J - - . . . .-. 1 . - - . .. . ., ' .. . . r , .. -- - - - v : ' tf-r - . , . " -' -. ' ' . - . - - - . . ' ' ' ' POLK COUNTY NE ' "AUTOMOBILES ARE A USELESS NUISANCE." : ? synopsis. Major Amberson has made a fortune In" 1873 when other people were losing fortunes, and the rnagnincence of the Amberaona began then hdorj Amberson laid out a 200-acre "development." with roads and statuary an l in the center, of a four-acre tract,- on Amberson avenue, built for himself the most magnificent mansion Midland City had ever seen. When the major's -daughter married young Wilbur Mlnafer the neighbors predicted that as Isabel could never really love Wilbur all her love would be bestowed -upon the children, ; There is only one child, however, . George Amberson Minafer and his upbringing and his youthful accomplishments as a mischief maker are quite in. keeping with the most pessimistic predictions. -By the time George goes away, to college he does not attempt to conceal his belief that the .Ambersons are about the most important family in the world. At a ball given in his honor, when he returns from college. George monopolizes Lucy Morgan, .a strangerand the prettiest girl present, and gets on famously with her until he learns that a "queer looking duck" at whom he had been poking much fun. Is the young lady's father. He is Eugene Morgan, a former resident of Bigburg. and he is returning to erect a factory and to build horseless carriages of his own invention. Eugene had been an old admirer of Isabel and they had been engaged! when Isabel threw him over because of a youthful indiscretion and married Wilbur Minafer. George makes xtipJd progress In his courtship of Lucy. A cotillion: helps their acquaintance along famously' Their "friendship" continues during his absences at college. George 5 and Lucy become "almost engaged.'' There fs a family quarrek over a division of property which reveals that both George's Aunt Fanny and George's mother are more or less interested in Eugene Morgan. George's father dies. George Is graduated. He and Lucy remain "almost engaged." George announces to her h'.s intention to be a gentleman of leisure. W t4rrhflHfto a Li a4 tl 1 t oil Vila HWlA'-'illJ5'"": i-r- ; -li . . v . . j ' v y p a U lt"s" nfs-were- .Pieasanr, wnicn 1 nave chosen for the regulation l figurfe of xun. And while he stood , ready the, boarding nous? is marching and that this one Iras no exception: ofmy own conduct in life. Suppose there, undeniably such a figure, "with up National avenue. .My relatives, the , Georges did not move, nd -Fanny, some friend jf mine has a relative Janie and Mary Sharon threatening to Sharons, have sold their house and are following the. othr two, came round with ideals directly the opposite of burst at any moment, if laughter were building in the country at least, they the table and paed dose beside his mine, and my .friend believes more in longer denied them. Lucy sat looking call it 'the country It will be city chair; but Georg remained posed in the relative's ideals than In mine: Do at him with 'her eyebrows delicately in two or three years." : ; great; imperturbability, cigar between you think I ought to give up my own lifted in casual, polite inquiry. Her "Good gracious !M the Major ex- teeth, eyes upon. jelling, and paid no Just to please a person who's taken up own complete' composure was what claimed, affecting dismay. ''So your attention to hen,.iFanny waited until ideals that I really despise?" most galled him. " ' " - little shops are going to. "Nor dear; of course people can't "Nothing of the slightest import .old frlpndf?. Wnp-pnAl" voices hprnmo inindlhlo (n tha hall . . , ... . - . " o , , - i- . I v 1 eiVB UU Llieir lllPHIsr nnr I nnnT M tonw " ha monofrorf tr coir T tco a "Unless my olid friends - take warn-1 Then she said quickly, and in a low what this has tn d wifh vt uttio iQOVtnv n.ot- - y-.J - I , " . vxv- V 1 j W lv(4 IUm " JI VVU UltVl UVVU 4 JkU Lucy and" I with long strides he reached the door "I didn't Say it .had anvthine to dofnnd inRtPnPii thrnnirh thm hnll? hut Major laughed, treatment to, adovj ; you're doing the with themA he interruDted. "I was -before he closed the door "he heard "You have enough faith In miracles, Sht thing! ;. merely putting a case to show how a from Janie and Mary Sharon the out- bne nurried out scurrying after theinerson would be iustified in helne a hnrst f wild others: with a faint rustline: of her 1 U1VU UIO Ji. UACAU. UttU tUdU leenng. anyxmng DUt inenoiy toward He drove home in a tumultuous r0 ing in ume, or aDousn smote, ana get i voice so eager in& it was unsteaay : , a new kind of city government." "George, : youVy ' struck Just the "Well, welll" the CHAPTER XII Continued. - -9 "V "What Mad?" : ; . "Whatever appeals to me," hie-said. I.iu'v looked at him with grieved wonder. "But you really don't mean to liave' any regular business or pro fession at all?" t .-. 'i certainly do not!" George re turned promptly and emphatically. "I was afraid so," she said, in a low voice. . . . i ' ' . : '" steering wheel; but Lucy only" nodded gravely and , smiled no more than George did. Nor did she accompany Eugene Jo the Major's for dinner the following Sunday evening, though both were bidden to attend that feast, which was already reduced, in num bers and gayety by the absence of George Amberson. Eugene explained to his host that Lucy had gone away to visit a school friend. Eugenegranting that trolleys and bi cycles and. automobiles are miracles.. So you - think they're to change the" face of the land, do you?" "They're already, doing it, Major; and It can t be stopped. Automo biles " V- At this point he was interrupted. George was the interrupter. He had said nothing since entering the dining room, but now he spoke in a lond and peremptory voice, using the tone of one in authority who checks Idle prat tle and settles a matter forever. "Automobiles are a useless nuis ance," he "said. ' There fell a moment's silence. Isabel gazed incredulously at George,, color slowly heightening upon her cheeks und temples, while Fanny The information, delivered in the 7atcned h,im. w!tb a -quick eaSerness y tl.roujrhout another protracted, in terval of ' silence. Then, he said, "Your father "is "a. business mall ' "lie's a mechanical genius' Lucy interrupted quickly. "Of course he's her eyes alert and bright. But Eugene seemed merely quizzical, as if not tak ing this brusquerje to himself. -, The Major was seriously disturbed. "What did you say," George?" he Geor?e continued To breathe deep- library, just before old Sam's appear ance , to announce dinner, set Miss Minafer in quite a flutter. "Whv. George!" she said, turning to her nephew. "How does it hannen" vmi didn't tell us?" And with both hands asKea though George had spoken but both. And he was a lawyer once opening, as if to exoress her innocence 100 aisuncuy. he's done all sorts of things." , of some conspiracy, she exclaimed to sald automobiles were a "Very well. I merely wished to as the others: "He's never said one word nuisance," George answered, repeating if it's his influence that makes you .to us about Lucy's planning to go 50t only the words, but the tone in think I ought to 'do' something?" awayl" 1 which he had uttered them. And he Lucy frowned slightly. "Why, I 'Probably afraid to," the Major sug- addedj "They'll never amount to any- Burpese almost everything I think or gested. "Didn't know but he might lus uut uuisauce. j.uey uau say must be owing to his influence break down and cry if he tried to business 10 De mveniea: in one way or another We haven't speak of it I He clapped his grandson ae Major irownea. "ur course jow on the shoulder, inquiring jocularly : Korget tnat Air. Morgan maKes tnem, That it, Georgie?" "'land also did his share in inventing Georrfe made no rpnlv hnf wna them. If you weren t so thoughtless red enough to Justify the Major's de- he might think you rather offensive." velonln? a rhnrkle intn lanrhtpr? That ,WOUld be too bad," said is it? It's .your father's idea that I though Miss Fanny, observing her George coolly. I Son t think I could tion; ne had do snnVif v I4-a J .1 i. 1 n onl DTir Iroonl Tr fTnf on (mnracclnn Viof SUrVlVe ' II. I t t,i .1 you oughtn't to be engaged to me I bis fiery blusE was In truth more fiery until I do." than tender. . Lucy gave a start, her denial was After the arrival of coffee the Ma- so quick. "No ! Tve never once spo- Jr was niiijing Eugene upon some ken to him about it. Never !" rival automobile shops lately built In George looked at her keenly, and a suburb, and already promising to he jumped i to a conclusion not far flourish. from the truth. "But you know with- 441 suppose they'll either drive you -w 4-rtn hiiAlnwna ' enln 4-nA f r (Ton. tleman, "or else the two of you'll drive cnan6 life than nfost of tis all the rest of us off the streets." T:? Auey , uuer wat; t and they are goln&to alter peace. I r nra n r. rra - a nvrcsT. ri 1 11 rrv mi .117 i . ' ... Xi ' ' ' another. I don't say, though, that 1 1 mood, a .1 almost ran down two ladies . reel unfriendly to Mr. Morgan. I don't who were engaged In Lbsorbing . con say that I feel friendly to him, and I versatlon at a crossing They were don't say-that I feel unfriendly; but niS Aunt Fanny and Mrs. Johnson; a if you really , think that I was j rude to jerk of the reins at the last instant him; tonight" saved them by a few Inches ; but their "Just thoughtless, dear You didn't conversation was so.-Interesting that see that what you said tonight" they were .unaware of their danger, ! "Well, ril not say anything of that and did not notice the runabout, nor sort, again where he can hear "it. how close it came to them. There, isn't that enough?" He drove Int0 the Major's stable too." Ut' :fT?e, .She Sald earnestly fast, the sagacious Pendennis saving you wouldjike him, If you'd just-let hImself from going through a partition yourself. You say you -don't dislike hv n SWPPVP -eh.ph snlintPrd shaft- him; Why don't, you like hiir? I can't of the mnabout and almost threw the uuuersiauu ul uii. vnai is it mat you I a mmr-a i iirr iiiiiri . iirii rtrr mi in r. t i i then swore again at the fat old darkey, Tom," for giggling at hia swearing " , He strode from the stable, crossed Now now ! I really do want to get beWnd the. new to - on way don't" .. . ,4There, there l" he said. "It's all right, and you toddle along." "But, George " ' ., ' had anybody but each other for so many, years, and we always think about alike, so of course" "I see l" And George's brow dark ened with resentment. - "So that's it. Into bed. . Good-night, old lady.' "But, George, dear" " . "I'm going to bed, old lady ; so good night." . ; " .-...' Thus the interview closed perforce. She kissed him again before going slowly to her own room, her perplex ity evidently not dispersed ; but the subject was not renewed between them the next day or subsequently. Nor did Fanny make any allusion to the cryptic approbation she had bestowed upon her nephew after the Major's g George mystified "not very .successful 'little dinner," i . ", though she annoyed George by looking In truth, howevyr; he was neither so at him oftener and longer -than he comfortable nor Mo imperturbable as cared to be looked at by an aunt. he appeared. H4E felt, some gfatifica- , He successfully , avoided, contact put the with Lucy's . father, though Eugene man In Ma nlnoo-fVint mnn -a'nnco In. I rnmA frpniiAntlv to ,thp Jimiso nnd Again there WaS a Silence, While the fl0-0 TinTriia rCtnitof. oc nroMso- snpnt RPVPrnt PVPnlnjrs trlth Tsnhpl nnrl Major stared at, his. grandson, aghast . coma indoa , ,nnfomnh,mia I TTnnnv. flnr.mpHmp9n0rinMfhpm George Was Niyer More Furious. DiacK skirts, lea but Incurious. t-a. T7i- i a., i . i. .i n uui jiugeue ueguu iu mugu ueenuujr. PH.m npnV Anhrnn ATtn- nnd tho Mnlnr r rn fnr n nffprnnnn's , nowever, come Sunday evening ?. n k TSSi aT;, fer. and of Geoge Amberson Mina- motoring. He did not, tomobiles, he said. "With all their -fer,g Ideais of fffe." Lucy's going again to the Major's J backward in civilization that Is, in spiritual civilization. But automobiles have come, and they bring a greater out talking to him that it's the way he does feel about It? I see." She nodded gravely. "Yes." Georges brow grew darker still. "Do jqu think I'd be much of a man," making the streets five, or ten times heisa'.rt slowly, "if I let any other as ldng as they are now," Eugene re man (ictate to me5" my own way of turned. life?" "How do you. propose to do that?" "George ! Who's dictating your M I MIt Isn't the distance from the cen "It seems to me it amounts to that !" I ter of a town that counts," said Eu- 'Oh, No ! I only know how papa thinks gene ; "it's the time it takes to get about things. He's never, never spo ken unkindly or 'dictatlngly' of you." Her foe was so touching Iff its dis tress '.hat for the moment George for- got his ayger. He seized that small, troubled hand. "Lucy' he said huskily. "Don't you kuow that I love you?" ' . "Yei I do." "Don't you love me?" ' ! "Yes I do." " .v.. . "Then what does It matter vfiat your father thinks about my doing something or not doing anything? He has his way, and I have mine. Whyr look at your father's best friend, my Uncle George Amberson he's never done anything in his life, and " "Oh, yes,; he has," 'she interrupted. "He was in politics." "Well, i'm glad he's out," George said. "Politics is a dirty business for a gentleman, and Uncle George would tell you that himself. Lucy, let's not talk -any more about-It. Let me tell mother when I get home that we're engaged. Won'tHon.rtPnr?" She shook her head. "No," she ald, and gave him a sudden little .look of renewed gayety. "Let's let It fctay 'almost.'" ccause: your father". Qh, because" It's better!" - ' father?' ICe Shook- "Isn,t 14 yes"'8 his;ideals rm thinking of Bn?01ge drPPed her hand abruptly na anger narrowed his eyes. "I inow j rtat yu mean," he said. "I dare say Qontcare for your father's ideals uIy more thnn ha f t itt m.il ghtened the' reins, Pendennis quicke nlng! eagerly to" th trot; and nen Geore-P ir . Bout before Lucy's gate, and assisted thVr the silence in which CTn' r,iwa! tbe same that had be- " "ulu fenaennis began to trot CHAPTER XIII. - noon ff Went drlvmS tfie next after nn?ial0.n an. encountering Lucy - ifr iather on thp mnA rA his hat' n a thev la i118 fonnal countenance dial hi7 . Sene waved a cor - quickly returned to the think men's minds are going to be changed In subtle ways because or au tomobiles; Just how, though, I could hardly guess. Perhaps, ten or twenty years from now, if we can see the in ward change In men by that time, I shouldn't be able to defend the gaso line engine, but would have to agree with him that automobiles tiad no business to be Invented. ' He laughed good-naturedly and, looking, at his watch, apologized for having an . en gagement which made his departure away without a Vord was Intended, I dinner, even when George Amberson he supposed, as f$ bit of .punishment, returned. Sunday evening was the Well, he' wasn't He sort of man that time, he explained, for going over the people were allct Ved to punish ; he week's work with his factory man could demonstrat e that to them agers. ; ' -since they started it! '." Isabel came toGeorge' door that ' When Lucy came home the autumn night and, whenlfhe had kisesd him was far enough advanced to smell of alnod in tho rmon I' hnrnincr Ipavps. nnd for thp annual doorway with lr hand upon his editorials, in the papers, on the purple at them, gave these signal of greetlnft shoulder and heg- eyes thoughtfully haze,-the golden branches, the ruddy lowered, so that hr wish to say some- fruit, and the pleasure of long tramps thing more than ood-night was evi- In the brown forest. George had not dent. Not Jess obvious was her per- heard of her arrival, and he met her. plexlty about th manner of saying on the afternoon following that event, at the Sharons where he baa gone m home. These structures were now ap proaching completion, but still in a state of rawness hideous to George though, for that matter, they were never to be anything except hideous to him. ' -1 " In this temper he emerged from be hind the house nearest his own and, . glancing "toward the street, saw his mother standing with Eugene Morgan upon the cement path that led to the front gate. She was bareheaded and Eugene held his hat and stick in his hand; evidently "he had been calling upon her, and she had come from the house with hlni, continuing their con versation and delaying their parting. George stared at them. A hot dis like struck him at the sight of Eu- -gene ; and a vague revulsion; like a strange, unpleasant taste in his mouth, came over him a ke looked at hit mother ; her -manner was eloquent of so, much thought abQnt her companion" and of such reliance Mpon him. i The two began to walk on toward the gate, where they stopped,' turning to face each other, and Isabel's glance, passing Eugene, fell upon George.; In- . stantly, she smiled and waved her hand to him, while Eugene turned and nodded; but George, standing as In some rigid trance, and staring straight. It ; and George, divining her thought; amiably made an opening for.her. "Well, old ladyij he said, Indulgent ly, "you needn't iiook so worried." I gagemem wmcn maue uis uepanuic wont be tactless Svith Morgan again, necessary when heeould much prefer fter tnIs ru jt keep out of his to linger, and left them at the table. ' . .- in to lhiger, and left them at the table. Isabel turned wondering, hurt eyes upon- her son. "George dear !" she said, "What did you mean?" "Just what I said," he . returned. lighting one of the Major's cigars. : Isabel's hand, pale and slender, up the secret hope that he might hear something about her. Janie Sharon had Just begun to tell him that she heard Lucy was expected home soon, after having "a perfectly - gorgeous time" Information which George re ceived with no responsive enthusiasm wheh Lucy came demurely :ln," a proper little autumn" figure in green way, '.Dear,", she salft T wish you'd tell me something War don't you like Eu gene?" - f ' . "Oh, I like him Uell enough " George ana Dvn. , r ' I returned, with a snort laugh, as he sat , Her cheeks were flushed and her down' and beean so unlace his shoes, dark eyes were bright indeed ;.vi- on the tablecloth, ' touched one of the i iiue him well et bugh In his place." dences, as George supposed, of the fine' silver candlesticks, aimlessly ; the No, dear," she jaid hurriedly. ?Tve excitement incidental to the perfectly fingers were seen tp tremble. "Oh, he had a feeling froifi the very first that- gorgeous time just concluded; though was hnrt !" she murmured. : ; you didn't really fiike hlm-r-thatyou Janie and Mary Sharon both thought ' T don't see why he. should be," really never" liked hlm I can't under- they were the effect of Lucy's having George said. "I didn't say anything stand it, dear; I dv nhrmt him. -What made vou think he the matter." ' fi house as she came in. George took on was hurt?" " . " ' -"-.! "I know hlml" was all of her reply, half-whispered. . :' ".- . J - The Major stared hard at George from under his "white eyebrows. "You didn't mean 'him, you say, George? -'I suppose if we had a clergyman as a fein't see what can be seen George's runabout in front of the "Nothing's the fatter." color,' himself, as he rose and nodded This . en dlarfltion' naturally indifferently;' and the hot suffusion to failed to carry grkt weight, and Isa- which he became subject extended Its hel went on' In hefftroubled v6lce: "It area to Include his neck and ears. seems so queer, specially when you Nothing could have made him much feel as vou do abfhit his daughter. more indignant than his consciousness At this. George Stopped unlacing his of these symptoms of the Icy Indiffer- guest here you'd expect him not to be shoes abruptly, anJJ -sat up. "How. do I ence which it was his purpose not only offended. and to understand that your I feel about his fidaughter T he ae-1 to snow dui xo ieeu remarks were neither personal nor un- manded. ' i 1 ! v v She kissed her cousins, gave George oAni t vn Rnid the phnrrh wn a! Weii ft'o eoo4ki-ns f ns if--" her hand. . said "How d'you do." and nuisance and ought never to have been Isabel besran tliniayf "It did seem took a chair beside Janie with a com invented. We seem to have a new At least, you hadn't looked at any posure which augmented George's In- Klliu OI JVuug yciic iucoc uajo. xi o i oilier girl ever. Sifve uicjr vuuic u.t)uul.UM. seemed - very "How d'you do 7 he said. "I trust ."George, Dear 1" She Said, "What Did dertainiy. f0r a young fellow to go de- much Interested yn' her. Certainly I that ah I trust I do trust- .. r - nn .a-. - i - - - ... 1 ... I . -m-m- i . A -. tou Inherntel ont of his Wav to trv and Wve been verv ftreat friendsi lie stoppea, ior xt seemea xo mm . ' I . ': j-ii , x I. iim.i, . . -m i'L.'.i.m . ' ..." ' I fhaf tha Mi-im-' CAnnrliul ifWrtftn tmo fntima plrendv Rnrendlnffi make an enemy .oi aenaiuer uy -uv - "wen, wnai xi wai. rv""fc- "T1" riTres and trollevs have been do!ng4 tacking his business i By Jove ! That's : "It's onlythat n Jikejroxrr grand- Then, to cover his awkwardness, he rblcycles and trolleys nave neen aomsi - , t T It WT Ki mne-hed. and even to his own rosv it-1 cKoro hnt the automobile is I a new wnjr w nm nwuiout , . mme.. uu i. bct mvt jv - . - - their snare, dui . snAd an.,lv flnd seemed so much interested in a girl and and ears his -cough was ostentatiously a going to carry cuy mrceta Vu..w : -"-7 ' T" - M0nn her false one. Lucr sat silent and the m. it ff! - . i a rrTiT - tit tuitrr a i elui l. lul uciu iuo i uui xrc feu ' - - . . . coumy uue. vofK Wmnment- nnd then held fnther "' two Sharon girls leaned forward, star- -Trie Jviaior-was bkcuucou- AJtveim i ui5i r- - r i - - - ... "L" e.lrrL . v. " w. innir Ut mnre. It was Isabel who respond- "Well. Til tely you something. us that you're only dreaming because the county line, Ing at him ; with strained .eyes, their f rt the Mn lor. "Oh. no 1" she said. Georcre said slowf r. and a frown of Hps tightly compressed ; and both were Sovlng'farreS "Eugene' wotxld neve? be anybody's cdncentration coul be seen upon his but too easily-diasnosed asjmbject to ? J!! fhSf nart enemv-he couldn't !-and last, of all brcwas from a profound effort, at an agitation wWchthreatened their esiaie wu - V - . V " , t ot ho h hut Ufnfntnotinn The truth is. I f?elf-controu-iie. Degan again T ' 1 -- frr w tifa nnt no 171 nor nnfiarcmnn iy liUIl. - . - . ' 1 ii cnnt-Q nrtfhnnt thlnVlrn nt Tm afraid so, Jfiugene asseniea. i iuuuucui6o 0i,v-.w;...uwv.r "nnlesa vou keep things so bright and what he was saying I mean, without i thif the old section will stay realizing Its bearing on. Eugene.' more attractive than the new ones.". "Well, well," said his grandfather, "Not very likely ! How are things rising, "It wasn't a very successful lit- eoinff to be kept bright and clean' tie dinner!" - . v J. - wttf soft coal and our kind of city Thereupon he offered his arm to his wiin boii tu .... daughter, who took it fondly, and they w T-ne reniied onlck- left the room. Isabel assuring him that don't believe, I've $ver thoucht of the "I tr I hope you have had a a two together, exactly at least, - not pleasant time. I tr I hope you are ntn inteiv rVenlwavs thoucht of welL' I hope you are extremely I Lucv just-as LucyIand bf Morgan just hape extremely extremely " : as Morsan. Tve Always thought of "I beg your pardon?" Lucy said. - George was never more furious ;Jie felt that he was "making, a spectacle of himself ;" and no young gentleman In "the world was more loath than suppose I hive cetkia Ideas orldealsj Georse Amberson Minafer to look, a . . her as ii person rierself, not as any-! body's daughter f I have a friend, 1 don't 'see that It'sitncumbent upon me : to like my friends relatives. Now, George has a wde awak ening and starts Jots of trouble. - y S: J 1 Gave These Signals of Greeting' Nr Sign of Recognition Whatever. no sign of recognition whatever. Upoff this, Isabel called to him, waving her hand again. ; - X "Georgie!" she calx laughing.. "Wake up, "dear I Georgie, hello P, George turned away" us : If he had neither seen nor - heard, and stalked into the house by the iWe door. , (TO BE CONlfclQSDJr The Making of k Mateh. Thorpe gives-the folK wing propor tions for match head ai for striking surface : Head compoA'ion : Potas-' slum chlorat, five , par4 f polassluia blchromat, two parts ; K ss powder, three parts; gum, two pts. Bubblng; surface : Antimony trWi five psriai red phosphorus, three . LHa ; irrngaj ese dioxid, one and 4efcalf parts I glueV f otir paxt. Q -XXicil Etri ; ' f ' . ! . "-r '"X f i. . - 'Mi