Tl! FOLK COUHTY HEWS anH TRYOH BEE Consolidated Nor. - 191 5 "Published every Friday at TRYON. NORTH CAROLINA Office phone 99 Residence 45. lattrtd Meoad-elass matter April -28, 191 at tba pott office at Tryon. North Carolina, un itt act of March 8, 1879 C. BUSH, Editor, and Publishe Subscription $2.00 per Year OBITUARIES, CARDS OF THANKS, B aotations of Respect, Church or Lodge Notices where an admission fee is charged, or for financia gain, will be charged regular advertising rates of , Its cents per line. THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION, ta6 West 19th Street. New York City, is our sole jnd exclusive Foreign Advertising Agent. "Long May It Wave." THINKOGHAPHS AMERICAN RED CROSS COMMITTEES FOR 1920. Some Crossings Caesar crossing the Rubicon. Napoleon crossing the Alps. Washington crossing the Delaware. The Americans crossing the Marne. Executive Committee. Rev. H. N. Bowne, Ch'man. Miss Mae Flentye, Sec'y. Mr. Geo. H. Holmes, Tres. Mrs. E. M. Salley. Mrs. John Orr. ; , ';.. Mrs. F. P. Bacon. Mrs. G. H. Holmes. Mrs. W. T. Lindsey. Mr. A. F. Corbin. Preparedness Committee. The members of the Executive Com. Ex Officio. Publicity & Membership Miss M. I. Flentye, Ch'man. Mr. Clarence Bush Dr. Little , Saluda, Mrs. E. M. Camp, - Mrs. Miller , Mrs.- Gibbs Mr. F. P. Bacon. Home Service. Mrs. John Orr Chairman. Mrs. W. T. Lindsey Mrs. A. L. Hill W, P. Hume Mrs. E. M. Salley. Nursing. Mrs. F. P. Bacon, Chairman Mrs. E. P. Williams Mrs. Earle Grady Miss K. Beatson Miss E. M. Flentye Child Welfare. Mrs. G. H. Holmes, Chairman Mrs. E. M. Salley 1 . Miss K. Beatson Dr. Earle Grady Production. Mr. Wl T. Lindsey. Chairman Mrs. a S. Wilson v Mrs. Bernard Sharp Miss Violet Bray. Junior Membership. Mr. A. F. Corbin, Chairman, P. O. Campobello, S. C. Prof. E. W. S. Cobb, Columbus Mr. W. A. Cannon, Lynn Prof. Nicholson, Saluda Mr. Melton, Tryon. 0 ' Asli for "HILL'S 1 KE FIVE MILLION USED IT LAST CASCARAgQUINI BuoiiVBfi'- d cold remedy for 20 years . tablet form safe, sure, to itffs breaks un a cold in 24 hours relieves grip in 3 dafs. oney back iS it tails, me genuine box nas a ica top w 1 1 n iar. mu. picture. At All Dtuz Store k, X Statylar school district, in occordance with itbe provisions pf Chapter 55 of -the. Pub ic Law of 19X5. as amenaea uy- Public Laws of 1917. therefore, it ORDERED by the Board of Commis sioners tf Polk County that an Ikction bt held in Saluda School Dis trict No. 17 "on the ium .W innn BOOi4c n whether the voters 5 said SaludTschool District No 17 are in favor of issuing Donds in the sum of .Twenty inosana 9n nnn. for the purpose of Duiia- ingi'nand for said school district. and tne repainnK mu same with suitaoie equipmenu said bonds shall run ior twenty and shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 6 per centum per annum, n,.nwfl coTm.R-nTmaiiV' ana tne iiioa- UUyUUl w- m 7 . imum tax was may u . to pay the interest upon said bonds and provide a suuung fnr for the pavment oi sam IF YOU HAVE LAND TO SELL List it with me, I :" can sell it for you. W. A. ToddRsal Estate Lantaju.E ?..- Will... ,Oo Oo OS NOTICE DELINQUENT. TAX PAYERS Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below, and to all other persons who may bei concerned as mortgagees, that the undersigned purchased at sale of property of de linquent tax payers, in Columbus, Polk County, N. C, on the 5th day of May, 1919, land listed; and decribed as follows: 2 town lots in the Town of Tryon, less 20 feet on back of each lot. listed in the name of W. O. Miller, for the year 1918. Notice is hereby given that appli cation will be made to the sheriff of Polk County, N. C, by the under signed for deeds of - said property af ter the 5th day of Mav, 1920. This bonds shall not exceed thirty, cents on Dec. 12th, 1919. the hundred dollars ana ninety ciu junrt r. xAvivtiA.Kx, iruronaser. on the poll.' That the saia eieuwiuu shall be held in. the rown nau in tu Town of Saluda, which is hereby des ignated as the Polling riace oi saia election, and the said election ehall be held under the laws, rules and regulations as elections for members of the General Assembly are held. That J. C. Metcalf is hereby appoint ed as Registrar of said election, and H. P. Corwith and R. M. Hall are hereby appointed as Judges of said election. Tt. is futher ordered that at said election those favoring the Classified Advertisements. Am now booking orders for February pigs to be shipped at 8 weeks old. : All pure bred, and nothing but the very best shipped at any price. We guarantee all stock shipped to be as represented or money back. For prices, write. LYNN WALDROP Route 1 Mill Spring, N. C. NOTICE. Republican County Convention. to said "county convention. Also each farming tools, one mare 7 years Too much of a good thing won't do. 'A family with four , clocks in the house never know what time it is. It is a lucky man who becomes speechless with anger. Usually a man gets mad and says things he re grets as soon as he cools off. A connoisseur is one who can figure out why a -meerschaum pipe is $4.95 better than a cobpipe. Don't be discourged if some people criticize you. A lot of people are even displeased with the Lord. A few men are controlled oy the conscience, while fear and wives keep others on the straight and narrow. A dispatch tells of a man suing his wife for divorce because she has'nt spoken to him for six months. He's foolish. He'll- never get another wife like that. To the pure all things are pure is a large chunk of flap-doodle. Women overestimate there is that their hucbendi: 7ill stolen. The rule is that an cficlcl. rc tells something everyone kr.v. As a rule children believe in the (Advertisement) stork longer than they do in Santa Claus. A gold brick always shines the brightest just before you grab it. They never hang up the standing room only sign at at prayer meeting. Romance probably is the most ap proved method of getting into trouble. The, mere fact that you fall in love is no sign you.are going to stay there. There average boy realizes there I GERMS EVERYWHERE IN EPID are a lot more . than ten command ments. i One can't judge the patriotism of some men by the size of their flags. A woman is always willing to econ omize by having her husband quit smoking. NOTICE DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below, and to all other persons who i may be concerned as mortgagees, j that the undersigned purchased at a sale of property of 'de liquent tax payers, in Columbus, Polk County, N. C, on the 5th day of May, .s i j j i i j : T i -C I By order of the Republican County Iana 115iea ana aecnueu Ex. Committee of Polk County a con- 25 acres of land in Cooper Gap vention is hereby called to meet at the township listed in the name of Mrs. Court house in Columbus'on Satur-H Mary Taylor for the year 1917 and day the 6th day of March 1920 at one ldf' . . , . . m. f.f o clock P: M. for the purpose of nom- application will be made to the sheriff maung a canaiaace ior tne iegisia-iof Polk uounty, JN. u.; by the unaer- ture and the various other offices ' in signed for deeds to said property af-f ter the 5th day of May. 1920. This a win. vuunt; , aixu xui wic u ausatuuu i 104-U 1010 V i-t- . t. IVXi. erly come before said convention. The various township chairmen are requested to call and hold township conventions on Saturday the 28th day of February 1920 and elect delegates of bonds and the levying of a special tar shall. vote a ballot on which shall be printed the words ,'For School house Bonds", and those who are op possed thereto shall vote a ballot on which shall be printed the words "Against Schoolhouse Bonds". And it is futher ordered that a copy of this order, which shall constitute a Notice of said Election shall be posted at the Courthouse door of Polk Coun ty, at Columbus, N. C, for thirty days proceeding said election that a copy of this order, which shall con stitute a Notice of said Election, shall be published in the Polk County News, a newspaper published at Tryon, N. C. in said Polk County for four succesive weeks proceeding said election. Done at a regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of Polk County. North Carolina, on the 5th day of January 1920, at which meeting there were present Charles Davenport. Chair man, and George A. Painter and G. h. Thompson, Commissioners. CHAS. DAVENPORT Chairman . Commeissioner GEO. A. PAINTER G. L. THOMPSON r un Aiij uk KHj r: so acres, good house and barn. Conveniently located near town. Fine place to keep boarders. House partly fur nished. Apply to . James Leonard, Real Estate, Tryon. N. C. WANTED Cow peas, if you issuance (have any to sell, wej want to buy GEO. A. GASH JUiilLL Ur 1HE PFApp AND NOTARY PUBLIC, vAjiiecuuns a specialty, n . and Mortp-ap-Ps nroiwM.i Hon r.raptR wntfon ot anQ . ".wvu "V. ItJdS prices. TRYON, N. C. Tryon Lodge No. lis Knights of Pythias Castle Hall in Missildbe BuilrJicg Meets Thursday Evening at 6o0 VISITORS WELCOME 1 W. F. LITTLE NOTARY PUBLIC 1 Tryon, N. C. them. HOMES- SEED STORE, Spartanburg. S. C. 162 E. Main St. . NEWS ads get results. WE SOLICIT Your orders for Flooring, Ceiling Siding, Finish, Mouldings, Framing! We manufacture this and can sav you money. See us for lath, brickj doors and sash. r. T. GREEN LUMBER COM PANT. NEWS AD3. GE T RESULT G. L. TAYLOR, Purchaser. o . -PUBLIC SALE NOTICE.. I will offer for sale at the residence of Thomas Rice in Polk County all my household and kitchen furniture and old township is requested to elect three township committeemen of whom one member of said committee is to be elected as township chairman. This February. 2nd, 1920 . one cow 5 years old and 50 lbs. of of bacon, all of which will be sold to the highest bidder for cash on Tues day Feb. 3rd. 1920. Beggining at 10 o'clock A. M1 and continue till every thing is sold. I No by-bidding every thing sold fair ' r' 4. r ry ' W and openly and the highest bidder Chairman County Ex. Committee. Uts the goods. This 22 day of Jan. 1920. without questicmif Hunt's Sal fails in the treatment cfEczetra. Tetter, Ringworm, Itch, etc. Doa't become discouraged be caue other treatcienta failed. Hunt's Salva has relieved hun dreds of such cases. You can't I6se on out fny Bach Guarantee. Try it at our rik TODAY. Price 75c at MISSILDINE'SPHARMACY ARE YOU A TARGET FOR INFLUENZA? IT HITS LISTLESS, RUN-DOWN PEOPLE FIRST THEIR BLOOD IS THIN EMIC BE PREPARED STRENGTHEN AND BUILD UP YOUR BLOOD WITH PEPTO-MANGAN C. D. BYERS. Rt 1. Tryon NL a We Have the Right Prices AND Kind of Materials o do your building. Full stock Doors, Windows, Siding, Flooring Ceiling, Shingles, Loths, Interior Finish and Moulding, Rough and Dressd Lumber. Carry complete NOTICE DELIQUENT TAX PAYERS sgsre::r.rLS, AamLflaA n i THE UNIVERSAL CAR One Hundred Per Cent "Pep" When your Ford car or your Ford truck doesn't display its usual quanity or quality of "pep" and dash, its time to have a repairman who understands the Ford mechanism give it the 'onc5 over" then make the necessary adjustments or repairs, and return it to you full of its old time "pep" and energy and pull. You will notice the difference. l We employ only skilled Fprd mechanics men who know how Ferd cars are made, and how they should be kept to give the most efficient and econo mical service. And our shop equipment . boasts a great many specially designed Ford tools and time saving devices and machinery. Don't risk chances, play fair with your Ford car. Keep it in the hands of its friends, the Authorized Ford Dealers. Touring $525 Chassis $475 Runabout $500 Truck $550 Couplet $650 Sedan 775 Freifht on any above $38.36 Gov. tax on each - Ballenoer-Morris Motor Car Company Tryon, North Carolina wrw HEARON LUMBER CO. SALUDA. N. a Fajncy Groceries JOYNER KELLEY If it is true that you are not feel ing your best if you have that "al- One great trouble in the school of ways-tired" feeling and no interest life is that too many won't be con- or enthusiasm then you should be victed when accused. careful of the influenza. It is thin-hlooHpH Newman for the year 1918 vuv lWUJ. I or- -C 1 rt - 1 1 , Wftmen In Office Forces. uk uiseaae striKes nrst. me lact shin listH in tfcp t,. nf T n rn; T i . . ... I r vrx v. V4. There are 2G3.315 girl stenographers uu nave na a very serious ill- ior tne year iyi8. Notice is hereby given to the par ties named below, and to all - other persons who may be concerned as mortgagees, that the undersized purchased at a sale of nronertv oi de- ii j. j. . 'i unqueni lax payers, in . doiumDUS, Polk County, N. C. on the 6th day of May, 1919, and listed and uescxibe 1 25 acres of land in Columbus town ship, listed in the name of WJ A. Newell, for the year 1918. ! 15 acres of land in Greens Creek township listed in the name of S. J. jacKson, ior tne year iyi. I ni or nr it r One lot in Tryon township listed in r HOIie O 1 fyOll. IN. C tne name oi u. v. icanaaii ior, trie year 1918. . 50 acres of land in White Oak town ship listed in the name of Frank Mills or the year 1918, 15 acres of land in Columbus town ship listed in the name of Grayson Plumbing Sewerage Heating and typewriters employed in this coun try. It Cant Be Done. You can't brag your way to the top any more than you can kill a hippo potamus with a blank cartridge. De troit Free Press. Healing Wounds of Conscience. s The wounds of conscience, like other wounds, though generally received in public, must always be healed in pri vate. Bishop Atterbury. ness has nothing to. do with it. Ev- ,? acres of land in Saluda town- ery one eets run-down niUr LB.mP tne name of D. M.-Rol- a v,"Vw ;.: .TT7' unf 'or the year. 1918.' ., "Z Wie UiOOU 13 in no 60 acres of land in Columbus town condition to fight off disease germs, ship listed in the name of W M blood that because it has nnt Newman for the year 1918. red corpuscles. It is the red corpus- .f l?d in White Oak town- cles of the blood that fight ; disease Sp&wS Se year l f J and save you from sickness. One lot in the Town of Trvon TW- You simnlv can't afforH tnV on township, less 22 feet . chances when influenza is striking Sfte? the nfni of J- H- Metcalf down thousands everywhere. Fortify 15 acres of land in Cno it ,up with the township, listed in the name of J. R. I 1 A . m . m - - Bid for Assistance. TV . . realize, young man, that in marryl;)- my daughter you will as sume great responsibilities? ItAaa A, dw xuiuer. -xes, sir," answered the up-to-date young man. "In fact, I've been so deeply Impressed by the weight Of my future responsibilities that I thought perhaps your erpa- cuim soucituae would iu mase some "uulu insure your daughter's beini? supported In; the style ' to wlilch she lias joeen accustomsd." Birmingham e-neraia. prompt you arrangoment which Mack P. Spears Attorney at Law "' Columbus - N. C. Is There, a An y Electric Flat Iron in Your Home We wish to call your attention to a few of our Fancy Groceries. Best Prunes per lb .30 and .35 Best California Peaches per lb 35 The Famous Brand of W. H. Coff e, Hunts Brand canned fruit, Pears, Peaches, Apricots Greengage Plum, and the most complete line of preserves and jellies we have ever carried. your blood build pleasant tonic, - Pepto-Mangan. I Blanton, for the year 1918. January 15th. 1920. J. D. CARPENTER, Purchaser. NOTICE OF ELECTION And should you be just recovering ?ce ls-.,pereby given that ap- from influenza . vnn r, pa.. l?ai "u. be made to the sheriff v x "f-mau- ol-oik county, JN. (J., by the under- gan because your blocd has exhausted signed for deeos to said nrm,JS tt. lts strength. Pepto-Mangan will the 5th day of May. 1920; This neip build you up. " Pepto-Mangan is widely and heart ily endorsed by physicians. It is ef fective and easy to take. Comes in either liquid or tablet form. No n Whereas the Board of Education of difference m medicial properties. p.olk county ha petitioned for an Sold at any drug store. But be n!52ffi-W 45 Sool sure you get the genuine Pepto-Man- Polk countv c?5 r sp gan 'GudP Aeir -fn-m J ! v fvl F11 district includes Bn uuaes. Ask for it by the the incorporated to-wm.-f Qai- , name and be sure the full name is on ascertain whether th voters in 'said the package. V : ' ; - fatnet are Jn favor of issuing bonds (Advertisement)-- lM.fWfi buildrinff a new ' public Echool building in and for said WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR GRAHAM FLOUR SWANDOWN CAKE FLOUR WICHITA FLOUR PILLSBURY FLOUR We make a specialty of any of these item m quanities, you will be suprised at the sav ing there is buying canned goods by the dozen. Price $ 5.50 7 Guaranteed for 10 Years IRYON ELECTRIC SERVICE V COMPANY Tli e i Co. lry on, FOR EVERYTHING - North Carolina

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