POLK. COUHTYOTEWS, TB J, HOETH CAROLINA ' ' - . c". . .. I ... : -. . - TRYOR hns Foivl was on the sick list this ,vee'- Mr. J- J- Gentry of Asheville was i,Tr-on, Tuesday. thirty Plymouth Rock hens for 5a1,,. U. A. Leonardo L A. Avant is confined to ; his lon'e-vilh pneumonia. Mr. Rich&rd Ballenger visited rel atives in Atlanta, Ga., this week. Claude Ford has been confined to ,j5, room for several days with a se vere cold. , Mr B. L. Ballenger returned home c-M.minv from af pleasant trip to Florida points. jfrs. Elizabeth Slate, of Charlotte, X C, is the &uest her daughter, u- L. A. Avant. Mrs. B. D. Williams, a guest at Hotel Crestwood, is recovering from a severe attack of pneumonia. " Mr. W. D. Cox, of Louisville, Ky., who "has many friends in Tryon, is at Crcstvfood Inn for an indefinite stay. Kural route carrier, Lester Wilson, confined to his home with grippe. the mail Wee lily Hews Letter from Proles Bank I Trust Co. "Gambling is the stay-at-home, imaginary, squalid, . mechanical and and unlovely adventure of those who have never been able to encounter or create the real, necessary and salu tary adventure of life. It is the feverish and unhealthy activity of the wastrel"--Maeterlinck. . ' is His substitute is carrying during his illness. Mrs. W. E. Rankin went to Spar tanburg, Monday, for a visit with her ,iTno-htpr. Miss Virginia, who is at- Vltk'f, 7 tending school at that place. pvpn in Trvon .tnere nas oeen a .scarcity of sunshine, only the self made sort having proved wholly avail able during much of the week.. The Women's Exchange will con tinue to sell food at the Library on Saturday afternoons, as usual, but i,-m not. serve tea until the ban is lifted. Messrs J. B. and J. F. Cleveland, of Spartanburg sold, last Monday, their tract of land containing 152 acres near Columbus, to Messrs. J. T. Green J T. Waldrop and C. C Constant. Mrs. Esther Henry, of Milwaukee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Leon ard, returned to her home, Friday, after a visit of several weeks with her parents in Tryon. - AVE WILL PAY A STRAIGHT SALARY $35.00 per week and ex penses to man or woman with rig to introduce POULTRY MIXTURE. Eu reka Mfg. Co., East St. Louis, 111. There are seven Tryon residents all but one of English or American birth, who can speak the Italian language fluently and correctly. Ihere are others who can speak English fluently ' .but not always correctly Mr. and Mrs. Edward Emerson were expected at Oak Hall on Mon day evening, but they missed a con nection and did not appear unti Wed nesday. This will be. the eighth winter which they have spent with us. Mnv it. nrovp more agreeable than .jany of those which went before! Miss Violet Bray has gone to New York for a stay of several weeks, Miss Ruth McFee left, Sunday, for Knoxville, Tenn., where she will .study the spring styles in millinery and purchase a stock of same for McFee She returned home Wednesday. Mrs. J. B. Hester and son, Julian, returned Tuesdav. from . Winston'-Sa lem, where they were called to attend ( the funeral of Dr. Henry B. Conrad. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Conrad, their daughter and sister, who has the sympathy of everyone in her bereavement. In sending in his subscription to the NEMS this week, Mr. Z. C. Law ter, of Campobello, S, C, says: "Dear Edit of Polk County News: I was born and raised in dear old Polk and still cherish the thought and memory of my boyhood home. I love every inch of Polk and every man, woman and child, and ven the Polk Coimtv nnnpr T enclose VOU One - J X' - . w dollar to pay for the Polk paper, and when that dollar is j out write, me and 1 will renew again." Thank you.. . For Sale: Good work horse, or will trade for milk cows. W.M GAINES. The above quotation from the j?reat Belgian philosopher and writer viv idly expresses his high opion of gamb- mg. i he great , American trait is gambling inTsome form or another. not at the gamin-table we gamble on the future-by frittering away our income in our productive period. We an to nave sufficient life insurance to keep the family as they were kept in our lifetime. We will nnt : niiU-iWo the savings habit, preferring to spend all we make searching for pleasure that never come. It is a delusion and snare, this searching for pleasure, this wanting to Go, this wanting to spend extravagantly; all of which puts us in the frame of mind that we can treat our neighbor as ourselves. Most every magazine and news paper is telling of the "social unrest" and that if so-and-so is not done that we are going to be thrown into state of anarchy or something just as bad. May be so. This much is rer- tram however; If the individual does not prepare NOW for that storm that is inevitable he will most tainly suffer. - lhe carrying on of the ' rich at cer- places like Palm Beach, is nauseous, and disgusting. Dispatches from there tell of large sums spent on purchases of houses to be torn down because they could not, be utilized to meet the social standard set by the enormously rich. "My, what a long tail our cat's got".' This idea is pas sed all along the line even in small communities. An bid German called to his wife, who was cooking and said, "Mom, open der vindows and let der neighbors smell our sausages." When will the good old American "horse sense come to our rescue? To wbrk a' little, play a little and save a little; lead clean- wholesome ives, and teach our children the glory of work and to serve. The vidle rich" problem is solving itself as evidenced by the many plans in operation for taxing incomes, sur-taxes, inherit ance taxes etc and mark you these taxes will become heavier. To summarize; Work more, spend less; Buy a home, carry, life and health insurance and . of : course fire insurance. Recreation is as essential as work, so when you play let it be of a nature to strengthen you phys ically and mentally. Open a savings account in this bank even if you have only one dollar and add to that dollar weekly as much as vou can. Don't gamble either , for stakes on your future. the This bank solicits the accounts of pc cuius looking ior me utmost in banting service. We think we can satEfy and Please them. We h nvp nil facilities known in modern bank and we would like the chance to demonstrate how we use them. For Qwjching Accounts we have the most modern system. Your account is posted with an electrically operated costing Machine, and is posted twice each day 1 copy is permanent and is called our ledger, the other copy is a statement that each customer i wxyes insteaa oi Daiancmg his pass book. Any customer of this bank may have a statement of his account together with his cancelled checks at any business hour of the day or. any AT 1.1 rm uay ux tne montn. i nis system re duces errors to the minimum. Our bank has been callled the home of savings deposits for it is the first i one in the county to feature savings accounts. Accounts may be opened for. one dollar or more, may be drawn any time, without notice and we pay four per cent, compound quarterly on all sums of $5. or over. We will wel come your savings account. Certificates of Deposit are issued any uusmess aay in sums oi sou. or over, for as short a period as 60 days and we pay interest from date of is- bue. onouia you need your money before the 60 days is up it will be ready for you. Drop in and give us the-once over we wil be glad to see you. Thanks. Peoples Bank & Trust Go. TRYON, N. C. G. H. Holmes, Pres. J. T. Waldrop, Vice Pres. Walter Jones, Vice Pres. W. F. Little, Cashier V. A. Bland, Asst. Cash The Car for the Mototaiini 1920 model!, IK 45 S. Can Make Immediate CHAS. J. 'LYNCH, w Invite Youi Furnishing e to come and see us in our. new fire-proof store building, just completed, where .we have on display a new, clean stock of Groceries, Shoes j Millinery and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear and all of which is sold at rock bottom fig ures, We are ready and anxious to supply your wants in anything in pur line, and we welcome a comparison of our prices with those of our competitors. See us for Feed of all kind. Wilkms & Co. j Tryon? N. C. N What Good is Opportunity To the average man if he is not saving? It will enable you to grasp the opportunity if you will take our advice Open a sav ings account with US Today. Motto; Save that's what counts. CAROLINA STATE BANK. DAVID C. BARROW W C ROBERTSON, Q. C. SONNKR H. B. LANE ! COOOC00OOO0O8OO0O0OCOCOCO CO COURTESY! SERVICE! o o COC0008COOOOOOOCOCOCOCOCOCO WHAT MAKES A BANK? Well, our answer to that question is the men behind j the bank, the men interested in its management, the men who stand Ur business integrity and square dealing. , The officers of our bank are accommodating and willing to extend you. every courtesy. Our directors are hot figure-heads, they actually direct the affairs of the bank and know how its business is conbucted. ' Our stockholders are among the solid men of the community. These are what it takes to make a good bank, in our judgement, a safe place for you to do business. We invite you to join us. BAN IK Of TRYON W. T. LINDSEY Pres J. B. HESTER tathitr. Delivery ! Tryora, N. G. F. W. BLANTON, Sub Dealer, Columbus, N. C. ceaiO DEs(tai(t(B Iror farm, lands or towmi property see ! W. T. LD NOSEY, Tryora. ENDORSED BY GOV. BICKETT The Mr. W. A. Cannon is in receipt of the following letter from Gov. T. W. Bickett. : Mr. iW. A. Cannon, ' Lynn, N. C, My dear Mr. Cannon: I am much gratified to learn vthat the good people of Polk County are preparing to erect a " worthy mem orial to the brave men from Poik -ountv who served in the world war. Certainly their faith and NOTICE OF SERVICE BY fUBLi CATIOJN v In The Superior Court-uetore Clerk. NORTH CAROLINA POLK COUNTY G. L. THOMPSON . -VS- JESSE F. PACE, The Defendant in the above-entitled f H-inn will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in tne superior cuuxk riL- fmiiitv. to recover tne sum tfrrnAAft oe hnnH in the SUDSnor cuuu of Polk county which was forfeited by the defedant at last xerrn oj. A naid bv his 'surety the plaintiff in this action; the defendant will lur ther take notice that there was on the same date of this summons aw rant of attachment issued against him onr rptnrnanie wim tuis siuiuuvii0, will futher take notice that he is re before the clerk of t"-0 T'l nr I'l II I I I. I 111 A w i y achievements should be preserved m X in Columbus 19 day of Feb- ome pndnrino- form. Tn honoring 1 w iQon and answer or demur the these heroes the people of Polk county complaint in said actl0n'r ? Plal T , - - - I ? IE I I 1 TlTl I 111 I.I I rr LU U.X U. Kreatly honcr themselves.. J?." SXMa 77h said complaint MAT f lHMIlimCU AAA a This 28th day of Jan. 1820 l. Clerk of the Superior Court, Very truly yours, T. W. BICKETT. Vacation Reflection. I have had some treats in my little excursion, not the least of which was the gazing on some albeit the small est of the "everlasting hills," and on those noblest children of the earth. fine healthy trees, as independent In their beauty as virtue; set them where you will, thev ndorn and need , not Durability of Sycamore. nno nf the most durablewoods Bvcamore. A statue made from it, now museum of Gizeh, at Cairo, Is helieved to old. It natural ln appearance is be neany uivuo i ntireiv sounu Tax listing Personal Property a Notice All persons in Polk County are hereby notified that they must list all proprety at once under the new revaluation act. Come on the dates named be low' in the following Townships. At Supervisors office, Tryon, February 1 1th. and 12th, At Post Office, Lynn, February 13th. At Saluda, February, 18th. and 19th. Under the new law it is a misdemeanor, if you fail to list. v - GEO.MGi!ASH, Tax Supervisor, Polk County. SAHV MEAT MARKET I i Our meats are kept in a sanitary ice box. which we keep as dean as years of experience and painstaking labor can keep it We buy only the best meats on the market, both native and Western. Wc . grind al our sausage and feel satisfied that if you want clean, sweet meats tha you can do no bettes than let us serve you. Market prices paid for Cattle, Hogs, and Chickens. A. H. WILLIAMS. It a Merchant appreciates your businesses will advertise for it. For The Go To - Best In Groceries i. JOHN ORR & CO., Tryon, N. C. S ' '.Tt'JZ -V'f? Phone No. -14 . . .5 o o C) () o o () () ) () o () () o C) ( . - i ': 'IS - i i , - -; I Vii :; ,'.5 ! I 1, i! 1 1 i 1 aaornmcnt.--0org Eliot 4 ;