ftliiK. COUNTY NEWS, TRYOff, NORTH gABOLINA tHARLOTTE'S ENVIABLE RECORD I KITED ET DTI ft i . u.,to i iiMu CAr-tKIMENT WITH PASTURE 0R0PS FOR PRODUCING WOOL AND MUTTON . Wen Second Honors in Nomber Cf UiSimguisneu. ocrv.ct Crosses Awarded Her Soldiers. T . . . -i i o , 1 -t Bit Alihiife Efa Charlotte. Charlotte leads all North li.-i in fho rmrnhpr nf Tl. . - - - r inP-n sneu . ' - os awaraea to uci oumicia m uiw h Carolina leads tha k-ar, . a"".":- outhorn states. total of 4,920 aistmguisnea ser--,a have been eiven to Lire cry" - ml medals of honor. North Caro- received io uisuuguisucu service hor srlrt5frs NftW Vorlr roses 111 4 " 1 A1 2 distinguished apr- tite rect:i-t -- - ice medals anu iaua u uia usi ot tate?. i Tennessee, South Carolina and Call- mia tie for third place in the num- er of congressional meuas ui noaor. l on the .'!ctnn-Salcrn-l!ie local leaf to- X. Ill ftl Af A V I A A "k -r.n maiKei win liujb ocoouu u ,-i,i,v- February 13, mis Deing decided by the toiwcco assccia- Ti-,;rtollv all nf th WAri "rmm i:nn rrai - 1 ias been marketea. Monroe. At a meeting of the dl l:,nr of the Monroe chamber of Commerce a resolution was adopted Ldorsins the proposal !or tho state to issue fifty million dollars-in bonds hr the construction of hard surfaced hways throughout ne. state. , few N V1L xv- r4 ii jfeA?gi Sheep Relish Frequent Change of Fresh Forage Crops. Red Springs The birthday of Gen. Robert E. Lee was ODservea nere by kcises being held in tne auditorium I of Flora Macdonald college. Mem ))flrs of the United Confederate Veter- 'aiis attended in a body. Fraaklinton. A new bank is the next business venture ior mis piace, Imaking the second financial institu tion for the town. The new enter prise 'will be launched with a paid in capital of ?50.000 ana a paid m sur plus of $12,500. . . ; Shelby-The Shelby Aews, a week ly newspaper, asKea ior a temporary receivership through Judge Allen who .3 presiding over a term of court at Lincolnton. The request was granted aad TT. H. Thompson, a stockholder, was appointed temporary receiver. Taskegee. Ala. Governor Bickett of Sortb. Carolina and State Superinten dent cf Education T. H. Harris, of L Louisiana have accepted invitations to discuss racial relations in the south fiuriug. the annual Tuskegee negro conference. . (Prepared! by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The old dictum of making two blades of grass to prosper where one formerly succumbed has been applied to sheep farming In an experiment conducted by specialists of the United Stptes de partment of agriculture. A field of SO acres has been used exclusively dur ing the past four seasons, for produc ing forage crops to be harvested by sheep. The field Is divided into ten plats, and during the recent season every portion grew at least two dif ferent crops, while on some of the unit areas three crops were grown and grazed. ; Oats and Peas Follow Wheat. Fall-sown wheat provided the earli est available pasturage in the spring, and after this was exhausted the sheep were shifted to an early spring sowing of oats-and peas. Thence they moved to another tract of oats and peas, which they grazed luxuriantly and well until the supply of green stuff was curtailed, when they were transferred to alfalfa and rape pas turage. This medley mixture of green feed furnished good grazing until about the middle of July, when the soy beans were available for pasture pur poses. As a consequence of the intensive utilization of pasture crops . for mut ton and wool production, this field of 30 acres furnished sufficient feed for 70 ewes and 60 lambs for a 200-day period. The best grazing resulted from a patch of three acres of soy beans, which carried 60 sheep for 30 flays with satisfactory results. The system of management followed was to move the lambs and, as far as pos sible, the old ewes at regular inter vals of not less than two weeks from II U- r one patch of green feed to another. This practice of moving the sheep fre quently to fresh 'ground, as well as the plan of plowing the land for the subsequent crbp, eliminated the dan ger of loss from stomach worms. Although the system requires some extra preparation of the land and seeding, as well as shifting of the sheep from one plat to another and providing plenty of water for the mut ton makers, it nevertheless, is be lieved worthy of trial, especially in sections of high-priced farming land where a maximum return must be realized from every acre used. The Results Applied. On the basis of the results in this experiment a flock of 200 breeding ewes would require 80 acres of forage crops. It would require the services of two men and one team to produce 80 acres of forage crops, in addition to caring for the sheep. Winter feed for such a flock, together, together with that for horses, would require 35 acres of sim ilar land, making a total of 115 acres of farm land necessary for the main tenance of a 200-ewe flock under this system. On the basis of the 1919 market prices, the gross income from a reasonably well-managed ewe flock handled in this way would be about $3,000. This figure represents the re turn of the ewes on 115 acres of land and a year's work of two men and four horses. There would be a higher expense for seed than In ordinary farming, but the amount of labor required and its distribution throughout the year would afford a very marked advantage In fa vor of sheep farming as compared with other agricultural activities pro ducing an equal revenue. PROLONGING LtfE OF TREES Filling Cavities Wpth Cement Ends the Spread of fjfecay, and Is. ' a Simple Iteration. ; Filling the cavities of trees with cement to prolong fAeir lives is being wuuuuiiiy ana successfully practiced. it is not only wortJ& while in preserv ing fruit trees, but Hs also the means of saving valuable hade trees. Trees a . . - It -. - witn. cavities severft , inches deep are often cut down whey, by using a little cement and sand, tey. could be kept anve for ten or fiftifcn years longer. Of course, the ca&ties are small at t 1 nrstr Dut continue f'f get larger. They favor decay, . weakening the tree. With a knife or i chisel remove all of the decayed wocm. Trim the edges of the wound smokhly with a sharp knife. Then a coat $t paint or shellac should be given-thouter edge of the wound. Successful powers recommend the use of creosot; and coal- tar to disinfect the insidepf the cavity after it has been thoroughly cleaned out. This may be appliefl with a brush. The cement maytthen be put in im mediately. A gopd mixture may be made of one part cftnent to two parts of clean sand. j ' " After , the cemef and sand have been stirred a 'few 'inures add enough water to make tl mixture into a thick paste... Begii filling the cavity Durham. The board of city alder men of Durham have been asked by the city school board to issue bonds to the amount of $650,000 for the pur pose of extending and enlarging the city school system. Asheville. When the. work of the tounty tax supervisor is finished and Use revaluation is concluded, It is be lieved that the tax rate, in Buncombe county will be lowered from $3.10, the present rate for state, county and city toes, to not more than $1.25, for all of them. - Rockingham. The Rockingham ost-Dispatch made a progressive step n placing an order with the Mergen- thaler Linotype Company for a new Model 14 linotype. Greensboro. Former President Taft fcas been engaged to speak at Burling- on March 18. The Parent-Teach- ers . , v.. w v u ill . W ri ww association. The subiect of his address is not Vnnwn vf it i tta Jmed that he will talk on some edu- aional topic. ' HOG STYLES CHANGED IN SOUTHERN STATES Apparent Aim Is to Expedite Growth in Best Type. AshevillP. The remainder fyf the w'ter will be long and hard, with s,we cold-weather in February and irch. according to John Drake, fa t5Us mountain 'weather prophet, who es out his annual forecast to"news Pw men. Drake is so well known w we mountain spotfnn ti!it w fnr. is eagerly waited by hundreds of ople tfroguhout this section. Shot While Driving Auto. yo t0nia'Atnos Morri8' prominent , "S druRgist of the city, was shot ace and head while riding in San ... ""iiimn ii n iv- - T f DUUICWUCie 111 H1C m section. Several shots" from SflOte-iir, .... . - ruierea nis race, neck ana ed auLomoDiie were penor Morris Mm. i. .. . tv v vu"c mimeuiaieiy to mo rpSgpj "au ins WOUUUS fie llvJ lue oi wno am yet ine cause tnerefor. as nave no clue. - S:v, BuIld h,.. i Has been t'b ; Aa.otner important step Dew hof i f to secure tne proposed ng of t,' fr'r Statesville. At a meet- tatesvm T u or directors of the tion was company, a resolu- ortgaepPu"Se to Issue $100,000 first bn TJa 0nds anl the matter has tockhol,le V meeng of the Ipected tsf v e company, it is !on of fl y win adPt the reso- ay ma . " directors, so that the af thu L;f opened for the erection toture ea enterprise In the neat, Farmer Should Not Be Influenced by Fads or Fancies in Selecting and Maintaining Breeding Stock No Best Breed. South of the Mason and Dixon line hog styles are changing, the underly ing Idea apparently being to eliminate extravagance, to effect intensive econ omy, to expedite growth In the most profitable types f porkers, to amalga mate, as soon as possible, the good points of the most profitable producers and to concentrate them In the ma Jority of southern herds. It Is undeniable that some breeds of swine do better under certain condi tions and with certain feeds and meth ods of feeding than . do others, al though there is no outstanding breed which excels, report specialists of the United States department of agricul tare. No fads and fancies should In fluence the farmer In selecting or maintaining foundation breeding Rtnrk. Primarily the farmer breeds hogs for profit and accordingly he should work only with utility animals of the most desirable type. In every breed of hogs there are cer tain lines of breeding that are deserv edlv popular because they have been built through generations of careful selection by master breeders who have been successful in establishing . the more fundamental qualities. The farm er should keep these facts in mind and should continue such improvement hv rlose culling and proper reeamg, ttip farmer's popular hog should be of a breed that is liked by both feed ers and packers, animals that are adapted to all sections of the country and which will thrive and fatten on a large variety of feeds, it is essentia that such porkers produce the maxi mn weight at the minimum cost that they mature early to the greatest iht consistent witn quality ai wthPv inherit the ability to pro duce an abundance of frame and to make rapid growth. Broad, high backs with good spring of ribs and full, deep nams aenoie i ,r nhilitv ana .. nign-priceu. i.u Good strong feed and heavy bone are essential for the support and produc tion of great weight. Long, deep and roTmy bodies denote prolific qualities 0T;,ftnHr nf nork. Deep chests and ShC open esare gns . ' '-.il a mnro ttlPO t tOT nnd energy, aize wnrid and more money for e "ZtJ producers who raise tcribed above, WINTER WORK FOR FARMERS I 11 ; A Street in Cadiz. c Wood Cutting in Cool Weather Does Not Interfere With Field Crop Operations. Farmers, as a rule, have too much to do at certain times of the year and not enough at others. Many farms are unprofitable because their owners have ittle or, nothing planned for winter. Wood cutting can be done at any time, but cool weather favors the rate of production, and In the winter the work does not conflict with that on regular field crops. If cut In winter logs are not subject to rapid drying, nor to deep checking at the nds of the logs, which often occurs In summer-cut logs and appreciably reduces their sale value. Because of Injury from the southern pine bark beetle in the. hot season, it is practically necessary to cut pine in the fall and winter months. Damage and loss in summer often come from wood-rotting fungi, including' the "bluing" and other staining of wood. For these reasons a good many farm ers turn profitably to logging and saw- milling for a few fall or winter months each year. Nearly every kind of wood product can be satisfactorily handled in winter, according to the 'forest ser vice of the United States department of agriculture. Putting a new hfrt into a tree. Ce- ment has been instituted for the ADIZ has made up its mind to be equal to the opportunities with which the after-the-war world abounds. We shall hear of Cadiz in many ways, says The Christian Science Monitor. It has taken note of the new determination of the northern ports such as Vigo, Bilbao, and some others, and of Oporto of the Portuguese, to make a big forward movement, and, Spain generally being in an advantageous position in the matter of maritime commerce, it con ceives a more brilliant future opening out for it In the new world conditions than ever It had dreamed of. Viso. with the connivance of the Americans, it is understood, is about to make a strong bid for the carrying trade with North America, and as the main port of entry into Europe from the upper half of the American continent. But Cadiz has had an advantage in the past with regard to the South, and hopes not only to maintain It, but to strenghten It. She- has been, in effect, a great receiving and distribut ing center, dealing with the South American states; and spreading the goods she" received over Portugal and all Spain. She has flourished, and she heart" and rrioqj. ?f the body, from the bottom tend tamp the ma terial thoroughly. NThe work may be has done weU bv herself in every way But witn uaaiz as witn practically every other place in Spain, there has in modern times been a decline and a done on a warm d&,-and cement must be protected fronjy freezing at least forty-eight hours Remember that warmth and moistpire are essential for the uniform and tapid hardening of concrete. UNEVEN PAINTV COATINGS BAD BEEKEEPERS GO TO SCHOOL Short Courses Are Now Being Con ducted in Several Western States Others to Follow.; ''''' ' S The beekeepers of several states which boast of large honey production are going back to school. Under the direction of representatives of the United States department of agricul ture short courses for commercial beekeepers are now being conducted in Idaho, Washington, California and Texas. During the first two months of the new year similar instruction will be given in- Ohio, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota and New York. There is particular need this seasou that own ers of apiaries have all possible as sistance because the shortage of sugar promises to make It difficult to carry the swarms through the winter. Lrve Stock Notes Stock feeding provides steady em ployment to the farmer. ' No animal on the farm succumbs more quickly to disease than sheep. ',".'-' : It is Important that the calf pens be placed to avoid too great variations in temperature. .. - Calves should pot be crowded not more than four in each Ven. Provide a stanchion for each calf. ' Great Care Should Always Be Taken .to Have Themof Equal Mois ture Rjistance. Coatings of eqil moisture resist ance should be apipled to all surfaces of a wood produq which would give dissatisfaction if tj, were to warp in service. Tests at ihe forest products laboratory; Maaisofj, v is., nave snown that even when wjod Is properly kiln dried, no - coating entirely prevents it from pickingvuror giving off mois- ture ana, consequently, rrom swelling and shrinking unfr the Influence of varying atmosphere conditions. recovery. It Is believed now that tne recovery will be great The New Movements. Cadiz starts the new period with a fine new equipment in the matter of her harbor. The new Reina Victoria quay will astonish the commercial men and travelers who go there after a long absence. The San Felipe break water has been extended, and there have been dredging and widening oper ations, so that capacity and accom modation are now much greater than they used to be. Big liners may now berth themselves well, and as soon as they are hitched up they will find the newest electric traveling cranes and all the most up-to-date port ap pliances in operation. So Cadiz bids the traders come, and with Vigo, Seville, Bilbao and Barce lona it helps Spain to make a new challenge to the world in maritime matters, and this she most certainly Varnish, shellac? and other mois ture-resistant finishes merely decrease joes. country has such a fine sea the rate at which tfce moisture cnanges board and one so advantageously sit- in wood occur. Te higher the grade and the more coatlanpiIed, the slower will be the moIstu cnanges. Unequal coating on opposite sur faces of wooden articles cause un equal rates of change in moisture con uated. The Spaniards have thought of the maritime possibilities of their country before now, but they are think ing of it Intensely In the new condi tion of the world economics. Already far more ships are calling at Cadiz tent and hence uqual shrinkage on than before the peace though these k " n m rri I the two sides Jbf he piece. The re sult is that the ' wrbd tends to cup or twist out of shapjk mere callers do not amount to much. In the old prewar days the Hamburg American line established a regular monthly service from there to Pernam buco, Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and San tos ; one or two French passenger lines were making regular use of the port, and the English boats did so regularly. The war interfered naturally with particular cities In a certain way andT the poorest way of all to approach almost any city Is by train. Never go to Cadiz by rail. Better far, if you are in mid-Spain and must use the roads or the tedious ferrocaril, go, to Seville or over to Tangier in Africa and make one of those little voyages that are regularly available. In order to come upon Cadiz by way of the sea. It t generally acknowledged that there i no other sea approach in the world that Is so beautiful as this. Cadiz at such times and in such cir cumstances is a glorious picture in white and blue. She rises up from the sea on a small platform of limestone rock which only a very narrow Isth mus holds to the mainland. In a ma jestic silver beauty the houses with, their azoteas, or flat ' roofs, seem to rise like a fairy city above the deep blue of the ,sea, their miradores or view towers surmounting them. All are heavily coated with whitewash fre quently renewed. Always White and Clean. Thus the city is always white, quite smokeless, and Is kfcpt spotlessly cleatx. It glistens In the sun against the blue Andalusian sky, with waters lapping. it nearly all around. The poets and the descriptive writers have almost ex hausted themselves In their use of fine adjectives to describe Its beauty and yet they feel they have failed. Span lards call It their "tazita de plata," or sVjrer dish; some of them say it is more like a "palaclo de plata" beauti fully chased, and from another aspect they liken It to a great alabaster ship floating out upon the waters. No terms are too strong in which to speak of; Cadiz thus seen from the sea, for she is indeed very beautiful, veritably "at .white pearl set In a crown of sapphirea - ! and emeralds." The interior of no city could com pletely match such an outside view, but yet Cadiz, within, is good andT pleasant also, and is always extremely clean. But It Is a very practical place, and though it hn5 its ntbedrWl with a spire rising over all. It has little In' the way of art one of the oldest cities of Spain though It be to attract the visitors who need it for their linger-. Ing at any place. It Is a place to wonder at, to tarry at for but' a little :whlle, and then to leave, knowing It full well to be unforgettable. But In the new days of traveling that are be ginning, no person who wander toward the south of Spain shouldV through neglect, miss seeing Cadiz from the water. It will live In his memory when he has forgotten many pictures. It will hold Its place In his--esteem even when he comes face to face with the incomparable Bay of Naples. Planting, M4norial Trees. Planting of treepln honor of heroes who gave their livkfe in the. late war is becoming a. favoi&e method of per petuating the memBry of these men. In will be maae meigpraDie Dy tne aeai- are Demg resumeu. cation of Liberty Row, which will ex- Should Be Approached From Sea. tend fo nine mlljs and will contain While in these present days and 694 trees each pitted in memory of hours economics are everything, and a gold star hero of Cleveland. r other things seem secondary, it is al- The trees will bf 'called Victory oaks ways nara to taiK ana wnre oi auiz and each will contain a tablet bearing in the purely materialistic way. She the name of a scMler, and the date has splendid-harbor facilities, perfect - 1-4 I A J A 1 Opportunities lur uauc. - auuui un street and places there Is a hustling, businesslike look. Like all commercial businesslike por$s she has a smart up-to-date appearance. There Is some thing about Cadiz which reminds one of Genoa. She Is different from all oth- and place of his ath. Do Away Wi$Y the Billboard. Signboards mori than ever are be coming a nuisaneff on account of their Increasing size amy number. Ourroad- drta.a are hnn Vlci-nr with erfnt 'slfns In flashy " colors, fiust as a traveler Spanish cities even the ports for along roadways reaches a point where a fine view is exacted a glaring sign completely obstructs the view. It is exasperating . io ivu u u;i:cuain. in trude and force attention to his busi ness on- an individual at a time' and place where It .is mt wanted. No good salesman conducts himself in this man ner. Exchange. fc P.3- she is smarter than Malaga, and not so tinged with American and French as is the marvelous Bilbao. But there Is something more about Cadiz there Is her really lovely appearance when she is approached from the sea. Just as one should always, if pos sible; be in a particular mood for the complete enjoyment of certain experi ence, so one should always approach Few Saw Historic Act. When the great seal of the French republic was affixed to the peace treaty thereby validating, the .slgna-' tures of President Poincare and M Louis Nail, minister of justice and keeper of the great seal, only a few privileged high officials attended. The seal, somewhat larger In size than a silver dollar, shows on one side the seated figure of the republic with the Inscription, "French Republic, Demo cratic, One and Indivisible." ' On the other side are the words, . "In the Name of the French RepJ<e, sur rounded by a wreath of oak leaves en circled by the republican device, "Lib erty, Equality, Fraternity."' The seal Is imprinted by means of a handworked stamping machine, re sembling a letter copying press.. Booming Japanese Commerce. Among recent Instances of govern ment help to Japanese commerce Is the founding at Singapo-c and Harbin of commercial museums as headquar ters for Japanese trade. The museum located at Singapore will aid In tne development of trade In the South seas; that at Harbin will serve Uaa chuxia, Mongolia and Siberia, ' s -- '