t:9 J, i POIiff OUHTY HEWS, TRY01T, NOHT1I CAROLINA i . .. j jf i ii"' - v w v wtchw ,,..v - . ,. . - mtma. mmtm mmm, i -i. IWWSMSa :y-x: :Ar 'P S. c i .v Kv -"-r - mi - - ? n :Mrs. HarryA,Wiikent;TW Mr and Mrs Fred , Swann spent Thursday in . HendersonvjllcW y Miss Alva Jackson spent last Sunday with relatives in Landrum. Mr W E. Rankin returned Friday from a business trip to New Orleans. Mr W. H. Stearns was in. Ashe ville for a stay of a couple days this week T Mrs C- W. Ballenger and son,Stan ley, returned home from Asheville, Sunday.! : ' Miss Reba Barnard of Asheville, is again 'boot-keeper for The Ballen ger Co, for a few weeks. Mr. J.' H. uidds, oi Mill spring, was in Tryon Monday on his way to . Columbia, S. C, on business. The Mountain Industries Tea room will open for business Feb. 2nd. at 4 p. m. Mrs. Doubleday-in charge. Mrs. F. H. Snipes of Knoxville, Tenn., spent Friday here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson. Theodore Ballenger, who has .been spending some time in Atlanta, Ga., with relatives, returned . home'.-Sun-Sunday.! ;' Mrs. L. S. Presson, who, has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gaines, left last Friday for her home in Clio, S. C. v Miss Virginia Rankin who . is at tending I school in Spartanburg spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rankin. , On Mrs. Bates' return from a visit north her husband and herself, evict ed lately by fire from the Studio,' will occupy the small Bell cottage. . Think; of it! More than a week has passed without a "possum" sup per. Our most prominent , citizens are already losing the extra weight they put on after eating the others. There: is a family cat iri Tryon that has been christened Carrie, Chapman Catt, but partly on account of his - sex, he's call Chap or Chappie for short, Some folks are so .irreverent. Readi the Boy Scout., weekly report in this paper. These reports of meet ings will appear weekly and will be written iby two different Scouts evry time, iivery bcout must serve as a reporter in his turn. 1 Some joking friends of -Mrs; , and Miss Thurston are sending them mock congratulations on xneir living in a land to I which these dry times, the American thirsty , are flocking, to, .get a dnnki Miss Clara Bell returned to her work at Wellsley. Mass.. last week, and her sister, Mrs. vade, to her home in Louisville, Ky., where Capt. Wade is acting as instructor in ath letics at an institution there. Mrs. C. S. Grover, who has been spending the past five weeks in Tryon with her daughters Mrs. E. E.' Missil- dine, returned to her home in Massa- chusetts, t naay. tine was - accom panied as far as Spartanburg by Mrsi Mjssildme. The heavy, though distant n explo-! sions heard in Tryon this week, were not Ked Dombs or bank bandits, as some may have conjectured .but the blasting of rock along the Saluda highway, in the process of widening that thoroughfare. .The bandits who are looting coun try, banks in Alabama, Georgia," Ten nesseeiand other neighboring states might as well keep away from Tryon. lhe banks here are readv for. them. They won't get awav with it V They will be lucky to get away themselves. So far., Tryon compared with many other places, has escaped an epidemic. or "nu." Several very 'bad colds" have had flu symptoms and confinec the victims to the house and even the bed. Among the households "raided" by it are Mr. Hester's, Mr. Holmes' and Miss Morley's. But as during a previous season, Tryon's climate and Temperature held it olf, or soon disarm h n it gets by. Mr. E. M. Walker, of Terre Haut6, well known to many of our people here, who has been connected with the Terre Haute, Indianapolis and Eastern Tracion Co., has been offered the presidency of the Evansvill & Tn- dianapolis railroad. The Terre Haute papers in commenting on it say: . it is rumored that this road will be improved by the C. & E. I:, the pas senger service extended and the freight facilties freatl"- enlarged. The personnel of the office will be re organized and it is rumored that E. M. walker, general manager of the T. H. and I. E. electric road, has been invited to accept the presidency of the Mr; and Mrs. Schiber.' the latter of whom made many admirers for her fine piano playing, were spending a part of their honeymoon in Tryon. i nougn they tried to conceal it, the Aci leaked out, and on their depart irom.Crestwbod to go back North, iney were showered with rice. They lct announrpiYiAnf nf fhoir rnmancP OSETOIPS 6ZThe Peoples a They know they are secure. .1 , k They know they enjoy every modern banking conveniice. They know that they get the very best service and appreciate it. Moreover they have a connection that is intimatcj and per sonal; with an institution of character and strength. : ThaFs why we hold old customers and forever gaining' new ones. That's why The Peoples is Polk County's Greatest Bafik f; (RESOURCES' OVER; $200,000.00 . ' ,: '- v. -:: vtH 'A-: ;.; -: v: .-W-J 1 Come join lour prosperous family, of depositors. No ac- count too small nor none too large to get the k best possible service. n Peoples Bank & Trust Col TRYON, N. C. Jf G. H. Holmes, Pres. J. T. Waldrop, Vice Prr. r-iV, ' Walter Jonei, Vice Pres. tl W. .tlattle, Cashier V.V. A. Bland, Asst. CaUh to come and see us in our new fire-prqof store building, just completed, where i we have on display a new, clean stock of Groceries, Furnishings, , Millipery and -to-Wear arid all of which is sold at rock bottom fig ures, We are ready and anxious to supply your wants in any thing in outline, and we welcome a comparison of our prices with those of our competitors. ","-'' ' ! v - ",!" " " . - See us for Feed of all kind. WilMi j .... Tryon N. C. it Good is Opportunity To the average man if he is not saving? It will enable i you to -grasp the opportunity if you will take our adviceOpen a sav ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA STATE BANK. UAVIU c. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNBR If. B. LAMB CuUer fte tike 1 ;920;' rrnodeD, IK Mqijiiii SAFETY! -COURTESY! SERVICE! Biggest in The World j ' v J O C) 0 0 0 0 0 o 0 0 0 () o () o () () o () CODOCOSCOCOQCCOCOCOCOpOCCCO .. No, we are not referring to our banlc. It is big enough for aU community needs but it isn't the biggest thing in the world. . The biggest thing, the most important thing in th -world is SERVICE. That's the one excuse your business has for being here The amount of service rendered is the-, measure of your need. Our bank honestly tries to be of service to this community. We try our best to anticipate your needs and to-be of service to you. Have we succeeded ? Well, ask our satisfied patrons. If you are not one of them, we invite you right now. No time like the present. BANK OF TIR YON v W. T. LINDSEY Pres 7. B. HESTER CashltxT Gan Make Immediate CD-OAS. J. LYNCD-fl, F. W. BLANTON, Sub Dealer, Columbus, N. . JJ TRYON CASINO CLUB. On Thursday evening January 15th? half a hundred merry makers enjoyea a very delightful evening, aancing at the Casino uuD Kooms. ii wo second dance of the season, ana wmi the "dreamy waltzes, and "syncopat ed melodies", generously given by the "Miisitv Masters", the dancers were in the shape of letters and telegrams soon under the . spell. The Entertain of congratulations their friends had ment Committee is planning a feature sent them. On leavine- they exoress- event at each dance r the first of .uue ?d their intense Gratification; with a Masauerade baU, but tnen meres. feW. friendship and more to be said later ' regarpUngtnis c ueugni- xney felt at the prospect Kach recipient ui wc Zj:i of their return to the most aimiable application should be mailed in to the ana j cordial community they had ever ; met. All nice" people soon find out what Tryon is. For the others it aoesn't matter if the- don't "feel at nome. as so many put it. . inerc is a possibility that Mr. J. M. acnuitz the prominent lumber mer- "r 01 vnicago will T)ay Tryon a vibu again this season. Many of our, C1tlZeriS Will fOAnll Hff- O .ramr pieasant stay in nnr. nirtnresaue secretary as soon as pob&iuie. Y- ' --O- THE LANIER CLUB. At the meeting of the Club held on Thursday, Miss Tayior, oi read a paper on Mexico, wiuui.. redU f 17 ,0v f her hearers. for -not only the weaitn ox try was exploited, but the child-nke, l-JL :-,QeA in the character oi iv 7 . 111 our piciureaquc i wie r . . nlpns- ountain tomi last wint when e the Mexican.t, arogtte plew was . . ,. ,, i. iiv.f- qt this .tnoueh . av ine 1 ------ " rtv1,riAr'e ws t. the Ma- who have come to enjoy the excellent climate Tryon has to otfer, Among the late arrivals .is Mrs. W. G. Smith, of Detroit, Michigan, who has been coming to ; ourlittle moun tain town for the past eight or nine years. She is one who, has endeared herself to many of our people, having a host of friends in Tryon, who are all happy to have her here again. ' Mrs. N. K. McCormick;of Normal, Illinois, with her mother, Mrs. Sarah Sudduth and daughters the Misses Ella and ? Grace . McCormick, vhave ta ken one of the cottages at Pine Crest Inn and are enjoying Tryon's climate to the utmost. They have entered into the spirit of things here and the young ladies have joined tne I ryon Country Cluo-and are enjoying norse back riding," attending tne dances at Jabie -looking Alphine Lit or riding So revolution was m PEPgress,,d discovering new and in- had intervention on ine iari - and trails. Mr. country been msted on npA, ronr L.a'c" llfp WOU1Q nave UCCU.?!:" ho Grin- s as sister . W i -W -O I 4. .. - uvvTv-imif HCVY U1U 1 ;vV,MUs roaas u . j . w enioy our very eu w , j and and sP"nS M it TOfJK the coast and Hnir,:" rt.y. reaay to look afteris maoeneir - "Schutz anHlft-1,; a ' promise -of a . talk "7 rrv "v. -UUK"VC H1' I . .rTo-t- w ho has not yex from Mr. i announced his suDjecu -o ,,,v" uauKiuci ilia; accompany him and while here they from or- ,sojorn at Pine Crest. ?ml- Wanted:--To solicit Paint. fifiricatin8 oils greases and SS8rr.?alajy or commission. - Ad- A??? U11 Paint Co.. Cleve I PINE CREST INN NOTES. Pine Crest. ia; beginning, to wiS guests for the spring fill up season flip Trvrm i'asino Club. etc. Both young ladies I are graduates of Yassar. it- NOTICB A wpprin nf the Polk County Sol diers Menmlial Association is hereby ralliH to Tretat Columbus, on Sat- nrHav FpK7 . 10:30 a. m.. for the purpose o'&earing reports of the schools as t what they have done in rAcrarrf 'tn T1f?mc funds for the mem orial, i tirjle all who are interested in this wor(! to attend, especially the board of diijectors, as we wish r to reach somenconclusiori as to the kind of memorials cost, etc., adopt plans for rushing; to completion the work. -For Sale:l3-Goodvwork horse, or will trad for ni Ik cows. W. f GAINES. ; -4 1 REAL ESTATE 8 INS. CO. J Columbus, N. C. Farm Lands, Timber Lands, Town Property. Bought j Sold, and Exchanged. Tract No. I. 160 acre$ 2 1-2 mile from Salud, small or- chard, good water. 4 room house, good pasture, well timbered. Price '- Tract No. 2. 44 1 -1 0 acres 1 1-2 miles of Columdus, on public highway to Landrum, 13 acres cleared. Price $35.00 per acre. JO COOO OOS SOC OC CO COP'O 9 COPOOCwO C S '3 ccso c R(SqQ For farm, Jliiicls pr towini property see ; W- T LDNOSEY- Try bin; For The Best In groceries Go 10 -.4 - ( CvC. JQHN ORR & CO., Tryori, N. C. Phone No. 14 V If a Merchant, appreciates your liusinsss hc:- ;ill advertise for it. A SAillTARY ,m mm : Our meats ai$. kept b a sanitary tee box, which we keep as dean ?as years of experieace and painstaking jabot' can keep it We buy only ahe best meats on the market, both nahVe and Westeifn. - We ; grind at )ur sausage and feel satisfied that if you want clean, I wtet meat tha on can-do no bettes than. lei us senre you. i ' ; ' v Market prices paid fox Cattle, Hogs, and Guckehl.' 't'JrJ'r Oasr Adveriisers reg.YcM'lgiil CI $2 (I