' PQLirrcouirrY irews,; tbyoit; north CAnlLiiTA r ?jff. tTT7. :. fc "ifvM .rTnTTTiv ifoiChf Vnvrvri Kfv II - Compare the Statements f ' T. Coates of Saluda, was in tsterday. Hilllpent Monday in Ashe- business. Sallie Streaawit. Hendersonville. te1A good work horse. a. hvcr. Mabel McFee is visiting rela- n Greenville, S. C : n V. Galloway and family .' r1mhia. S. C. for the Vone xo v" ' - . Jackson , 68 yars old ,hflV OT Lilt: DUUUBb ten a nieun - - . I 48 . years. - . V, G. Smith, of Detroit, is , . nnni visit to TryonI icr ner . - . . r5 . '11 ..n'nfoT till be here an w". W W. Jamison, of Asheville, e guest of her parents wr. ana B Liungston. -this" week." Lted:-Cook, white or .colored. furnished. rennaneni, joo. James Jackson, Tryon N. C. Arthur Jones who has been ingthe past few months in Try turned to her home in Charlstoii, crs W. T. Lindsey and B. C. ICaWden attended the meeting of s growers, at Asheville,. last G. G. O'Neil of New Pros- 1 it M V A. c c conductea me iunerai i. is ereelc church, Tuesday after- i and Mrs. D. G. Lewis, of Wil- ttsti are guests of Mrs. Lewis' fits, Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes, ynn. ' ' U. Ella Jackson, wife of Kev. !rt Jackson, died just at sundown lAov Jan. 5th. 1920. at her home Green's Creek, Polk U., M. . DR SALE: House and two, lots Whitney Avenue. For. price and ka apply to Sam P.- Hill, East Rock, N. C. - -Sale or Rent: 9 room house on n 4-1. M rox Avenue. . wua, bvcu and privilege of buying winter's Address Box 135, Tryon, N. C. Ir. tt. F. Hadden who has been i the Ballenger Co., for the past weeks, aa bookkeeper, has re- f ed his position and left Sunday AlcaAou, S. C. :: he Southern Mercerizing Co., this tk received several car loads of chinery, which they are installing their new plant on the site of the chair factory. iss Amelia M. Watson will show water colors of Southern and rthern scenery at the Ferris House Melrose Avenue on Wednesdays, o 5 p. m., other times by appoint nt Phone 55-0. Mr. and M rs. J . N Jackson . and Jughters, Misses Martha and. Gene- ve, returned Thursdav evenincr last week from a visit tD their ughter and sister, Mrs. E. M. Wal- r, of Terre Haute, Ind, Mr. James Leonard was a passenger Spartanburg, Saturday, where he ent to bring his wife, who .has pen a patient in a hospital there for pme time, home. We are glad to fate that Mrs. Leonard is getting long nicely In accordance with the Governor's equest that the churches of the state PDserve Sunday as Law Enforcement fay Rev. W. A. Black, pastor of the ongregational Church will jrive a r."WUK duress at li a. m. Visitors cordially welcome. l Mrs. J. E. Morgan, of Spartanburg. fn Undine EWS says: "We like to know what s eomc: on in PnlV wrgan bought Clark's Mt. (Sunny ust we call it) and we are there Wh Of tl P firrTo 1 4. i ---v, uui OUUUUl IS UUt ill session." , T. A. Rinnv. of Lvnn refMveA am Friday announcing the 01 his SOn- Hflrmnm fVia TT. Navv fp ""ulw was nere oniy a WJ days before, on a furlough and tim mthe very best of health at the dutv q his leavin f r Ms post of Spinal meningitis was the cau5 of his death. ca't get to Saluda by the Dec. 31 1918 j Statement of the 'Condition of the PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. at Tryon, in the State of North Car olina, at the close of business, Dec 31, 1919. r : : ' : RESOURCES 1 Loans and discounts ; $34,091.75 Qverdrafts secured, $59.58 unsecured, $111.35 . . 170.93 United States Bonds and Liberty Bonds . . . . 43,695.56 Banking house, $6,233,38 furniture and fixtures $2,892.49 Demand loans . . . . . . : . . Due from National banks . . Due from State banks and bankers. . . .... . . . Cash items held over 24 hrs Gold : coin ...... . Silver coin, including all mi- - nor coin currency. National bank notes and V. S. notes. . . . . . . . Expe1isea.ccount , . Dec. 31 1919 9,125.87 : 1,075.00- 2,608.79- 5,606.79 95.00 ; 204.50 6787 ' Statement of the Condition of ttje PEOPLES BANK & TRST CQf at Tryon, in the State of North c "j, olina, at the close of business, Ejfic. ?31, 1918. r tj- ' RESOURCES ' Loans and discounts' . ... .$98,065.12 J5emand loans : . . i . . . . 2041 Overdrafts, secured $232.03 ' unsecured, $124.78-. . . 35&-81 JInited States Bonds and ' v. -t Liberty Bonds .... . . . 12,0OC '00 Liberty Bonds on deposit. 13,70(k00 Banking house, $6260, fur- f- h niture and fixtures 4 $2865 9,12f00 . Cash in - vault and net t " :-f4 . ' . amount due from v ii, ..' banks, bankers and If trust companies. .... 27,63533 Collection .. ... ..... 58S43 Checks for clearing . . .... . 201:00 Liberty bonds deposited to . secure note ...... . . . 28,80C00 .3- v 3,178.00 4,192,78 Total. ............ .$104,623.94 -'. " LIABILITIES : Capital stock, paid in ..... $10,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses; : and , taxes paid. ........ . 6.48 Deposits subject to check. . 35,2592 Time certificates f deposit 4,240.86 Savings deposits . . . 50,694.54 Cashier's checks outstand ing. ..1. ........ .:. 2299.46 Discounts and other earn ings. .......... 4,192.78 Total............. $190.6810 LIABILITIES i . rtapital stock, paid in..... $10,00()0 Surplus fund ...... 50(f00 ' Undivided profits, less cur- 'f , rent expenses and taxes paid. ......... 1,7604 Bills payable with Liberty M v -.' Bonds ascollateral. . . 25,7553i -Deposits subject to check. 65,495179 Time certicates of deposit. 29,5038 tSavings deposits 412946 Cashier's checks outstand- ing... .. 2,66(12 Certificates of deposit for .:' 1 Liberty Bonds.... 13,70g00" e 11 to come and see us in, our new fire-proof store building, just completed, where we nave on display a new, clean stock of Groceries, Furnishings, s, Millinery and ies' Ready-to-Wear and all of which is sold at rocK bottom fig ures. We are ready and anxious to supply your wants in any thing in our line, and we welcome a comparison of our prices with those of our competitors. .r . . , . - - . us for Feed of all kind. Tryon9 N. C. Total ............... $104,623.94 Total... ....$190.68.10 State of North Carolina, ff 2 ' County of Polk. Jan. 13, It 20. I. W. F. Little, Cashier of $he above' named bank, do solenTutly , swear that the above , statement is vtrue to the best of my knowledge ftnd belief. '.xl Correct Attest: ' G. H. Holmes, 1 W. Y. Wilkins, I ; Dr. H. H. Edwards. Direcors. p ' z Subscribed and sworn to before ne, y,this 13th day of January, 1920. S I J. B. Hester, Notary Publiri Iy commission expires May 18, 121. W. F. LITTLE, CashieB What Good is Opportunity To the average man if he is not saving? It will enable yoM to grasp the opportunity if you will take our adviceOpen a say ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA STATE BAN K. DAVID C. BARROW VY C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNBR H. B. LANK rrtam vice Presidents Cuhier The Peopl e s roiK Gounty Peoples Bank & Trust Co. TRYON, N. C. G. H. Holmes, Pres. JT. Waldrop, Vice Pres. Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F. little, Cashier V.A. Bland, Asst Cash At the regular Annual Meeting of the Congregational Church held on Wednesday afternoon the 14th, the following officers were . elected. Clerk and Treasurer, Mrs. E. E. Missil dine; Trustees, E. .E. Missiidine, for three years, and Nelson " Jackson for two years: Deacons, John Orr for two years, Rev. J. F. Black for one years Prudential Committee, Mrs. J ohn Orr for two years: Music Committee, Mr. and Mrs E. E. Missiidine, Mrs. C W.. Ballenger, Mr3. Strong, Gerald Stone: Organist, Mrs. E. E. Misseldine S. S. Superintendent, G. Stone. o TRYON BOY SCOUTS the name of L. V. Randall for the year 1918. : 50 acres of land in White Oak town ship listed in the name of Frank Mills for the year 1918. 1 15 acres of land in (Joluibus town siip listed in the name ot. .Grayson liewman for the year 1918. ' - 25 acres of land in Saluda town listed in the name of J. G. Rollins for the year 1918. '. 30 acres of land in Saluda town ship listed in the name of D. M.-Rollins for the year 1918. : 60 acres of land in Columbus town ship listed in the name of W. M. New man for the year 1918. - . 15 acres of land in White Oak town ship listed; in the name, of A. J. Greatest Kankw c ) i COC: Q SAFETY! iCCCCOSCOCOCCCCCOCO CO () lUUKItSY! SERVICO Biggest in The World Report of the Condition of the BANK OF iKiON at Tryon, in the State tif North Car olina, at the close of frasmess, uec. ox, ivxv. RESOURCES Loans and discounts . . .5;.. . .$90,680.87 Overdrafts . . United States No, we are not referring to our bank. It is big enough . for all community needs but it isn't the biggest thing in the world. The biggest thing, the most important thing in the world is SERVICE. That's the one excuse your business has for being here The amount of service rendered is the measure. of your need. Our bank honestly tries to be of service to this community. We try our best to anticipate your needs and to be of service to you. Have we succeeded ? Well, ask our satisfied patrons. If you are not one of them, we invite you right now. No time like the present. BANIK Or TRYON W. T. LINDSEY Pres J. B. HESTER Cashier. Bonds f-and Liberty Bonds. . . M All other stocks, b'onp!scand mortgages. ..... ij:. . . Banking house, furniture and fixtures. . . . ... Cash in vault and t net amount due Jjrom banks, bankers rH and trust companies it . . . 43,967.94 893.81 850.00 2,006.91 4,700.00 o o o o 8: () o () () () () o () () () () o CO IP Splawn for the year 1918. !,,- One lot in the Town of : Tryon, Tryon township, less 22 feet on back, listed in the name of J. H.; Metcalf, for the year 1918. 15; acres of land in Coopers Gap township", listed in the name of J. R. Blanton, for the year 1918; ? Notice is hereby given -that ap plication will be made to the sheriff of Polk county, N. C, u-r the under signed for deeds to said property af ter the 5th day of May, 1920. This January 15hV 1920. ? ! J D: CARPENTER: Purchaser. You Paclet Vail, ley- road, but you can get foot I lla Tea House either bv Ue,; TT, or car' and it is the pret- u "f u Dest wad A M u roaa m the rmmtv ek Z COl,d drinks' sandwiches, cake, i vlIlu . 1 order n a or IIltaJs servea on dav ' ?n from 1-6 P- m. every The Boy Scouts of Tryon met at the. school house Fridav night January 9th, 1920. The meeting was called to order by Scout Master Hill. Mr. Hill and Mr. Nelson: Jackson Jr. made each of the boys a preset of the 1920 Buy Scout Diary. William Scruggs was taken into he troop. After the business meet ing the Scouts" played games. The Scouts find it necessary to have a stop watch, but they have no money with which to buy one but it is hoped that some of the Tryon people will be interested enough in this movement to see that it is provided for. , The Boy Scouts are oing to or ganize a basket ball team of which Mr. Jackson will be coach. The boys are planning for a big track meet early in the Spring to be held pro bably at the golf course. J. A. KINLOCH, J. H. RION, Jr. Scout Reporters. morning day Sundays' 0pen . . m Tryon, Tuesday.- pony'ut V la"gC Kentucky Pound, wi hands high weiHt 800 u... I Droke to saddle and hArneas: b-f,- years old; price S225.00. Rub- d). iR.ny (new, never us- 20; ,.Bau bridle (new), I)onv v. " "f raessJ (new) $20 A- G- CalPat Wil Cko sh's a;?1 " Mn A; -S; CALDWELL. NOTICE DELIQUENT TAX PAYERS Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below, and to all other persons who may be concernea as mart crapees. that the undersigned a - ' . . i. i... purchased at a saie oi propervy wuc Unquent tax payers, ; in Columbus, Polk county, N; C, on the 5th day of Moir 1Q1Q land listed and descnDea as follows: , , . ok nnma land in Columbus town- IH.iVB -Ui u-AA in ift name of W. A. Newell, for the year 1918 ir Kami nf lonil in Greens Creek township listed in the name of S. J. Jackfon. for tho year. 1918. .. . . On lot In Tryon township listed in Musical , Information. It may be so and It may not, but. a Los Angeles student affirms it in an examination paper j and here it is : "Beethoven discovered the "sonata ,in four moves; Before thlSv. It was a sweet. He vrbte many piano sonatas for the violin 'and they .were called string quartets. When a piano sonata was for aft orchestra It. was called a symphony. " The ninth piano sonata he wrote for voices to singV Total. $149,4993 LIABILITY SS Capital stock, paid in I;. . . .$10,0u0.00 surplus i una ...... ,t... .. j.u,wu.uu Undivided profits, less cur rent expenses r-jj and taxes paid .... Jo. . . . 1,573.24 Notes and bills rediscovfnted 4,800.00 Deposits subject to chck.. 85,214.62 Time certificates of de bosit 7,71ii.00 Savings deposits. K.. -t . . . 29,723,67 Cashier's checks outstand ing... ...i!.;.. 475.00 COLUMBUS RFA L ESTATE 8 ms. co., Columbus, N. C. Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Town Property. Bought Sold, and Exchanged. Tract No. 1. 160 acres 2 1-2 miles from Salud, small or chard, good water. 4 room house, good pasture, well timbered. Price $15.00 per acre. Tract No. 2.-44 1 -1 0 acres 1 1-2 miles of Columdus, on public highway to Landrum, 13 acres cleared. Price $35.00 per acre. ; it. Total. . . . . .1. . . $149,499.53 fitate of North Carclufi. County of Polk . Jrfen. 14, 1920 I. J. B. Hester. Cashlof the above namea uanK, ao soienraiy swear inai the above statement iai true to the best ofmy-knowledgejand belief. J. B. HESTER, Cismer, 'A. 1.1. 1..- i- iorrcTi aw-cbi : -i W. T. Lindsi y, : B. L. Ballenger, 1 j ; J. B. Hesterf I Subscribed and sworfi to before xne this 13th day of Januaiy, 1920. W. F. Little. Nf itarv Public My commission expiresjfMar. 19, 1920. i Iror ;'farm, Dands or townn property sec W. T. ILDNDSEY, Tryoim. n For The Go - To Beot In Groceries - . . . -IT-' I JOHN ORR & CO., Tryon, x Phone No. 14 C. 1 ft A SAWITARY R1CAT MM Our meats are kept in a sanitary ice box, which we keep as dean"! as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it. We buy only' ' the best meats on the market, both native and Western. We grjad al our sausage and feel satisfied that if you want clean, sweet meats, tha ' you can do no bettes than let us serve you. ; ' Market prices paid for Cattle, Hogs, and Chickens. A. H. WILLIAMS. 1 If a f.!rci2ni: apjrccistss- ycr:busin:ss ha vill skftiss fur it, Our Advertisers Treat Yea Right

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