-., p ... . . - , " :k - - f - " POLK COUNT Y, HEWS, TRYOH, NORTHyCAROLINA - i NUMBER OF COUNTIES SEEK RELIEF FROM lNVASIONfoFi THIS UBIQUITOUS INSECT. ; ATTACK ENEMY IN ITS LAIR -n 1918-19: the Several Departments, with Local Appropriations, Spent $50,000 in City of Wilmington. Cottoti Tax of $5Vl2T The state board of education-met It the office- of Governor Bickett and old 8,070 acres of Mattamuskeet lake land to the Washington and Beaufort Land company for $59,820. The land consists of two tracts. The larger, containing 6,300 acres brouehi $5 an acre and th.e smaller containing i,4 a acres, brought $16 an acre. The state tax commission has mail - m . a- ea to tne tax SuDerrisors nf Mnr-tv. Carolina's 100 counties, 60,000 ques tionnaires, to be used in listing per sonal propenty In the state. The to tal number to be mailed is a million. ; The sum of $51,714.27, realized from tax on-; bales ,of cotton was turned in by G. Shumaker, acting head, of the division or markets Half of this money Is to be invested m state jonds along with the rest that has been paid in, and the other Jialf is available to wrsovEiriJinroxM wteinationu - ImMfflooi Lesson Willi THE LEADING;. FINANCIERS OF 21 REPUBLICS GATHER FOR FINANCIAL CONFERENCE. (Conducted by National Council of th ': -V , Boy Scputs of America.) " (By REV; P. B. tlTZWAXKH; D. D Teacher of English Bible is the Moody 'Bible Institute of Chicago.) (Copyright, 1920, Western Newepaper Union) LESSON FOR JANUARY 25 WHIP-GRAFTING APPLE TREES Operation May Be Performed - Anj Time During Winter Months Se-' : - cure Strong Seedlings. (WRREnlLClESiVISITOBS BELGIAN PRINCE TO SCOUTS 4 King Alber)f the Belgians has two sons who areBoy Scouts. ' The king Secretary " Glass, and queen, wira Crown Prince Leopold, President-General recently .toure$ this country- r '- . 3 ' Raleigh. aid in ; the . establishment of - ware- . i . . --- houses. So far, however, although this Malaria surreys nave oeen oegun m for sometime. f.oklsboro, TarDoro, ranmuw-ouu inviile bv the State Board of there has been 'no money asked "to fi nance the warehouses. . ; Two ware- v kIw Ti a7t houses have been licensed, one at New work being done under ' . . ,, y"!Mt?'jTL both" were financed by priVate lands who direcieu luo CA1U"'U'U New Hanover county in of the Conference) Occupying the ; Chair at Opening Session. " PETER STANDS UP FOR TRUTH AND HONESTY. , LESSON TEXT Acts 6:1IS. ' GOLDEN TEXT Lying Hps are. abomi nation to the Lord: but' they that deal truly are. his delight. Prov. 12:22. ADDITIONAL MATERIAL Ex. 20:16;. Prov. lid; Matt. 6: 2-4; Gal.- 6:7, 8; Eph- .1 Scout LeopCjfd has sent this letter voicing the brotherhood of -scouting to 4:15, 25, 30. his American iWades : ' - primary TOPic-Teiiing the Truth. -You have feen kind enough to ask ?CTwo Disciples and Washington. Marked -by the pres- me t0 send vfii a statement on what intermediate axtd senior top- ence of the leading financiers and bus- e Belgian Bty "Scouts have done dur- IC-The Folly and sinfulness of Lying. ness men of .tjie twenty-one republics ing the war. is W ,tf,0.000 in : rLldir-g that community oi maiana. The end of the survey is tne erad- Shaw Delegates have Returned of the western hemisphere, the secona v"Durins theifirst dars of the Inva Pan-American x Financial, Conference slon our, boys ljdid their utmost to as opened here for the consideration of slst both the ?ril and military authori international problems ; arising from ties, acting messengers. But, as the return of peace. - you are nwari'i Belgium was soon al- Presideht Wilson' sent a message of L most entirelytoccupie by the enemy In this lesson tre see the new com munity now called "the chuceh" (v. 11) vindicated. In the boldness of Peter and John, we see that the break with" Judaism has come the authority of the Sanhedrln is repudiated with prAotinsr. i fiArlarf-nff that" - Pan-Ameri- I nd. frntn thnf-lrrinrnAnt th Rnv Scouts.' Tho a to rial oca to a frnm Shaw TTni. I . . - .2 . - . I . .. . ... . ' .i . i On practically every farm there are rarieties of apples or "chance 'seed lngs that the owner wishes to prop- : igate. Of tentimes- the varieties are inknown, '-and. for r that "reason extra. xees cannot le ordered. Whip or tongue grafting can be lone any' time during the winter nonths, the earlier the better. All Aat is necessa'ry is to secure strong ne-yearld seedlings for stocks, and" jobd vigorous - wood, of - the previous season's growth for scions. The seedlings should be cut off at the crown. . .Wheiwthe roots are or rafficient length, they may be divided. Aus making what Is commonly known, is 44prece root grafts," which are IrK rariably Inferior to grafts that are- aaade on the entire root. The sclor Inactivity. liberation of Belgian It Is for this reason that the body now gets the name "church." Since the the determination on the part of the ca sought no selfish purpose in assist- hn spite of thjir desire to servetheir disciples to be led by the Holy Spirit. jhould be from three to four Inches !n length and should contain from two to four buds. . The1 secret of successful grafting la, to bring the cambium of the stock and scion In direct contact. The cam-, Dlum Is found between the wood and bark, and Is composed of living, active. :ells, which are in a state of divisions ication Of malaria, an achievement versity to -the Student Volunteer Con- ing world reconstruction and would country, werefteduced to that is regarded as feasible by Lieu- vention held at Des Moines, Iowa, reeard lt as a nrlvileee to fulfill, the "Ever sincekhe liberati tenant Fuchs, by attacking the. mos- have just returned. They report that ligations' Imposed -by -the great ad- territory theiT have again resumed break has come it must be shown to be onito in his lair, draining The L places the convention was the greatest in the vfinfafro ornoved the nebole of their work h the m-eatest enthu- a holy body; it must have recognition that are used by the insect as a breed- history of the movement. It gave to these republics. Secretary Lansing siasm. " & as being sacred. The sanctity -of the ins place, applying crude oil to such 8,000 students, representing 10000 col brought out the, same idea in address- "I am pleasi to have an opportunity tabernacle is transferred to the new places and the preaching of mosquito leges and 40 naUons, anew vision ol mg the delegates, when he said the of conveying & you the expression of body, which is Gxd's dwelling place sanitation to the inhabitants. the world and IU needs. Americas accepted the burdens thrust their brotherff feelings" towards the (Eph. 2:1922). The church itself, as In .1918-19 the several departments, l - upon the new world by the war. Boy Scouts ofAmerlca, and to express well as the people about, did not know with locai api)ruyuiuUu8, eii,CuuCu n. . . ci,;,.. u.u Welcoming tne visitors to me duiiu-to you my ost wisnes ior iuc : .. " . mm Dan. A m artASn I mi fill - -1 fi 11 11 i nfniv riT TniirjprPHi uitnii ziiiuu. 1 .w.w w ... - - t0 000 in Wilmington in tne worn:, and the results there are regarded as eminently satisfactory. The to population has been materially re duced and in some places obliterated altogether, and the percentage of ma laria reduced to a minimum. mmmmmmmmmm mmmmmm To Show at Madison Square.. Members of the North Carolina Toultry Clubs will have an exhibit at the International Poultry Show to be held at Madison Square Garden, New York City January 19 to 24. The ex vwt win h In charge of Mr. Allen IliUlV ' ? A Voo 4af Lat, .m'm Inr of the Pan-American Union, John perlty of yourgreat organization. rded as I --;T 7, , Barrett, dlrector-eeneral. spoke of the "Yrs faithfully, mosqul- UA Tr union's moral influence :in preserving 'LEOPOLD DE BELGTQUE. if f aHT,-i peace and building up commerce; v, v Secretary Glass, president-general Reserve District. Miss Shotwell Will o the conference, occupied Jhe chair ! be under the direction pf WUliam r at tne -opening session. of the Educational Church (4:31-35). 1. It was a praying church (v. 31). For every want annd every need they betook themselves to God In prayer. 2. It was a Spirit-filled church (v. Timmons. head Division of the War Loan Organiza tion of this district, - ' Warren Declines' Renomlnation State Basketball Games A partial schedule of games for th ,- n whirh the coming nresiden- G. Oliver, state poultry club agent of etate College basketball tfcam, an- t , camoaifm should be fought the North Carolina Extension aer- wjth six exhibitions of the popular m 8ECRETARY0GLASS FOR SCOUTS.. Formpr RpiWnrv of the Treasury 31). A praying church is a Spirit-filled Carter H. Glafe In addressing a gather- church. The Spirit Is given In an-J Ing of boy scoots in Washington said: ewer to prayer (Luke Uil3). . "I regard as a distinctly great 3. It was a church which had great compliment totbe asked to come here boldness In preaching the Word of to PrPPt voniiff Americans, to greet God (v. 31). The minister In a Spirit- New York. Profiteering ana puduc ftSSociati.n with which toy. prede- filled church will not oner an apoiogy ownership were declared by wmiam cejBSor jjp; Mf Adoo, was so prominent Jennings Bryan to be two of tne great Jy and usefuli identified BRYAN ANTI-PROFITEERING AND PUBLIC OWNERSHIP IDEA. rice, and will 'be financed by the De- aoor sport staged on the Raleigh au THOUSAND CASES OF FLU partment of Agriculture. Mr. unver i itorium court. An exchange of game states that no bird will be exhibited I witn every college in the State is 8 except those owned and raised by feature. Bona-fide club members in 1919. "While I del not know a great deal about the boil scouts, I do know one thing that iis an Institution which for the Bible, but will fearlessly preach It. 4. It was a united church (v. 32). They were "of one heart and one SOUL 5. It was a charitable and generous is jantagonlstiM to nothing that Is good said to BE IN HAVANA, and hostile teverything that is bad, church (v. 32). As needs arose sup- ; -1. and it is an hnor for any man, what- plies were given from a common fund. ti., hthtiv -rases of Influeoxa ever his disteiction In life; to come 6. Its ministers had a powerful tes- A.u a JMM.m j b have been reported in this city, but and greet an Association of that sort I tlmony (v. 33). ; ! . .... ' uepiore. roi.5n Mr.vH..w. ; "I" " - tMno- mrtr thnn thpv did in I chtn A-rYi'thltod TinWMnlshpcl characters Meeting, State - Bar Association. . , Calling upon the entire people of.tnt able. A newspaper reporv . T - --S:: w JZT L o. Asheville was chosen as the next I tae unlte in co-operation with thi 1.000 cases have been found here, but meeting place of the Nortn Carolina Y M c A m.lts .National Thrift this has not been corroDoraiea. t association at a meeting of the iA Kir 9-rarlnfltA tnaniLe'er T. H TPMitive committea of .the .associa- jofi fnr ulTtjien contests PROHIBITION AMENDMENT IS ... , 1 i . . r-n rret tinn hld here, and June Z to uuiy a, wv .T.rv 7-24. Governor T. W TO BE oivew TislrAt teno n nrnolajnation cin which he deplores foolish extravag Washington Validity of the federal ... ii . -i .. .tivitun wvneWntinns.1 amendment ance ana aeciares inai it Denwvet prouiumw" UVA V w - -i . U named as the date oi tne next annual meeting.1 The mountain metropolis was chosen without contest, as the bid that jWrightsvllle Beach intended to enter 'for the meeting could not be the five Llbey loan campaigns they would have ..eBrned distinction enough to entitle thefti to the respect and af fection of all e American people, and as secretary pf the treasury of the United ' States? I want' ta give attesta- (v. 33). For "great grace was upon them all." . The Sin of Ananias and Sapphlra (w. 1-11). L 1. Its occasion (yv. X 2). Tjiis was Whip-Grafting Apple Trees The Pre pared Scion and Stock Before ana After Being Joined and Tied." rherefore, the novice must exercise especial care to bring tne growing, tissue of the stock and scion in direct, contact. To make this graft, -cut both the? scion and stock diagonally across, tho every right thinking man to take sert is to be determined ly the supreme t tn iPn -oraste. to abfct court, whkjh granted - the state oi presented because of the lack of noT 1 Innatjon cf credit and through saving Rhode Island permission to Institute they aided tl treasury department tel facilities there since tne beasnore rovlde capital for the financing ol original proceedings to test fi nU cu- Hotel was burned last summer. production. join the enforcement in that state. MEETING tH E SCO UTS' CHIEF. their hvnocrltical imitation of the gen tlnn tr tfiA irrPflt1 nfltHotlgm manl- Tlflmoheg fA-VR RT. C5' i enjua u.L ui a-x uuuw - -1 i - . . 9m felted by theff boy scouts. " I want to of peculiar distress of !the rut being one to one ana .one-nan, personally thT&k them for the splen- early church when the open rupture Inches in length, this being dependent did service tfiey rendered their coun- wag made with Judaism, the members' apon the size of the material. In or- trv nii f or t effective way In .which m. h.A o WnTnfinttv of flcr to join them together, a vertical ...i ani., : . j -Un4. n I . . . , m 1 mint- ta than maHa In hnth stare nnn roods." This was not universal noi wen u 7 . Y permanent: some conunuea to own J r r Washington, (S . cial) Thomas D. Warren, of New Bern, has declined another nomination for district at torney, and EJ. F. Adylett, of Elizabeth City, has been agreed upon by "Sen ators -Simons and Overman for - th PlaCe.- .. - -r r'T.iif. HOLLAND their own homes, as for example jonn mg uie wugue ui uU - Mark's mother, who used her home In the other. - . One dav ast)an Beard was going fcp I Tv r!f.riRtlnna-Ananias When made,, the grafts can be put v. - - I VV UlVli I. VP -w - IS REMINDED lOF ien inTCDM ATinwAi DUTY vtt Vi?frK THofirrtn hniifl- . . . i natr I nvit in the oDen flpui at once or . ; j . 4ng.in:New-rk city, at the rear ot ccived for his land-while pretending to wrapped in mosi or sand and kept la Paris Holland is told in the. allied the car was a postal . messenger boy m brought it all. His wife was a a cellar where the temperature Is low note demanding the extradition of for- with his antra filled with a score of partner in it They wanted the honor It the latter method be followed, the mer Emperor William 1 1 that she will bundles all. o the same size. of gene'roslty withofit paying the price, grafts should be transferred to the? hot "fiflfill her internrional duty" Peering ovjr the top of th am- 2. The Judgment (4v. 3-10). Ananias field In the spring as soon as tha t Rhp refuses to associate herself buscade, he Oxed his eyes steadily allowed satan to fill his heart and lied ground can be worked. Where only. with the entente powers In chastising upon Mr. Beftd. The national j scout to the Holy Ghost in keeping back-a la few are to be put out, aig tne CTencu r-ommltted -bv Germans during commissioner of the lour nunarea part of the price of the land, it was witn a spaae, ana piace me grai-ta j - i tnousana anw mre. duj owul v I most liKeiy-an acieu u& xucj mac nguiuov .vvi I AmarM b roil th Rlpns-well enouch I ami rot rtn tn srfl their land. Ihnd shoufd be at tho surface of thei to realize thfrj something was passing fir Ravine sold it. to bring any of the ground, and the grafts should be - i b auc in e ri A VE RY SOON through the biy's mind. He asked the money piaCe it In the common planted ten to twelve .Inches apart ; lad what he 'Vas thinking about, fund. Peter declared that they were to rows that are at least three feet , The boy retjied : "I was just thmkin absolutely free to do as they pleased spart, .- ' - To Educate Soldiers and Sailors.' ' ; With the announcement of a $3,000, 000 appropriation for educational ser vice to former soldiers, sailors , and marines! the Y. M. C. A. educational service launches Us largest' enter prise since the war. This . plan pro vides 60,000 free scholarships, for ex Rprvlrp mp.n. an d also-nfovides recon- lftrHir rmirRfta and OCCUDU- Medical Examination June 14. tional euidance and employment ser- A conference of the Board of Medl- the war. vom k tmirth featnrfl of the olan Is cal Examiners of the State of North - the Americanization work, which wlil Carolina was held here at the office oi AMSRICAN RED CROSS WILL be conducted in industriar communi- the secreUry, Dr. Hubert A. ivoyster. i' - 4-1 ii io9n Alrrtpd aa the t Ac urnpro rno rnrpiim r rmuiiLLiuiJ. xm i juua Jl . avv. - , centered. About 1,000 of these are date for tne next regumr. ur washington.-raera P" fhttt vnn ftkike a frIend of mine." if tw of nraise is causing available for North Carolina, O. O. to be held to Raleigh, as provdea dj withdrawal of American Kea cross trieTls namer asked many today to make the same dread iHuntington, state secretary, an- the law. Governor T. W. Bickett and per80nnei from Siberia at the "me whoftB the friend of all boys. M mistake. ' People are walking in nouncesi , Attorney General J. S. Manning, who American troops start homeward nave "Dan Beartf. said the messenger. the way of Ananias and Sapphlra Not less than 40,000 scholarships have been of material assistance tt been cabled. it was announced to iiead- am Dan5eard," replied the com- when they make a profession of re will be off ered - In correspondence the board in their werk for the past qUaxtere at Vladivostok of the. com- sIoner , wlfh a smile. UH0n for temporal gain and pleasure; courses. I five years, wero juww mvi" mission neaaa iy ucui..V" "Goshr ww tne oniy repiy oi iub or even preacning sermons uoi uietr astonished b, who dropped his bun- own Frequently men preach the ser dles under le feet of the amused mons 0f Moody and Spurgeon without toassenffers arrl brotght his right hand riving credit.' Physical death was yls- . i bers for luncheon at the Yarborough. b. Teusler, of Virginia. Radical ; Revision of Rules: A radical revision of the rules and rf filiations governing the certification nf teachers in the state is under con sideration by Dr. B. C. Brooks, state superintendent of education, and will he discussed at me-etlhg of represen t itives of universities and colleges to be held here.' Dr. Brooks has abetter f the heads of the leading education-' institutions,,in the state outlining te plan and asking them to send representatives to the meeting. AUSTRIAN SCHOOL CHILDREN . SUFFERING MUCH FOR FOOD ;up to a stiff tfalute. Haw River Bridge Closed , Tourists arriving in Raleigh report that the" bridge over Haw river at Moncure Is closed following condem nation proceedings. Traffic over the National Highway now is by the way of Apex. Holly Springs and Jonesborc where the-road unites witn tne r8u- i"-- a hra onhnt .was observed by some i,iPhwRT. Tourists are warned u cerrea oy. amT . ".ff , . . Pfl flnd GOOSEBERRIES A WD CURRUJTS - When Interplanted In Cherry Orchard Bushes May Be Left for Several Seasons. Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) When Mnterplanted In , cherry cr tted upon Ananias and Sapphlra jfor shards gooseberries and currants may Paris. Representatives of the NO ONE'S DpY IS THE SCOUTS mission for the relief oil , - P". , children have just finished an examf it was justjithe removal of a stray an(J npon their sins. - - I III. The Effect (w. 11-16). r 1. Great fear came upon the church all wno neara or tnese Governor Issues a Pardon. r "."v em or Bickett has . granted-a con--t'oial 'nrflon tn Bain Davennort. of hi well countv. sentenced In .August, i 1M1. to20 years for criminal assault, On.Iay 15. 1918, the tate board of larole asked him to parole the pris oner, the governor said, "but at that time he; did not think" Davenport's record justified the action. He mw of ithe opinion that the prisoh- rB- record Justifies pardoning him. The Tlev. R. L. Isbell, of Caldwell eounty. was amone thoseasking and proceed through Holly Springs.- from lack, of . food off the National Higfiway at Ajpei that 97 per Leaf Tobacco. Sales. Leaf tobacco, sales in 156 war- ar Ttnarkets In 28 counties liuuaca v com- nation kof -. school children in Vienna brIck that f eM from a. truck into the mngs (v n); irreverence Is an out- and found, according to a dispatch re middle of - thy street a mue iuu.6 standing sin of this Age. Tne cnurcn ie Austrian delegation nere perhaps out jf . was ooservtm u, sh0T1ia be recognized as noiy tne very cent of them are suffering o the big lien In York,, Pa., and dwelling piace of the-Most High God. 2. Multitudes of men ana women were, added to the Lord (v. 14). . This ..w4 4a fama lf PotPr to lG STrld 'far and wide, so that the people were gooseberries are often-made a part ot The driver sa the obstacle, veerea i;o flnxions to come under his shadow, the permanent -plantation, out onexside, and Narrowly escapedbump- were the holiness of the body, of they are commonly productive ;wne r-. f a At A. hrnnsht fortK tneir nearuesi mendatlon. I . . , armv TRANSPORT POWHATAN A wagon; raw umuu, ARMY TWVNruni n-acran ramp, fllons. 9- ' WP) . I BpiT. driver iw the obstacle, veered to be left for several years, according- to the growth of the orchard and the size ef the bushes ;-'and In apple. and peat orchards they may be left somewhat longer, though the ground occupied thould be restricted to one or two rows of bushes through the center ot the space between the tree rows. Oth erwise, the bushes will be likely to In terf ere with the proper care of the trees. In vineyards tne .currants ana maw York.--The i army transport of North Carolina in December- to- Pownatan, in distress about 700 milea 204.913 pounds, against 55,- east of New York, reportea oy Ing into nnotfier vehicle. " Then a per recognized, there would be so grown, the grapes are likely to t destiian crosg tne street in a nurry, gjiy coming for pardon and salva- rather unproductive. tripped over ana uie '""S"" I tion. . ' - . . ; - a AAt-1 ; j. Mn orwnrt -ntfinea Here I . . - . a. t AM4AMtn I 1 . niiAii r-r 1 1 373,678 In December, ciuiix6 less to tu -ij V . 7 " heT nsed would nwraiy win uuu uc,0u.k g nyp0crltesdld not dare to i TTtN I lUri I U DUn rnui 1 0. . Uf trooD. u t th monthly report of the Co-opera- that although she was leaking and Mi la iv-4rTn - flooded. Sne Was in . I . hoiunonml hv tlve urop rveyui miA kao v avpraen trlce for the seasons immeiiate aangr. : average price . v- - . fnrtaiii0 " the was $51 63 per nunarea. . iwww gers were cuu u " ' - was ox.uu maV ' TXTTiftn ; Mia sa be hes been the primary wvy , i message . " " ... P6S uccu v it,. ..asanirora Will North Carolina rank iourui in comes smootner,. r'" " . iMona v. amnne- the states U 4MnfArrAd to the - White StaJ value ox " I v 7, . He saw the loin (v.13). .It interesting to note j.v- vinilloattAn nf th holiness AKio.t ducked, between tne tramc, . ... fi nv hnt .picked up the)rick and carefully de- nypocrltes from jolnlng lt Nothing of the nation. iner Cedric, which Is standing by. .tAri if nnr of the way. A , little thing? Perhaps ! But you ought to hear what sore of the bnlookers said about this genuine "good turn." unhallowed nor any unregenerate per son has a p a ce In tne 'Church. This applies to our offerings as well as to our person. - - . . ' j---. f oloyment Service Rushed. : ; Out of a total of 129 registrations f r the :week. the United States Em Pl')ymnt Service in North Carolina r P"rtf(l an agRreate of 116-place-i.ientc! j Twenty-four orders, compris '" falls for about 150 men were re ' " vr"1 by the service. : "' Aihoiie led tho batch. -with 47. regi !v.t.rat'oris, 43 placements. Raleigh 0 5 npxt with St - registrations, J4 If?f rreel, and 33 pl-CPTnents. :Wilming toi had 24 registrations and 29 place- wM iiwtffr NURSES FIGHTING vw-""1 . PI II TO CHECK SPREAU ur. i SCOUT CAMfnTO BE ENLARGED. Daily Prayer. f Oh Lord, - we thank, thee that A men The boy scouts of New York and mrn t0 ee. the me'asure of their need Chicago -Chicago's- health depart- jew Jefsey hjve access to the largest ft measnre of thy supply. Let thy twenty, years, old are jiotncommo. and then all peaceful with-. State Industrial Exposition , A State industrial exposition at Ral eigh in the near future-was endorse "K " ietrial deoart 76Btf f thi Raleigh Chamber of Com ment as-swamped with appeals for permanent bojV camp in theworld lQ OQr iritSr ment of the.Pleigii . rae,ltJ :-Wit of in- f t summerthere were over 1,500 Ho w,tMn flnd D merce.and tne propu-, nurses vu v----,-;-. . -ftre r flt n hSe. in the great open-air " " -;w tft M a mitted to the oirecto. .-T tiuenza ana i--- rirrted rtaVeround bk of Bear mountain, on fi"T ; ' moreonUnual. and nan Z.vUU casca uotd . - - - - I . . i o t v ka dAfl.ths the Hudson rivrer. . , I viornmTi and - efficacious confl- STtl department oaieials deilartd r Be . rough .w.or.t trt ron 1 aa f loaat 10.000 nurses scouts, me luteisiaic - . T I nhrlst our uotq. Amen. ... X' tnVA'ltlllP.n aitUUluv - I tha WIT UtXUCU " ' - . ri . ntrrVi I " aianut ... - I " v I offers to construct irum uc w n6u. vince the rJEy handle thon effers v - the proposed event uu . stt nuxj--- ; It:Is . plapn to car. f or X boy elgnt aispeu" . -.n " ' " .onts next Var. Currant and Gooseberry Plantation ; WHI Thrive for Many, Years With Proper Care. - " -' " (Prepared by the United States Depart- : , - ment of Agriculture.) . ' ' - - If a currant or gooseberry plant Jlon Is properly Scared for, at least y eight to ten crops may be expected be fore it becomes unprofitable becaua? of Its age. . Productive fields ovet sideration. "rMtrtal exposition Idea. u - r - . n.ofor Ttaaman. H I T. IntrodOcea pj, , the edty to aid in Telief measure. -Character Building. Life is mainly an opportunity for character bulldlnf and testing. seme sections."- Although, the nufia ir of years a plantation will contlnni good bearing condition depends tt . k6me extent upon location and soil tie: most Important factor is the can jrbjch It receives. The period of pro Suctiveness of both currant and goose 3rry- plants is longer In northern re . 1 ns than toward the soutnern llmitt . their - culture and longer on heavi iU than on sandy toll. ; 1 r eaiUy b eUgea xn wvv i 'A..,,:v

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