- POLK COUNTY irEIWb, TBYOIT, ITORTH CABOLIITA 3 PUHING RURAC: CO MM UNITIES ON MAP BY ClfEOVID UNIFORM INTEWATIORAl SPORT SKIRTS FORETELL SPRING CO-OPERATION IS MOST EXCELLENT PLAH fMHOOL Jt3 Lesson : h dISj REV. P. B. FITZWJLTER. D. D., Teacher of English Bible in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago.) 'Copyright, 1920. Western Newspaper Union) FOR CENTRAL HEATING PLANT Canadian Newspaper Warmly Advo cates Such a Scheme, on Eco - nomlc and Other Grounds. JLESSON FOR FEBRUARY 8 1 - I JgsJ ' -' i- VETER AT, LYDDA AND JOPPA. LESSON TEXT Act 9:32-45. GOLDEN TEXT The prayer of faith hall aave the sick, and the Lord shall -raise him up. James 5:15. ADDITIONAL. MATERIAL. Luke : ;C-26; 8:40-56. PRIMARY TOPIC What a Kind Wom Did. JUNIOR TOPIC What Peter Did at Xiydda and Joppa. INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOP IC The Beauty and Influence of an Un--elfish Life. ;- In order to grasp the significance of -this lesson, we should recall the con . ditlon which prevailed In the church . its suggested in verse 31. Three char--jfccteristics are outstanding: (i. Freedom From Persecution. Saul, the ringleader of the iersecut- ring forces, had just recently been con 'erted. thereby disorganizing their forces, allowing the church to enjoy a itoreathing spell. This period of rest .k! not result In Its growing lazy. In- different, worldly, and forgetful of God, but In growth in grace and in ithe knowledge of the Lord. Jesus. v 2. Spiritual Growth and Develop ment. The real meaning of the word "edi fied" is "bullded up." This does not mean merely that the members were -being instructed and comforted, but nthat strenuous efforts on the part of 'fne individual members, as well as "the body as a whole, were being made fer the advancement of the divine life. Hie word "edify" contains the meta fAor of some grand building or struc ture. As suggested by another, this metaphor Involves (1) a foundation. This is Jesus Christ no other dare be flald (I Cor. 3:12-16). (2) A contln kus progress. This means that a 'Christian's activities are purposeful :nd that the work he undertakes .moves forward with the proper prog ress. (3) Persistent effort. This wMeans that the present day's work be- TSto8 the foundation upon which to morrow's work must be built. Thus day by day his life" is being raised higher and higher, as each separate aouna or material is -being laid by trenuous efforts. (4) A completion. "Stfnally the work is done, the build ing is completed, the top stone U Arought forth and placed. Z. Outward Growth. x TBUHdlng up within the church causes the whole work to be admired And respected by those without, In ducing them . to come and ' Identify themselves with the cause. There can te no forward movement without un less there be a correponding move ment within. Our lesson today is the record of -two stupendous miracles. They are i&ie greatest signs wrought since the .day of Christ. The dreadful malady f palsy Is vanquished, and a corpse Is rerenanted by the departed soul. The occurrence here of this miracle Js in keeping wjth the movements of the church at this time: The Lord ' (had promised these signs as they went 'forth with the gospel message. They vwere given as encouragements to the disciples, to convince them that the .gospel did not lose any of Its power "by being spread, but rather that its ' power increased. As the church goes - everywhere preaching the Word there t;:- will be a corresponding manifestation I . .of power. 0. The Healing of Eneas (vv. 32-35). ' This man's needy condition appealed to Peter, just as men today should ap peal to us In their semi-dead state, Xike his Master, Peter could not re fuse the needed help. In this he did not direct attention to himself, but confidently appealed to the power in the name of Christ: "Jesus Christ Jbealeth thee." The man who had kept fiHs bed for eight long years Imme diately arose and made his bed. When -the Lord heals It Is done Instantly. Peter wisely kept this miracle from v being the end by making it the means to the end. That end was the preach Ing of the gospel. This brought most ratifying results, for "all that dwelt tin Lydda and Sharon saw him and vtnrned to the Lord." 1L The Raising of Dorcas (tv. 36- 3). , K This woman was full of good works .-and alms-deeds which she did, not stalked of doing. She was a practical 'Christian woman of the kind that gets . down to the practical way of showing rher love by doing deeds of helpful mess. Her death was a real loss, as was evidenced by the mourning of -those who had been helped. When this good woman fell sick and died the disciples sent for Peter. Peter put them all forth. At his command tier soul came back to live in her body. ; This again caused them to believe on the Lord. HE new separate skirts which make their appearance early ar rived the latter part of December and by the middle of January we were quite familiar with them. They are more indispensable than ever to the southern tourist, whose time is sup posed to be spent out of doors In the pursuit of some sort of sport. Judging from the color and rich appearance of some of these new skirts the most, popular resort sport is the wearing of good looking clothes. The woolen skirts are mostly in large plaids in which very soft and quiet colors are skillfully combined. There are some smart black and white combinations among them and some In which black and white plaid stripes alternate with soft colors in stripes. These are made up with inverted plaits, like the skirt shown at the left of the two pictured above. No colors but the black and white appear, ex cept as the plaits are spread apart by walking. The model pictured Is the most popular for wool skirts. Girdles are plain and narrower than those of last year. Such a skirt, with the new handmade and simple blouse of voile or batiste and a sweater that looks well with it, Is as dependable as a tailored suit. The skirt at the right Is one of those Irresistible silks in the heavy weaves that 'make innumerable sport skirts de luxe. They are quite plainly made, as may be gathered u'rom the picture, and they have girdles to match. In the matter of pockels designers have been endlessly Ingenious and one may have them et In or set on In any number of ways. It Is on the wonder ful new colors that they rely for nov elty and they are more often two toned than plain. ! Very fine voile, batiste' or georgette waists daintily made bear these skirts company and together they are the aristocrat, in sports costumes. i The town of Renfrew has carried a by-law to spend $25,000 on a central heating plant for the business section. It is erecting a new fire hall and takes advantage of the opportunity. Owen Sound Is said to have a similar cnhfimo nnrlpr nns!dprfltion. This lS an avenue of small-town development that will be much more extensively traveled in the futureremarks the 1o- rpnto (Can.) Mall and Empire. Ontario towns are usually compact, the streets used for business Intersect each other. and with the advent of modern heat ing systems In the stores and fac tories, the economic possibilities of a I ! central heating plant, nre exceptionally ' good. Many cities and towns in the United States have adopted the sys tem, and results have been very satis- fpptnrv TntPnd nf tVCt dozen fur- naces, two dozen firemen, one big plant handled hv about throe men. does tire whole business. Modern Insulating methods prevent loss of steam and heat underground and the - service Is usually better than any home system. The obtaining of conl Is such a prob lem nowadays for the ordinary mer chant and factory operator that the rmttiner of resnonsihilitv on a civic c x v rrx plant would be a great relief. The ultimate savine. once the heating ponlnmpnt Is Instfil;pL oucht to he thousands of dollars a year. In man. of the small Ontario towns stores are still heated by stovef, or hot-air fur- tnaces. uslne anthracite coal. The sta tistics of the relative cost of steam heat cannot be made up without con sideration of local conditions, because pipe-laying, radiator installation and plant costs vary with the size of the project, and the location of the prem ises to be heated. But the Innovation Is one that should commend Itself to the notice of all town councils. i i - - - -m Many Country Neighborhoods Are Coming to Realize the Value of Comrnu nity Gatherings From a Commercial as Well as a Social Standpoint Blouses Grow in Importance (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Communities, as well as firms and Individuals, can reap legitimate profits through advertising. In her day Rome was a big advertiser and kept at it so persistently that eventually all roads led to that metropolis. From the stand point of legitimate municipal publicity, America has several Romes. But this sort of co-operative advertising Is not monopolized by the big centers. In deed there are scores of communities rural and semlrural that Imve put themselves on the map In big red let ters. Their fame has not been re stricted y their small size. The secret lies in fbelr emphasizing some local product which the community Is well suited to produce, and getting all in terested persons to do their very best In that lino. A purse Is trash compared with a good name, according to Shakespeare, and many towns recognizing the In estimable value of a good name have WRONG KIND OF ADVERTISING bui,t u? reputations that have lined the purses or those forming tne cora- Signboard Display May Catch tne Eye for a "-Moment, but It Does Net Make Friends. An Important function of advertis ing Is In creating good will. The per manent, lasting value of an advertis ing campaign is in the good will it creates. Signboards can do little toward creating good will and may stir up a lot of 111 will. There are certain classes of adver tising that must be handled In a dig nified manner, otherwise the advertis ing may do more harm than good. II tne information received is cor rect, various garden clubs have already protested against the use of signboards by florists, which shows "the way the wind blows" regarding public sentl ment. It has been proposed that motorists organize to rid our highways of the grotesque obstructive signs. Each mem ber is to agree not to purchase any goods advertised on signboards. That will be an effective way to clear up the situation. 4 This gives the florists good advice and gets their slogan before our read ers, both of which it Is hoped will be profitable. Nw York Times. B Read the Bible and Think. ""It Is a good plan to read a book ft the Bible through rapidly at a sit ting In a shady garden, or on a cliff looking over the sea ; - then to close the book and think." Church Family ffewspaper. Transformed Into New Man. As Iron put into the fire losetb ' Its mast and becometh clearly red hot, so Die that wholly turneth himself unto caoa puts off all slothfulness, and la transformed Into a new man. -Thomas O Kempla. . LOUSES rank with hats now in diversity of design and beauty. They have grown In importance with the passing of each season, and many shops devoted entirely to them find business brisk all the year around. Styles cover a range all the wray from the simplest tailored models to rich and brilliant things for evening wear. Every time the subject of blouses is up for discussion women congratulate one another that sheer and dainty hand-made blouses In simple stvles have returned to high favor. Once again we have with us the painstaking and beautiful needlework that we have learned to associate with France. Whether the new blouses are the work of French women or not, they come up to the standard of daintiness and elegance that those patient needle women have taught us to love. Fine voile, batiste and net are the mediums chosen for Interpreting the new wash blouses. Net with eyelet embroidery is a favorite, and voile makes opportunity for drawn work and hemstitching, the Introduction filet and fine cluny laces. Fine tucks find a place on all materials, and with batiste very fine net Is used In frills and insertions. A pretty net blouse shown at the left of the two pictured Is , a lovely model. The collar and cuffs are edged with narrow frills and further adorned with small sprays of "iuibroldery with eyelets cunningly In troduced in tiny flower motifs. Crochei buttons pendent on short cords slip through button holes for fastenings in this blouse. At the right of the picture the bril- is made of black georgette crepe. Jet beads outline the neck and supply a handsome bead .embroidery for the panel at the front of the waist and the cuffs. Such a blouse worn with a skirt of black satin would make a handsome toilette for 'afternoon oi dinner wear. ! r Yarn embroidery and crocheted yam flowers are featured n the dec oration of new blouses of georgette or crepe de chine. Narrow grosgraln rib bon in strips, with the strips fastened across the front and back of blouses at the bust line, Is something entirely new. At the top of each srrip a flower emDromered with yarn. ; introduces ' a color. Flat crystal, cabochons aboni the size of a silver dime have eyes at tneir edges and are sewed like but tons to light colored blouses that thev match in color. These are presented as novelties in decoration; their suc cess remains to be proved, but abou steel and crystal beads . there Is . n question. , Trees on Roadsides. Believing that the problem of road side planting should not be entirely set aside during the movement for a greater mileage of improved highways, active steps are now being taken by the New York state motor federation and the state, college of forestry at Syracuse for the development of a planting scheme for tne section of the highway running from Syracuse 7 to Utica, a distance of about sixty miles. It has been demonstrated by those in charge of the wortc that aside from the purely ornamental value of trees along the .highway, many practical benefits would result from their prop er use. It is not generally realized that trees, by means v of their shade during hot summer months, prolong the life of the roaaway for many years, and road experts in general are heartily In favor of tnls means of road protection. " msnity. For example, Monroe county. In southern Wisconsin, has built up a national reputation for the fine qual ity of Its cheese. Not the least fac tor In winning and keeping leadership In this line has been the annual cheese day, a splendid community event at which quantities of the deli cious product of the region are given away In sandwiches and In other forms to thousands who share In the occasion. What Monroe county has done with cheese, Carrizo Springs, Tex., has done with strawberries. The whole country-x side In the vicinity, of this village joins In honoring its favorite product each season. Distinguished citizens come from miles around to take part In the festivities. The governor(of the state counts it a privilege to be present. Plowing Made a Fine Art. That the humblest of farm tasks can be hop wed and exalted by com munity effort and the community In turn greatly profit thereby Is shown by the record of the Wheatland plowing match In ncrlhern Illinois. This an nual event, Instituted something like half a century ago along lines fol lowed by the founders' ancestors in Scotland, attracts annually 10,000 to 15,000 people. Here plowmen of all ages are divided into classes, the mem bers of which compete for prizes of fered for the best work done with rid ing, walking and tractor plows The reputation for skll? lu agriculture cre ated by this annual event has been worth an incalculable amount to the farmers of this region, and partly be cause of it Wheatland farms and Wheatland products are considered among the best . In the whole Missis, sippi valley. The orange growers of Califojaia have learned a similar lesson. LVii year they hold . a magnificent ornn-e festival which is one of the big events' of the Pacificcoast, attracting as many as 25,000 people, some of them frota distant states, i The , rivalry for hon ors has done much' to raise and main tain high standards among the oranjre growers of the region. A community celebration of a som what different character but equally effective in Its advertising power, is the Ground-Hog day picnic at Puns sutawney. Pa. 'At this novel annual event, farmers, politicians and former residents to the number of many thoj sands gather to share in eating a splendid repast, the principal feature of which is ground-hog meat. The meat ,1s cooked in barbecue fashinn and invariably wins the praise of the celebrants. Speeches and informal hearty greetings of old friends occupy the afternoon. While this event I not designed to advertise a farm uct. Its distinctive character and the fine spirit of hospiality that ohtain puts Punxsutawncy and the surround ing country on the map. Texas Turkey Drives Famous. The little town of Otero, Tex., ha won fame from ocean, to ocean Ik cause of its turkey drives. Drivers of turkeys within a radius of 100 to miles bring In flocks of birds on foot. The fowls travel , at a slow rate dur ing daylight and at dusk instinctively huddle together, while their drivers camp by the roadside until dawn, when the journey toward Cuero, a Mecca of turkey dom, is resumed. The culminating feature of this event is the turkey parade In which all of the drivers lead their flocks through the principal streets of the town. On a recent turkey day no less than 2S.OO0 birds were in the procession. Follow ing the parade the turkeys are loaded on cars and shipped to markets in all parts of the country. There are thousands of communi ties which might undertake a celebra tion similar to these cited. In some cases the spring is tne appropriate season. In others tV fall or summer is the logical time. The first need i for an association or individuaj to gather together persons interested in promoting this idea. The winter days, when the farm work, is less strenuous, offer an opportunity for preliminary conferences. The office of farm man agement of the United States depart ment of agriculture will be glad to of fer any Inquirers suggestions regard ing the best methods of promoting such events. j HELPS IN MARKETING WOODLAND PRODUCTS Have an Eye to the Future. It is common In a good many cities to -find a street originally laid out to come to an abrupt , end for a block. after which the street Is continued. No doubt the founders never dreamed that more and wider streets would be necessary, and thought that In laying them out they were anticipating all possible road expansion for hundreds of years to come. Where such streets. by continuing them through the block, wonld create an outlet for additional traffic, thereby eliminating congestion and confusion, the property owners,-as well as city and government officials, ' 1 1-9 A- H snouiu ui&e uuuiiiuum steps to rec tify it. - i i 4 i Keep Eye on Shade Trees. f - uon t iorget your snade trees. Re lieve them of all dead wood and tan gled growth. - Never Forget the Shrubs. - ' Shrubs beautify and protect the premises. j (Prepared by the United States De partment of Agriculture.) Get prices for various . wood products from as many sawmills and other wood-using plants as possible. Before selling, consult neigh bors who have sold timber, and benefit from their experience. Investigate local timber re quirements cud prices. Your products may be worth 'more locally because transportation is SAved. i Advertise In papers and other wise secure outside competition for your product. - Secure bids, If practicable, both by the lump and by" log scale measure. Be sure that you are selling to 7 t covu9iuic uxviiaaciSt Get a reliable estimate of the amount and value of the mate rial before selling. Market the higher grades of timber and use the cheaper for farm purposes. Remember that standing tim ber can wait over a period of low , prices without rapid deteri oration. Use a written agreement . in selling timber, especially If the cutting Is to be done by the purchaser. CJJT BADLY DISEASED TREES Excellent Forestry Practice to Use All Inferior Specimens in Wood Lot for Fuel. It is an excellent forestry practice to cut out the badly diseased, crooked, overcrowded, Inferior trees in a wood lot for fuel wood, giving more growing space to the straight, promlsingyoun? trees, according to forestry specialists of the United States department of agriculture. In some cases, such as in stands of old pines, a few lar?e trees should be left for eed to re stock the land, unless the area Is to be cleared. In many sections of the coun try the present high prices of coal have made profitable a renewal of tha wood fuel Industry so that many farm ers are, finding It worth their whii to clear out the less desirable trees la cordwood or -shorter lengths. Do some of-the repair work now. Blood, will tell and so will feed. , -sV. , Fighting stops, but feeding must g on. ... , Hogging down, corn saves labor time, increases pork production o" puts the soli In excellent condition t be plowed. ! 4. X

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