . A.3k v-. j j eaport; ; Chairman ;.George -A.r 'Painter and- G. L. .Tho- ;r5onit'oninii:icncrg7- " ':;;x- -Chairm4ia. - . GEORGE A. PAINTEK, ; r V G. L. THOMPSON, . - 5 : Ckmimisioners NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX ' : 1 r " PAYERS 1 :': "fe :vv; and T much-traveled entrance lanes. The bureau's . engineers . point font that, such applications may be made successfully on- any farm road which the inter&it .on said bonds and create a sinkingtjfund f orr their retirement shall;be . puhmitted to the : voters rf the countl aualified to vote . at" the 1 Li . For Sale by Hearon. Lumberf GoM jSaluda,; N; Cv has already been constructed of stone. iDrecedineijrenerar election for mem : w 1 . I f ) m : A 1 ... ' A. mxivoi AthAf ctmiiflr mntprini ; and i bers or w&' .general ABsemuiy. at Is In a thoroughly compacted and rea-1 which elaltion those, favoring the -is- sonably smooth condition. A coal-tat suence afrd sale of said bonds, shall preparation applied cold, or an asphal-Uagt ballots on which shall be printed tic oil, can be tsed and If applledby or writtei' words For County' Home we aarm employees, ui; yu3. Buiu Bondv aM. those. onnoseil shall .cast hot exceed seven or eignx cents ai, i,iiw'i,ii u t, 4 m.tnoi ThA vm. ballots 0. which shall be printed. , ofnno .n,i .hrtnM h written tfoe words "Against County thorouehly : cleaned of dust and the Home Brds". That this order shal bitumen aoplledCwlth jordinary sprmk-1 be noticePpf said election and shall be . ling pots from which the perforated posted uilone or more places in, each nozzle has been removed and the spout election rgecinct lof the county ;, and carefully flattened, into a symmetrical publishedfein; the-Polk County -News rectangular opening aoout one-quarrer f dr threeMmonths next immediately preceding the, time fixed for said election! U ' " '..- . " - - Notice is , hereby prfven. to the ; par ties named belowr and to all ' , other persons who may concerned. , as loprtgagees, that t , the r undersigned purchased at -a sale -of property of de- inquent ', tax - payers,' r in Columbus, Pollr County," N; C.on the 5th- day of May,, 1919, land listed and described as follows: - -v.;1' '-;.- 1Q acres of Land in Greens Creek Township, listed in the name of San- ford ;Iiles, for , the" year . 1918.- ' Notice -is hereby given that appli cation .wiH be -made to r the sheriff of Polk County, N. C, by the under signed for deeds of saidroperty af ter, the th day of May, 1920. This Dec 12th, 1913.. BEN LILES;.. Purchaser. v ;- pf r Poverty. cping'A tiTmphtxrrTingrawar from a; lar tpuse- .fellow -professloaal asked him whatl luck h& bad had. jt ain't no use askln' there," was the re, ply. MI Just had a peep through th winder. . It's a poverty-stricken hous. There was actually two ladles playia on -one planner."'..:', Q Uvea: VaJ uxbl er Food. ' So far as value of heat unit Is con cerned, pound -for pound, ripe oIItm Contain almost as much food value & bread, and In the case of very largt oUtcs the value , may be: Increases to approximately the same as that of bread..- : . 1 H It Town Talk is Flour lift O 23 i I -WWW. Siiftiiiii.il.. , , 1 1 ii I i I. illplilfe. . 1 11 iMMiAaiOMlawi 1 1 i. Sunshine De. '' The clothing-we av ...iors iay rlads of dU r ae germr ';: This-: Is .espe dally true of woolen-garments. Cot ton and: silk do not retain germs ap readily as. wool, .and ...are , therefore more suitable for clothing to be worn during exposure to illness; i "Niirsesr are' obliged sta,wear cotton garments when In attendance upon the sickv uTo-der itroy germs- In" clothing there ia notlK log imore . potent than - bright, sunlight andair. . Hang ..clothing .and blankets; 'quilts, etc.,-. outdoors where- the -aua and wind may beat upon them for sev eral, hours, and ( disease germs lurking In-their -meshts .will; be destroyed... - Editorial Comment. Dear-Sir: W ace herewith return ing the alleged poem you submitted entitled, ."Oh, for the Wings of DoTe.,r- For your information might add that, if you keep on siaginx In that strain, you will soon be willing fo compromise on a second-hand cheest sandwich: " "- 1 . . Savings Bank! Depositors. The countries which head the IW In number of savings, bank account are Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, Svicden, Japan, Tasmania countrtai not of great national wealth; yet ttis average savings bank deposits per de positor . of Switzerland, Denmark and Norway exceed that of this country. 0 $1 G-0 Pace (Mi (, ..till .80 for 24 lbs. Saluda, N. .C The time for saving and getting ahead in the: game ' -';" ; -r : of life is NOW; : V 0 With a Bank -Account started and steadily- growing you wlllexperience a pleasure 'of - accomplishment in saying-that.comes from naught elss. ; Tha best way is to come in and start ah account to day. Hon't delay on, account of the. amount you have for the start. . - - Of. Capital S1 0,000.00 OHN B CANNON, Pres. : PRESION H.:BIIH JCash, It is fiixer brdered-that the follow, ing inanief j be and are herebv appoint' .td acts.poll holders in the,yarious election pclncts of the county :TCo lumbusVilf B,r Arledge, registrar, J. cl WtoMuU: J- F: Ormand, ' I judgesV'yttR- J. G. Monroe, 5 reg istrar J. f p., Fisher and w. Ft swann, R. M. Hal and J. C; MetcalfT judges. Jackson's! Mill, '-. D. H. Thompson, registrarfT. C. Lawter and v M. A: Jackson, fudges, Big Level: - W. H. T Jt - T,' . mr . f f- 11 I tx ... iijeaoeiietj regisxrar. u. roweu.ana Surface" Treatment 61 Macadam fload Jerry Jackson, iudcs. Pea Ridge; J.' With Bituminous Mattrlal and Stone e;: CarsUregistrar a W; -Ponder :::tl::t.' - and N.; 'U. Moore, judges, - Green'a iv-v 'jr.i I Creek: Sf- Ck Feagan, registrar,; J. T. may be pouredirf a tiroad. flat stream. Greenwa and-Walt Feagan): judgesthls, but next , If 'a largo amount-: of work is to be Done by ie Board of County commis-'t the maid next done. a snedally designed Dourlns I sioners cd. Polk County on the-6th 4ay can.may be;pprchased of dealers iniof. Januafy, 192Q,iit a meeting-V ad- roaa equipment.- - jare snouia do 1 jouraed from the 5th . day , of said .tken tohave- an even 'distribution, I inont'aiyear, "at Thichvnieting ana ne uanuty appuea1 snouia oe approximately one-half gallon -- to - a square yard of road surface; 'After jBPPingth-lbn material, clean gravel for stonV&ilps shouldrbe spread vIyVer.thesurface, . and If possible, rolled with a lawn or field roller. :. "Vhere;.graVei or "chips arQ AOt available, clean, coarse sand-'Wihserve as? coverlngf.; material;- It fiouldd be spread - in Cttfaclent quantity to-' pre vent the bituminous material from ad- berlne to tires of passing - vehicles. Attention Is called to the fact "that this treatment should not be made where drainage from the stables or barns 'will flow over It. .Where mud-. holes are likely to form around hitch ing posts orat stable entrances, if a more durable pavement is desired, a section of concrete slab - should be laid. ; -; i w -v- there JUIucS Iron In New Zealand. Great .deposits pf. iron exist- In New; Zealand, the iron sand at Taranaki near .New Plyraouthr-being particularly noted. Tliere attempts, werercmade-as early , as 1848 to produce: plglron ln commercial quantities,' but:, none met with success . until -s recently, when, a pjant: constructed, upon advanced Ideas turned tout a few tons, of : excellent qualltV. ; -" !hts,a ; -. vook thi -told het missed -thert Employed,! -, Dinah; who wrat rlred too lafr-one mm;, breakfast, and her mi that for each breakfast would be- . reduction ..In herruweek'e wages. . Dinah . passively-, assented ,ta dar the mistress heard door say to heri Pearf to .meypu get to work. mighty late. MI gets to work when I. gets ready, was the reply.,s !How do youtnanase "boutdeibreakf as' n "Oh J pajd missus to cooic de breakias. "-Boston Evening Transcript . - Out of -tb-Quettlcn. Daddy "Jeannette, If I allow young Simpson to become-my. joa-Ln-Uw, d you auppose be will be willing to work and support - you V J eannette "Oa, dadV ; how t candtiel when ? he jhas prom ised to .do, nothing but think of me all the timer Puck. . . , InAlaskaii The stand of timber on the two great national fortsts' in JLlaska la estimated by.Tthe . forest .service as more-thas seventy ; billion -board f eet, while tha annual grpwthwllU it Is said, prodxiea pulp wood enough? orthe manufacturt or 3,000 itonar-of . wood ;pulp a day. i iProftt.byJiystaktav Let :not your; mlstkies and faiw stepflf :emoarras you.,r itotning is n cclousness of one'ajnistakes. This U one of the cardinal means , of self-edi cation. Carlyle.' ! ' :"- v. - 4 . Keep-Carm. . listen to 1 controversies, but do nat Interfere in them. . The. Lord bewira tKA' nf 'mtlAM.lI'aalJ.tA. I 14 La In minutest expressions even. Pe -aioa. is lout ;jof -.place 4ni any dlscussioa a&d. in ortk . than evr In artrhf nnu . .for,ti befogs and'befuddles It Gogol Some Forrn of ,Work Imperatrva. There-mustrbeworkdone by tha arms or none of us vould live; i&d twork cdone .by the. drains;- or the Ufa would not be worth -having. Ruaxia. BMaBBanHMMaiHaBaaaHBBBMtaaHaallMtaBtaatata i -; - '-.if' if : - -Kvl " 1? I! mz ?j&miss& &smy I Tour Dartner has n -if & ROAD OUT OFr SOLID GRANITE WHI Lead From. Estes Park to. Glen Lake, Connactlng With Lincoln ; ' ' Highway. In : the Rocky, mountains, Colorado, a Wed .by the federal government. Is building: eight miles of . road out . of solid granlte,x The road, which will lead from Estes Park In the Rockies to Glen Lake connecting with the Lln coln. . highway : and forming a part of the - transcontinental . highway,' ".will bring Switzerland to America. -The road wilt cost, when completed,' more than 125,000 a mile. : - r : BIG ROAD: PROGRAM ''PUNHED Alabama to Issue $25,000,000 In Bonds t to Match Federal Appropriation for Highways. .;r .Plans to issue $25,000,000 In bonds to, match a simllsx.fAderal.apprxipriAt tlon for building roads . in Alabama were set on foot at a meeting of the Alabama 'Highway Improvement asso ciation. ; The. project, includes ajthree mlll levy by .counties for maintenance. A? constitutional . amendment : to au thorize this: projects will be aVksdof the -aext" lest?lature. i-' : '- business and you look to him for advies anrl cotirel on imTOrtant atterar are tfrBifK titled to all the help he can gweyoitt:5? ; t5? nattCT? Do you get the most from the special ized .knowledge "which, we have .regarding printing and paper, arjd above all the service whidi a combination pf the twa can render Our job department has every modern equip mentfor doing work on rush orders. . For letterhr, Hq, - ffT1fi nii Irmdn nf fnrrm ' ?'i .? 2. - Country's Urgent Necessity, - ; The most, urgent necessity of our country: In, the Immediate, future Is J t good roads, permanent roads that , can ;be used 12 months in each year. 4' . Bond Issues Voted. . Bond-Issues lairfirrftirntin mwtf n- ; lions jof .dcllkfs -f ornew;hlgfway coa' kfuwoTB oeen yoxea DyTnoie than a score of states this year. y ii -l- i-r - - K J. ! ' ' r Ml 1 ' T - r ' -s t P;Sar for Next Ym : were present . Charles Da- t if voti use yiyy-y-'!: ' -1 ' r:'T-y--'yy y:':-y'--'-y ... . . " I - I I II - I 1 - I - - I - . I .11 !l I 11.1 I M I I . V I r r I . . i - m . b f . - - v j- . - - -w Mmm w - & i w a t- . ii i m k - . ri t w -m.T m '1 "l Atbitd.Gi tTncoxvOa. ;Kcr;ir:thatime to gtt ready fa f tyt,r; - - :iH fc? . Pleased With iQlnrS?rvic3

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