1 " . : t; It' S. j'W fhe only A Live, Cfebs the Home Published in Polk County AND THE TRYON BEE '-fir 2S VOL XXV NO. 39. TRYON; C FRIDAYJANUIY 30, 1920. $2.00 A YEAR Paper F ROM II UR FRIENDS OVER THE COUNTY SomUt of asrl Interest Gathered By Our Correspondents From Various Sections of Polk County MOUNTAIN VIEW I Miss Myrtle -Pace, the teacher, of Cool Grove school spent last week-end in ABOLENE. For sometime we have hada great deal of smallpox talk, and some real smallpox.- But we are glad to state that both are dying out. Mr; Z. M. Walker's family has had it, however, by thein being careful, it has been kept from hurting them very much v ! through the country. ' Mr. C. P. Tanner has been sick for the past week. His physician thinks Rev. J. T. Ruppe filled his regular Columbus. appointment at. Mountam V.ew, Sun- Our Township teachers met at Ml T oa. kjiiiig aiiuui uuuse last rnaay ior-a A large snow to re-ort, it fell on lesson in the Reading Circle book with 25th. Stayed off quite awhile it Mr. Bona Arledge as teacher. We "TL.: Ur .Supt, it is mostly rheumatism, and that he wsocj "w mui UB. me uoue 10 nave mm in. -u i . x t.i,, Wp. tti HiTirPr o-npcta f L,v ' JlU be up again soon. .f. Z.LnT.:-17. K' Bmtc 1UB d? -w Miss-, Myrtle Shields eave a most Miss Alice iucuram ounaay. neipiul. The next meeting will be KoQf " -loef t OT,; tj 0a v.f! wo- o-j... rr o beautiful .party last Friday evening. play visitors of Theophiius Jackson THE SOLDIERS MEMORIAL. Sundayafternoon. Miss Gladys Jackson was an after noon caller at Mr.' H. H. McCrain's w C' tv a Ms still falling Mr. Moses Jackson made a business . 6 SUNNY VIEW Even though it was raining, several from - this part went, and all report a fine time. - . Miss Pauline Wilkins and Mr. C. 0. A deep snow fell Sunday night, and J Ridings visied Mr. J. 'A. Davis last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Davis is not " Ala meetingiias been8 called for onFebruary 7th I hope the good people of this county will not forget' this date and. ag end- this meeting; especially the rectorsv This move ment is - not an indivual enterprise anda not a scJeme ol any kind for anyone, to makejmoney, but a duty paying:, a dejbt f gratitude. Now in order: that the rjdirectors may reach sonie'conclusibnyas to what kind of a memorial and "Vie cost, approximate ly,,lof same, it'highly important for Liie.pwpie to -tTtina xnis meeung. This is a movetsrent worthy the at- tentlon of our gople; and it has been draging long, fnough. There should be some definite plan outlined so the people would uljderstand and work to PBLR COUHTY FARM 10! Wl DEPARTIIII Edited by J. R. Sam$, County Agent TO THE FARMERS trip to Mr. B. Ledbetter's Friday last T .y jru L r Hr;M h0h;J Jackson s died Saturday and, was speaking, and yet he seems young irris, our teacher -at this place, bufiediin CooPer's Gap cemetery We with young people, and they all like failed to get to attend the teachers w . Mr. Hyder of Lebanon visited our school Friday afternoon. He assisted in the music program which was much enjoyed -by every, one. Mr. Harris, failed meeting1 which was held at View. ' o RED MOUNTAIN. Sunny Mr. J. I. theplan till completed. 'We had hoped to have t had reports -from all schools by thisime, lyut sorry to say a "very f-mall per cent have responded and glad to sa that some of the one vice for Polk county-citizens.' i ery farmer who has not started a - OF POLK COUNTY, flock of pure bred poultry, on his . farm, should begin at once. Lookup- Next Monday, Feb. 2nd, will be the some good breeders and either tmv a k first Monday, and: farmers from all cock and two or three hens.'; or buyv betuons.orine county .will be at Co- two or three settings of pure bred lumbus, and there will be reasons eggs; and don't fool around and for plentifully .to justify a general meetr get it. Then prepare some good ing oi iarmers in the court room at J nests that -will be comfortable- that 1:30 p. m., or at the ringing of the tie hens will enjoy nests that will bell after recess by the County Com- n let the straw or other nest ma-missioners.- Here are some things to tertal slip out from-under the hen be considered at such a meeting: -,and leave-her on some bare plank. Of 1st: The Cotton situation, ware?-1 course she will da no eood hatchine house, American Cotton Association, I under such conditions. How would 2nd. Cooperative buying of acid I you like to sit 21 days on a hard nlank phosphate, lime and fertilizers I for all .the time on a strain. - trvine td the coming season. keep the eggs under you to keeD them 3rd. To discuss better mail ser-lfrom rhillmw tViPOA nM -nifst VUo, - o ' - - don't want any farmer in Polk coun- and two teache schools have respond-J 4th. To encourage a better under-jty this year, to think of anything-' ed Tery patriotically. So we urge a standing and brotherly spirit gener-lonly starting a flock of pure bred If f tally, among Polk county citizens to better know each other. , . . , I Hyder, come again. : VV ,:;rl Mr. Ralph Jackson - has Dana once muic ; tkuw uunt n What IWould Yoli Do and I poultry on his farm. captured us quite often, perhaps he will let us alone this time. The "infant of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Jackson was buried at Cooper Gap church ; Sunday. Our sympathy goes out for; them in their gloomy hours of grief. ! Our teachers spent last week-end returned home from Canton N. C. ' Mr. and Mrs. N. U. Gibbs visited at J. J. Jacksons Sunday last. Mr. R. R. Wilson was a caller at Mr. W. D. Helton's Sunday. On account of. bad weather there was no teachers meeting here Friday. L.itue ucie naynes has been very Without Newspaper Aflverfising? in T r :,"v 7 sick for tfte past week. Mill Spring. Why not come out . , .. - jj again, So get your Doneset tea ready teresting programme is rendered 6 ' ... , . , JLiL v; f or ve you forgotten how since last every j;xiui . ui.t.u.t.t.iLf, a. m.w fixitQT'f O'CIOCJC Mr. Enoch Ruff was married one day last week. He met his " wife at Spartanburg where they were mar riei Her home is in Maine. We MjVPLE GROVE V wish for them much-Joy and happi- present. We are having plenty of rain at ness. Another wedding recently 5 took place, Mr. Pearson Dimsdale to Miss Allie Melton. Our best wishes for them. Mr. Press Owenby has moved his Guess there Xon't be" much plowing in this section for a few days. Messrs. - Claude Wilson, Virgil and Sidney, McGuinn visited home folks a few days last week. Several from here are at work at family to Grassy Knob near Cane chimney Rock they are building Creek. houses at the Rock. So guess every Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Wilson and body will want to go to Chimney daughter Esther were "last Monday Rocfc then, won't they? called to the bedside of Mrs. wn- Virgil McGuinn and Claude Wilson, son' sister, in Greenville who is very Qma and Grace Gibbs, visited at the ill. They returned home Wednes- home of Mrs. N. L. Lynch, last Mon- Miss We believe in advertising. We elieye it - pays both the merchant and the buyer. It will pay our readers to read th weekly mes sages of our advertisers. They will sfive you infor mation that every buyer needs in, orer to buy in telligently. " ' L What if there were no advertisements in any" newspaper? Lost and found articles might nrer be restored : LtotlielowneiiB would be greatly delayed. " g5 ""Tr' Merchants would be compelled tf depend almost entirely upon those who passed by. ffieir stores for their trade. - I ' ' . Such a condition would" set the! hands of the clock of progress back two hundred yprsz It would limit trade. It would bring delays iid annoyances and make purchasing risky and expensive. v v This goes to show how importan newspaper ad vertisements have become in our evyday affairs. : Read them carefully and faitflfully. It may mean many added advantages in yeflr life and dol- larsin your pocket. Again l desire to call attention to mat rasiure Again. jthe next meeting of the Hampshire! Every farmer should realize the Swine Breeders Association, which importance- of a good pasture and will be held in Missildine Hall innow is the time to get your sed iTryon at 10:30 o'clock a. m., Tues-ready- There are several good seed jday, February 3, 1920. All lovers of nouses near you, and they will r'sell hogs of any kind are invited to at-you Sod pasture mixtures, or will. tendinis meeting, and see if some- sel1 you any special kind of grass thing can be done to standardize hogsseed or any mixture you may make in the county and to stimulate growth 'of more hog6. dayr : Honor j Roll for Red Mountain School, for 9th week. 1st ! Grade Alire - Brown, Bessie Whiteside, Harold Ingle, Clue and Joe Melton, Waldon Wilson, Earl Jackson, Elmina Corn. 2nd. Grade Elmer Jackson, Joe .Whiteside, John Biddy, Wilburn Brown, Kinley Ingle. ' 3rd Grade, Ethel and Ina Lawter, woric being done up there. Lettie Ingle. 4th I Grade, Esther and Lizzie Lee Wilson Martha Jackson, Ura White side, Fannie Biddy, Ola Haynes. 6th.' Grade Sue Jones, Gladys Wilson, Burford Whiteside and Clor- is visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Camp. fortably. However we are looking ence Ruff. day. ' Miss Lona Burnett visited Oma Gibbs Sunday last. School time has . become valuable. It now sells at $7.50 per every two hours. It won't take long to pay for an organ at that rate. A crowd of young people enjoyed a trip to Chimney Rock the other Ridings have moved their saw - mill day, and they report seeing some from Henrietta to their home and begin sawing next week at the Deck spring Green- River school is coming nicly. The only trouble, there is not o-noncrh rnnm in the school building v w st T ar il XI. . nn I o Mr. j. i,. MauocK, oi Aens, lena. accommodate the children com- HILLCREST. on Mr. B. B. Flynn is at home, from forward th &Jlxiou3 hearts, for a MILL SPRNG The rainy season still prevails and such muddy roads we do have. The W. 0. W. gave an -oyster sup per Saturday nighty Their reports are a1 good and lively time. Miss Mamie Wilson and Esther Mars Hill Academy, on account of his mother's illness. Mr. J. Mc Brian is on the sick list. Mr. Jimmy Houser is quite illl. Miss Priscilla Camp is visiting rel atives in Seguin, Txas. larger building, and it well equipped, next year. Immenss Chestnut Tree. The largest Spanish chestnut tree in Qibbs spent last week-end with the parents, mr. au Merchandise in the Coxe store. VllUOS. - Mr. M. Georgion braved the mud the world srowsin a forest oq the one day last week and went to Ruth erfordton. - Mr. Dock Martin, of Chesnee, S. C, is opening up a good stock of general slopes of Mount Etna. It is said that 100 soldiers and their horses once found shelter beneath it from the rain. 1 T . 4.1 ... .lur, ijouis jacKson nas recenwy . f ,p fflrm moved into the Foster, house, now phe 25th, put a, stop to the farm Best 'Signals for Aviators. A havy fall of snowand L sleej on . that Pthe best signals to be owned by J. H. Gibbs. ! work that was going - forward all Miss Odessa Mills accompanied by1 over this township. displayed from the ground to aviators in flight are Arabic numerals in white on black backgrounds. And we are just now approaching the season to multiply our poultry cutput this year if we are to make pj ogress along this line. Last Fri day we constructed one sure-enough, modern poultry house on Tom Pace's premises in Green River cove. I Now if anyone doubts that Mrs. Tom1 Pace has a, modern poultry house, just pay her a visit and see for, yourself; be sides ypu might get an idea from it. If "yVu-tatted: -to;get;an' idea -f rom in vestigating the house, I anv sure you would get several ideas before! you left by looking through" a flock ; of from 50 to 60 beautiful Rhode Island Red hens and pullets .and cockerels. Mr. Pace had to haul his lumber ten miles to build this poultry house; but he hauled it. We estimated the cost of materials and labor and put the price of the house at $50.00, and Mr. Pace said he would not have it removed for $100.00 gold dollars. Now, v who will do likewise ? By the way; I almost forgot one important thing. Mr. Pace said in connection with the poultry business; and that was that he was the worst ("hen pecked" man in North Carolina. wish more men were hen pecked representative, if possible, from ey- and there w(mld be more poultry ry school in he county to attend this houses, good gardens, home orchards, meeting. ;D-'t stand back because gcuppernong grape vines cellars full you are not J member oi tne asmj- if all of good things to take the ciation: Core just the same, iou - n f1l tiio winter, etc. - I XMlllAi waawm J will be glad f you came. 11 you cannot come. sendHome one. This meeting! will, we hop conclude the whole mat ter. If youl?are interested "'or have any suggestns to offer as to the kind of menf)rial and cost, come. We knoWTyou were interested two Y -r-n i. years ago wien our roiK county uuy were on thelist of eligibles awaiting their call, afd in the training camps, on their wa over seas artd on the firing line. Jflf we should build a mounment fat would reach to the top of Tryog peak and as large as Tryon mountain itself, it would not be s half whi they deserve W. A. ANNON, Sec'y-Treas. lit 4 Takesthe Place of SugaK A wild h-b growing in Paraguay Is much sweefr than sugar and is used by the natives for that purpose. theuP to suit your individual needs. Now I know that you all know tne need of a good pasture just as much as I do; but you have done without until you can't realize what a good pasture would mean, to you. So just fcet your thinking machinery in op-, qration and it won't be long till your - body will begin to. move in the diree- tion-of a good pasture, and then-bet- , ter - cattle to consume them. Now, I am aware that many people ? regard -me as a grass or Dasture crank. WelU sometimes 7 a -man- must be-i come-; crank in order p attract .at- -tentionto . &rertrirtk Paul - be- :; came a crank to magnify the impor tance of the Christian religion, .' and all great movements and .reforms harm t been accomplished by somebody, be coming a cranky or a specialist - as you may please to call it. So I. am-; willing to bear the epithet; if I can,; by any means persuade some to come my way what we want is something . permanent .that will give , perpetual prosperity to Polk county and motlw ing. will do this like good pastures and good live stock. Now just begin and stick to it and see. . Now don't treat these suggestions! as idle . talk.. They are based ona a long life of actual experience. I have sen them put to practice in many sctions of the country and no-, where have they failed to make '. the people prosperous and - rich. Then why not make . Polk a grass and-live stock county as well as a cotton and general cropping county ?. WHAT NEXT? Just anything to make Polk a bet ter county. One thing every farmer in Polk county can, in some way, im prove his farm. If only one gully is stopped, it is that much. The! great est trouble on the farm is -this; we won't use the little spare moments to cut a few armfulls of brush or weeds to cover a naked place or gul lywaiting for a whole day of spare time that does not come. The thing to do is just to do the thing; and do it now. Don't hesitate; don't: post One thing to do right now is to improve the poultry on the farm Winter is on, yes, ngnt nere; ana me A few farmers have inquired of me concerning growing tobacco. I would say DONT, of course, if nothing will do only to grow it, I'll do the best I ' can to give you the best there is in me from sowing the seed even : to making the plug; but it is hard on land, hard on the man or woman who . makes it, and hard on the fellow who must go breadless because of the to bacco crop. ' I have told that it takes 13 months to make "a crop of cotton well, it takes 14 to make a crop of to bacco, and hard disagreeable work at that and when the crop is made and manufactured, it is chewed and burnt I out and the world left worse off than time to set hens right here. Now ev- before. The Gincy Kids Timmie Let Him . Know Where He Got Off Dy I' y PERCY- L; CR05DY - y- - . - : : : . . ft . ' - ' - ; ! i ijLmmmmmmmmi t m-m- " v -1" i . 1'in ll 1 liiifew ' I -J J,jks-V H I "i ' t v v i t i I t

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