tt- - -ft v l 1 1 i II h ' ! : 'i ,v 1 l; ; 1 iyiM 1 ! 1 6 t : I Mo ill :l' 'J' ' 1 1 li i f 1 i n IMPORTANT NEWS THE I'JORLD OVER by ator IMPORTANT HAPPENING8 OF THIO AND OTHER NATIONS FOR SEVEN DAYS Q.VEN IHE NEVS OF THE SOUTH What It Taking Place In The Bout land Will Bt Found In Brief Paragraphs . UomeSUC ' The most sensational robbery in the history of Qirard, Ala., opposite o- lumbus, Ga., was pulled off in. true western style. , Four masked and arm- ed highwaymen entered the phoenix- Girard bank, held up the president, as- sistant cashier and other officials at the point of pistols and proceeded to loot the institution, making their get- away with currency aggregating about thirty thousand dollars.; Officers of Columbus, Ga., Phoenix City and 11- rard are on the lookout for the rob- bers. " . Harry New was found guilty of sec- ond degree murder in Los Angeles for the murder of his fiancee, Freda Les pr ' In Tonaneo canvon. near that place, on the night of last July C Enforcement of nation-wide prohibi tion, which becomes the law of the land, begins at 12:01 a. m. on Jan uary 17, it was announced at New -York City at the office of CoL Daniel t. Porter, of the United States in " ternal revenue service. A call for one of the greatest inter national conferences of commercial ; and financial figures ever" assembled, in an effort to find a remedy for the financial and commercial chaos in which tfie world has been left by -the war has been issued in New York following a meeting of a coterie of nation. Uy known financiers. Atlanta, Ga.; stands twelfth in na . tional bank clearings for the year 1919 with a total of $3,290,186,377. This is the announcement in the ' annual compilation of figures published in Brads treet's Journal. Stories of terrible cruelty, unre- dressed murders and devastation of t properties were given the senate sub-j committee investigating the Mexican ( situation by men in close touch with j conditions in Mexico. The subcom- mittee is holding sessions in San An i tonio, Texas. A six-year job faces the federal pro hibition agents in making the United States dry. At the end , of that pe riod the revenue bureau figures that the United States will be as dry as a desert. The senate subcommittee now in San Antonio, Texas has received, a report that a large shipment of "am munition for the Carranza government has been received at Manzanillo, Mex ico. It seems Jo hare been shipped on a Japanese vessel. Mil '-' Leaaing memDers or tne New Yorkzation. The Soviet system is strong Bar association, . the trustees of the ' ly condemned bv the German Srvi Kour VrvT-lr nittr PlnK arA Vi i-y tmiotsAi, iw l vi ttUU iAO LCtO of the Citizens' Union united in voic ing condemnation of the action of the state assembly in suspending its five Socialist members. Washington- The partial lifting of the blockade against Soviet Russia is described in a dispatch "as an exchange of goods on the basis of reciprocity between the Russian people and allied and neutral countries." The decision, it is stated, provides tahr facilities J.will-"be afford ed thei Russian co-operative organi zationto import clothing, medicines, agricultural machinery and other nec essaries", in exchange for grain, flax and other goods of which Russia has a surplus. Definite plans for furhishfng Poland with war materials and food to aid in checking the westward spread of bol shevism are being considered by the United States and by " allied govern- "I T ' , ueiure ' aySan m1eans1commi"ee o u.wu vre. isbkbp.1. .Bliss, mat foiana was "tne only t bulwark againsj , bolshevism. I Establishment of a separate state. under the "protectorate of the United States, for the segregation of the na tion's negro population, was advocated rutsiuxe ui uuuwj juuxaaiy wmmiuee wjr icjiM,uwiuiM vj. vuc uiu iamxs. jBiauusumeui uy uie umLea oiaies Mfjtm .ywyoi-ttwou.ui xoufuuu,wuw creaus.wouia xeea jurope until tne next harvest without imposing . any Duroeir on taxpayers. . mat is what and means committee. Early: payment of the loans made could be counted upon, Hoover said. j Decision to withdraw the American troops from' Siberia upon the r.omple- tion of tbe repatriation of the Ozecho f Slovak : forces 'next' month has been reached by the American government. In one of the broadest const ructions yet placed on provisions in the act for enforcement of constitutional prohibi tion, Prohibition Commissioner- k mpr hn mlpH w- uuib JiAiiest Hiin ewers come witnm tne - dry ban if tney contain more tnan one-half one per cent alcohol. , rnvaie cnanues in :the United States are sending five to six million : dollarsV worth of food 'abroad month 1 XT it YS o n mrlU 1 r '9im u uao ucvciujjcu, , aua witnm iortnight three million American fam- ilies with' relatives in central and east ern Europe will bo able to buy "food diafts' from American banks.; v A list of fifteen admirals, headed . . . .. ... . . Admiral William S. Sims, wasrsub mitted to Secretary Daniels by Sen Hale of Maine, chairman of the senate naval subcommittee on inves tigation "of navy decoration . awards, with the request that the officers be summoned to appear before the com? mittee: The coal strike settlement "comm le sion has begun actual work of consid ering and adjudicating claims of bitu minous miners for advanced wages and shoTter working hours, the oper ators having , agreed to abide , by the decision of the commission whatever it may be. , Foreign down to defeat at the hands of his countrymen in a caucus of the French senate and chamber of deputies to: choose a candidate for the presidency; of the republic. Clemehceau then an- nounced his withdrawal and asked his supporters to cast their votes for the re-election, of President Poincaire. - jn" an official communication issued m Paris, the supreme council approv- e of recommendations to relieve the population in the" interior of Russia by giving them medicine, agricultural machinery and other -commodities, of which the people are in sore need, in exchange for grain i and flax. J The supreme council, at Paris, has draf ted a note to the Dutch govern ment asking for the extradition of the former German emperor. The note refers to article 227 of the treaty of Versailles and invites Hol land to join the allied powers in the accomplishment of this act It is rumored in London that be- fore peace with Germany is a week old the British public has . been brought up sharply . against the pos sibility of another war. The estimates of the Berlin papers of the casualties in the rioting places the dead in excess of thirty and the wounded at one hundred. Quiet has been restored. - The German Social Democratic par ty has issued an appeal to its mem bers not to allow themselves to be pro voked by Independent and Commun ist "wire pullers" to .play an unscrupu lous game with human lives. Many persons were, killed or wound- ed in Berlin when the troops fired i - upon or bayonetted demonstrators who tried to rush the reichstag in Berlin in, protest against the exploitation law. Crowds have paraded the' streets of Berlin following an appeal from the radical Socialist organ for workmen to demonstrate in protest against the law. The demonstrators bore - flags inscribed :'We Deniand an Unrestrict ed Workers' Council Bill." The street car service was partly suspended, the men being, on strike. Ten dead were j taken into . the court of the reichstag building, and order was finally restor ed by the police. The so-called German exploitation law, is an outgrowth of resolutions by the Social Democrats, endorsing a sys temt of workers' and. economic coun cils as the first step, towards sociali- Democrats. The! Russian Bolsheviks have can. tured seventeen columns of Polish le gionnaires, sixteen guns and 20,000 ri fles in the Krasnoyarsk region. The Bolsheviks have also' occupied the Ba lai station, fifty miles east of Kras noyarsk. f - . ; .... London newspapers state . that the only two countries in the world now at peace are United States and Ger many..' -' ... O .'- : " ' In the supreme council at Parts, the United States ambassador raised the question whether the council in tended to maintain the percentage pre viously adopted for distribution among the allied and associated powers of the warship tonnage to be given up ber German. Receiving an answer i nthe affirmative, the United States ambassador stated that, in that case, the United States waived its claim to any part of this tonnaee' , Immediately after the peace" proto COA-was sisnea tne amea leaders hand- ed a memorandum to the German dele- col-was signed the allied leaders hand Kttues, luciuuiiig-me aenvery;oi 5,000 locomotives. 150.000 cars. Germnnv'a failure to evacuate all parts of Russia, the sinking of certain submarine which were to have been turned over to the allies, failure to deliver stolen works of art taken fiom Belgium and France, the delivery of agricultural ma i cnmery ana exportation of cprtain aeronautical materials in contraven- m tion of the agreement with the aliles A Korean national army 4ias crossed Uhe Siberian frontier into. Korea" and has captured En Chin from the Japan- ese provisional governmeatt forces, ac cording, to a cablegram received Honolulu from Shanghai to he Kor- ean Hawaiian association Germany is now at peace with the allies. The treaty of Versailles. com: pleted after months ot labor last June, has been declared formally in effect! uyerauve January 10, 1920. Consideration is being given by the supreme councU to a plan tor the ap- - Ui rtmuas Domimeni or a Mmm Ha . : j I - victtus lor tne i Dauu x i.i i ii 1 1 t i lUTD rna n n js ' a. presentation and signing of the Hun garian peace treaty and to carry on other unfinished business of the peace conference. The decision will be left to the heads i of the governments ot the principal powers. ; j- Thirty-five members of the crew ol the British steamer Treveal were drowned when the big vessel was wrecked on Klmmer Edge Rock near ,st-. . Albans Head, , England, during "a violent storm in the channel ? " of - a POLK COUNTY NEWS, TRYOiff. ' NORTH CAROLINA .. 1 1 ' '. .. wy' : s-A -li?';; m fill mh- S isll (i't T"' fr ' 1 Recent photograph of Anthony Caiinetti, commissioner general of Immigration, who signs the deporta tion orders of the" reds. 3 Throng 'of Ital$ms arriving at Boston on the steamer Cretic. showing the tide of immigration has turned again. 3-r-The rf'chstag in Berlln scene of the bloody riots that were said to be part of a revolutionary plot. 1 - " . NEWS REVIEW OF CURRENT EVENTS League Of NattOllS IS Born bllt United States and Other Nations Are Absent, f BLOODY RIOTS Hi' BERLIN Communists Attempt to Start a Revo lutionPoland Needs Help to Re- pel Bolshevists Settlement of Adriatic Trouble Consti - tutional Prohibition - : in Effect. - By EDWARD W. PICKARD. The League of Nations came into oeing last Friday, the first meeUngl of Its council being held in Paris pur suant to a call issuri by President Wilson." At present it is admittedly somewhat of a weakling, since the United States is not a member; and Russia, Germany, and some other pow ers . have not been admitted. But America doubtless will adhere to . the covenant before long, and; the league will then proceed to fulfill, or not ful fill, the rosy predictions of its " crea tors. Most of the world wishes it well and hopes it will prove to be the beneficent institution that its ardent supporters believe it will be. The nations , participating in the opening meeting of the league council and their, representatives -were : " France Leon : Bourgeois, 1 former premier. V v "' Great Britain Earl Curzon of Kedlestone, foreign secretary. Italy Slgnor Sclalola, foreign min ister. . , '; Belgium Paul . Hymans, foreign minister. r Spain Count ; Quinones De Leon, ambassador to France. Giieece Eliptherios Venlzelos, pre-' mler. : i' ' Japan Viscount Chlnda, ambassa dor to Great Britain. ! Brazil Dr.' Gastoa Da Cunha, am bassiador to France. The people of the United States, es pecially, perhaps, the business men, do not at all relish the fact that this -country alone Is now technically at war with Germany. They are letting the, senate know how they feel, afid thus the pressure on that august body to reach a compromise on the treaty has been increasing daily. The people do not wish the matter, put up to them as a political Issue in the presi dential campaign, for they, do not claim to be experts at treaty-making and feel that the senate shouldvittend tc its own business: All last week the compromisers were fcusy trying to reach a common base, assuming that President Wilson would not reject moderate reservations despite his re peated assertions' s to the contrary. But article 10 was, as ever, the stick ing point, and at this writing a settle- mem wa.s uoi in -sign t. Meanwhile, Immediately following the promulga- tion of the peace treaty, the other na- ttons are sending their representatives to Germany and pushing their. cam- Plans- are being laid for a great edti- catIonal. financial and industrial con ferenoe for the purpose . of restoring normal conditions throughout the" world. Support "for the scheme -lias Jbeen asked of : the ; governments of the entente and neutral nations of Eu rope and the - Chamber of Commerce of the United States by a large num ber; of leading men of this country and Europe. The original call does: not include Germany and Austria, buV It is stated - that these countries as well as Japan arid the Latin-American republics will be asked '; to send dele gates. The communists of . Germany who take advantage of. every excuse- to start trouble, staged a great demon stration In Berlin against the covpto- r ment's measure " nntHnw ' tKa ihtos councijs on a legal basis. Thou ... , - 1 me nuiK- nds of them undertonv r. . wnV . ittgan noske's "Si - . - ...... police patiently resisting for a timer finalljopened fire with machine guns and r les. About forty of the rioters were piled andscores wounded.: The goveriinent openly accused the lnde pendetj members of . the reichsta g with fading In the attack, asserting some Hf them went to the windows of. the Jbugding and motioned the mob on. Next jNay It was officially announced that tike demonstration was the begin- j uiug iRj au uiiempi 10 smrc a geiicmi revolution which was to be led by radical government officials. Evesince the signing of , the armis tice Gfrmany has fostered the idea that te reds were likely to get con trol od that country unless It were given fSilder terms by the allies, and some Iporrespondents have insisted "that sch reports could not be be lieved.'. This latest apparent revolt will giiie some support to the German appeal for leniency and to the In sidious cleverly worded editorials of certainltfAmerlcan metropolitan papers which iirgue that the reparations com- missioig must treat Germany gentty and pjrmit her to regain her old strength in order that she may suc cessful stand between the . bolshev ists of Htussia and western Europe. If the Gefjpian press represents the Ger- marrfiaraon. what It would do with its Ineltstrength is made very clear byUhe articles published after the ex- changetpf ratifications of, -the treaty. The buTklen of them was recovery of all the -pation had lost, and Revenge with a pig R. The hilled . nations have been dls- posed y regard Poland" as the" real bulwarBI against the bolshevlst flood, and Ppand r so considers herself. Last wek Secretary of War Baker reeomntinded to the state department that thrj. United States furnish sur plus military supplies to Poland to help he in repelling the, bolshevlsts. Genera! Bliss appeared before the house , Tj&jrs and means committee to discuss fi proposed 16an of $150,000,-, 000 for food relief for Europe,' and de clared at if the loan were made, this country should call on the allied governnjnts contribute jthelr sur plus notary supplies to Poland be- cause tbt nation alone could prevent the bol$ievlki from' swamping west era Europe. The Poles, he added, are poorly quipped as to everything while t-e soviet armies -are well, trained, well equipped , and well led, and outnumber, the Poles. The iimlnent return of the .8,000 Americans In Siberia is again 'prom ised, any apparently it is high time. A" correspondent at Harbin says an America detachment in , trans-Baika- Hla recejtitly foueht with troons of General emehoff, commander of, the all-Russn army, and took an ar mored . ttalri from them. Two of the Americans were killed. The Czecho slovaks, ;qa Id whom the Tanks went to Siberrt, have, had frequent clashes with Sewienoffs men. The beishevikl have continued their forward movement in the Caucasus and aloiy the Black sea, and flow comes nHvs of a new movement . in that paitof the world which, they are "ttlu l supporting, n-nyer fasha, wno forrerly was minister of war of Turkey ajrd was elected king of Kurdl- stan ' hasj.-started what Is called a bol- shevlst revolt in Turkestan, Afghan Istan anM Baluchistan and for which the goveqriment at Moscow has con tributed liarge sums of money. " En ver's nltlate aim. It ls jsaid, is India. Those wfid understand conditions in the counpes mentioned assert this Is not a genuine bolshevlst movement. hut Is illrvkn.A n.l..i7i a.. iP a.uSl ureai untain. xauweveranat ;may De. It Is llkelv tn cause the. T3riti8h considerable trouble. The Adriatic problem seems about' to be solved, and In a way quite apposite to that o which President Wilson In sisted." ljntual concessions have been . agreed ut ?n, and though nelthe ifalv nor Jugqlnvla Is wholly" satisfied, probably oth will yield.. By the nr- raugemen t lume is to be governed "-t-- ine neutral HAne. 1.aii iAtviA-j jj !! . ii;e Dalmatian coast; - She Is cranted arnnnflto 'Sffixk ffitfHffi - .:tK!!n.B. such ,eal?nlar repent the h.fert STrSS: taxable eyidce ot such spon-- terot action, ot th!. nature . L surroiinafhe -dS-Mi;-' S 5"!?- ,unlTersal P?Plf. .0uia Ble lerm ot Wake Superior Court 'b, -j &T&tJ& fjm;.h!9 5-e auo undemood that it n nrmrYiiYiniTffll II n '1 ' "T"" wmwmiMn-,, . wiir modjfy her boundary claims In favor of Serbia. - The Slovenes "pf Jugo-Slavia so strongly opposed some features of the settlement that the country's -delegation felt inclined to reject the . proposal, whereupon Lloyd George and. Clemenceau told the gov ernment at Belgrade that it must say yes or no to the Italian offer at once. The French, , British ; and ' Italian premiers . on Thursday handed the conditions of peace to the Hungarian delegation In Paris. The re was no ceremony. Ambassador Wallace and the Japanese ambassador were pres ent. : . ' ' ' - .' Secretary, of Labor Wilson says that , every alien who advocates the overthrow of the American govern ment, by force orwht belongs to an organization holding such views will be deported "as fast as we can get the ships.'? But each of them will be given a fair hearing, he added. " In New York Federal Judge Knox has caused the federal officials some worry by ruling that those held in deporta tion proceedings must be released on ball -Immediately. Immigration au thorities say this would -make It al most impossible to get cases against many of the radicals. The govern ment officials are now eager for leg islation that will permit ; them to handle properly .. those reds who , are cltf zensV , The senate passed, the Stert. ling sedition bill for this purpose, but the house considers It too stringent in. spme particulars and Is formulating one of tts own.- The chief objection to the Sterling measure was it put too much power in the hands , of the postmaster general, virtually re-establishing war-time censorship- of publi cations. , ' . . . JohrT Barleycorn turned up his toes oiL Fridays. At eight "o'clock that morning the forces of the' directors . of federal prohibition were afield all over the country looking for' violators of the constitutional amendment which went Into effect. .. The day dreaded by so many Americans was preceded by several events that-caused wets Drellmlnarv distress.- The . Supreme I court destroyed one of their hopes by refusing to -Dermit the New Jersey liquor - dealers to Institute original proceedings In that court, to test the constitutionality r of the . prohibition amendment. The court decided it had no jurisdiction. Next the Inter nal revenue office announced that after Friday no liquor -might be kept vCi' lu 6v houses or in hom . - t. M ... - A, ' L.-J.J . uioii ui uuiuca auu jugs uuui yiuu lockers and hotels to residences be gan -forthwith., and the officials were kind enough not to enforce the pro visions against th e transportation of intoxicants while It was In progress. Then along ; came Prohibition Com missioner Kremer with a - ruling , that fruit juices and ciders came under the dry ban if- they contain nlore than one-half of 1 per cent of alcohol and that the penalties are the same as In the- case of stronger: liquors. Presidential politics is humming these days, and the contest among the candidates for the head bl the ticket, especially the Republican ticket,- is growing mighty lively. The managers and scouts of each ' of the chief con tenders are hustling around after delegations-and the headquarters are the scenes 'of almost continuous con- ferences.- General Wood, Governor Lowden and Senator Harding seem to be leading Uie field, but the others are not idle, or. hopeless " by Tany means.; a notable "Tact that women . are I - rasing a prominent part in the cam- palgn. The Democrats are still rest Ing uner ; the shadow of the - - third tefm -possibility. 4 l . , ;. ' . Herbert Hoover is looked at wlth'the appraising - eyes of the Warwlcks ' 6f both parties, for his political affilia tion' has been uncertain. - Now Julius Barnes," his" close friend, declares Mr. Hoover Is a "progressive Republican" who "will never allow himself to bea candidate for hlgh , office nor I aliow- nis rriends .to make an . effort in his resolution not to enter politics." From which it may. be deduced that Mr. Hoover Is almost in the .conventional tccej)tlvemood. '. ' - ' : 1 KIHSTOH TOBftCCo" flRKETTO CLOSE FARM ER8 - BEING ADVISED . BRING IN ALL REMAINING LEAF BEFORE FEB. 6. TREAT COKING TO STUDENTS Dr. Bernard SpH man, Noted Wit urator, is Beginning a Tour of ... State College Institutions. Kinston. The local-tobacco marks' wm ciuse tor, me xiy-iazu seasca rTiaay, reoruary o, alter the successful five months in its history Farmers are being, advised by tij Tobacco Board of Trade to market leaf remaining on hand as rapidly possiDie so mat -none' will be standing when the .auctioneers out, buyers lay off. Some - thousands of North Carolim college students have a treat comhi to them. Dr. Bernard W. Spilaua, educational field secretary of ; tin Bouthern Baptist Sunday school board and president of the Baptist state con- yention, is going on a -tour of iastt tutlons In the state. He has spokea at scores of colleges and to hundreds of other audiences In every part of the vuuuu. xxo is luo yuiyiis caampion wit. His eloquence and sens of h mor combined hare made hin famous. Dr. Spilmans methods were, char terized as "unique" at the University oi Chicago. . New Bern. Announcement is mad to the effect that the board of alder men will be asked to call an election at which time New Bern people will rote on a bond issue of $100,000 to U used In erecting three new school buildings here. Raleigh. Rr. Francis M. Osborne, for many years rector of two Episc pal churches and recently director of a $250,000 endowment campaign for St. Mary's school in Raleigh, has bees appointed to the chair of theology i the University of the South, Sairaaee, Tenn. ' " " Hickory. Frederick Fisk of 03 City, Pa., has a clear title to the Wa tauga and Yadkin River railroad ac cording to the United States clrcut court of appeals, which handed down an opinion at Richmond confirmitx the sale of this property. Charlotte. The Charlotte pdstofflc receipts for the year 1919 amounted to a total of $389,466.97, according to the ijgures compiled In the office of J. H. Weddington,. postmaster, when th fourth quarterly report was completed the dally average receipts having been -more than $1,000. counting Sunday and holidays. Winston-Salem. Basing its appeal on the assertion . that because of til increased cost of doing business It is losing money at the rate of $10,000 rear, the Wlntnn.?alm fta cnmvini has appealed to the North Carolii :rnmnr.Hnn rnn,mf.;An f. sion to increase its rates for gas froa $1.50 net per. 1,000 feet, to $1.80 tet per 1,000.: - . , - Charlotte. A Carolina Kiwanis dis trict, embracing North and South Car I nun A.w4AfA UrV . C9. H lO i,m..; . feKnce of Kiwanis club, held in Chat- Haddock, pre dent of the Charlotte Kiwanis clnb, was elected governor of the North and South Carolina district, which wa separated from .Tennessee .at ti meeting. ' Washington (Special). Lint CoL B. C." Register, - army medical corpi, died a Tarnapel, Poland, nary 3, according to advices to tn war department. He" went to Polani In 1919 with the American-Polish re lief commission to fieht typhus fe1 4 In that country. Colonel Register.8 a native of Rose Hill, N. C. ' Preachers Against Dancira CharlotteThe Charlotte Ministe rial Association at a meeting endor?- the action of ther committee of ti association on public dance halls an continued the committee, adding to Rer..Z.E. Barnhardt, of Try on StrejJ Methodist church,x and Rev" John Crlgler. 'of the Lutheran church, The association voted to have a r.5- ion . Bible convention . here Febni io-zz unaer. the leadership oi - Clarence Dixon, formerly of the.w - don Tabernacle, and one of the wiv most pulpiteers in the world. . M ' - " ' :- " : Many Divorce "Cases, j Raleigh January ,31 his bT Ignated as -divorce -day" In Wake perior Court.. On that day 23 peoP1-' dissatisfied "with their better halt? will lay their suits for divorce b"f- - juries.- ' .1 - . treat number of -divorce cases calendared at any one term of c0.c In North Carolina, I . ml iLI-x A M 9 . A . nr On 'J. --v. ir