a POME OOtTttTY gaYOlfeCTro.aMOlTA '. tt i V- ! 1 IH PailMRniVIS aniUmflHIE Cooiotidated Nov. 1915 I Published every Friday at TRYON. NORTK "CAROLINA Office" phone 99. Residence 45. in Sstsrsd as second-class matter April 23, 191 At t)M post office at Tryon. North Carolina, un ACT act of March 3. 1879 C. BUSH, Editor and Publisher Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, solutions of Respect, Church or . Lodge Notices wktre an admission fee is charged, or for financia gain, will be charged rearular advertising rates of It cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION. IX West 9th Street. New Tork City, is our sole And exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." THE MANLY MAN. Probably there is nothing the world admires more than a manly man,- un it will, soon be time fo get bus your.earden. n .- 0,. ll Mr. vA". N. Kunkel closed liistore last Tuesday to make some changes in the interior. Dr. Pratt failed to shine, so did thp lights, 'last Sunday night.. The weath er was inclement. V Miss Burrena Fowler visited rela tives in Flat Rock last Sunday, re turning Tuesday. Miss Mabel Arledge visited her sis tf, Mrs. Albert Moor, at Melrose, last week-end. Mrs. John Rhodes has been nursing a swollen jaw from some recent den tal work. J. B Livingston, of Tryon, census enumerator, was in Lynn this week counting noses. " " Miss Kate Panther spent from Saturday until Monday with friends at Inman. Mr. D. H. Swann run up to East Flat Rock last Sunday, to see his daughter, Mrs. D A. Goodman, who is very sick. . ., When the . weather is good and the roads good, the jitney is blowing at your door; but when weather is bad and the roads are bad, the jitney blows for you no more. Mr. County Commissioners, the iron or steel bridge at Lynn needs a coat of paint. A stitch in time, etc. Archie Howard will , move his f am ily to Spindale, N. C, in a iew days. Mr. Ed McAbee run over to Spin dale last Sunday, returning Monday, on a prospecting trip. Will move his family soon. Ed is one of the best and most efficient help the Tryon Hos iery Co. have in their employ, but an other case of poor accommodations. Watch the exodus. We are knock- nig, but giving facts. You may fool some of the people a part of the time, but you can't fool Pneumonia :.' often follows a cvui ... a nci v-- h purs XX hour 0 mnavx X gem cvsgaraKpquinin 1 1 X f Standard cold remedy for 20 years tablet form sate, tare, no iates breaks up a cold in 24 -relieves grip in y days. !V back "if it fails. The line box has a Red with Mr.' Hill's picture. - - At All Drug Star IF E UNO. TO SELL List it with' me, I can sell it for you. W. A. Todd. Real Estate Landrum,S: C ? 7 - the hi kdred dollars and ninety eenta on tnewpou. iwjm shall bt held, in the Town flau in Town. if Saluda, which A hereby .des- ignatM 8. thu Polling, Place of. fald e!&tioi0 fewl thVaid election, tfteU wir-iAiitriW.lflwa. rule? nd regular ?na as .eiecuun iv Amuww v, tiwil - Aaaemblv sr nsld. That Mfitcalf is hereby appoint- art said I of the General A . T&xrifttrar of RAid election, ana H. P. (grwith and R. M." HaU YioroKv dnnointed as Judees of awx wr acr--"- , election ' Tt i father ordered that at said electiontthose favoring th issuance of bond$,and th levying of a Pal tax! shaH vote a ballot on which shall be printed the words For School nnnsp. Bnds". and those who are op- possed thereto snail, voce a , Dauot wn which sliftll be printed the ; words "Again&i Schoolhouse Bonds". Ana it is f uUr ordered that & copy ei this ord which shall constitute a Notice osaid Election shall be posted at the Cr4urthouse door of Polk coun ty, at Cgumbus, N. C, for thirty days preceding said election that a copy of fjiis order, which shall con stitute aotice of said Election, shall be pubttsge'd in the Polk County News, a newspji jer published at Tryon, N. C. in said Prllk. County for four succesive weeks preceding said election. Done at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Polk County. North Carolinafcn the 5th day of January 1920, at sJrhich meeting there were present . paries Davenport. Chair man, ancriueorge a. rainier ana u. Li. Thonjson, Commissioners. CHAS. DAVENPORT Chainnrn Commeissioner ' ' - ; , GEO. A. PAINTER . V'i G. L. THOMPSON IfOTICE. A Ceunty Convention of the Re pubicans of Polk County is .. hereby calleii to meet at the' Court House v in (lumus, N. C, on Saturday the Slat diof January 1920 ! at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing dele gates to the Congressional conven tion to be held in Asheyille, N. C, on Saturday the 7th day of February 1920. The various Township Chair mans are requested to call and hold their township conventions on 'Satur day the 24th day of January 1920, and elect delegates to said' County Conventions. J January 7th, 1920. W. C. ROBERTSON, Chairman Co Ex. Com. Advertisement Oo 0 G9 Am new booking orders for February pigs to be shipped at 8 weeks old. All pure bred, and nothing but the very best shipped at any price. We guarantee all stock shipped to be as represented or money back. For prices, write, LYNN WALDROP Route 1 Mill Spring, N. C. less it be a' womanly woman, and it all the people all the time. is to do what little we can to keep The help at the Hosiery Mill have species from becoming extinct that been expecting a change for a long One lot in Tryon township listed nV we mention it every once in a while, time, for the better, but it's tne same the name of L'. V. Randall for the year Threre millions of manly men yet, old drag along. The help claims the 19lcres 0f land in White Oak toW; thank the good Lord, but there are overhead management is not inter- i($ted in the name of Frank Mills also an awful lot of men who are, ested in ,them etidugh.CTb4 president for till year 1918. i in I nf flip romnnTiv don't, visit thp mill 15 aires of land in Columbus town- anything but manly. We have Grayson mind more especially the youths who only a 'few times during a1 year, the jf "fm tnename 01 are just verging upon manhood, , and I sales, manager never at -alh v They 25 "acres of land in Saluda town they ought to . give thought and heed say the Tryon omce - had just as well ship 'listed in the name of J. G. Rollins J to this subject often, as it is most im- be" in" New York, ' as ' far as coorpora- for the -year 1918. j portant to them. v tion is concerned. We believe the ?0 acres of land in Saluda town tv, ;wnf .j . v. ..si:.- ship listed m the name of D. M. Rol- nc wugui ua uiai, iucic is an i siiies uicuiiiKciiuiu ciiu uiu ue laimuaj. i ijo for thp VP at 191 K t ,v alarmingly large percentage of young men in the United States who are de- ficient-'-dencient both physically 'and intellectually. Also that there is al together too large a percentage of il litracy and ignorance.' There is no excuse whatever in this country for either.' ' . . ; : i : No yoimg man who puts in most of his time1 loanng around a pool hall, with a cigarette stuck in his face, his hat on the back of his head, form- fitting clothes with trousers rolled up over purple socks and beer-colored shoes, and a look on his flabby face clearly indicating that what he don't know isnot knowable, is ever going to amount to very much unless some body or some circumstance - hands with all details of the manufacturing of the goods they offer for sale from start to finish. - We suppose that soon the church will get a few boards nailed . on as some lumber was deliverd last wek. Who is to blame that this much need ed house of worship cannot be rushed to completion? Who started it? o Convalescents Build Up On Pep to-M angan INCREASES THE SUPPLY RICH' RED BLOOD RE. him a swift kick that will give him STORES STRENGTH AND Notice! is hereby given that the iin- a faint realization of how mussy a VTfinR - aersignea Dy virtue or the powers microbe he really is. - v VI 5? ;xccutt4 t, . . .. . . to him on the 25th day of January, Parents are doing their sons great PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND IT 1918, by Miles Holbert and wife Nan lnjmstice to allow any such stuff, and cy Holbert will sell at public auction they ought to know better. As the for cash at the court house door in twie is bent so will thp trPP crrow itt. -WAfflus "liuuiS'S" Columbus. Polk County, North Caro twig is Dent so will the tree grow. I THE GUIDE TO GENUINE Una; on ' ouui young. men leer z passing PEPTO-MANOAK MONDAY. FEBRUARY 2nd, 1920 girls and make remarks to each other between the hours of 12 o'clock .-.-M which no doubt they, consider smart, - ' and 2 o'lock P. M., the following real but whiW in fnrt Q Aiotna A serious illness such as Influenza estate, to wit: A tract of land in their alleged manhood. From such 111 HoS young men are recruited the auto leaves the body with low vitahty, lack beginning on a post oak at J. P bandits and other criminals, of which 01 ST;renth and lmprovjshed blood. Horn's corner in said WilliamsMine; tne daily dispatcnes are tilled. Be laiiKau oiu cunvaies- uicuvo mmwiuB uuc hvuui o yvivu cents to a quick recoverv. for itw tt rcu -"icucc nurta a-ent - ill . a a A. n r 60 acres of land in! Columbus town? ship listed in the name of W. Air Newman ;f or .the .' year 1918. - : 15 acres of . land in White Oak town-: ship listed in the' name of - A Ji Splawn for the year 1918.-- .-. --'2'. "Jir Oner lot in the Town of Tryon, Tryf; on townsnip, iess zz ieet on oack, listed in the name of J. H. Metcalf, for the year 1918. 15 acres of land! in Coopers Gap township, hsted in the name of J. R. Blanton,:for the year 1918. Notice is hereby sriven that an- plication will be made to the sheriff of Polk County, N. C, by the under signed, for deeds to said property afi ter theiBth day of May. 1920. This January? 15th. 1920. J., P. CARPENTER; Purchaser. ' ; oJ. : i : t - OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND f tbut queai ioMif Hunt's Sal fails In the tif jstment of Eczema. Tetter, RiniJrortn, -Itch, etc. Don't Wcoo discouraged be cause other fteatgients failed. Hunt's Salvuias relieved hun dreds of euclycMca. You can't lose on ourciAfonay Mmrk Gornrjry it at our risk TODAY. P( 75c at MISSILRINE'S PHARMACY -i-7 : 3C M We Havle the Right Prices U' AND - jt Kindlbf Materials o do your ;Jbuildinr. Full stock Doors; Windows, Siding, flooring .einnp:, Giangies, LiOtns, interior Finish anrffllouldinfr. Rough and Dressd Lumber-- Carry complete HKAI ON LUMBER CO. sMluda. n a - 3. JOYNKR KELLEY Pliimbing SH)verage Heating Phone 8 Trypii; N. C. 41 MackP. Spears Classified Advertisements. FOR SALE OR RENT: 35 acres. good house end barn. Conveniently ocated near town. Fine place to Keep boarders. 'House partly fur nished. Apply to James ! Leonard. Real Estate, Tryon. N. C. WANTED Cow neas. ! if vnn have any, to 'sell, we want to buy them. HOMES' SEED STORE, Spartanburg. S. C. 162 E. Main St. - . o 'V NEWS ads ret results! GEO. A. GASH JUSTICE OF THE PEArt NOTARY PUBLIC. , Collections a specialty. Deed and Mortgages prepared a5 Contracts written at reasonabl prices. tryon; n. c. iTryon Lodge No. llg Knights of Pythias i Castle Hall in Missadbe Bidding n Meets Thursday Evening at 8-3& ! VISITORS WELCOME W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC Tryon, N. C. Columl ir Attoiey at Law N. C. cause of Such VOUnc men Kimdrprla nf young girls are brought to a' hell on creates a generus supply of rich-, red earth which words cannot paint. Dlod and restores the body to . its They fill the penitentiaries." and send n0a1' healthv condition. their fathers and mothers to early ltiats why physicians recommend graves. Pepto-Mangan, for they know that it Every town in the country should imParts to the the material so save some kind 'of a community ser- Sorely needed by weak, run-down sys vice whose duty it is to- look after te8; just such young men and to x bring ale' n, easily-exhausted them into a better life to make man- men and women find that Pepto-Man- ly men of them, instead of the nonen- gan builds them UP wonderfully. A titles and conceited nincompoops de- neT PP of red Wood is created, spised by everybody with a grain of which in tum Mparts the glow of 'tommon sense. health to the cheeks, increases the ap- The voun? man who h r petite, the eyes sparkle, the entire WW MkJ VtVCll 1 ... east 78 1-2 poles to stone in said Wil liams' line; thence with said Williams' Una west 92 1-2 poles to the begin ning, containing 44 acres, more or less. ; The above sale will be made for cash to satisfy the mortgage men tioned above, Hhere having been a forfeiture of same. Deed in feo will be executed to purchaser. Thii January 1st, 1920. L. P. STEADMAN, , Mortg: gee. 36-40. ' o NOTICE OF , ELECTION- thoughts, who seeks education knowledge, who acts and lives and system takes a new lease on life. Whereas the Board of Education of Polk county has petitioned for an Peptol-Mangan is obtained in liquid election to be held in Saluda S?hool 1 ana . . . . 0 in;,, , XT , , - v looks clean, and who has an ambition Pr tablet form, whichever proves mostly1" tw- XL lu?a. ownsnip, to make something of himself, is the young man we all love and respect, and upon him rests the future great ness or degeneracy of this country.! . o SANDY PLAINS. Mr. to Ed. Walker has con a . O-"- - Raleigh on a business trip. Miss1 Velma Walker and mother were the happy guests of Mrs. Jessie Barnett, Sunday afternoon. - Mr. Dexter. Rodgers and Samuel Greenway ; were visitors at Mr. Zeb Rodgers' Sunday.; ' v We are having some bad weather this week( a big snow fell last night, but am glad to say js melting fast. Mr. anjl Mrs. Arthur Green, were visitors ai Mr." Sid Feagans' Sunday. Mr. Arlhnr-Willard' gave a cotton picking Wednesday .flight. Everyone . enjoyed it that was present. C0venient Both forms possess iden- lictrd There. is but one genuine Pepto- district are in favor of issuing bonds Mangan and that is Uude's." Ask "V,, c Kpose oi Duiiarmg a new your druggist for -Gude's and look SfS ST11 in and for said for the name GudeV on the package; SiV SftS ii it is noi tnere, w is not repto-Man- c lw or 115, as amended by the liaws oi therefore, it it uxvuxjKHiu oy ihe Board of Commis election bt held in Saluda School Dis trict No. 17 on the lOth day of Feb. 1920, toasertam: whether the voters of said Saluda School District No. 17 are in favor of issuing bonds in the sum' of: Twentv ThosanH rtiii. gan. Advertisement. NOTICE DELIQUENT TAX PAYERS Notice is herebv xies. named below, and .to all other C0fdJa? U20;000.).for the purpose of build -o-e--" mC uauersiirnea. nnor in cmW :j .i i A . . purchased at a sale of nronertv of Hp. Vj il . . Duu "iooi, aistnct, linquent tax pavlrs! I1 j. ItiThero I An ' Uectric at Iron In T our Home Pri& $5.50 Guarateed for 1H Year IRYOH CipRIC SERVICE CllPANY Pdk'XJountv:. n-awfV. suiiaDie equipment. The May, 1919.' and TistpH "n S !ai,Q for twenty years as follows: - Bnau;Dear interest at a rate not to exceed .6 perxentunit per . t " yiCO "i iana m uoiumhus town- bottom i.irr -rvr, ship, listed in thA T,nmo xo a f "'"urofcuu "y. M-'iM nm- Newell,forthe year-1918-"-Jv maJ Hvied NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX I0LYERS . , , M ' -; iwuc, 19 wre;j7 girtn to the par- wes namea Deio and to all other persons who maJ . be - concerned aa mortgagees, thgt the undersigned purchased at aalS of property of de- n?iT7r ini Columbus, Zolk oy on thtsBth day of May, 1919, land i!sted and decribed ai follows: . i 2 iS"? lot inln Town of Tryon, ess 20 feet on bk of each lot, listej cawoiT win t rntd sto th hVrf l. C.. brS; unde signed 'for dted t f mIH Ttmhr .j ter the 6th day Mav. lfito; Ths. WE SOLICIT Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling Siding, Finish, Mouldings, Framing We manufacture this and can sav you money. See us for lath, brick doors and sash. L T. GREEN LUMBER COMPANY. NEWS ADS. GET RESULT THE UNIVERSAL CAR Sixteen Years' Experience. For sixteen years, a corps of metallurgists; have been studying and constantly perfecting the steel that goes into every part of the Ford car and the Ford OneTon Truck. Each seperate part has been - studied td learn the type of steel best fitted for it. Parts receiving constant surface wear are made of hard, flint-like medal; parls subjected to great vibra tion or resilience are made of softer, springy steel. Every part ismade according to its use that is, ' every Genuine Ford part is. But there are also counterfeit ."Ford" parts. They are sold as side-lines by mail-order houses down-town stores, and many garages. The unsus pecting customer accepts them because they are called "Ford" parts. ' To make sure of getting the. genuine Ford-made parts, come to authorized Ford head-quarters. ' .. Tourinsr $525 Chassis Runabout $500 Truck Couplet $650 Sedan Frcirht on any above $38.36 Gov. tax on each $475 $550 775 Ballenoer -Morris Motor Car Company Tryon, North Carolina Fancy Groceries We . wish to call your attention to a few our Fancy Groceries. - Best Prunes per lb.-... ..... . , 30 and .35 Best California Peaches per lb ... . 35 The -Famous Brand of W. H. Coffee, ' Hunts Brand canned fruit, Pears, Peaches, Apricots Green gage Plum, and the most complete line of preserves and jellies we have ever carried. WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR GRAHAM FLOUR SWANDOWN CAKE FLOUR WICHITA FLOUR PILLSBURY FLOUR We make a specialty of any of these items in quanities, you will be suprised 'at the sav ins there is buying canned goods by the .dozen. . " . liiie 1 ryon, in) . im i FOR EVERYTHING ; ... - - .... . - . , ,- r , . - ' North ..y.i t ' ; .11' , -It. 1 1 J0UM, P. bOCKHAlTE. .ttat v . . - - If-- V. - if -

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