8 POLK COUNTY NEWS, TBYOIT, HORTn CABalllfA lm IVilSlglfflilli lLCeiH EMM "At this point the Major gelded to 1 a lot of good people are really caning 1 gerated oolor speaK. rxou say one or tne jitabiemen them up, but still " -; r J you're to him, "By the frd. a , little .. witch I" George do let Pendennls trot By BOOTH TARK1NGTQN : Copyright by Doubleday, Pf & Company. : - " -:f '-" : S Liiniimnunmnmiium kH would do? - he inquired. ' hi widened " 4But- still' what?" she said as he eyes remaining fisted upon fjls grand- paused. son. "That's lucky; becaus one's all "But - still well, I suppose Tin a there is just at present, Gefrge. Old little old-fashioned and fastidious, but fat , Tom does It all." . ; 4f . I'm afraid being ' a sort of engine y "Oh, that will be all right! sir. My driver'1 never will appeal to me, mother can lend me her mali." 1 mother. It's exciting, and I'd like that I mence !" "Can. sne?" ,Tne old fjentleman part of It, but still it doesn't seem to Pendennls Daid no attention: fh smiled faintly., "I wondgw He me precisely the thing a gentleman meant nothine to him. and Georce but cried v i "George, again!" ' "I won't!" She clucked to the horse. "Get np. Pendennls! Trotl Go on! Coin- "EVERYTHING 18 SO SO UNSETTLED." apartment ' building instead of these seeJ?u thT,? paused. ' l 1 ought to do. Too much overalls and laughed at her fondly. "You are the "What, sir? - ? monkey wrenches and grease! No; I prettiest thing in this world, Lucy !" he "Whether you mightn't re to go believe I'd rather wait for September exclaimed. "Are you going to drop the to law school somewhere perhaps. I'd and a tandem, mother." 'almost and say we're really engaged? be glad to set aside a sum $at would .Nevertheless George sometimes con- "Oh, not for years! So there's the sented to sit in an automobile, while answer, and let's trot again tunes, and thft maehiflcence of the Ambers on a beeran " ' 1nsi op)e wf c 4mhprson laid out a 200-acre ?n- . i.mi'Vn the center Of a four-acre d stntu ir. . most masrniflcent mansion. Midland City had ever 'development, with "roads indrn the center Of a four-acre tract, on Amberson avenue.' m 1, i Yf lit IPr 1 n.oinr'!i dan irhter married younar Wilbur Minnfer?th n W hen lctp(j that as Isabel could never, really love Wilbur all r ' , would ue. u"iunvu - j pr ioe " Amberson Minafer. and his upbrlnarlnsf and his youthful .m'aver. 'u " i - , . i ui. ti . - ii kmpnts as a miscniei inAtr are quuo ii &rc(i:ug wjiu uir moBi By the time George goes away to college he ?eal his belief that the Ambersons are about the ,rtant family In the world. At a ball given in his honor when litMnna. es no' ost ih . , niipcra. fieorare monoDolizes "Lucv Morsran. a stranerer and J 1 1 1 k v.c w - - ; houses." ""An apartment building! Here?" '"Yes; that was my Idea." '. George struck his hands together de spairingly, "An apartment house ! Oh, mv T,nrrt I" "Don't worry ! tour i grandfather 01 armng a tanaem-: r. g,, wouldn't Hstan to me. hut he'll wish he "w youwere, sum fiie- had, some day. He sticks it; out that Quietly. . - :. ' , apartment houses will never do In a ieorw;woiten Lnurt. -y ipeg your ardon. - ur course 11 tne wqisl aoesn r t rC ttiest girl present, and gets on famously with her until he learns r" P'vmeer looking duck" at whom he had been poking much fun. Is pa u ,..u.' father. He Is Eusrene Morsran. a former resident of ke younff ' rturnine to erect a factory and to miHd hnraolpsa . anil i"3 " - iCuU'B' ... Invantlnn 1i:ilna tiaH KoAn an nM'.ilnil.A. 9 T.nk.l VrriftSea 0 A neasred when Isabel threw him over hecausA of a ra . ,.ji.Arttnn and married Wilbur Minafer. Oeoree makes ran Id buttuu' n .....rtshiD of Lucy. A cotillion helns their annunntrinca 0grSfamously: Their "friendship" continues during his absences at onfc ia m a n rl I.ucv berome "almost ene-ae-ed " TViern la a -family lleKe, vr a division of property which reveals that both - Georges jar rranny and George's mother are more or less interested In Eugene unt reore's father dies. George is graduated. He and Lucy remain This senile divergence fronUthe topic I waiting for September, and s he fre- in hand surprised George painfully. "Ilquently went driving in one of Eu- have no interest whatever Jtthe law," gene's cars with Lucy and her father. he said. T don't, care for tl and the I He even allowed himself to be escort idea of being a professional man has I ed with his mother and Fanny through never appealed to me. j I wa I sneaking the growing factory, which was now, begged him hopefully. "Let's talk of But George was persistent; more over, he had become serious during the last minute or two. "I want to know," he said. "I really mean It.- Let's don't be serious, George," she town of this type, and when I pointed pardon. as the foreman of . the paint shop In- said Jthe. Major 1 formed the visitors, "turning out a car and a quarter a day." ;- - From the factory Eugene took them to lunch at a new restaurant, just something pleasant. " He was a little offended. "Then t Isn't; pleasant for you to know that I want to marry you?" At this she became a serious as he out to him that a dozen or so of 'em appeal to you" And .he se to go. opened in the town, a place which sur- j c0Uld have asked; she looked down,; already are doing, he claimed it was The Major ran a tremuus nana pru xsuuei uu us metropoiuan and her lip quivereti iikc mat 01 a just the novelty and that they'd all be tnrougn ms uair, signing aeypiy. a- ii.v.Uf..i iuuuc mu ui i cnna aooui xo cry. ouuuetuy sue pui 4 i empty as soon 'em. So he's putting "Ts Ko t trottlnc ml b B , -rf , i . . ... -vt age?'' I yu wauieu" 1U reasuu ti i t liirn , e nafncn irnn - onvthiiio i Jinr. in n w iiisiiHr Kno nirprpn mrnrvrm i v ..non -pa t Ma fAi ni cr nn as DeoDle cot used to I -w twusc jtuu huj wuit i - - un uuuu uum uhc l v j UD the?e houses" vjeorgie, e bu.ui. x uuu iniuuw iixat i vi. i""" .A(.iamu- j iusiuul, unu uiea w uuuicw tu wrlv in hu old I often have refused you whatever tions ; and her. gay ety helped Eugene's "Lucy!" he said huskily. -Dear, M U 'You've always been rnqr than gen erous, sir," George Interrupted quickly. CHAPTER XI Continued. hon they wem uuv w be prcmouncea aatywuic hppf . cheese and on samu. .. which Fanny muue rcuuj ther's house. Lights were burning over there, upstairs; probably his newly arrived uncle was engaged In talk with the Major. George's glance lowered, resting cas ually upon the Indistinct ground, and (without disturbing the servants, he beheld some vague shapes, unfa- innrnpv had fatiguea lsauei, uc miliar to mm. formless neaps, tney JUUlutj Kcr. IfK I .i . , A 4 J v. rt Athin? DUi SSI lu uuocl,c seemeuj uui, wiiuoui mutu tunosiiy, ,. ...I I . .... pleasure the manuesiauuus ui ne supposea mat sewer connection or son's appetite, meanwhile giving water pipes might be out of order. sister-in-law a Dnei uluulttIJf w i maKing necessary some excavauuus. 0rpnt? of commencement. rui jv0t greatly disturbed, he puiied down pntlv she kissed them both good-1 ine shade, yawned, and began to un- t and left aunt and nephew alone I dress, leaving' further investigation for ther the 'morning. : . . t never was becoming to her to look But in the morning he had forgotten all about It, and raised his shade,, to let in the light, without even glancing toward the ground. Not until he had finished dressing did he look forth low could she?" -George asked from his window, and then his glanee rfnllv "In mourning, of course was casual. The next instant nis at- . f A. 1 i. I 1(1 1 1 A V. I Vh A BA she could do was jusi sit uruuuu tituae Decame, eiecinc, auu c ian look on. That's all Lucy could do from his room, plunged down the er for the matter of that." - I stairs, out of the, front door, and, upon a A. 1 I J A. -Jt I suTOOse so, ms aunt assenteu. i a nearer view oi tne uesiroyeu ihmi, low did Lucy get home? Did you began to release profanity upon the ve out to their house with her be- breezeless summer air, which remained ?" unaffected. Between his motners o. ftrove home with her-fa- house and his grandfather's, excava " tions for the cellars of live new rOh. I see. So. Eugene came to the houses were in process, each within a tlon to meet you." few feet of Its neighbor. i rTo meet us?" George echoed, re- it was Sunday, and so the workmen l" Fanny said absently, a few mo- after Isabel's departure. "I aco vmir mother's been Demg tty gay?. Goinp a lot?' "Hardly ! Look what .he gave Syd- np v and Amelia ! " ? . I v , , e .v.... "I don't mean he's a miser, of "And If the Idea of a tandm doesn't course," said George. "But why on earth didn't he sell something or other rather than do a thing like this?" "As a matter of fact," Amberson re turned coolly, T believe he has sold something or other, from time to time." t . "I suppose you're joking or trying to I" "That's the best way to look at It," Amberson said amiably.- "Take1 the whole thing as a joke and in the meantime, if you haven't had your breakfast " "I haven't !" "Then If I were you Td go In and get . some. And ' paused, Decommg seri ous "and If I were you I wouldn't ... 14 11. say anything to your granaiamer about this." "I don't think I could trust myself to speak to hfm about It," said George. "I want to treat him respectfully, be cause he is my grandfather, but I don't believe I could if I talked to him about such a thing as this !" And with a gesture of despair, plain ly signifying that all too soon after leaving bright college years behind him he had entered into the full tragedy of life, George turned bltterl$ upon .hie heel and went Into the house for his breakfast. His uncle, with his head whimsically upon one side, gazed after him not al together unsympathetically. Being a Being a fi-i to mate tne uttie occasion almost a festive one. . George's ennui disappeared in spite of himself, and he laughed to see his mother in such spirits. "I didn't know what's the matter? Yoa look a you were going to cry.n . Her eyelids flickered, ted thea sh looked up at him with a d jralty, tears seemlne lust at the poise. "One mineral waters could go to a person's reason's because I havo a feeVng bal head, he said. "Or perhaps it's this its never eolne to be." place. It might pay to have a new res taurant opened .somewhere In town every time you get the blues." "No," Isabel said, "what makes me laugh so much at nothing Is Eugene's "Why?" li 9 juak a icuug. "You haven't any reason or It's just a feeling." "Well, If that's all," George said. factory. Wouldn't anybody be delight- reassured, and laughing confidently, "1 ed to see an old friend take an Idea guess I won't be very much troubled i out of the air like thatp-an idea that But at once he became serious again, most people laughed !at him for adopting the tone. of argument. "DonV wouldn't any old friend of his be you care enough about me to marry happy to see how he'd made his idea me Into such a splendid, humming thing! gne looked down again pathetlcallj as that factory all shiny steel, click ing, buzzing away, and with all those workmen, such muscled-looklng men and yet so intelligent looking? It's beautiful to see such a thing," she said. "It makes, us all happy, dear old Eugene I" And with a brave eesture she stretched out her hand to him across the small table. He took it quickly. troubled. "Yes." "Well, then, why In the world wonl you drop the 'almost?" Her distress increased. "Everything te everything " . "What about 'everything?'" "Everything is so so unsettled-' And at that he uttered an exclama tion of . Impatience. "If , you arent the aueerest elrl! What Is us "The Professional Man Has Never Appealed to Me." 1 ce that had become her habit. "I ken't seen him while your mother's rn away. I'Naturally," said George. "He's rn East himself." At this Fanny's drooping eyelids ened wide. "Did you see him?" "Well, naturally, since he made the lp home with us.". Fanny's eyelids drooped, and she t silent until George pushed Jback his pair and lit a cigarette, declaring his tisfaction with what she had pro- ded. -"You're a fine housekeeper, o said benevolently. "I don't believe 'ou'd stay single very long if some of e bachelors and widowers around pn could just once see " ne d:d not heur hlrn. "Itis a little Fid." she said. "What's odd?" "Your mother's not mentionine that p. Morgan had been with., you." umn't think of it, I suppose," said wrge carelessly; and. his benevolent ;ood increasing, lie' conceived the idea iat a little- harmless rallying might e to elevate his mint's droonine Prtts. rn tPii vnn CAmof Vi t r r I n I J J A OVJ illV llllUi pnndence." he snifi cniomniTr fc" looked un. stMrtlPrt "Whnt?" . "Well, it struck me that Mr. Mor- kin ... VaS lOOkinfT rirettw ohconf.mlndort of the time; and he certainly is wing better than hp iksp tn. Nuldn't be a bit surprised if all thej ruu leilOW had T)PPn wafnr fn wne t tt"uvv n "ad an assured income be- re proposed." . ' vhat 'vounf fciir inS young fellow Mnrmn ' lnnhed CfL?onest,y. Aunt Fanny, I r uu l np n V.if s j l request an interview with me any nnd declare thnt hi ir.0irt. . aoie, and ask mv nermission to intw t ,??eRse t0 yu- What nad 1 vUm l"t0 tears, as on,l ?eavensl" George cried. "I "only teasing. I dldn.t mean-" nd alone" she sald lifelessly; I 'uiiramii n , j w G.! away the china and silver. Wnfl.l'as stressed.' "I didn't Vnow v" . irg' Aun Fanny I I didn't nat'"uu got so sensitive as all "You'd . .. . . . .. hd Z ely gogon with her work Ij " keeping. KCc I'iL"0.4."!4 hear a F s he ft irom tne dining room I "By cl UP the stalrs- I f Liennrrv III . Cached his ne Boated, as he Ct8 ,ht llvlne u.hk - Ug . 'e-tft " Poa bo sensi- 'Wbiictt,. 2 raUlery mIht prove look w,Ant t0 the window -uaoxitt, of TU grandf fanatic orator continued the mono logue, a gentleman In flannels emerged upward from one of the excavations, and regarded him contemplatively. "Ohtnlnlnir nnv relief. neDhew?" he inquired with some interest. "You must have learned quite a number of those expressions in childhood it's so hong since I'd heard them I fancied they were obsolete." "No, sir; I think ndt. ;he felt It appeal to you, why of cotjwse " Ana philosopher he-was not surprised, that J ne waved his hand, herolcajly dismiss- mifrnuuu, m iuc wmw w. mg ine lauuem. , took in the old carriage with the Ma- The Major's distress brpame obvl- jor, when George was encountered ous "Georgie, I'd like t, but but nrrkn tho hlirhwflv flnshin? nloni? in his tt. n Mao fqnHpmd irp rti'mp-prnns to I . . , .. . . . , I .... . , j I "0" ' " J " o I 1 c ail uu iuuuv mg nts attacK upon me saimou impucateo. m these aeracings were ue- nmabot with Lucy beside him and drlve, and your mother mlht be anx .aa. nowcoumne: niea wnai uuqueMiouauij wc, WUU1U Pendennls doing better than three fl don't know what -you mean," have considered a treat; but as the mliin. I ..... . . - .. . . A. WI.IUl.CO. . : mny said arearuy, in me -aesoiuie ranatic orator conunuea xne mui.- t h recovered." Am- rnthpr n eood thMe helD to berson remarked. I tHn me out In the open i&T. But If "I beg your pardon." j perhaps your finances " ;f. I "Your grandson." Amberson ex- "Oh, It Isn't that so muh," the oW plained. "He was inclined to melan- gentleman; laughed uncomfortably. choly this morning, but seemed jolly guess we could still afford y new horse enough just now when they passea or two, If need be" ; us." "I thought you said -" a "What was he melancholy about? The Major waved his- Rand airily Not cetting remorseful about all the "Oh a few retrenchments where "Who wouldn't swear?" George de- money he's spent at college, was he?' things were useless. Andf you want minded hotly. "What does grandfa- The Major chuckled feebly, but with, this thing so very much 5$, ther mean, doing such things?" sufficient grimness. "I wonder what "it's not important enoui to bother - "My f private opinion Is," said Am- he thinks I'm made of," he concluded about, really, of course " ig berson gravely, "he desires to increase querulously. i "Well, let's wait till au0mn, then; "Gold," his son suggested, adding gently, "and he's right about part of you, father." , ; ' "What part?" . "Your heart." . The Malor laughed ruefully. "I sup- giving her a look In which his laughter I settied?' " tried to remain but vanished before a "Well, for one thing," she said, abto gratitude threatening to become emo- t0 smlle at nlg vehemence, "yoi tlonal in spite of him. Isabel, how- navent settled on anything to do. Af ever, turned Instantly to Fanny. "Give ieast if you have you'v never spoken him your hand, Fanny," she said gay- ot it ly; and as Fanny mechanically As 8ne spoke she gave him th obeyed,' "There!" Isabel cried. If quiCkest possible side glance 2 hope brother George were here, Eugene fUi ,scnitiny ; then looked away, not would have his three oiaest ana Desr happiiy. Surprise and .displeasure friends congratulating mm an at once. Intentionally visible upon tb We know what brother George thinks COuntenance of her companion; ana about it, though, irs just beautiful, ne permitted a significant' period o4 ' Eugene!" silence to elapse b tore making ani Lucy leaned toward George and response Lucy,w h said finally, wltn whispered, "Did you ever see anything col(J dignity, "havei't you perfectlj so lovely?" . wen understood that I don't mean t "As what?" George Inquired, not g0 Int0 DUSiness or adopt a profe because he misunderstood but be- ; - niiiii i cause he wished to prolong the pieas- .T WftSnt ant nelghborllness of whispering. "As your mother 1 Think of her do ing that! She's a darling! And quit ure," she wild gently. "I really dldnt know quite." "Then of course it'a time I did teil you. xou Know younu tnere are ,f ' I POM M l Hu l l I I 1 HnrrfhTl :M aiMliidiLj.. hlhh. . J 1 IK .TO1BPP1IL papa" here she imperfectly repressed lot of neoDle in the Eat In the South a tendency to laugh "papa looks as for that nlfttter that don't thinM if he were either going to explode or e,ve got any purticuli r family or po- utter loud sobs !" sltlon or culture In this part of the Eugene commanded his features, untry. There were one or two ! however, and they resumed their cus- m cr0W(i at college.? their famllle tomary apprehensiveness. "i usea to write verses," he said "If you remember" "Yes," Isabel Interrupted gently. J remember." . "1 don't recall that I've written any for twenty years or so," he continued. "But I'm almost thinking I could do his Income by building these houses to rent." ' .. "Well, In the name of heaven, can t jr.- -A said the Major in a tonr of relief. "We'll see about It' in th4 autumn, if you're still In the mind por. it then, jt again, to thank you for making a You remina me oi it, aing in oey- factory visit into sucn a Kinu ceit; tember or October. Weftl fcee what bration." can be done.", He rubbed his hands "Gracious!" Lucy whispered, gig- pose that may account for how heavy cheerfully. "We'll' see wat can be eling. "Aren't they sentimental!" It feels, sometimes, nowadays. This done about it then, Gedgie. Well "People that age always are," town seems to.be rolling right oyer see George returned- "They get sentlmen- that old heart you mentioned, George And George, in reporti this con- tal over anything, at all. Factories or rolling over it and burying It under! Yersati0n to his mother, tfeis ruefully restaurants, it doesn't matter what!" When I think of those devilish work- ftumorous. "In fact tfo' old boy And both of them were seized with men digging up my lawn, yelling Peered up so much," h told her, fits of laughter which they managed around my house " "you'd have thought he'$ got a real to cover under the general movement "Never mind, father. Don't think of load off nis mtncL Of course I know of departure, as Isabel had risen to go. it. When things are a nuisance It's a ne,g anything but miserly Sstill I can't Outside upon the crowded street good idea not to keep remembering help thinking he must be 'jilting a lot George helped Lucy Into his runabout 'era." of money away. I kno prices are and drove otr, waving tnumpuuiiti "I try not to," the old gentlem'an higher than they, used ttftbe, but he and 'laughing at Eugene, who was murmured. "I try to keep remember- doesnt. spepd within thousands of struggling with the engine of his car, ing that I won't, be remembering any- wnat ne used to, and vffe certainly lu the tonneau of which Isabel and thing very long." And, somehow con- can't be spending more tha we always Fanny had established themselves, vinced that this thought was a mirth- have spent WThere does $t all go to? "Looks like a hand-organ man grind- ful one, he laughed loudly and slapped Uncle George told me grandfather had ing away for pennies," said George, as his knee. "Not so very long now, my gold some pieces of property, and It the runabout turned the corner Into boy !" he chuckled, ', continuing to echo looks a little. queer. I hve a faint National avenue. "I'll still take a his own amusement. "-Not so very SUgDicionf not that he's geging miserly horse, any day. nnr that at all but that&old age has He was not so eocksure half an hour besrun to make him timid o6out money, later, on an open road, when a siren HaVe a Feeling That If s Nevtt There's no doubt about t, he's get- whistle wanea Denma mm, auu ueiorc Going to ue. three dreamed there was anybody in their class out I had to show them a thing oi right at the start, and I guej i 1a. At -l. t, f TT7a.I1 T VilnW U I . . I Luclr WUUl lUfKCl 111 Tct, x uiui vations were not introduced into the us guess." - C11"B r V ; o o,o was n rhpprfnl l isaDei naa a Dngat iucih cv6" I long. Not so very long!" CHAPTER XII. 8' I Young George paid his respects to ting a uttie queer: ne m u lived on their Income r .. . . i . i si a onhioit I rn cr i 1 orir in rnH I rnm iruui ueiuuu v 1 111 viitic oi-tun-u . grandfather tne roiiowmg momiug, uuuu - . r , f tho generations, ana mey nevr with TTflrlmis nf. Tnlflflie 01 taiKlDK UUOUl OUff UJius ucu j-umj- uac v- 1, " 1 his m 1 AAAtinlAil ..wh. Wouldn't Swearr Corfl. De- SiJ wander oft to somethlngKlse ; and I runabout and dwlndled almost Instan ?Wh S-STm. m tertte liaVs bedtime; and top- shouldn't be fnrprUed J .turned JjfJ two. n.imMi wifh bulldme or exca- out to ue u wi ucuw wi. w i . . .. conversation, one "Your father does know how to drive nntll George lightly mentioned Instead of a tandem wouldn't it inter- white speck-and then out of .sight - - . i 'w i ay a. m Tn mAr -m. at' m i jAiririi is iiimiiiiiii t iiv 1111111 hmcu . vin Unnmo nnv orner way i v.ta tt snnto rr i est von xo eci one oi fluseiea amumv i "b- - - n increase . - i some new umus i - but this?" . his desire to extend his proficiency In biles?" r nma nf heaven. It would ap-1 n fnrt. he entertained the P V'T dont think so, XU inc ha,a u'"6' - r . . . I s near he couldn't," , ambition to drive a four-m-nano. now- euouu. . .A - - 1 "It's beastly! It's a aamn aegrau- everi tlon! It's a crime!" merely It's time all their sort found out that three generations can mean just a much out here as anywhere else." "But what are yon going to do. ey're fast j some,1 the dashing exhibition forced 1"? In ti fit, running I him to admit. "Of course Pendennls George's earnestness surpassed I Tiara ha hart hocmrip flnshfKl una hu I. JUtU. Ka Isn't aa vnilTlp- n hp WAS. And I UOU t I ' ... as-the Major said nothing, ana one or uiue f"6 w " " ' .",7 Z' :'Jl Wol, T I breathing was emotlonau I expect , as-me !, , I i, r.oc fiFi ennrt And nr. to nush him too hard. Well, II . ... . .. ... . .... sat still, looKing surprised, quiic u v- ---- - , , . ifol to live an nonoraoie uie," ne saia. .... ... . I i . n a. -v iwArnr in om I oninvpr) TMirt of that lunch today Quite I .... . . in gat tnar np run nnr i neouie kv uw -us)'"J i j-j - - - - OTMit tn pnnrnnnr mw anare to rnan- "T rlnn't tnOW aDOUl us ucw6 ueorge eui v.- v ' . tV. -.i vQ o 1 T.iifV . T. - i,t. nnriP stenolne over W(moSe to "go in for coaching just kui tney re uiny .f , ! ; crime," said his uncle, stepPingove propose to go. i M.Ktt ttinf? out of. order, so -that you're "The sala some plftnks to Join mm. - at tne -j-r Your whispering to me . 7 . a. . . mfttnPT SfllQ I Kcirroi tfl np?in W1UI louucm. uc Binj- v . H- I J i ...lb mistake, iuoubu w- i . . . unrt nri , .' I ueorge cnecKeu r-cnueuuis iu u ai. not to tell you until w. got nome u was m renu no-: she toterrut&d eagerly. hvhereupon Lucy protested quickly: F " -J-J I . . . ... , -' I noticed? Tje way they "Onr flon t i i "The saladr ties, and to take part in in mov ments." a. not XcyUo Vff J' i foQT-orl vnu'rl oe upset. neeaea w.-uuj.. f 7 " vk . h-i, v cue ioiu - . . . . . Ai n.MfioW nornanc va- I mnk'P tnem now YOU can E a l, iuwv 01 i ' "J Upset I Ob. W Lord, I sn wou-a -" the machinery , from theg.op. I do "I know w I would be upset 1 Hes In nis second in nen trap, p.rt.u- think vou'd be lnterestedKdear" lf so you co ana a gwu ; -r- He did not care for a special groom; hen you make him walk can give all your attention childhood." - O "Well, I thought, myself, It was a mistake. I wantwl bUa to put up an one of the stablemen would do, y . W.t f . - m mm - George remained IndiITJent. -roa-1 to m prpu9iu v tly but I hardly think tso. I know!' nd as sh- turned a face of George gets excited and acts as might be expected of him. ' ; Mlhly exas- ito Be coirriNuxro , A ,.

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